Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Remember the promises that made this nation vote for Barack Obama?

Millionaires Need Your Help!

Ann Coulter
... "Here's another idea: How about a federal law mandating that employers of illegal aliens take responsibility for the people they hire? Why is the taxpayer on the hook for illegal aliens' food, housing and medical care, when Chuck Herrin got 100 percent of the profit from their cheap labor?
  " 'We" got hospital emergency rooms jammed with illegal aliens when we came in with heart attacks. "We" got the crime, drunk-driving and drug trafficking associated with illegal aliens. "We" got the overcrowded schools filled with kids whose illegal alien parents don't pay property taxes. "We" got to press "one" for English."
"I care more about my fellow Americans who can't get well-paying jobs than I do about multimillionaire farmers, demanding that the rest of us pay to support an industry that claims it can't compete without taxpayer-subsidized illegal alien labor."

Obamacare: what parts of it are here to stay?

“ 'If it turns out that the overwhelming majority of the so-called 7.1 were people who had health insurance, liked their health insurance, were renewing their health insurance, and got kicked off their health insurance, whose lives are disrupted, premiums are raised, deductibles are raised, and lost their doctors are now among the 7.1 . . . it’s a net negative,” Krauthammer said."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

The Website Is only a Symptom  "Daily Beast columnist and CNN contributor Sally Kohn took to Twitter on Monday with a triumphant message to Republicans.  “Once again, Republicans,” she tweeted, “if you’re [sic] biggest attack against Obamacare is the website,that’s a sign you’re losing the larger debate.”
"Kohn’s tweet echoes a common theme among ObamaCare’s myriad media bulwarks like her-- a suggestion that criticism focusing on the technical issues experienced by the online ObamaCare exchanges is a sign of weakness in the public debate over healthcare."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Jennifer Rubin; Obamacare is not forever   "It will behoove the House to pass its alternative. It will be necessary for every 2016 contender for president to lay out his or her own ideas. If Republican reformers are serious, they will present a whole slew of GOP proposals to make life better for middle-class and poor voters, starting with a better health-care system, school choice, a pro-growth economic plan and a domestic energy initiative.
"The president has it exactly wrong. The debate hasn’t ended; it’s just begun."

The French Trains were on the Wrong Track

American Thinker  "Memory can be painful, even extremely painful. The death on March 8, 2014 of 93-year-old Leo Bretholz has evoked memories of a still painful and controversial issue in wartime France. His small role in history and in current lawsuits in Maryland resulted from his action on November 5, 1942 when he leaped from a train carrying him and a thousand other Jews to Auschwitz. That train, number 42 of the convoys taking Jews on the journey to their death, was operated by the French railway company, the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (SNCF).
"The issue came up again after the SNCF had won rail contracts in Virginia and Massachusetts, and was bidding for contracts in California and Florida." ....
"Was SNCF was merely an instrument of the Nazi war machine or an independent agent? The company claims it was coerced rather than responsible for its actions."

Somehow we failed to notice this on April 1

"It would be great if humor were one of the attributes colleges and universities looked for in students, faculty, and administrators. But humor aggravates the perpetually aggrieved, so it's more of a liability in institutions."
Another comment to this post:
My institution sent around a mildly amusing "special edition" of the Friday campus newsletter, designed not to be offensive to anyone.

Then they killed humor dead with this tone-deaf note:

Editor's note: all material included in this special edition is satirical in conjunction with April Fools. These articles are meant to be humorous and should not be assumed as truthful reporting.
Has there ever been a more awkward phrase than "satirical in conjunction with April Fools."
Political correctness has decayed the traditional American sense of humor.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Environmentalists to the Peasants: Drop Dead

california drought, Cagle, Feb. 21, 2014
Commentary Magazine   "California is going through a terrible drought and 2013 was the driest on record in the state. So who is suffering, financially and otherwise, from its effects? 

"Hint: it is not the coastal elite. The water still flows to the upscale neighborhoods of La Jolla, Malibu, and Marin County. Their lawns are watered, their BMW’s washed and polished, their swimming pools full.

"No, it’s the farmers in the Central Valley and the agricultural workers who are idled as 500,000 acres of the best farmland on the planet lies fallow. Where is their water going? To save the environment." ...

