Monday, December 22, 2014

Battle of the Bulge; Dec 22, 1944

"The many memorable December dates in American history include the Battle of the Bulge during December 1944. General Anthony McAuliffe is remembered for his courageous action on the 22nd of that month.

"Commanding the U.S. Army’s beleaguered and surrounded 101st Airborne Division during World War II’s Battle of the Bulge, McAuliffe received a German surrender ultimatum. “Nuts!” he replied, and became a lasting symbol of American courage and determination under fire….

From "BASTOGNE: The Story of the First Eight Days" By COLONEL S. L. A. MARSHALL:

 Bastogne Then and Now

Frostbite caused many casualties

The race-pimping elite in our nation: how long must we tolerate it? The subject roundly discussed here.

tree face al

 "Al Sharpton has been everywhere these last few months, organizing marches through his National Action Network to protest the deaths of black men at the hands of white police officers. Everywhere he goes, violence follows as protesters chanting "No Justice, No Peace" set fires and loot stores.
"In New York City just a week ago, Sharpton led a march in which protesters assaulted two NYPD officers and blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. Their chant then: "What do we want? Dead cops!" The reverend stood by and smiled.

Video: Bill Whittle: Lena Dunham, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and the New Barbarism

Gangbangers Unbound   "That there is an agenda is not in question. Presidents, attorneys general, sports and entertainment celebrities, and the media sphere as a whole do not get involved in small local disturbances for no reason. Stepping back, we can see a consistent thread of deliberately aggravated racial incidents throughout the Obama presidency, from the Gates incident through the Trayvon Martin controversy on to Ferguson. All featured intervention from Obama, and most from Eric Holder as well. You can search all you like among previous presidencies for comparable actions, but you will do so in vain.

'How many more dead police officers will the mob want'?  "It's not just de Blasio. It's Holder, Obama, Sharpton, and the host of race hustlers and professional protestors who may have convinced themselves that they are not anti-police and are only peaceful in their intent, but have to recognize that they have attracted a mob of people out for the blood of cops." ...

Targeting police officers: looking forward, looking back ... "Today, unlike in the 70s, even some of our leadership—and by that I mean Barack Obama (who consorts with the likes of Al Sharpton), Eric Holder, and Bill de Blasio, for example—fan the flames of the hatred in ways subtle and not-so-subtle."

NRO: Hate Speech Leads to Hate Crimes "The culpability for inciting the murder of two cops reaches to the highest levels of media and government."

Next, let’s poll the police  "The big change in circumstances since this time last year is, of course, the rise of ISIS. “Ending wars” did not make Obama popular with the military. And the consequences of ending U.S. involvement in Iraq, now that they are in plain view, have helped make him massively unpopular." 

As Police Die, Racism Narrative Unravels ..."Even worse than that, they have empowered and legitimized racial demagogues like Al Sharpton who have sought to profit from exploiting these tragedies to promote their own agendas. In turn, Sharpton and those like him who are given prominent air time on networks like MSNBC and CNN have encouraged protesters who have not only engaged in violence but often openly called for the killing of police, a stance that has been openly endorsed by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and other radicals."

Hobbits and Christ: The worldview of J.R.R. Tolkien

World Mag
Martin Freeman, left, and John Callen in a scene from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
Martin Freeman, left, and John Callen in a scene from The Desolation of Smaug
... "Where do you find a Christian worldview in The Hobbit Look at Tolkien’s contemporaries and what were they saying about life. You don’t have to be an English major to know his contemporaries were people like [Jean-Paul] Sartre, [Albert] Camus, and [Samuel] Beckett, who said there’s no purpose to life, there’s no meaning to life, there’s no such thing as truth. In The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, we find all those things. There’s a distinct reason why Gandalf chose Bilbo, and it’s a particularly Christian reason. It’s going to be good for Bilbo, but also good for the world, and the believers in your audience will know that that’s how God works in our lives.  … So we see a providence, we see a purpose, and we absolutely see a moral universe where there’s absolutely a clear right and wrong, and Tolkien’s contemporaries rejected all of those things[.]"

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cop killers: ISIS has plenty of talent to pick from here in American neighborhoods

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Baltimore City Police Commissioner: Will There Be Marches when “Officers are Shot, Too?”
The answer to that follows:

NYPD Cop Killer Brinsley Recorded this Racially Charged Taxi Cab Video on Dec 14
 "Ismaaiyl Brinsley callously gunned down two NY police officers on Saturday – one Asian and the other Latino.
"He claimed he did it as “revenge” for the murders of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. We DENOUNCE this type of senseless violence against police officers."...

'Beyond redemption': Social media explodes in joy at cop killings  "Brace yourselves if you have a weak stomach. The following tweets gleaned from responses to the execution of two police officers in New York City yesterday are about as raw and sickening as it gets. They were compiled - many of them - by LilMissRightie from #BlueLivesMatter - a hashtag hijacked by protestors earlier.
I will simply let the tweets speak for themselves. Via Twitchy:" ...
Just a sample here:

"As offensive as these post-killing chants are, that’s not the real story here.
"The real story is the connection between the killer’s final Instagram note and the Ferguson protests.
"The “pigs in a blanket” language was chanted during the Ferguson protests in the fall.

