Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tea Party: Learn From Al Gore

Ann Coulter   "Chris McDaniel, candidate for the U.S. Senate from Mississippi, lost the Republican runoff to incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran last month, and now he is being led down a primrose path to political oblivion. McDaniel's passionate supporters think that a moment of crisis for the country is a good time to treat control of the Senate as if it's a prom queen election.
"Hoping for yet a third primary vote, McDaniel's crew is going to prevent him from having any political career, ever again."Observe that no one is asking Al Gore to run again, except maybe his cardiologist. Even in cases of actual vote fraud, history shows that the contesting politicians get branded as sore losers and destroy their political careers. Better to be magnanimous and live to fight another day.Here are a few examples:"   Full article...


Anita Kutniki
Which makes me wonder; Whose brilliant idea was
it to make the Democrats blue instead of giving them
the red? Red has been the color of socialism  for 
 a century.
... "YET, the handwriting has been on the wall, for heavens sake, too many times to count. Never mind…

"DO readers recall the recent plight of a concerned parent, a former prosecutor no less, who was arrested at a school board meeting in New Hampshire, all for the “crime” of questioning the (mis)educators of his 14 yr old daughter? Well, when the fish stinks from the head up, those in positions of authority, whether local school boards or what not, feel freer to bring down the hammer, to silence, if disagreed with! Can you imagine? Is this America, or a third world tyranny?
RECOUNT TWO:"   ..... Keep reading...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

 NBC News' Chuck Todd: Obama administration looks like it's 'struggling to run the government'     "An MSNBC  (wait!....what??) panel suggested Wednesday that the myriad of scandals surrounding the White House have finally overwhelmed top Obama officials, giving off the sense that the administration is “struggling to run the government.' ”  Video.

Dem. Rep. Henry Cuellar Rips Obama: 'Aloof,' 'Bizarre,' and 'Detached'   

... "He's so close to the border. And let me say this: when I saw, and I hate to use the word bizarre, but under the circumstances, when he is shown playing pool in Colorado, drinking a beer, and he can't even go 242 miles to the Texas border, and plus, if he doesn't want to go down to the border, there's the Air Force Base where HHS is holding some of the young kids from the border. He could at least make that trip to San Antonio, but again, border community leaders wants to see him down there on the border, and I think the optics and the substance of it is that he should show up at the border," said Cuellar.

"And he had some advice for the White House."If they are worried about putting a face, the president's face, to this human crisis, humanitarian crisis, I think it's worse if he doesn't even show up. Either way, he's going to be tied into this humanitarian crisis. he either can roll up his sleeves and go down to the border, or he can just look aloof and detached and not go to the border, send surrogates down there, and say that he's got everything under control."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

"He adds, "It Just floored me, because if he's saying he's too busy to go to the border but you have time to drink beer, play pool."
The president was in Colorado last night -- drinking beer and playing pool.

Democrats; the party of demagogues, Occupiers. Larry Flynt, Harry Reid, and Mike Dickinson; doing what they do best.

This is not our father's Democrat Party. Conservatives, do not do things like this; we have to be better than liberals.

Mike Dickinson, the Virginia liberal Democrat, offers reward for nude photos of hunter-cheerleader Kendall Jones
Virginia Democrat Mike Dickinson offers $100,000 reward for nude photos of hunter Kendall Jones.
Kendall Jones/Facebook via CBS News
"Mike Dickinson, the Virginia liberal Democrat seeking the House seat currently held by Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., despite not being on the ballot, offered a $100,000 reward for nude photos and videos of Kendall Jones, the 19-year-old Texas Tech cheerleader who recently made news with a series of hunting photos on her Facebook page.
" 'I have 100k to anyone who has nude photos or videos of #kendalljones at Texas tech (sic)," Dickinson tweeted. "She deserves to be a target."
Dickinson's campaign, if one can even call it that, has consisted primarily of unhinged, inappropriate rants on Twitter, attacking critics and declaring war on those with whom he disagrees, which is pretty much anyone to the right of Josef Stalin. He routinely refers to members of the Tea Party as terrorists, saying in a recent tweet that a "dead teabagger is a good teabagger."
More on Dickinson here: Va. Dem. says he wants to 'decimate' Christians, 'eradicate' Tea Party    " 'Said it proudly! Want to decimate the tea party, the NRA, bible thumpers, and Fox News zombies? Vote for me," he tweeted."

