Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Ann Coulter  ...  "Throughout the 1990s, the nation was fixated on tales of jack-booted New Jersey state troopers who were stopping speeders on the turnpike just because they were black! In a 2000 primary debate, Vice President Al Gore sneered at then-New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley, saying, "Racial profiling practically began in New Jersey, Senator Bradley."

"Attorney General Eric Holder recently paid tribute to the myth, claiming that when he was in college, he had been stopped "driving from New York to Washington." He didn't mention how fast he was going.

"The story never made sense. How could the troopers tell the race of drivers in speeding cars? Did they wait until the driver rolled down his window and, if he was white, say, "Oh, sorry -- have a nice day!"

"But the Clinton administration was slapping consent decrees for racial profiling on police departments across the country, and the N.J. highway patrol was its prime evidence, based on a study that a child wouldn't believe." ...

Steven Sotloff, killed by Islamic State, had deep roots in Israel

Revealed: Big Faith Secrets Journalist Steven Sotloff Kept From ISIS Captors Before His Beheading    "According to interviews noted by, Sotloff was a proud and faithful Jew who moved to Israel almost ten years ago and became an Israeli citizen. Friends say that, even as a captive of the Islamic State, he secretly worshipped by “praying toward Jerusalem.' ”

Times of Israel

Journalist Steve Sotloff in Jordan, 2009. (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)
"Steven Sotloff, the American journalist whose gruesome beheading was confirmed in a video released Tuesday night by Islamic State terrorists in Syria, first came to know Israel as an optimistic government student at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. On Wednesday afternoon, the Foreign Ministry cleared for publication the fact that he held Israeli citizenship."
"Sotloff, Kessler said, never shared his Jewish identity with anyone in the field, opting instead to tell locals that he had been raised Muslim but secular, without mosque affiliation. He sometimes even chose to tell people that he was of Chechen origin, and that Sotloff – a name that rings decidedly Jewish to those familiar with Jewish names – was actually a Chechen name."... Full article

Rand Paul: U.S. Must 'Destroy ISIS Militarily'. (I had been worrying about Rand having his dad's "be nice to them and they'll be nice to us" foreign policy)

“If I were President, I would call a joint session of Congress..."

Daily Caller   "Rand Paul is often labeled by his critics an isolationist, but the Republican senator from Kentucky is now calling on President Obama to outline plans to use the military to “destroy” the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“ 'If I were President, I would call a joint session of Congress,” Paul told the Associated Press. “I would lay out the reasoning of why ISIS is a threat to our national security and seek congressional authorization to destroy ISIS militarily.”

"Over the weekend, Paul, the AP reported, told a crowd of conservative activists in Texas at a summit organized by Americans for Prosperity that “if the president has no strategy, maybe it’s time for a new president.”

"ISIS — or the Islamic State, as they now call themselves — is killing opponents as it takes lands in Syria and Iraq in an attempt to establish an Islamic caliphate. The Islamic State has also taken responsibility for the beheading of two American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff."

Truth Revolt  

Obama contradicts himself on ISIS strategy in Estonia presser

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Thomas Lifson  "Where in the world is Obama’s strategy for dealing with ISIS? Apparently not in Tallinn, Estonia, where the president of the United States contradicted himself this morning on his search for his strategy in dealing with ISIS.

"First, he said:
“The bottom line is this: our objective is clear. That is to degrade and destroy ISIL so that it is no longer a threat not just to Iraq but also to the region and to the United States.”
“Degrade and destroy” seems pretty clear. ISIS will be weakened and then will cease to exist, if the president has his way.
But then, later in the course of his somewhat rambling (that’s a charitable adjective) remarks, he said:
"We know that if we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink ISIL's sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point  where it is a manageable problem." 
"A “manageable problem” is a very different goal than destroying ISIS.

"This incoherence is a very serious problem, for it strongly suggests the president is
dithering, unable to make up his mind, and therefore unable to take decisive action."

Watch the man putter around the edges of this threat until the next president takes office. I think his hope is that none of this will come to a head until then after which Obama can blame the new administration for all the ills of the world just as he has blamed George Bush.

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Islamic State touts Foley Beheading as a “Cooling Balm For The Believers’ Hearts,” Taunts Obama

So much for the Muslim world loving us after Mr. Obama's outreach to them.
By the way, how's that NASA outreach to the Muslim world working out?

Pamela Geller  "Savages.

"But according to the Obama administration and his organ grinder’s monkeys in the media, it’s “islamophobia” that’s the problem. Got that?

"Obama [says], The Islamic State “has nothing to do with” Islam.

"Say what you want about Bush, but no one was taunting us after 9/11.

"Say what you want about Bush, but there were no more journalists beheaded after Daniel Pearl.

