Monday, February 17, 2014

US press less free; Ranks 46th in press freedom, down 13 places.

Reporters Without Borders  ... "Rich in diversity, the United States and Brazil should have given freedom of information a supreme position both in their laws and their social values. Unfortunately the reality falls far short of this.
"In the United States, 9/11 spawned a major conflict between the imperatives of national security and the principles of the constitution’s First Amendment. This amendment enshrines every person’s right to inform and be informed. But the heritage of the 1776 constitution was shaken to its foundations during George W. Bush’s two terms as president by the way journalists were harassed and even imprisoned for refusing to reveal their sources or surrender their files to federal judicial officials.
"There has been little improvement in practice under Barack Obama. Rather than pursuing journalists, the emphasis has been on going after their sources, but often using the journalist to identify them. No fewer that eight individuals have been charged under the Espionage Act since Obama became president, compared with three during Bush’s two terms." ... 

Why doctors should escape from the system, especially if elections offer no help.

Dems plan to neutralize Obamacare as an election issue ... "This sounds all well and good, except Republicans basically hardly need to lift a finger. What will drive people to vote is their personal experience with Obamacare and from what we've seen so far, those experiences do not favor the Democrats. Higher premiums, coverage they don't want, being kicked off their insurance and unable to keep their doctor - all of this and more will make whatever the Democrats say about Obamacare seem hollow and empty."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
In a recent debate, I pointed out that far from helping the uninsured, Obamacare had created millions of new uninsured. My opponent responded, “Whenever you try something this big, there are always going to be some bumps in the road.”
That statement sums up the totalitarian mindset of the hard left, which is, “the ends justify the means.” So what if millions lose their insurance? We are on the bumpy road to nirvana, where everyone has access to the same level of care, regardless of income. If a relative handful of people are inconvenienced, injured, or even killed, well, that’s too bad for them!

In a recent debate, I pointed out that far from helping the uninsured, Obamacare had created millions of new uninsured. My opponent responded, “Whenever you try something this big, there are always going to be some bumps in the road.”
That statement sums up the totalitarian mindset of the hard left, which is, “the ends justify the means.” So what if millions lose their insurance? We are on the bumpy road to nirvana, where everyone has access to the same level of care, regardless of income. If a relative handful of people are inconvenienced, injured, or even killed, well, that’s too bad for them! It’s all for the greater good. To make an omelet you have to break some eggs!

The MyRA; Are Democrats coming after your retirement savings?

A nation deserves whatever government it gets. And ours just granted this administration another four years. (By a slim margin, however.)
"Reuters and zero hedge posted articles this past week about the EUs serious plan for the wholesale confiscation of the personal savings accounts of over 500 million EU members to prop up their moribund economy. Zerohedge pointed to the possibility that Obama’s MyRA could end up being the same thing, a theory we have discussed here for three years, most recently in January.
"It’s not just a possibility, Mr. Obama has enunciated this plan in his 2008 and 2013 budgets. He clearly wants the $17.5 trillion in personal retirement savings accounts and he believes the government should be the steward of our money
"It’s coming. Obama wants your personal retirement savings. He will start with a deceptively helpful retirement plan for people who don’t have one, but I think we all know where this is going. We are talking about $17.5 trillion and if you think the government doesn’t want it, you are  naïve."
"The myRA account is intended to help low- and middle-income employees who do not have retirement accounts start saving for retirement. The incentives to start saving include:
  • Automatic payroll deductions of as little as $5 a pay period after a $25 initial investment.
  • A safe investment where the principal is guaranteed by government bonds.
  • No fees whatsoever.
  • Ease of decision making as the only investment available is government bonds.
What's All the Fuss About myRA Accounts?   "The myRA earns interest from the federal government at the same rate federal employees earn through the Thrift Savings Plan Government Securities Investment Fund. In 2013, holders of that fund earned 1.89%."

Glenn Loury asks: How does Bill Clinton "get to go around and be an honorable defender of the Democratic Party line, which is a pro-woman line..."

Althouse    ... "How is it that the press and everybody else can just forget about the exploitation of women when they're actually exploited and yet are prepared to level their howitzers of criticism on any Republican who might say something that could be construed as anti-woman, who hasn't been messing around with the interns under his charge?' "


The Fundamentally Transformed Presidency: Who Can Stop It?

... "What Obama has done by riding roughshod over the Constitution will come back to haunt us in the future. Any president from now on can use the "Obama rule" to change legislation more to his liking or political advantage, making a mockery of the separation of powers and well-ordered government."

