Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Alan Caruba: When the World Goes Crazy it First Kills Jews

Warning Signs

If the far right were the Nazis who wanted to kill all Jews, why does the left call us who love Israel "the far right"?
"Consider this, if there had been a state of Israel in the 1930s, many more European Jews would have been able to escape the fate that consumed six million of them during the Nazi Holocaust during World War II."
"I don’t see any difference between the Nazis of the 1930s and the Islamists of these years. The Nazis received a lot of support from the Arabs of their era. As for Islam, the Koran is filled with admonitions against Jews in particular and every other “infidel” in general. While there have been periods of tolerance for Jews over the past 1,400 years, the animus towards them has never been reduced and, in present times, we have seen a massive rejection of Christians as well. When Israel became a state in 1948, thousands of Jews from throughout the Middle East fled for their lives to settle there.

"What history confirms is that a rise of anti-Semitism has been a signal of greater, wider troubles to come."     Full article...

Saintly old Palestinian (if there is such a thing) grandmother recalls golden memories of slaughtering Jews.

... "The massacre, together with that of Jews in Safed, sent shock waves through Jewish communities in Palestine and around the world. It led to the re-organization and development of the Jewish paramilitary organization, the Haganah, which later became the nucleus of the Israel Defense Forces.[citation needed]
"In the metanarrative of Zionism, according to Michelle Campos, the event became 'a central symbol of Jewish persecution at the hands of bloodthirsty Arabs'[4] and was 'engraved in the national psyche of Israeli Jews', particularly those who settled in Hebron after 1967.[5] Hillel Cohen regards the massacre as marking a point-of-no-return in Arab-Jewish relations, and forcing the Mizrahi Jews to join forces with Zionism.[6]"

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