"The Islamic State  again demands the release of Aafia Siddiqui, who is serving an 86-year sentence for attempting to murder Americans in Afghanistan and plotting “mass-casualty” attacks in New York. One of her lawyers, Farha Ahmed,   is running for office  as a Republican in Texas." 
A Republican? Islamists are usually Democrat supporters, wouldn't  you say?

Al-Hayat Media, an important part of the Islamic State’s propaganda machine, released the third issue of its English-language jihadist publication Dabiq Friday. In it they write:
..."Obama acts “more foolishly” than Bush on matters of foreign policy in the Middle East, the magazine says, and calls him an “apostate.”...
Original article

Mil blog Blackfive discusses Islamic State propaganda   ..."Everyone saw the propaganda video of the execution of the journalist, although apparently it was released too early.  Most likely they filmed it at the same go as when they brought the journalist out to threaten him at the tag end of the Foley video.  Clever, in a way, and it obviously prevents the success of any future rescue videos should the video give away some detail that could be used for location by US intelligence.  On the other hand, the revelation of the trick undermines the effectiveness of hostages in the future:  we have no reason not to assume the hostages shown on camera aren't already dead."...

Parents of Fallen SEAL Team Six Member Eviscerate the Obamas in this Brutal Open Letter

The Political Insider
"The parents of SEAL Team Six member Aaron Carson Vaughn know what real courage and sacrifice is. Billy and Karen Vaughn’s son was killed with 37 others on August 6, 2011, when his helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan. After watching the sickening beheading of James Foley, they were inspired to write a scathing open letter to President Obama.

"The Vaughns are expressing what everyone has been feeling in a way only they can. This powerful piece needs to be read in full and shared far and wide:"...  

...As Commander-in-Chief, your actions — or lack thereof — Mr. President, cost lives. As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole — not only in America’s security — but the security of the entire globe. Your message has come across loud and clear, sir: You are not up to this job. You know it. We know it. The world knows it. ...
 Read more:

Hat tip to Walt Stier; Santa Maria, CA

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Terrorism and Happy Talk

Video leaked accidentally—British jihadi tells Obama "I'm back", and warns of further deaths, before beheading journalist

Screen Shot 2014 09 02 at 2.01.45 PM
ISIS released a video Tuesday of the beheading of U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff, formerly of Time magazine. The authenticity of the video, which took an unusually long time to reach ISIS forums, often the first sources for such videos, has yet to be confirmed. The video was titled “A second message to America,” and again started with footage of oratory from U.S. President Barack Obama, before cutting to a scripted anti-US monologue delivered by an emotionless Sotloff, draped in orange clothing (reminiscent of Guantanamo inmates) and on his knees in another arid hilltop landscape beside his executioner.
 More than you may want to see.     Tweets responding to this article here:       
If only this happened when Bush was still president Im sure he would’ve taken proper reaction and put some bullets into the skull of these animals.

Why he will go golfing of course, then go fundraising. Maybe he could take in a good movie too…..make it a love story. If the winds change……..and they have. We are considered the terrorists and they administration is at war with us.

.... "So we wouldn’t have fussed over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine if not for Facebook? Or worried about terrorists taking over much of Syria and Iraq if not for Twitter? This explanation, following Obama’s indiscreet admission Thursday that “we don’t have a strategy yet” for military action against the Islamic State, adds to the impression that Obama is disengaged." ...

Sept 1, 75 years ago; Hitler invades Poland and WW2 begins

75 years ago on Sept 3rd: Britain and France declare war on Germany.

Meanwhile, in Poland this began:

Hitler was helped in this conquest by a cynical communist nation and it's leader, Josef Stalin.
Meanwhile communists in Britain and France had been actively opposing efforts by those nations to prepare for war.  There appears to be no threat so vile that "useful idiots" of the left will not resist efforts by peaceful nations to stand against it. TD

Students will examine ALLIED APPEASEMENT at the MUNICH CONFERENCE in order to explain Hitler's BLITZKRIEG in POLAND.

Is this a case of the man with one eye leading the blind?

When the Teleprompter Hits the Fan    " President Obama said, “The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” and President Reagan stated: “The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave….' ”
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
From the UK: Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action call on Obama to resign
On Monday, the Vaughns wrote a letter, calling out Mr Obama's decision to go golfing after holding an important press conference on the Foley video.
Your message has come across loud and clear, sir: You are not up to this job. You know it. We know it. The world knows it. 
'As Commander-in-Chief, your actions - or lack thereof - Mr President, cost lives.
'As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole — not only in America’s security — but the security of the entire globe.   More...