More on this subject as pertaining to Democrats:


Mr. Boortz connects some dots and draws a conclusion from them. If you disagree with any of his points, be specific and detailed about them. Inane remarks such as, "moronic post", and "delusional" just do not impress anyone except the other liberals in your high school class.

obama, obama jokes, 4th of july, july 4, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, constitution, political, humor
Neal Boortz   ... "OK.  Sit down.  I have a diagnosis for you.  This reality is going to be hard to accept.  You may have first heard this diagnosis a few years ago, and totally rejected it.  New tests – more modern tests -- have been run.  Better research has been performed.  I’m sorry, but the diagnosis has been confirmed.  Many of you who are just now studying the issue are going to embrace the denial stage immediately.  If you read on, if you pay attention, if you have even a semblance of an open mind, you’re going to see that this diagnosis is pretty much accurate.

"Diagnosis:  America is currently being ruled by a man who came to this country in 1979 determined to destroy America as we know it, and who is well on his way to realizing that goal. 

"There!  There’s the denial, right?  That Boortz guy is just a hater.  Barack Obama cares so much for people.  It’s those Republicans and their obstructionism that have made him look so bad. Go ahead … go with that response for a while, but I’m going to give you some facts to digest.  Call them dots.  Connect them yourself.  See where they lead you.

            "I’ve blogged about Obama’s history – his upbringing – many times.  If you’re reading this you’ve probably read my previous thoughts on the subject. I do have a different and more concise way to express to you the reality of 0bama’s formative years.  Let’s try this:" ...

With one exception, every single person involved in bringing Obama into this world, nurturing him, educating him and escorting him into adulthood literally despised America.  From the time he was born until the time he left home in Hawaii to attend Occidental College in California, every single person involved in raising Obama thought America was a blight on the world. 

UPDATED: School leader mocks Michelle O’s bake sale restrictions: We can’t fundraise ‘selling carrot sticks’

Vote Democrat to get more of this:

Education Action Group Foundation  "NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee State Board of Education has passed sweeping new restrictions on student bake sales in order to be compliant with federal rules on school snacks, and a lot of people are unhappy about it.

"In order to comply with the Michelle Obama-inspired regulations, Tennessee schools will only be allowed to have bake sales 30 days per school year.

"State Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman said it was “quite remarkable” that food fundraisers would be regulated by how many days they can be held, noting that this will prevent high school sports teams from holding weekly food fundraisers, according to The Tennessean.

"Others were more direct in their criticism.

“ 'It’s unbelievable to me the amount of guidelines that are there,” state Board of Education Chairman Fielding Rolston said, according to the newspaper."

Perhaps the Obama's will simply choose not to enforce the law. Naaaa.

#ThanksMichelle: Students Tweet Photos of Skimpy, Stomach-Turning School Lunches
Lunch Tweet

Shocking moment ISIS militants take sledgehammers to Mosul tomb of Prophet Jonah

UK Daily Mail

Violent attack: An ISIS militant is filmed taking a sledgehammer to an Iraqi tombstone - smashing it to pieces
"One of the devastated tombstones belonged to the Prophet Jonah (Younis in Arabic) and was revered by Muslims and Christians alike, according to Iraqi authorities.
"The prophet, who is the central figure in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Jonah, is best known for being swallowed by a fish or a whale, depending on translation." ...
Destroyed: The photographs were posted on a website which frequently carries official statements from the Islamic State extremist group
... "The photographs of the destroyed churches and mosques that emerged last week were posted on a website which frequently carries official statements from ISIS.
"Some of them showed bulldozers plowing through walls, while others featured buildings being demolished by explosives in a cloud of smoke and rubble.
"Residents from both Mosul and Tal Afar confirmed the destruction of the sites, the Associated Press reported."

