Thomas Lifson "Obamacare has become so unpopular that entertainment industry stars are discovering that speaking out in favor of it comes at a cost. Take Will Ferrell for example. Evan Murray reports at Mediaite:"
Will Ferrell is the latest celebrity enlisted to help pitch the Affordable Care Act to the so-called “young invincible” crowd that needs to sign up in large numbers for the law to function:
But Ferrell’s #GetCovered post on Facebook on Monday led to an acidic sea of comments — over 4,000 and counting at press time, almost all of them negative. The actor’s followers lambasted both Ferrell for wading into politics, interspersed with links to anti-Obamacare articles from Townhall andWorld Net Daily….
Do the math: if we all know Obama lied about Obamacare, it stands to reason these people are as well. Maybe now their anti-fracking propaganda will suffer as well.