Tuesday, July 23, 2013

U.S. Ambassador to Egypt: "Muslim Brotherhood's Lackey"

From Middle East Forum: Raymond Ibrahim  "Why do millions of Egyptians, including politicians and activists, consider Anne Patterson, the U.S. ambassador to Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood's "stooge"—as she is so commonly referred to by many in Egypt, from the media down to the street?"
....Last week, for example, El Fagr reported that, during their most recent phone conversation, Patterson demanded that Egypt's recently appointed Supreme Commander of the Egyptian Armed Forces, General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, release all Muslim Brotherhood members currently being held for questioning: "And when Sisi rejected this order, the American ambassador began threatening him that Egypt will turn into another Syria and live through a civil war, to which Sisi responded violently: 'Neither you nor your country can overcome Egypt and its people.'"
Something tells me the next Republican president will need to make an apology tour of the Near and Middle East with a lot of bowing over the Obama foreign policies. Once again, Obama alienates our friends and serves those who hate us.

Helen Thomas remembered for who she was

Debbie Schlussel  "Predictably, moron Whoopi Goldberg defended Thomas’ Jew-hatred on ABC’s hag-fest “The View.” And, now, in death, she is lauded by the mainstream media as a “pioneer.” I’m not sure just what it is she pioneered. She was not the first to pioneer the art of Jew-hatred in high places in America, not the first to attack America in the White House to Presidents galore, not the first for anything . . . unless pioneering the science of hideousness is a first. And even that has come before and will come again."
"The best Helen Thomas moment is the one in which the one person who had the guts to stand up to her in public–the late Tony Snow, then Bush’s White House Spokesman–told Hebollah Helen tHAMAS where to go..... Watch the video:"

My opinion is that Tony Snow was head and shoulders above any other press secretary. Most especially Jay Carney who should hang his head in shame at being Obama's conduit to useful idiots.
Made you look, didn't I?
"After consulting with her producer Tyra returned to the set where Helen Thomas had fallen asleep. What follows is a transcript of the remainder of the interview."....
Should I label this as satire or just let it show up as a viral urban legend? TD

Tiny shih-tzu becomes adoptive mom to cute KITTEN after finding it abandoned in a ravine and yelping until help came

UK Daily Mail  "People locked in a bitter feud are often compared to cats and dogs, but whoever came up with that old cliché clearly has never met Goldie and Kate.

"Goldie, a small, well-groomed shih-tzu, was discovered in a ditch in South Carolina by an animal control officer, who at first thought that the pooch was in trouble.

"As it turned out, the pup was actually caring for and nursing a tiny kitten, which somehow ended up in the thicket."  Read more
 Family resemblance: With their black, white and grey fur, Goldie and Kate look very much alike

Oprah, Funny or Die and the Grammys want to promote Obamacare

You get an insurance plan, and you get an insurance plan,
 and you get an insurance plan!
By Sarah Kliff, WaPo  "Senior advisor Valerie Jarrett hosted a meeting Monday with a star-studded group of actors, musicians, writers and producers who have “expressed a personal interest in educating young people about the Affordable Care Act,” according to a White House official.
"Young people are crucial to the Affordable Care Act’s success, and the White House estimates it needs 2.7 million of them to sign up for health coverage in 2014. With typically low health costs, it’s this demographic that Obama administration is relying on to keep premiums low on the new marketplaces."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Obamacare: Because Mom said so  "Moms Rising, which taps into social media and blogging with its health and wellness and health reform advocacy, is creating “Wellness Wonder Teams.” Women who sign up pledge to tell at least 10 other people about the law — and get a refrigerator magnet that says “Changing More Than Diapers.” "

Monday, July 22, 2013

Obama the racial healer

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

National monologue about race; we talk, you listen, racist pig!

Is the Obama White House on a race-baiting campaign to save Obamacare?  " "The attorney general of the United States is engaged in a shocking extrajudicial publicity campaign. Eric Holder is prosecuting George Zimmerman in the court of public opinion because he knows he wouldn't have a prayer of convicting him in a court of law. Worse, in doing so, Holder is quite deliberately stoking resentment and tension — under the guise of leading a 'national conversation' about race," McCarthy writes."

"There needs to be a nation dialog about racism, not so much about racism against blacks by whites, because that is already known from the era of slavery through Jim Crow to the present. What needs to be talked about is the racism committed by blacks against whites, Hispanics and anti semites against Jews. Progressives claim they believe in equality, so shouldn't the issue of racism be exposed and scorned "equally"? That means when blacks attack people of different races because they are of a different skin color? Dialog right? 

