Friday, February 28, 2014

How Conservatives Can Take Back (Some of) Hollywood for Oscar Time

"If conservatives give up Hollywood, they give up the country. Game over."
Roger Simon at PJ Media;  ... "But as you run your personal boycott of Hollywood, remember this. Almost everyone else you know — be it family, friends, business associates and, most especially, your children — is not. They are consuming Hollywood entertainment in mammoth gulps. And politics, as the late Andrew Breitbart said repeatedly (and he was far from the only one), is downstream of culture.
"You give up Hollywood and you give up the country. Game over. And as we all know, it’s almost over already. Want that? Well, if you do, you can skip the rest of this article." ....

Harry Reid’s Horror Stories

"You like your doctor but you can’t keep him. You like your insurance but you can’t keep it. ObamaCare is a train wreck.

"Koch Brother Horror Stories

"These horror stories are all lies, lies, and damned lies according to cowboy poet Harry Reid. They didn’t really happen to you. They were ginned up at the un-American Brothers Koch Fairy Tale mill to send red state democrats running for cover."
I prefer the Koch Brothers to the Democrat's George Soros , the four-billion-dollar man.

Harry Reid: Liar    "Allahpundit described my reaction to Harry Reid’s latest broadsides against truth and decency rather accurately, writing that I was “virtually shaking with rage and disbelief that this tool could say this with a straight face.”  I eventually channeled that anger — and it was genuine anger — into a rapid fire Twitter fact-check of the US Senate’s dishonorable leader" ...
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Cited in this post is: Stephen Blackwood: ObamaCare and My Mother's Cancer Medicine.   "The news was dumbfounding. She used to have a policy that covered the drug that kept her alive. Now she's on her own."
And then, because our lawmakers and president thought they could do better, she had nothing. Her old plan, now considered illegal under the new health law, had been canceled.
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Levin Tells The Tea Party to Fight Obama's Tyranny: 'Firewall of The Constitution Has Been Breached'

Big Government   "Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin spoke at the Tea Party's fifth anniversary on Thursday morning from the Hyatt Regency in Washington, D.C. about the importance of maintaining the integrity of the U.S. Constitution..."

So much for the Constitution being a "living, breathing document". (Updated)

Update: Our living, breathing Constitution  "Many judges these days like to refer to the Constitution of the United States as a "living, breathing document," implying that its text is designed to be flexible. It is not. The Constitution is a set of rules, and like any other set of rules, it is meant to be strict and uncompromising. Of course, the Constitution can be modified through the amendment process, but once ratified, any amendment becomes like the rest of the Constitution; rigid."
"Once accountability has been sidestepped at any level or within any branch of government, the result is, by the very definition of the word, tyranny." .... 
Until 21st Century Democrats took power.

Photo: This gets it right....100%
"This ill-advised idea has been around since the early 20th century."
"Imagine contacting your auto insurance claims agent following an accident.  “I truly am sorry.  Your coverage is based upon a ‘living, breathing’ insurance policy.  What you signed up for has evolved and changed.  You’re actually not insured as you thought you were.' ”
Come to think about it, Obama's pledges about Obamacare could accurately be called living and breathing pledges; his redlines and threats to rogue dictators appear to be living and breathing. TD
 And Democrats in Congress enable this. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wounded War Hero’s Powerful Open Letter To ‘Elitist Rich Thug Obama:’ Dear Mr. President

Wounded War Hero’s Powerful Open Letter To ‘Elitist Rich Thug Obama
... "Regardless of why we went to Iraq, its water under the bridge. We went there, we waged war, and we not only owed it to our KIA’s but we owed it to the citizens of Iraq. We invaded their country and turned it upside down, and you bailed on them. You bailed on our soldiers and you’ve wasted every death and every limb, it’s all for nothing.  And to make matters worse you blame others for your failures" ...
Hat tip to Florin Parvu at Guardian Eagles

Hamburger, Coke And…Obamacare? Restaurants Now Charging Obamacare Fee On Your Meal

"Via CNN Money:"
Several restaurants in a Florida chain are asking customers to help foot the bill for Obamacare.
Diners at eight Gator’s Dockside casual eateries are finding a 1% Affordable Care Act surcharge on their tabs, which comes to 15 cents on a typical $15 lunch tab. Signs on the door and at tables alert diners to the fee, which is also listed separately on the bill.
The Gator Group’s full-time hourly employees won’t actually receive health insurance until December. But the company said it implemented the surcharge now because of the compliance costs it’s facing ahead of the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate kicking in in 2015.
“The costs associated with ACA compliance could ultimately close our doors,” the sign reads. “Instead of raising prices on our products to generate the additional revenue needed to cover the costs of ACA compliance, certain Gator’s Dockside locations have implemented a 1% surcharge on all food and beverage purchases only.”

Gov. Brewer vetoes Arizona SB 1062

gay flag
 ... "While the bill is an attempt to broaden who is covered under its religious freedom protections, in all cases it actually narrows when a religious belief could be used to refuse service.
"Here are six important points to understand about the just-passed (but now vetoed) bill:...
 Razing Arizona: Conservatives Succeed at Failing Again   ... "After all, observers such as Napp Nazworth at The Christian Post contend that SB 1062 might actually — contrary to all the hysteria — have made it harder for most business owners to refuse service to homosexuals. This analysis may have merit and can be read here, but it’s irrelevant to a larger point:
"The GOP’s handling of this matter was a good illustration of conservatism’s fatal flaw."