Victor Davis Hanson: America's coastal royalty out of touch

Commander-in-Chief Obama Told Military Leaders: Accept Gays In Military Or Step Down, Admiral Says

Buzzfeed   "In a 2010 meeting in the Oval Office, the president told service chiefs they could “go do other things” if they didn’t support abolishing DADT, Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Robert Papp said."

 "In a meeting with the heads of the five service branches in 2010, President Obama offered the leaders a choice: Support my efforts to end the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, or resign, the Commandant of the Coast Guard said.
"In a video obtained by BuzzFeed via a Freedom of Information Act request, Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Robert Papp revealed that Obama was unwilling to compromise with service leaders over DADT during a meeting in 2010. “We were called into the Oval Office and President Obama looked all five service chiefs in the eye and said, ‘This is what I want to do.’ I cannot divulge everything he said to us, that’s private communications within the Oval Office, but if we didn’t agree with it — if any of us didn’t agree with it — we all had the opportunity to resign our commissions and go do other things,” he said."

The President and the Pope, as told by the White House

Chip Bok; Pope and President 
"The pope gave the president a copy of Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel)."....
Obama surely loved the publication's opinion of free markets, but these next words, well, not so much:
Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to care with particular love and concern are unborn children, the most defenceless and innocent among us. Nowadays efforts are made to deny them their human dignity and to do with them whatever one pleases, taking their lives and passing laws preventing anyone from standing in the way of this. Frequently, as a way of ridiculing the Church’s effort to defend their lives, attempts are made to present her position as ideological, obscurantist and conservative. Yet this defence of unborn life is closely linked to the defence of each and every other human right. ...  Full article

Thomas Sowell; How Foreign Is Our Policy?

The American Spectator  "Drawing red lines in disappearing ink."
Excerpts below:
Drawing red lines in disappearing ink makes an international mockery of not only this president’s credibility, but also the credibility of future American presidents’ commitments.
... "Many who are disappointed with what seem to be multiple fiascoes in President Obama’s foreign policy question his competence and blame his inexperience. Such critics may be right, but it is by no means certain that they are.
"Like those who are disappointed with Barack Obama’s domestic policies, critics of his foreign policy may be ignoring the fact that you cannot know whether someone is failing or succeeding without knowing what he is trying to do.
"Whether Obamacare, for example, is a success or a failure, depends on whether you think the president’s goal is to improve the medical treatment of Americans or to leave as his permanent legacy a system of income redistribution, through Obamacare, and tight government control of the medical profession."
The painful irony is that Jeremiah Wright was just one in a series of Obama’s mentors hostile to America, resentful of successful Americans, and convinced that America had too much power internationally, and needed to be brought down a peg.

Sowell's most poignant words come at the close of the article:

...Virtually every major move of the Obama administration has reduced the power, security, and influence of America and its allies. Cutbacks in military spending, while our adversaries have increased their military buildups, ensure that these changes to our detriment will continue, even after Barack Obama has left the White House.

Is that failure or success?

Sebelius Speechless After Reporter Tells Her How Unpopular ACA Is

Newsmax   "Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was forthcoming in response to an Oklahoma City news reporter's questions about Obamacare on the last day for sign-ups — until he told her how unpopular President Barack Obama's healthcare plan is with people in his own state.

"Then she was speechless.

"The awkward pause occurred Monday morning during an interview with CBS affiliate KWTV reporter Stan Miller in which Sebelius gave several last-minute details for those who had not met the March 31 open enrollment deadline.

"The interview was almost over when Miller told her that "at last check, 64 percent of Oklahomans aren't buying into the health care plan, they don't like Obamacare, and they've been pretty vocal about it. Now that's going to be — still continues to be — a tough sell, but we'll see how that plays out over the coming months.' "

The Joke's on Us

"You can’t make this stuff up. On the health law’s pseudo-deadline day, following a huge push for people to visit the website, went down. Politico summed it up: was down for six hours early Monday morning. Then it was up. Then it activated its “virtual waiting room.” Then it blocked newcomers trying to create accounts. Then it was working again…
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says Obamacare is having problems getting off the ground because “people are not educated on how to use the Internet.” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says Obamacare is a “political winner,” while “Saturday Night Live” lampoons the administration’s attempts to connect with young Americans through any celebrity and social network available." ....