Monday, August 5, 2013

High-level national security meeting at White House while Obama plays golf

American Thinker  "Attending that White House meeting was a who's who of intelligence and national security officials, including:

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough
National Security Advisor Susan Rice
Deputy National Security Advisor Tony Blinken
Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco
Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President Jeff Prescott
Secretary of State John Kerry
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Robert Mueller
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan
Director of the National Security Agency Keith Alexander
Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Matthew Olsen
Acting Assistant Attorney General John Carlin"
"But no Barack Obama. This must be a rope-a-dope strategy as Obama's suicidally casual approach to the threat knocks AQAP off balance, scaring them off by dazzling them with his uncaring attitude.
"It was Obama's birthday on Sunday. Does it matter that he spent 6 hours on Saturday playing golf rather than deal with the terrorist threat?"

Whatever happened to all those promises Obama made during the State of the Union?

American Thinker   "All that applause. All that adoration. The president's state of the union address was considered brilliant by much of the press.
So what happened to all the promises?
"The president's laundry list of goals for his second term have either been defeated or not even brought out for a vote by either House. The sole exception is immigration reform and most of that "comprehensive" measure is going nowhere in the House."
 Rick Moran

NBC, Stop those Hillary documentaries or we will dump your debates next election cycle

Big Government  "On Monday, RNC Chair Reince Priebus sent stinging letters to NBC and CNN over their recently announced decisions to produce films celebrating the life of Hillary Clinton. The RNC sees the odd programing move as an in-kind contribution to Clinton's presumed campaign for President in 2016. As a result, the party will formally bar Republicans from partnering with the networks on any primary or Presidential debates in 2016."
Rush Limbaugh is less than impressed  ...."Why should the Republicans actively, willingly, happily participate in debates moderated by people who want to make sure people at the end of the debate do not like them and will not vote for them?  "Well, Rush, yes, that's true. The Republicans, but they have to go there because that's the nature of the game. That's the media; you can't change it.  These Republicans, they gotta go in there and they gotta show that they can deal with that!"....

Little recognition for the 69th anniversary of D Day at Normandy

Normandy Commemoration Disgrace  ...."Unfortunately, and sadly, Commander Koutz [right] was one among precious few Americans there to officially receive the thanks of the French people and all others in attendance. The commander was told that due to budget cuts, no U.S. military units were sent to Normandy this year. No fly-overs were authorized for the Normandy
American Cemetery where 9,387 Americans who gave their lives to liberate Europe from Nazi Germany are laid to rest, nor for Pointe du Hoc, where U.S. Army Rangers climbed rope ladders through a hail of deadly enemy gunfire in order to break Hitler’s grip on continental Europe and begin the long, bloody march to victory in World War II."....
Hat tip to Val Brose; Santa Maria, CA

Commander honored in Normandy  "Koutz was one of few American representatives of the military community in Normandy to receive gratitude of the French people for the liberation of their country after four years of Nazi occupation in 1944. The 69th anniversary of that liberation occurred this week.
The commander vowed to communicate with the White House, the Pentagon and members of Congress to see why U.S. military representation was so scant at the 69th anniversary of the invasion. More than a dozen D-Day veterans were on hand for ceremonies in Normandy."

Besides being petulantly juvenile, how do we size up this president?

Carl Cannon: The name of Obama's game is blame; "Make no mistake, when Obama criticizes "Washington," he doesn't mean himself, and he doesn't mean his fellow Democrats."
Leaving aside the curious claim that widespread IRS abuses and administration untruths about the tragedy in Benghazi are illegitimate areas of inquiry, blaming "Washington" is not just a reflexive response by a politician with declining job approval ratings. It's part of an orchestrated attempt by the president and his image makers to evade accountability for the results of his governance.

This nation elected a man it did not know or care about other than his being a celebrity. Our electorate left its child in the hands of a total stranger and rushed back in the house to watch TV. 
Terror Threat Got You Teed Off? Obama Leaves al-Qaeda Worries to the Staff  "Obama hits the golf course while leaving a major meeting on the major threat to Susan Rice."....
The Front Man  "Barack Obama did not invent managerial liberalism, nor has he contributed any new ideas to it. He is, in fact, a strangely incurious man. Unlike Ronald Reagan, to whom he likes to be compared, President Obama shows no signs of having expended any effort on big thinkers or big ideas. President Reagan’s guiding lights were theorists such as F. A. Hayek and Thomas Paine; Obama’s most important influences have been tacticians such as Abner Mikva, bush-league propagandists like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and his beloved community organizers."  Kevin D. Williamson  

Entitled Fast Food Strikers Demand to Be Paid More Than They're Worth

Neal Boortz    "Our Republic has survived a great deal. We’ve managed to get through a war with states determined to secede from the union (misnamed the “Civil War”). We survived two World Wars and a Cold War. None of those events have threatened this country nearly so much as the combined affect of millions of abysmally ignorant Americans, products of 100 years of a hideous government education and are now walking around with voter registration cards. More Americans can name Kim Kardashian’s new tricycle motor than can name our vice-president."....