Andrew C. McCarthy; Rand Paul’s Frivolous NSA Lawsuit   ... "It is true that the NSA’s program may be illegal. But that has nothing to do with the Constitution." ...

Sure, we know Mr. Obama said that in light-hearted jest. But the words have summed up this administration and it's actions since 2009.
... "What’s more, as Rogers explained, the Obama administration decided that employers who fall below 100 employees “must certify to the IRS—under the threat of perjury—that the reasons for your employee head count have nothing to do with your opposition to or avoidance of Obamacare. .  .  . It’s jaw-dropping that if you fall below 100 employees, the burden will be on you to prove that you meant no disrespect to Obamacare.”
"... and now the White House has opened the door to prosecuting those they deem to be insufficiently committed to Obamacare. When will the nightmare end?' ”
The key point here for me is this:  "Unless, that is, our elected officials in Congress act to defend the rule of law. ...It’s Congress that has the powers of oversight, of the purse, of confirmation, and of legislation. It’s true that one chamber, the Senate, is of no use because for the Democrats who control it party loyalty seems to have trumped institutional responsibility. But the Republicans control the House, the people’s House.
"The Republican party’s “brand” has been tarnished in recent years... But perhaps part of the solution is for the Republican party to go back to its roots as the party of the rule of law and of equality before the law."
Emphases added, TD
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Executive Ordure

hope and change, hope n' change, obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, washington, lincoln, presidents day, vacation, golf, conservative, tea party, stilton jarlsberg
... "For the rest of us, the day largely boils down to two things: no mail and President's Day sales.

"Which, when you think about it, rather perfectly symbolizes the current officeholder: a lack of government services and, thanks to his "if you like your health insurance you can keep it" promise, the biggest and sleaziest sales job in our nation's history."

Making Of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"

Youtube    "See the first nine "The Hobbit: Behind the Scenes" videos presented by Peter Jackson, the director of the upcoming Hobbit Film Trilogy ("An Unexpected Journey", "The Desolation of Smaug", "There and Back Again"). The man behind the camera is Orlando Bloom (Legolas from the LoTR Trilogy). " 

Kathleen Willey: 'Hillary is the war on women'

"Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed by the president in the 1990s, is now sounding the alarm about the potential danger of Hillary Clinton becoming president.
“ 'Hillary Clinton is the war on women, and that’s what needs to be exposed here,” Willey said Sunday night on Aaron Klein’s WABC Radio show.
“ 'The point is what this woman is capable of doing to other women while she’s running a campaign basically on women’s issues. It just doesn’t make any sense. She singlehandedly orchestrated every one of the investigations of all these women [who accused her husband of sexual crimes]. They’re the people reminding us of how sordid this all is.' ” ....
Click below to listen to Part 1 of Klein’s interview with Kathleen Willey:
Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed by the president in the 1990s, is now sounding the alarm about the potential danger of Hillary Clinton becoming president.
“Hillary Clinton is the war on women, and that’s what needs to be exposed here,” Willey said Sunday night on Aaron Klein’s WABC Radio show.
“The point is what this woman is capable of doing to other women while she’s running a campaign basically on women’s issues. It just doesn’t make any sense. She singlehandedly orchestrated every one of the investigations of all these women [who accused her husband of sexual crimes]. They’re the people reminding us of how sordid this all is.”

Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed by the president in the 1990s, is now sounding the alarm about the potential danger of Hillary Clinton becoming president.
“Hillary Clinton is the war on women, and that’s what needs to be exposed here,” Willey said Sunday night on Aaron Klein’s WABC Radio show.
“The point is what this woman is capable of doing to other women while she’s running a campaign basically on women’s issues. It just doesn’t make any sense. She singlehandedly orchestrated every one of the investigations of all these women [who accused her husband of sexual crimes]. They’re the people reminding us of how sordid this all is.”

“All of these women’s groups, they’re all pro-Hillary, they need to … talk to someone like me and listen here, what Hillary Clinton has done to me and many, many, many other women. They are so hypocritical, it’s unbelievable. And this is the woman that wants to be president.”