'Your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole': Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action call for President Obama's resignation in searing open letter about his handling of ISIS
  • Billy and Karen Vaughn lost their only-son Aaron Carson Vaughn in 2011
  • The SEAL Team Six member was one of 33 killed when a Chinook helicopter was gunned down in Afghanistan
  • On Monday, the Vaughns wrote a letter condemning President Barack Obama's actions following the release of the video depicting the execution of American journalist James Foley by Islamic State radicals
Mr and Mrs Vaughn criticized the president's decision to go golfing after he held a press conference on the Foley beheading .   Full Daily Mail article...
We see Mr. Obama as worse than Jimmy Carter, but Carter narrows the gap a bit with this.
    Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Well, the president can still draw a crowd of happy faces to stand behind him at his speeches   "Shortly after noon last Monday, 17 smartly dressed Americans filed onto risers at the rear of the East Room of the White House. Their job, for the next 15 minutes or so, was to stand and gaze attentively at President Obama’s back.    
"Obama, like most presidents in the age of television, often gives speeches against a human backdrop. The people who join him onstage aren’t just a collection of regular folks, even when they’re billed as such: They’re carefully sourced, selected, and positioned by the White House for maximum messaging impact." ...
Do these people even know what an ISIS is?
If he’s bored, we’d be more than happy to let him leave.    ... "But all Obama can do, when he is not greatly exacerbating whatever problem he chooses to create, is retreat further into his princeling world, hobnobbing with the rich and famous, shifting blame to everyone else, and acting as if somehow he wafts above the ordinary world of politics that in truth he has done so much to pollute."
"Somebody needs to say it to his face: Barack Obama is the worst president, by far, since at least the Civil War. For the love of God, man, go away."    Quin Hillyer
His work is being done just the way he wants it. I see no interest in this man for foreign policy, only in reforming this nation. And all this is being done on autopilot while he golfs by his activist cabinet: the EPA, DOJ, HHS, Department of the Interior and every other agency that controls how we live and move.
Mr. Obama has blamed his problems on the previous administration; when he is out of office and his chickens come home to roost, he will blame the next administration for the consequences.
I can see it now: the world falls apart in two years and some leftist group will post billboards with Obama's smiling face saying "Miss me yet?".  Meanwhile world leaders will still be missing and wishing for President Bush.  The Tunnel Dweller

Well, the Islamic State DOES have a strategy to deal with us

Wayne Dupree

Map of Islamic State
"According to Obama and his administration, they don’t have a strategy to combat the forward momentum of the Islamic State. As alarming as that is, it is equally alarming that the Islamic State has one and they seem to be right on schedule.

"Back in 2005, SPIEGEL online posted on a 7-step plan toward an Islamic caliphate from a book written by Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein:..."    Daniel Stafford

Monday, September 1, 2014

Alan Caruba: Witnessing a Failed Presidency

Warning Signs

... "Given the vast implications of what is occurring in the Middle East, in Ukraine, and elsewhere around the world his response was to interrupt his golf game to give a short speech and then return to the greens. In a recent press conference he said he has “no strategy” to address the threat that ISIS represents.
"What Americans have discovered is that they have twice either voted for (or against) someone with fewer skills and even less desire to do the job for which he campaigned. This laziness combined with his radical liberal politics have finally become obvious even to his former supporters.

"His statement that he had no strategy to deal with the threat of the Islamic State and that it was perhaps too soon to expect one to have been formulated has led to the conclusion that he was far less intellectually equipped to be President than many had thought."

"Now he must be endured and survived."

On Ben Carson, 2016, and Moving On    "A cult of personality, while a great song, is a dangerous thing. They can lead normally smart people to do and say some things that don’t seem so smart.

"Everyone jumped on board with Dr. Ben Carson when he had the audacity to criticize the president and his Affordable Care Act with the president right there in the room. Not bad, guy. Immediately, the conservative movement jumped on Carson as someone to watch out for. He had a great story – made his way from Detroit to Yale and, in the 80s, was a rock star with some big surgical procedures (included separating twins conjoined at the head after a 22-hour procedure) – and his political commentary spoke with an academic, authoritative voice when it came to the president’s healthcare ideas.
Then, the writer counts the ways:
Under a Republican House and Senate, a President Ben Carson can repeal Obamacare… then what? He gives Republicans a chance to escape the whole racist banner Democrats have put them under? Of course not. Carson would just join the ranks of Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas as “tokens” for the Republican Party. Our image wouldn’t change that much with our political opponents.
"Then there are statements that can and will be taken as fringe and destroy his chances well before they even start. Like this quote in the Washington Post:" ...
"It’s not that I don’t think Ben Carson isn’t qualified to be in the political world, but I definitely don’t think he’s ready for the biggest political job there is. The best presidents have political experience under their belt before they reach the top. If Carson wants to run for president one day, then it is my hope that he does. Just not in 2016. Let the man get some experience under his belt first. Then we can push him to run."

When the left gets through demagoguing Dr. Carson, we may not recognize the man. How sad.