Friday, August 2, 2013

How fractured is the GOP?

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Charles Krauthammer  "A combination of early presidential maneuvering and internal policy debate is feeding yet another iteration of that media perennial: the great Republican crackup. This time it’s tea party insurgents vs. get-along establishment fogies fighting principally over two things: (a) national security and (b) Obamacare."

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Surprise! The presidency actually requires some skills

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Legal Insurrection  ..."It’s (d) that worries me the most, because even if we survive Obama’s two-term presidency it does not bode well for the future, and says nothing good about the judgment of the American people. I began this essay by saying Americans have mostly been lucky in their previous presidents. But maybe it was a luck informed by a certain amount of common sense and even knowledge. I don’t think that someone with Obama’s
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
background would have been elected just a decade or two ago, and certainly not before. And by the word “background” I am not talking about his race, I’m referring to all the facts about Obama that were in the public domain before November of 2008 (and most definitely by November of 2012): his lack of managerial experience and foreign policy knowledge, his tremendous arrogance and narcissism, and his leftist ties and previous leftist statements."....
Obama Scandals

Edward Snowden leaks may cause the death of many from terrorist plots

We have only to wait to see if the next terror plot is successful because of what Snowden has told Al Qaeda. Now we have an idea why so many terrorist plots have been uncovered, but wonder how we can remain safe.
Toronto Star Newspapers  "U.S. intelligence agencies are scrambling to salvage their surveillance of Al Qaeda and other terrorists who are working frantically to change how they communicate after a National Security Agency contractor leaked details of two NSA spying programs. It’s an electronic game of cat-and-mouse that could have deadly consequences if a plot is missed or a terrorist operative manages to drop out of sight.
"Two U.S. intelligence officials say members of virtually every terrorist group, including core Al Qaeda, are attempting to change how they communicate, based on what they are reading in the media, to hide from U.S. surveillance — the first time intelligence officials have described which groups are reacting to the leaks." Emphasis added, TD
I fear what a regime such as Obama's would do with our personal info, and the IRS is every bit as scary to me as the NSA. Still, I will lay the next successful terrorist attack on American soil at the feet of Snowden.
There were so many other ways he could have exposed surveillance programs on Americans, but going to communist governments with a decades-long track record of persecution and torture is beyond contemptible.  TD

Michelle Malkin: Al Sharpton 'evil' demagogue who hates whites, cops, Jews (Video)

" "Al Sharpton has blood on his hands," she said. "He’s ruined lives. He’s been one of the worst purveyors of racial divisiveness and hate in my lifetime. How can you expect an ounce of honor from a man who doesn’t have it?”
"Twitchy said that she also took Hannity and other conservatives to task for enabling Sharpton and those like him."

We Have The "B" Word ,“F” Word, And The "N" Word. What About The Other Letters?

Yid With Lid   "There are those who believe this initial protocol is an example of political correctness gone overboard, but I  disagree. We have 26 letters in the alphabet-- we should have words that go with ALL the letters, perhaps some of the letters should have more than one--but its not politically correct  to leave any letter out, it hurts their feelings. 

"To honor a society where some people say the scientific term "black hole" is racist --the below is a proposed list of  the words our government should not allow us to say completely aloud. That's correct--we should be banned from saying the following words aloud:"...

Tennessee newspaper fires editorial editor for anti-Obama headline

Daily Caller  "Earlier this week, President Barack Obama visited Chattanooga, Tenn. as part of his PR blitz on the economy.
"But he was greeted with a headline of an editorial in the Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times Free Press, “Take your jobs plan and shove it, Mr. President: Your policies have harmed Chattanooga enough.”
"Jim Galloway, writing for the nearby left-leaning Atlanta Journal-Constitution, called the headline “hostile” and “rude.”
"And apparently that was a step too far for the newspaper’s management."


How Hollywood Has Ruined Sex

Bruce S. Thornton  
 "We hadn’t been surprised by nudity since the 60s, and our reaction then wasn’t shock but exhilaration at what seemed to be the liberation of cinema from the prudish restrictions that made so many movies bland and contrived. We were too callow to imagine that more-explicit sex and violence would themselves become empty clichés once the shock value was gone. And we were too ignorant to understand what the ancient Greek tragedians knew: the imagination is more powerful than the eyes, and the right words communicate more than the things seen can."

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

E-mails Suggest Collusion Between FEC, IRS to Target Conservative Groups

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE  "Embattled Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner and an attorney in the Federal Election Commission’s general counsel’s office appear to have twice colluded to influence the record before the FEC’s vote in the case of a conservative non-profit organization, according to e-mails unearthed by the House Ways and Means Committee and obtained exclusively by National Review Online.
The correspondence suggests the discrimination of conservative groups extended beyond the IRS and into the FEC, where an attorney from the agency’s enforcement division in at least one case sought and received tax information about the status of a conservative group, the American Future Fund, before recommending that the commission prosecute it for violations of campaign-finance law. Lerner, the former head of the IRS’s exempt-organizations division, worked at the FEC from 1986 to 1995, and was known for aggressive investigation of conservative groups during her tenure there, too.

O'Reilly: Killing History

Ann Coulter   ...."During his otherwise excellent commentaries on race in America, Bill O'Reilly, host of the No. 1 cable news show, claimed on Tuesday night that the one person who tried to help African-Americans more than any other was ... Robert F. Kennedy!
"No one laughed. I guess that's what they're teaching these days at the John F. Kennedy School of Government. (I can't wait to hear how Ted Kennedy helped eradicate drunk driving!) "....

The Chattanooga Free Press writes: "Take your jobs plan and shove it, Mr. President: Your policies have harmed Chattanooga enough."

RRB  "God BLESS the brave souls at the Times Free Press – who have the courage to speak Truth to power. They had a message for Obama – who came barnstorming in today.Obama was visiting a new Amazon facility. You know Amazon – the book publishing giant – owned by left-wing billionaire Jeff Bezos – the guy who also published the pedophile how-to book
"—–the Times had a message for Obama—-"....

....That’s because your jobs creation plans so far have included a ridiculous government spending spree and punitive tax increase on job creators that were passed, as well as a minimum wage increase that, thankfully, was not. Economists — and regular folks with a basic understanding of math — understand that these are three of the most damaging policies imaginable when a country is mired in unemployment and starving for job growth....

WeinerToons as of today

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Sorry, you probably don’t understand your cat’s meows.

Discover  "Are you one of those people who swears they can understand what their cat is “saying” when it meows? If so, you should pay attention to this paper, because it may tell you something about yourself. These scientists decided to try to verify whether people really can tell what cats are saying by recording cat meows in different contexts, such as food-related (being fed) or distress (in a car). They then played the calls back to people and had them classify what they thought the cat was talking about. The results? People are generally pretty crappy at telling what cats are meowing about...." Via Buzzfeed