This Circuit Court’s Obamacare Decision Could Have Huge Consequences " [Tuesday] the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dealt a blow to the Obama administration, ruling that the language of the Obamacare law only established federal subsidies for individuals enrolling in state-run health care exchanges, not for individuals enrolling in federal-run state-level health care exchanges.
Since 36 states (the administration might deem it 27 states based on nine states’ cooperation with federal exchanges) have opted not to run their own exchanges, this ruling has significant implications for the practical implementation of Obamacare.How easy is it for fake applicant to get Obamacare subsidy? "That's a question asked by the Government Accountability Office, who sent investigators out to test the system.
The results are astonishing." ...
Drafting error vs. poor draftsmanship ... " But it doesn’t matter whether the provision appears in Obamacare because Congress was half-witted or too clever by a half. The provision exists, and it is illegitimate for a court to nullify it."
Althouse: Nothing to see here! Move along! That Obamacare case is nothing — nothing, I tell you!
... "Because of the conflicting rulings, a smug Josh Earnest says that the White House will ask for the whole hot mess to be reviewed by a higher appeals court with 11 members - 7 of whom were appointed by Democrats. Guess how that body will rule." ...