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fast Food Giant Releases “Pride” Burger to Support LGBT Community     "Burger King has decided it’s not enough to sell fast food burgers… they now need to serve burgers with a purpose.

"So they’ve gone ahead and jumped on the “gay pride” bandwagon and released their new “gay pride” burger called The Proud Whopper.

"The promotional video below shows the new burger and how some people are responding to it."

..."Released in San Francisco for their 44th annual Gay Pride event, there was nothing special about the burger. It was the same exact $4.29 Whopper you could get at any other Burger King across the U.S."

"Released in San Francisco for their 44th annual Gay Pride event, there was nothing special about the burger. It was the same exact $4.29 Whopper you could get at any other Burger King across the U.S."

The way things are in Israel

Lizi Hameiri shared this at Tea Party  "The best movie that shows simply and best the situation about Hamas provoking Israel and then goes crying to the world, as if they were victims ( while they are the aggressors) and the world condemns Israel."
Post by Yohai Touitou.


No border visit for the Prez

Obama 'would welcome’ visit with Perry to talk about the border 
But not ON the border, no, no, no.

All these from Drudge:
BORDER BREAKDOWN:Third group of illegals dropped in CA...
MAYOR: Never Contacted About Dumping...
Feds to Bring in Riot Squad...
Showdown 'might get ugly'...
LAPD Will No Longer Comply With ICE Hold Requests...
Militia groups organize...
'Operation Secure Our Border'...
CRUZ: 95% Coming to get Amnesty...
WH Says 'Most' Will Be Deported...
Is this 'Obama's Katrina'?
Tuberculosis spreading at camps...
More illegals from China crossing...
Email Shows Feds Struggling To Find Housing...
Leaked 'Homeland' Memo: 99.9% of illegal minors from Central America evade deportation...
Protesters Pack Streets Outside Federal Building In Downtown LA...

School nutrition group turns on Michelle O, now fighting federal lunch regulations

Education Action Group Foundation    "Most recently, the School Nutrition Association – which initially championed the new federal lunch standards on fruits, vegetables, salt, fat, sugar and virtually every other aspect of school lunches when they were implemented in 2012 – is now lobbying Congress to dial back the “overly prescriptive” and expensive changes, the New York Times News Service reports."
"SNA officials rightly point out that many students are throwing away the additional fruits and vegetables included in their lunches, amounting to $684 million in food waste every year – or roughly “enough to serve complete reimbursable school lunches to more than 228 million students,” according to the Times."

Monday, July 7, 2014

Costco to remove all copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s bestselling book “America: Imagine the World Without Her”

Costco removing D'Souza's 'America' from shelves  ... "The book, in this mid-term election year, is a strong rebuttal of the progressive ideology behind President Obama’s policies, which have been supported by Costco co-founder and director Jim Senegal, a major Democrat donor and a speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention that nominated the president. A Washington Post political reporter has noted Obama’s “romance” with the nation’s second-largest retailer.

Add caption
"Costco co-founder and director James D. Sinegal spoke at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, which nominated President Obama for a second term.

"Sinegal, who retired as Costco CEO in January 2013, said Obama’s re-election would be better for businesses than a country led by Mitt Romney.

"American companies, he said, need “a president who takes the long view and makes the tough decisions,” said Sinegal.

“ 'That’s why I am here tonight supporting President Obama, a president making an economy built to last,” he said."...
Hat tip to Walt Stier; Santa Maria, Ca
  Media Not Very Curious about D’Souza Indictment    ... "Arkansas trial lawyer Tab Turner, as Overlawyered recounted in 2006, reimbursed donors of $8,000 to John Edwards’ 2004 presidential campaign and just had to cough up a $9,500 civil fine. By highlighting the contrast in his post Thursday, Olson seemed to be suggesting that D’Souza has been selectively targeted for prosecution because he’s so critical of the Obama administration.