Nancy Pelosi,'Crisis Opportunist' Spokesperson "Nancy Pelosi chiding political opponents for politicizing an issue is like Madonna scolding Lady Gaga for being a shameless exhibitionist. Especially when, during the press conference, the minority speaker asked, “Can we just have a woman ask a question? Because we do have to go, but not before we hear from a woman.' ”
... For starters, she declared that whether or not one is born in this country, "We're all Americans in this hemisphere. North and South America." Semantically, she's right. Legally and Constitutionally, she's out of her botoxed noggin. By her bizarre hemispheric definition, Fidel Castro is an American - entitled to Obamacare, food stamps, and the right to vote for Democrats without showing an I.D.
"The abortion-loving Pelosi then rhapsodized that "every child has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect. What we saw in those [detention and holding] rooms was a dazzling, sparkling array of God's children." Although before you start imagining the Vienna Boys Choir based on Nancy's description, keep in mind the sparkling array of interesting diseases some are carrying, including HIV, TB, and scabies ...
Obama is shameless, plain shameless on immigration reform ..."Then President Obama blamed the GOP for refusing to put immigration to a vote.
"And this is where he is just shamelessly shameless, if there is such a state of shamelessness.
"President Obama had majorities in the House and 60 votes in the US in 2009-10. He proposed nothing!
"In 2012, he pandered to Hispanic groups by going around Congress on "the dreamers".
"All in all, he did nothing when he had the votes and used the issue to pander for reelection.
Obama is shameless, plain shameless on immigration reform ..."Then President Obama blamed the GOP for refusing to put immigration to a vote.
"And this is where he is just shamelessly shameless, if there is such a state of shamelessness.
"President Obama had majorities in the House and 60 votes in the US in 2009-10. He proposed nothing!
"In 2012, he pandered to Hispanic groups by going around Congress on "the dreamers".
"All in all, he did nothing when he had the votes and used the issue to pander for reelection.