Friday, August 9, 2013

Workplace violence at Fort Hood

From the military blog, Blackfive: Ft. Hood terror attack ignored and minimized
"Listen to one of the survivors of this attack describe  the cost of this politically correct BS to him and others personally."....

Is there a pattern here? Caliphornia Muslim convert stabs hardware store employee to death because Allah told him to   But I digress...

Hope n' Change
...."One thing is certain: that blood flowed in no small part because this president has made it clear that he won't tolerate "discrimination" against Muslims, including those who print business cards that say "Soldier of Allah," and who give Powerpoint presentations describing the way they'll behead infidels and pour boiling oil down their throats."....
 Report: Ft. Hood Shooter 'Initially' Thought About Attacking Ft. Benning, GA
"On page 26 the Sanity Board reports:"
The defendant stated that he planned his course of action in regards to "violent acts against the military" in the days following his deployment notification. He initially considered driving to the deployment center at Ft. Benning during his pre-deployment leave to Virginia and shooting soldiers there. He decided against that idea because he did not want to get caught in an unknown territory with weapons and ammunition in his car.

 Acting as His Own Attorney, Hasan Gets Another 'Shot' at Ft. Hood Witnesses   "After issuing opening statements in which he said "the evidence will clearly show I am the shooter," Maj. Nidal Hasan got the opportunity to cross examine witnesses who were at the trial to testify against him."
sigmundcarlandalfredThis cartoon was originally published at Town Hall. 

UPDATED: Remember when the Bureau of Internal Revenue changed it's name to IRS to seem less intimidating?

IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups  "In a remarkable admission that is likely to rock the Internal Revenue Service again, testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp reveals that an agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups told a committee investigator that the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups, three months after the IRS scandal erupted."

UPDATE from PJ Media; SNAFU, FUBAR, ...: Welcome to the Rollout of the Affordable Care Act
"As we advance toward the much anticipated rollout of Obamacare on October 1, the true horror of what Congress and the president have wrought is beginning to sink in."

Some quick reads. Be sure to see the posts on Wendy Davis, AKA "Abortion Barbie"

Revered primer sabotaged U.S. Christianity  Remember McGuffey's Reader?

Samantha Power: USA Has to Give Up a ‘Pinch of Sovereignty’

10 questions for Obama’s presser  "With his personal popularity flagging, the president will try to use the bully pulpit to recapture momentum and position himself for a bruising fiscal fight with Congress this fall.

"Here are 10 questions that the president could face when he steps behind the podium."

Along that same line there is this: 6 pre-vacation questions for Obama

Kirsten Powers; On Abortion, Wendy Davis Doesn’t Know What She’s Talking About
"The Texas crusader let it slip this week that she is badly misinformed on the late-term abortion ban she crusaded against. And she’s not the only misinformed Democratic woman, writes Kirsten Powers."
The Democratic star du jour was asked this week to explain the difference between the late-term abortions she fought to keep legal in Texas and the illegal killings by Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell. “I don’t know what happened in the Gosnell case,” she told the Weekly Standard’s John McCormack, who cornered her after her National Press Club speech on Monday.

Hypocritical Libs Outraged Over “Abortion Barbie” Moniker For Wendy Davis  "What a short memory liberals have.
"In 2008 they laughed like Hyenas over the term “Caribou Barbie” for Governor Sarah Palin but now they have the nerve to be insulted when people call Wendy Davis “Abortion Barbie”.
"Here’s a visual guide for the liberally challenged."

NYT Sours on Obamacare?

The American Interest
"In the NYT‘s Economic Scene column this week, Eduardo Porter compares the Obamacare roll-out to Harvard University’s introduction of a similar plan in the mid-1990s. In that case, the university made changes that were intended to encourage covered employees to shop around for care. The plan seemed like it was working, at first; competition had cut Harvard’s health care costs by 5-8 percent. But as time went on, younger and healthier employees dropped out of the plan altogether, leaving behind the older and sicker. Insurance premiums shot up, pushing out another layer of the relatively young and healthy, which pushed up premiums again, and so on."

The Next Threat to Your Privacy

Heritage  "Who has access to your Social Security number, your bank information, and your tax records?
"When Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges open, your data could be exposed to shysters and hackers, thanks to serious vulnerabilities in the system.
"The exchanges are scheduled to open on October 1 (just 53 days away). But the list of implementation failures keeps growing, and the security of Americans’ data is threatened."

THREAT #1: Obamacare “Navigators”
Navigators are a group of people and organizations that are going to be facilitating signups for Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. More on this here.

