Friday, October 18, 2013

Saudi Arabia Rejects Security Council Seat

NY Times  "Assailing what it called double standards at the United Nations, Saudi Arabia took the highly unusual step on Friday of declining to accept a rotating seat on the Security Council one day after it was invited to join the body for a two-year term."
"The gesture reflected Saudi Arabia’s simmering annoyance at the Security Council’s record in Syria, where Russia and China — two of the five permanent members — have blocked Western efforts, broadly supported by Saudi Arabia, to pressure President Bashar al-Assad. The other permanent members are the United States, Britain and France."

'If it ain't broke': Why are Army uniforms so bad ?

Foreign Policy
"Last summer I saw a Washington Post article about the House's approval of a measure to have all the military services use the same camouflage pattern on their battle dress.
"I applaud that decision, and it got me thinking about uniforms and uniform changes in general and, in particular, those of my service, the Army, which seems to be 1) always changing its uniforms and 2) getting a uniform that is worse than its predecessor. In this regard, I have to admit a certain jealousy of my colleagues in the Marine Corps. I'm no expert, but I believe that the "jarheads" have, basically, had the same uniforms since WWII."

V.D. Hanson: Sort of True, Sort of Not

Victor Davis Hanson  "The problem with negotiating with President Obama is not necessarily that he sometimes makes things up, but that he always sort of makes things up. Take a single recent October 8 press. All at once, the president used a weird assortment of similes and allusions to brand ad nauseam his opponents as little more than ransom takers, house burners, defaulters, global-economy crashers, nuclear-bomb users, extremists, threateners, extortionists, hostage takers, plant burners, and equipment breakers. He then bragged that domestic oil and gas production on his watch are at an all-time high—true, but he left out the salient fact that such gains are entirely the result of exploration on private lands, given that under his administration new federal oil and gas leases have by intention radically slowed. In 2010 actual oil and gas production on federal land hit historic lows. Ditto Obama’s brag that he lowered the deficit by half..."

Henninger: Obama Romneyizes the Republicans; The president is doing the same thing to Ted Cruz and the tea party that he did to the 1%.

 Wall Street Journal  "Want a look at how a pro is spinning the Washington mess? Punch into and type "Barack Obama" into the search window. Click on "Barack Obama," next to the "End This Now" logo. The Obama tweets the past week have been fairly amazing. As in the presidential campaign against Mitt Romney, the Twitter feeds going out in the name of the president of the United States are virtually wall-to-wall propaganda.
Barack Obama: "If the debt ceiling isn't raised by Thursday, America could face an economic shutdown." This from the man who accuses the GOP of "manufacturing crises.' "
"Virtually every Obama tweet demonizes the tea party. Last week, within minutes of the collapse of the Obama-Boehner talks, the tweeting robot called "Barack Obama" had hung the collapse on the "tea party.' "
"Someone in the tea party outside the Beltway had better wake up and smell the smoke. The great nemesis has done it again: He's turning them into political toast."

The natural follow-up to this strategy will -of course- be this:

Charles Krauthammer: Obama looking to exploit Illegal Immigration for 2014 elections    "He just uses the issue to demagogue Republicans. That’s what he’ll try to do again."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Loss of Trust; Every untruth damages the presidency, not just the president.

Thomas Sowell "...there is a growing distrust of the Obama administration that makes weighing the costs and benefits of the NSA program itself hard to assess.
"The belated recognition of this administration’s contempt for the truth, for the American people, and for the Constitution of the United States has been long overdue.
"But what if the NSA program has in fact thwarted terrorists and saved many American lives in ways that cannot be revealed publicly?"
"When Barack Obama squanders his own credibility with his glib lies, he is not just injuring himself during his time in office. He is inflicting a lasting wound on the country as a whole."
Let me repeat that, in bold letters:
"When Barack Obama squanders his own credibility with his glib lies, he is not just injuring himself during his time in office. He is inflicting a lasting wound on the country as a whole."

