"One school district in Suffolk County, Long Island had a parent-teacher conference in which every teacher said the same thing. ‘We are no longer teachers, we are your child’s guides.’
"Under the new regulations, they said, they cannot be referred to as teachers any longer, they are only the child’s guide. The child is no longer an individual either, only part of a team, they explained.
"Collectivism at its best!"
As usual, the program is promoted by those who want the federal government taking over more and more of state functions.
A case can be made for Common Core; Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice "According to a recent analysis of the Common Core standards there are two justifications for states adopting the standards (
Brookings Study of Common Core):"....
'Common Core' In Jeopardy As More States Withdraw "According to
Politico, now that the new math and language tests that are tied to the
Common Core national academic standards are almost ready, state officials have found that the exams are too long, too expensive, and require a higher level of computer technology than is often available. Perhaps first and foremost, however, states are fighting back against the standards as a federal intrusion into an area that has historically been reserved for them."
"In addition, the House has just passed the Student Success Act (SSA), a proposal sponsored by GOP Reps. John Kline (MN) and Todd Rokita (IN), to rewrite the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law.
"The Heritage Foundation
reports that the SSA would eliminate the federal mandate known as Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for reading and math proficiency, and thereby allow states to design their own accountability systems."
Newsday; McShane: Implementation of Common Core is a recipe for disaster
Yoki Lin, left, 9, and Juliana Rios, 8, work together as a team during a
common core math lesson at JFK Intermediate School in Deer Park.