THREAT #2: Obamacare’s Data Hub
The data hub is a massive compilation of tax filings, Social Security reports, and other government data that will be used to determine eligibility for subsidized insurance. More here.
Liberals gear up for Obamacare fight
Obamacare’s Menu Labeling Law: The Food Police Are Coming

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Krauthammer's Take: 'Biggest Recruiter of Terrorists Is American Weakness'

"Charles Krauthammer explained that one of the main reasons al-Qaeda is in the midst of a resurgence despite President Obama’s earlier claims that it was severely weakened is because this administration “has done a lot of retreating.” He clarified that retreating does not necessarily mean the president’s decisions to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, but more so that he has refused to take a tougher stance in the face of terrorism, such as in the aftermath of last year’s attack on the American diplomatic facility in Benghazi.

" “Obama used to talk about Guantanamo and all the sins of the Bush administration — torture and all this stuff — as the recruiter of terrorists,” he said on Special Report [Wednesday]. “The biggest recruiter of terrorists is American weakness.” "

China's take on "Winners and losers in Snowden fiasco"

In case you were wondering how the US under Obama is respected by our rivals.
Global Times of China   .... "Russia has impressed the world, which views the Kremlin as the "winner" and the White House as the "loser."

"This judgment is correct. In the Snowden case, all the other countries involved have become winners while the US is the sole loser. Washington put on a show of bravado, but failed to extradite Snowden in the end. By contrast, Moscow displayed its national characteristics of decisiveness and boldness and kept Washington at bay."
"Washington ate the dirt this time, but it does not necessarily mean it is really awed by Moscow. In the same manner, Washington is unlikely to fear Beijing, and Beijing needn't fear Washington. What Beijing should care about most is how to maximize its interests in its relations with Washington.

"Snowden can do more in a country like Russia. The performance that has disgraced the US is far from over."

More on Snowden from this source

American History in Black & White; Part one of twelve

David Barton  "David Barton sets the record straight! Click to watch part 1 - part 12. This video is supported with the Bible, the Constitution, historical facts and other documents that establish America as a Nation. The 3/5th clause is explained for voting and representatives in Congress, not to diminish the worth of blacks."
 Hat tip to Jodi Free at Conservatives Network

10 Reasons Pets Are The Best Coworkers

Buzzfeed  "Turns out nine times out of ten, your pet would probably make a better coworker than just a plain ol’ human. Find out just how well pets and people work together by celebrating National Bring Your Pet to Work Day on June 21. Pets at home are great, but #PetsAtWork is even better."

8. They have excellent hygiene..."

In wishing Bush well, Putin has message for Obama

Reuters    "Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram on Thursday to his old sparring partner, former U.S. President George W. Bush, wishing him a quick recovery from heart surgery.
"It may have been coincidence that the Kremlin released details of the telegram a day after Barack Obama pulled out of a planned summit with Putin, but little is left to chance in Russian politics.
"The warm words to the man who once said he looked Putin in the eye and got a "sense of his soul" highlighted how different the relationship is between the leaders in the Kremlin and the White House now."....

No contact from Obama as of this morning  "White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters that President Barack Obama was briefed on Bush’s procedure and “obviously wishes him well.” He didn’t believe Obama and Bush had spoken, Carney said."

Neither did these- apparently- Obama voters

South Korea calls North Korea's bluff and wins

American Thinker  "President Park Geun-hye of South Korea has more stones than Barack Obama. She isn't content to lead from behind when it comes to dealing with North Korea. Instead of groveling apologies, she called a bluff.  Jack Kim of Reuters reports: "  Read more:
But one does wonder: if a US president were to defy this little demagogue, would the "progressive" pacifists and their submissive press in the US do all in their power to make him cave in to the Norks or be branded a "warmonger"? Is America capable of being defended by a strong president (should we ever get one?)
This all happened in the 1930s and caused Britain to be unprepared for the war of conquest Hitler started. The Communists and their allies of the British left did everything in their power to bring that about and they will do it again.

UPDATED: Con Artists and Scammers Eager for Obamacare Grand Opening

Big Government  "With the Obama Administration scrambling to cobble together the Obamacare health insurance exchanges in time for the October 1st grand opening, experts say con artists and fraudsters are eager to begin exploiting the new law's complexity and government-enforced fines to swindle uninsured Americans."
"Federal authorities are well aware of the identity theft threat. In July, the Federal Trade Commission issued an alert warning that fraudsters are using Obamacare to poach Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, Medicare IDs, and other personal information."

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Thanks, Obama!  "President Obama has just handed his opposition a powerful focus for resentment over Obamacare, by exempting Congress and its army of staffers from the Obamacare disaster foisted on average folks." Thomas Lifson

Sign Up for ObamaCare Over the Phone!    "Last month, the government announced that it wouldn't verify an individual's self-reported income for ObamaCare subsidies. Simply claim you qualify for a subsidy and you will receive that subsidy. Today, we learn, that you don't have to physically show up to claim coverage. You can sign up for coverage, and the subsequent subsidy, over the phone!"

UPDATE from The Comical Conservative
One comment to this post reminded us that those responsible for passing ObamaCare are on this list of groups exempted.