UPDATE: V.D. Hanson: Sort of True, Sort of Not  ..."He then bragged that domestic oil and gas production on his watch are at an all-time high—true, but he left out the salient fact that such gains are entirely the result of exploration on private lands, given that under his administration new federal oil and gas leases have by intention radically slowed."
UPDATE: In a response to a reader's request that I be specific about the lies mentioned in the posted article, I listed these few:
Washington Post;
There was also the President's preposterous claim that US oil production was up in his administration, yet it was all done on private lands and without government permits. More on that here:  
On Alito's reaction to Obama's SOTU speech, CNS reports: ; " Justice Samuel Alito was seen to mouth the words "Not True" after Obama's comments. The ruling, in fact, did not allow corporations to contribute directly to a campaign or to coordinate expenditures with a campaign. Nor did the ruling lift existing law that blocks foreign contributions to political campaigns. - See more at:
I can document further sources if you need them.
Notwithstanding these references listed, Dr. Thomas Sowell ranks as a highly respected economic source and many feel his statement can stand on it's own.
 Those who disagree with me I ask to not be offended at my stand. I know one or two of you and have much affection and esteem for you. But I ask you to please understand my concern for America and the direction she is headed.
 To see more of this blog's thoughts on Barack Obama, please read the purpose statement on the right sidebar titled,  "Why the Tunnel Wall".

Warning! A nation gets the government it deserves!

Rick Moran; Why are the Democrats gloating about 'winning?'  "5. No doubt the Republicans took a PR hit in the polls. But so did the Democrats and Obama. With the mid term election still more than a year away, what do you think the American people will remember? A dust up over arcane issues like spending and the debt? Or the immediate, tragic, overwhelming bite that Obamacare is taking out of their take home pay?"

Republicans give in

Victor Davis Hanson; Obama, Heed Thyself  "In 2006, Obama rightly called for an end to the Bush administration’s intemperate deficit spending that had resulted in an annual deficit of $250 billion that year. Accordingly, Senator Obama voted to shut down the government rather than automatically to extend the debt ceiling. He explained his resistance this way: “Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.' ”
Obama Lectures Republicans: The Founding Fathers Would Not Approve Of You…   "Says the guy who treats the Constitution like it’s a dirty rag."

Carney defends Obama's scolding of House Republicans  “ 'You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president, then argue for your position,” Obama said. “Go out there and win an election.' ”
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

About that New York mayor's race

Would a De Blasio election signal a troubling watershed in the American culture?
De Blasio Tells Muslims He’ll End Broad NYPD Spying If Elected  "New York is the jihadis' prime target. This surveillance is in large part what has prevented another major jihad attack in the City since 9/11. So of course stealth jihadis like Linda Sarsour want this surveillance ended, and the leftist de Blasio is anxious to accommodate them."

De Blasio embraces celebrates a terrorism apologist who calls Zionism “racism.”
..."In yet another one of her tweets, Sarsour called for the repeal of the Patriot Act. She thinks the concern of Americans with the continuing Islamist terror threat is overblown. Indeed, she tweeted that the “Underwear bomber was the #CIA all along. Why did I already know that?! Shame on us – scaring the American people.' ”
 ..."Part of it is by manipulating a lazy and gullible media. But another part is to shut down any criticism of Islamist ideology -- the notion that society is best governed by Islamic law. During a recent panel discussion on the film, panelists -- including two anti-Islamist Muslims -- discussed the way phony accusations of "Islamophobia," or bigotry, are used to stigmatize critics."

Celebrate Diversity! Both NYC Mayoral Candidates Wants City’s Schools To Close For Islamic Holidays…
Mackie commented on this post:
To bad these dhimmis don't understand that Islam does not respect any religion but Islam. Muslims are commanded by the Quran to not be friends to any non Muslims. In how many Muslim Countries can you point to Christian and Jewish Holidays.