Boortz again: Wait! I'm not quite through.
...."Why?  Because the Huffington Post published an opinion piece yesterday that was so void of intellectual discipline that one might have thought it was written by a gerbil scampering across a keyboard.  The reality, though, is worse.  The piece was actually written by an undergraduate student at the University of Kansas .. you know, one of those brilliant young know-it-alls who are ready to run the world just two years after moving out of their mommy’s house."   Full article here.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Quote of the Day – Congressman Keith Ellison Edition

“The bottom line is we’re not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government doesn’t have it, The government has a right, the government and the people of the United States have a right to run the programs of the United States. Health, welfare, housing – all these things.”
"Oh and it gets scarier than this, listen to what he wants to spend new tax dollars on:
“fund international sustainable prosperity programs such as health care investments, AIDS treatment, research and prevention programs, climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts by developing countries, and international assistance.”
"He wants to tax every single trade on the stock and commodity markets, and he doesn’t even want to spend it in this country."....

Hat tip to Kim Jossfolk at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Animals Who Adopt Other Animals

What should be next to Trayvon Martin's hoodie in the Smithsonian?

American Thinker  "I have a suggestion. How about an exhibit on Tawana Brawley? If the purpose of the new National Museum of African American
Sharpton, back in the day
History and Culture at the Smithsonian is to remember racial controversies, as the
proposed Trayvon exhibit seems to confirm, then how about an honest look at the phenomenon of hate crime hoaxes?  Particular attention should be paid to the role of the media in both the Trayvon and Tawana materials.

"Unquestionably, the media stirred up racial animus, and these incidents both contributed to raising racial tensions."  More here.    Thomas Lifson

Tawana Brawley Finally Begins To Pay For Her Lies After 25 Years 
"Twenty-five years after accusing an innocent man of rape, Tawana Brawley is finally paying for her lies.
"Last week, 10 checks totaling $3,764.61 were delivered to ex-prosecutor Steven Pagones — the first payments Brawley has made since a court determined in 1998 that she defamed him with her vicious hoax."...

Meanwhile, her mentor and co-conspirator, Reverend and Journalist Al Sharpton is a millionaire employed by MSNBC, the most-promoted channel on the Law and Order TV series.

Source: Terrorists behind embassy threat in place

If the source for this intelligence is a courageous ally who has infiltrated al Qaeda, just pray that his name has not been revealed by Snowden or Manning.
Or that the means of discovering these threats have not been compromised by them.

CBS News   "Intelligence officers have reporting from a reliable source that a major plot is under way and that the team to carry it out has been selected and is in place, Miller reports.
"The threat information has been described as the most specific and credible since the foiled plot to blow up British planes en route to the United States in 2006, Miller reports. The specificity ends there.
"What authorities don't have is the date, the timing or the target of the attack, which is why they have taken such an approach to warning potential targets, Miller reports."

Operation PLUTO in World War 2

This was sent by a Marine I was stationed with in Hawthorne, Nevada: Robert Hope of Sacramento. It was just too interesting not to share it with you.
This film would have been highly classified at the time, and fortunately the war effort was not plagued by the Eric Snowden's, Bradley Manning's, and the 21st Century New York Times. The closest thing we had to that lot was Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, but that is a story for another time.
Bob's forward read:

You may have already known of this, but I sure didn't. In spite of watching film about WW II and the European theater, I never thought to wonder how all the military vehicles were supplied with fuel. They sure couldn't just stop at the corner station and fill up their tank or jeep gas tank.                

Operation PLUTO 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Tragedy of Isolation

Thomas Sowell
...."Sometimes isolation is due to a culture that resists learning from other cultures. The Arab Middle East was once more advanced than Europe but, while Europe learned much from the Middle East, the Arab Middle East has not translated as many books from other languages into Arabic in a thousand years as Spain alone translates into Spanish annually.

"Against this background, racial and ethnic leaders around the world who promote a separate cultural "identity" are inflicting a handicap on their own people. Isolation has held back many peoples in many lands, for centuries. But such social and cultural isolation serves the interests of today's ethnic leaders."....