The NY Times has it's opinion on this   "The bill was inspired by episodes in other states in which florists, photographers and bakers were sued for refusing to cater to same-sex couples. But it would have allowed much broader religious exemptions by business owners."

Rich Lowry: Brewer's Foolish Veto  "Clocking in at barely two pages, it was easy to scan for disparaging references to homosexuality, for veiled references to homosexuality, for any references to homosexuality at all.
"They weren’t there. A headline from The Week declared, “There is nothing Christian about Arizona’s anti-gay bill.” It would be more accurate to say that there was nothing anti-gay about Arizona’s anti-gay bill." ...
Rich Lowry is editor of National Review.

Obama's redlines and deadlines

President Clouseau.
Victor Davis Hanson: Ukraine and Our Useless Outrage ;  "The history of Obama’s foreign-policy posturing bodes ill for the future of Ukraine."   
... "Given Kerry’s loud global-warming sermonizing and the administration’s serial threats, bad actors abroad probably believe that burning too much coal is more likely to anger the U.S. than shooting protesters or gassing enemies." ...
 James Longstreet; Author of Deadlines, Keeper of None   ... "Is it racist to note that the “resetting” with the Russians was a unilateral effort steeped in naivete?  Some hold Obama as the most naïve President of all time. Is the START treaty worth the paper it is written on?  Putin is playing shirtless macho hard ball while Obama throws high arcing slow balls (a la his “first pitch”) in his “mom jeans”.  
"The world is a tinder box and the nefarious have read the Obama message of empty outrage, too often half hearted vapid indignation.  China watches."

By golly, here is one that popped up today: US warns Russia on war games as tensions mount in Ukraine's Crimea  " The United States warned Russia it would be a "grave mistake" to intervene militarily in Ukraine, as the Kremlin ordered 150,000 troops to test their combat readiness and armed men seized government buildings in Ukraine's Crimea region and raised a Russian flag over a barricade.
Well, leastwise Al Sharpton still kneels at the Obama altar:

VIDEO: Idaho Muslim Police Officer Kicks, Shoots and Kills a Disabled Man’s Service Dog

Atlas Shrugs  "Hostility to dogs is deeply ingrained in Muslim culture. Muhammad said that a dog passing in front of a man who was praying would invalidate his prayer (so would a woman passing in front of him, which is why women pray behind men at mosques). Other hadiths depict him ordering all dogs killed except hunting dogs. So this Muslim police officer’s actions were consistent with Islamic culture, but reprehensible in American culture. This cop gives the lie to the multicultural idea that American can allow mass immigration of Muslims without any consequences."
Be warned: "This video is horrible, very tough to watch. Dogs are reviled under Islam — watch this Muslim police officer first kick the dog and then just shoot the dog to death:"


From Bokbluster: Polar Vortex Crosses Red Line in Climate War

140226-climate-polar vortex-red-line
"The Polar Vortex is back. Used to be March just came in like a lion.
It doesn’t matter. Lions, lambs, vortexes, snow, rain, drought, ObamaCare – it’s all your fault. All things are made by man-caused global warming. Al Gore says so, John Kerry says so, and President Obama says so.

 "Vortex of Climate Change

"So, if you like your polar vortex, you can keep your polar vortex. Period."
... "Same goes for a Derecho, which I learned last summer means rain storm."
Chip Bok

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Raise the minimum wage to $14 an hour using this one weird trick!

Raise the minimum wage to $14 an hour using this one weird trick!
"Democrats believe they’ve hit on the perfect issue to distract from the horror of Obamacare in the 2014 elections: the minimum wage.
"Apparently, increasing the minimum wage was not important for American workers during the first five years of Obama’s presidency — least of all his first two years, when Democrats controlled Congress and could have passed anything. (And did!)
"No. The minimum wage did not become a pressing concern until an election year in which the public’s hatred of Obamacare is expected to be the central issue."  ....
... "Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal responded that the Obama economy is a minimum wage economy. Jay Carney said Jindal prefers a $7.25 economy.The Office of Management and Budget says raising the minimum wage will cost 500, 000 jobs.
"Meanwhile, the economy in North Dakota is booming. Wages there are soaring for workers who do the one thing the president hates most – produce fossil fuels."

Welfare Pays More Than Working in 66% of States

"America has always prided itself on its work ethic. American capitalism is supposed to reward you for working hard with a higher quality of life, while socialism makes sure that everyone’s life is “average.”
"A new study shows that America has taken another step closer to socialism.
"The Cato Institute released a study showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 states and the District of Columbia. Even worse, welfare pays more than $15 per hour in 13 states.
"According to the study, welfare benefits have increased faster than minimum wage. It’s now more profitable to sit at home than it is to earn an honest day’s pay.
"Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13 per hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary, all for doing nothing. It’s no wonder they are looking to ship their homeless back to the mainland.

CATO Institute corroborates this story   "This article appeared on New York Post (Online) on August 19, 2013."
Hat tip to John Uhrig; Plano, TX