It’s Time For Leftist Gruber Truthers To Give It A Rest "Jonathan Gruber was a key architect of Obamacare who was intimately involved in the drafting of the legislation.
"That is a fact. It is not arguable. It is not assailable. It is backed up by overwhelming contemporaneous evidence long before Gruber became a controversial figure whose loose lips threatened to sink the Obamacare ship. And the people who pimped Gruber as the all-knowing health care savior who single-handedly built the model that guaranteed a future of health care glory were not Obamacare’s critics. They were its most ardent proponents.
The Vindication of John Roberts "But the Gruber quotation did something else, too, which was to trigger a memory of another, earlier quote (emphasis mine, citation omitted):
In answering that constitutional question [of whether the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is a tax], this Court follows a functional approach, “[d]isregarding the designation of the exaction, and viewing its substance and application.”Report: Vermont fires Gruber ... "Gruber had a $400,000 contract with the state, where he was charged with helping to create a single-payer system. But he has faced fierce criticism over the last two weeks for recently unearthed comments saying the “stupidity of the American voter” and a “lack of transparency” aided ObamaCare’s passage." ...
Such an analysis suggests that the shared responsibility payment [i.e.¸ the individual mandate] may for constitutional purposes be considered a tax.