Turkey Gave Iran Names of Israeli Spies… Obama Said Nothing, Continued To Push Netanyahu To Apologize To Turkey For Flotilla Raid…

Weasel Zippers  "Then again, Obama considers Erdogan one of his “top five friends” among world leaders."
Knowledgeable sources describe the Turkish action as a “significant” loss of intelligence and “an effort to slap the Israelis.” The incident, disclosed here for the first time, illustrates the bitter, multi-dimensional spy wars that lie behind the current negotiations between Iran and Western nations over a deal to limit the Iranian nuclear program. A Turkish Embassy spokesman had no comment.

The Jerusalem Post; Analysis: Turkey's unprecedented act of betrayal against Israel
"For over 50 years, Israel and Turkey were strategic allies. At the heart of this relationship were the extremely close ties between the Mossad and Military Intelligence on one hand, and the Turkish MIT and its military intelligence apparatus on the other hand." 

That EBT card riot put into persective a bit

EBT benefit card glitch sparks Walmart shopping sprees in Louisiana   "The Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system allows recipients of government food stamps to purchase goods using a digital card with a set spending limit, but for a few hours over the weekend, that limit disappeared for many users visiting Walmart stores in Louisiana."
 Riot time!’: Food stamp users in near-panic over EBT card failures   Can you say "Obamacare"?

Portrait of two Americas  "One of them is the entitlement, gimme, gimme, gimme welfare food stamp recipients who grab more than their fair share whenever they can because well, they're entitled.  If they can't get their entitled freebies now! they threaten violence--on their Obamaphones  or Obama pads until they get their way.
"While the entitled were whining and wondering how to survive without their free food, American veterans took action against a petty, petulant Democratic president.  After all, as a vet's t shirt truthfully proclaimed  this nation is the "Home of the free, because of the brave."
Emphasis mine, as usual. TD

It Depends on What the Meaning of 'Settled Law' Is

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Ann Coulter  "No major legislation has ever been passed like Obamacare -- and I'm using the word "passed" pretty loosely.

"It became law without both houses ever voting on the same bill. (Say, is the Constitution considered "settled law"?) Not one Republican voted for it -- and a lot of Democrats immediately wished they hadn't.

"Historically, big laws have been enacted with large, bipartisan majorities. In 1935, President Roosevelt enacted Social Security with a 372-33 vote in the House and 77-6 in the Senate."
"Reagan's magnificent tax cuts in 1981 -- which Democrats now denounce as if they'd been appalled at the time -- passed with a vote of 89-11 in the Senate and even 323-107 in the hostile Democratic House." 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Where Are They Now?

"Just because they’re no longer in the news doesn’t mean former Obama officials are not wreaking havoc somewhere else. The following is a short list of pseudo-academics, political hacks, bureaucratic blunderers, and outright frauds that have fled the Administration."
One such is Van Jones: 
...A hard core Marxist and self admitted revolutionary, Jones didn’t last long on the job. Thanks to the press’s moratorium on  reporting about any of the dodgy characters surrounding the president, Jones’s communist background went unnoticed.

Awww! Daily Kos Scribe Whines That Obamacare Sent His Premiums Soaring

Newsbusters   "Every so often but not nearly often enough, the opportunity to revel in guilt-free schadenfreude rolls around. This is one of those moments.

"Over at Daily Kos, one of the most heavily-trafficked liberal websites and a revealing glimpse into the repugnant id that is the leftist mind, Daily Kos diarist "Tirge Caps" is belatedly learning that the Affordable Care Act is not the glorious legislative accomplishment that "progressives" have trumpeted over the last three years."
"Here's what "Tirge Caps" wrote about his first tangible encounter with Obamacare --"...
Well, now, because of Obamacare, my wife's rate is gong (sic) to $302 per month and mine is jumping to $284.I am canceling insurance for us and I am not paying any f***ing penalty. What the hell kind of reform is this?   Read more.
 Rush Limbaugh on this: Daily Kos Robot Hit with Obamacare Reality
" Now, if you look at the comments of this piece, I mean, folks, they are hilarious.  Most of the people commenting on this little guy's post think that he's just an outlier, he's an exception to the rule, this isn't the way it is for most people."