Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Islamist speaks of the borders that will disappear and of the countries next to Israel that will become Islamic

Background and definition of terms: Sykes–Picot Agreement. It established the borders of nations in the area, breaking up the Ottoman Empire.  This was followed in 1917 later by the Balfour Declaration , creating the future state of Israel and angering many in the Middle East, including the writer of the article linked to here.

The Gateway Pundit    "The Islamist Abu Saffiya from Chile, shows off the spoils of war and raises the Islamic flag at a former Iraqi military base. Another Islamist mocks Obama at the end of the video:"

He unlocks a door in a former border checkpoint, revealing Iraqi soldiers who are prisoners in a windowless room. Later in this same video, the building is blown up with no sign of the prisoners being let out first.

ISIS Mocks Obama in Latest Video: “Obama, Did You Prepare Enough Diapers For Your Soldiers?”

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