No man is in a better position to speak out against these racist incidents than Barack Obama. We earnestly wait for it to happen.

Bruce Springsteen Dedicates Song to Trayvon Martin

Big Hollywood  "Bruce Springsteen burnished his liberal bona fides this week by turning a portion of his Ireland concert into a slam against the acquittal of George Zimmerman."

Statism is turning America into Detroit – Ayn Rand's Starnesville come to life

Daniel Hannan
"The Observer, naturally, quotes a native complaining that ‘capitalism has failed us,’ but capitalism is the one thing the place desperately needs. Detroit has been under Leftist administrations for half a century. It has spent too much and borrowed too much, driving away business and becoming a tool of the government unions."

Detroit: all the way down the Telegraph Road  "Well, if you’d like a musical interlude, just listen to this song “Telegraph Road” by Dire Staits ...
"The song was first performed by its composer Mark Knopfler and the band in March of 1981, thirty-two years ago. Knopfler, who was born in Scotland but grew up in England, reports having written the song during a visit to—of course—the city of Detroit, driving along Telegraph Road and thinking of the rise and fall of the city."

'25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head'   ...."He also believes that most other big cities will eventually end up like Detroit. The key word is "eventually. As the state of Illinois has shown, kicking the problem down the road can be done for a very long time by fudging the numbers and raising taxes. So unless there's another financial meltdown, most municipalities large and small will be able to muddle through, dying a slow death as politicians scramble to avoid the inevitable."

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Shame on this president. He shows himself to be little better than Al Sharpton

From American Thinker:

There, but for the grace of God...   "Barack Obama has once again interjected himself into the Trayvon Martin post verdict emotions by trying his best to aggravate all parties involved by stating "Trayvon Martin could have been me." 

'Better Angel' Obama Incites More Turmoil  "Whenever Barack Obama "expands on [his] thoughts a little bit," America is in for an eye-opener, which is exactly what happened when he recently crashed a press briefing to comment on the George Zimmerman trial.

"Exposing his true colors, the president extended condolences to the Martin family and completely ignored the Zimmerman family, which has also endured considerable pain during what Obama admitted was a "tragic situation." "

Obama: African-Americans Are Incapable of Acting as Citizens of the United States  "It is with sadness that I witnessed the president of the United States tell the world that African-Americans are incapable of functioning as responsible citizens at the most basic level."

Hamas Mourns Death Of Helen Thomas…

Weasel Zippers
"But the “stand” referred to by Hamas was, perhaps unsurprisingly, nothing to do with women’s emancipation. Instead, the group – which calls for the annihilation of the Jewish people in its charter – praised Thomas for a rather ugly tirade against an American rabbi, filmed in 2012.

"In the video, seen below, Thomas tells her Jewish interviewer that Israel should “get the hell out of Palestine,” and that the Jewish people should go home to “Poland, Germany … and America and everywhere else.” " 

Obama’s safe, overrated and airy speech. Dr. Ben Carson and a Democrat discuss the affair with Chris Wallace

Salon  "When people hold their breath for your imminent words, isn’t it exasperating when you open your mouth, but don’t say much?

"Finally the president has spoken about George Zimmerman’s acquittal. Even as the country waited for his singular response – the nation’s leader and a law professor who once looked like Trayvon Martin – the president danced around the issues. And what a dramatic anti-climax, listening to the president refuse to say anything insightful or profound about the acquittal. In signature professorial style, the president gave us the “context” to the episode and to black people’s “pain.” But he didn’t offer a meaningful opinion on the episode’s hot molten core: racial profiling, vigilantism, and “Stand Your Ground” laws."

So he didn't say much one way or the other? How about the fact that he didn't try to tamp down the riot threats and the black bigotry that tears this nation apart?  Via Lucianne.

Video: Dr. Ben Carson: 'Racial Profiling Not the Real Threat to Young Black Men'  "Race relations in the wake of George Zimmerman´s acquittal has become a contested topic in the United States, with even President Obama weighing in on racial profiling. Dr. Ben Carson and Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) continued the discussion of race on Fox News Sunday. Rep. Edwards believes it was appropriate for the president to speak about race as it relates to this case. “When I talk to my son who’s 24 and to his peers, what they say is that the president gave them their voice for their experiences.” "
If this means anything to you, Bill Maher called Dr. Carson a "drooling idiot"

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Move over NSA, here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database

Obamacare train wreck

 "Would you trust thousands of low-level Federal bureaucrats and contractors with one-touch access to your private financial and medical information? Under Obamacare you won’t have any choice.

 "As the Obamacare train-wreck begins to gather steam, there is increasing concern in Congress over something called the Federal Data Services Hub."....