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Pentagon’s Bow to Islamic Extremism

Raymond Ibrahim   “Caving to pressure from Muslim groups, the Pentagon has relaxed uniform rules to allow Islamic beards, turbans and hijabs. It’s a major win for political correctness and
 a big loss for military unit cohesion,” said a recent report.
"This new relaxation of rules for Muslims comes at a time when the FBI is tracking more than 100 suspected jihadi-infiltrators of the U.S. military.  Just last month, Craig Benedict Baxam, a former Army soldier and convert to Islam, was sentenced to seven years in prison due to his al-Qaeda/jihadi activities.   Also last month, Mozaffar Khazaee, an Iranian-American working for the Defense Department, was arrested for sending secret documents to America’s enemy, Iran."
"But it’s worse than that; for not only will it attract “more Muslims,” it will attract precisely the wrong kinds of Muslims, AKA, “Islamists,” “radicals,” etc."

ISRAEL: More Arab Muslim terrorists caught infiltrating Itamar

"Remember Itamar? Coming up on the 3rd anniversary of the Fogel family massacre, the IDF caught 4 armed Arabs trying to infiltrate into the town of Itamar.
Jewish Press   "On Friday night four terrorists were caught trying to infiltrate into the town of Itamar, in the Shomron. An IDF lookout saw four suspicious figures approaching the town and sent out a unit to search for the suspects. The IDF caught three of the infiltrators who immediately surrendered, while a fourth tried to run away and was also caught. 
"The terrorists were armed with knives, and equipment for breaking into homes. They were brought in for interrogation. In another month it is the anniversary of the 2011 Fogel family massacre, when residents of Awarta infiltrated into Itamar with knives, and killed most of the family members on a Friday night."

Alan Caruba: Liberal Media in Free Fall

"An enduring memory of my late Father is of him sitting in his chair by the fireplace reading The New York Times. As far as he was concerned, he was receiving the most accurate news of the nation and the world. Despite the many Pulitzer Prizes it has received over the years, he wasn’t.
"One of them went to Walter Duranty in 1932, a reporter who was an apologist for the Soviet Union’s Stalinist regime. History revealed that he failed to accurately report on the 1932-1933 famine that killed countless thousands in the Ukraine where collective farming had been imposed. In November 2003 the Pulitzer Board, decided not to revoke the prize. In its review of the 13 articles, the Board “concluded that there was not clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deceptions, the relevant standard in this case.” The Board extended its sympathy to Ukrainians."

... He did this whitewashing most prominently in the case of the Ukrainian Holodomor: the forced starvation of between 1.2 and 12 million ethnic Ukrainians, depending on whose estimates you believe. In other words, a lot of people. Duranty called that genocide “an exaggeration and malignant propaganda” in the newspaper of record. He also covered up the show trial of the British engineers who were tortured into falsely confessing that they were trying to sabotage Stalin’s Five-Year Plan …  and similar events … all the time excusing those Soviet misdeeds with what became his personal mantra: “You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.' ”

"This year too we are pleased to announce a new award for lifetime, that is repeated, achievement in mendacious journalism – The Rather.  This is in honor of former CBS anchorman Dan Rather, who famously lied on 60 Minutes about forged papers supposedly tarnishing President George W. Bush’s National Guard service.  Rather’s prevarications were responsible in part of the formation and naming of the Media formerly known as Pajamas, now PJ Media."

Saturday, February 15, 2014

US Needs to Get Real on Troubled Turkey

Caroline Glick; Why Turkey is gone for good   "Last Thursday, two Turkish businessmen stopped for lunch in a fish restaurant during a business trip to Edirne in the Babaeski region.
"At some point during their meal, the restaurant owner figured out that they were Jews.

"Rather than show them the hospitality Turkey is renowned for, he said he won’t serve Jews, and began cursing them and the Torah. He then took a long knife off the counter and threatened to kill them.

"The men ran for their lives.
This Turkish paper tells us that Obama likes and supports Erdogan along with his policies:  "Erdogan’s hatred of Jews, his authoritarian mindset and his Islamist ideology informed his decision to transform Turkey into one of the leading sponsors of terrorism. In addition to its massive support for Hamas, beginning in the 2006 First Lebanon War Turkey began providing assistance to Hezbollah.

"Then there is al-Qaida. Turkey has long harbored al-Qaida financiers. And according to IDF Intelligence head Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, Turkey hosts three al-Qaida bases on its territory that enable terrorists to transit between Europe and Syria."
The upshot of all the aforementioned is that: US Needs to Get Real on Troubled Turkey   "Amid this new policy of positive outreach to its neighbors, the one relationship that suffered was that with Israel. Beginning in 2008 with Turkish anger about not being warned about the imminent Israeli Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, and continuing with a public disagreement between Erdoğan and Israeli President Shimon Peres in 2009, relations worsened until they were officially cut off by Ankara following the attempt by private Turkish ships to run Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip, in which Israeli soldiers killed nine Turks."