CNN Guest on Brooklyn Cop Shooting: ‘Al Sharpton Got What He Wanted’

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..."Retired NYPD detective Harry Houck wasted no time in blaming those protests and the people behind them for what happened today. He said the demonstrations have “all be predicated on lies,” and even went so far as to declare, “We have two dead police officers, and I guess Al Sharpton got what he wanted.”" ...Video

Black Quill and Ink: the police killings "Today I learned of the senseless shooting of two New York City police officers. The killings were done by a Black man who had first shot his girlfriend in Baltimore then drove to NYC to commit another heinous act of terror. Prior to the police shooting the man noted on social media that his killing police was in retaliation for incidents in Missouri and NYC. Well, America, our chickens have come home to roost, as the good racist, hate monger Jerimiah(sp) Wright so despicably preached to his hate filled so called Christian church.

Our media will set us straight, er...hey, isn't that "War on Women" Sally Kohn here with her hands up?
B4w5OCICQAEHAR3.jpg large  

 “CNN: The Most Trusted Name In News.”

oday I learned of the senseless shooting of two New York City police officers. The killings were done by a Black man who had first shot his girlfriend in Baltimore then drove to NYC to commit another heinous act of terror. Prior to the police shooting the man noted on social media that his killing police was in retaliation for incidents in Missouri and NYC. Well, America, our chickens have come home to roost, as the good racist, hate monger Jerimiah Wright so despicably preached to his hate filled so called Christian church.
Today we witnessed a significant portion of the end result of liberalism, so called social justice and progressivism. This is the America that you will have unless real Americans stand up to the liberal/progressive agenda of the DNC, politicians like Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Mayor De Blasio and race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson [Communist, Progressives, Muslim sympathizers and Socialist] . While I expect them all to immediately come out in opposition to the killings, the fact remains that for years and most recently in Missouri and NYC, they all used non-racial incidents as a spring board to further their politics of division and hate.  But how did America reach this point?
- See more at:
oday I learned of the senseless shooting of two New York City police officers. The killings were done by a Black man who had first shot his girlfriend in Baltimore then drove to NYC to commit another heinous act of terror. Prior to the police shooting the man noted on social media that his killing police was in retaliation for incidents in Missouri and NYC. Well, America, our chickens have come home to roost, as the good racist, hate monger Jerimiah Wright so despicably preached to his hate filled so called Christian church.

- See more at:

Battle of the Bulge: Dec 21, 1944 

On its 70th anniversary, 11 maps that explain The Battle of the Bulge
Map #4: Dec. 21, 1944: "The German main advance through the center of the Ardennes sector has moved in a narrow corridor northwest to Marche after bypassing Bastogne. The 84th Infantry Division has moved to block the German northwestern advance."

[December 21, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.

18th Airborne Corps Sector map; December 21-23, 1944. 

The Germans advance on Marche   "At 0800 hrs. December 21, 1944, five days after the German offensive in the Ardennes commenced, the 84th Division transferred from our positions in the Siegfried Line to set up defenses in the far Northwest corner of the Bulge around Marche-en-femenne, Belgium." ...

At 0800 hrs. December 21, 1944, five days after the German offensive in the Ardennes commenced, the 84th Division transferred from our positions in the Siegfried Line to set up defenses in the far Northwest corner of the Bulge around Marche-en-femenne, Belgium. The mission: hold the Marche-Hotten Line at all costs to prevent the German panzer columns from crossing the Meuse River and turning toward Antwerp. We were to remain in Belgium through January 1945 when the Bulge was finally closed and the German Army driven back into Germany. For my unit, Company K, 335th Infantry, it was a challenge even beyond what we had confronted in the Siegfried Line around Lindern. For many the war would end in death, severe wounds, frozen feet, or other infirmities. A few would be captured, but unlike at Malmedy, an anomaly, they would survive and spend the rest of the war in German prison camps. One of these men would form a close friendship with a German guard that would last the rest their lives.
The Company K story of the Bulge makes up three chapters (Chapters 13-15) encompassing 116 pages of the memoir, “Dear Captain, et al.”
A personal diary of the battle for Bastogne

Defense of Marche's area   "Statement by Lieutenant Leonard R. CARPENTER  On the counter-Reconnaissance Screen, 23-24 December 1944 to T/5 Jack SHANK   
"Historical Section, 84th Infantry Division."

The official online home of Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge

84th Infantry Division (The Railsplitters)  "Tried by Fire - Winter battles by 84th Infantry Division in Battle of the Bulge, crossing of the Roer and Rhine, and the desperate race to the Elbe." ...

Hollywood, the bastion of courageous free speech as they ridicule conservative Americans




The time is past for Bill de Blasio to resign

Hot Air  I’m not going to beat around the bush here. It is time for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to resign. Yesterday’s assassination of two of New York City’s finest was only the latest and most devastating brush stroke on a canvas which has been coming into focus for months. When you are the mayor of a city you have many responsibilities, but one of the most vital (in terms of maintaining a functional societal structure) is the mandate to enforce the laws and maintain social order. It is the same for mayors everywhere, as well as governors and presidents. But currently, the state of relations between City Hall and the New York Police Department has devolved to the point of complete dysfunction, and criminals are well aware of this state of affairs. The fault for the creation of this toxic atmosphere is essentially found solely at the feet of Mayor de Blasio.

"Former Governor George Pataki summed up the situation correctly:

Sickened by these barbaric acts, which sadly are a predictable outcome
 of divisive anti-cop rhetoric of & .

"So caustic is the current state of relations between the Mayor’s office and the police that a shocking and dismaying scene took place in the wake of the horrific assassinations. When de Blasio arrived at the hospital yesterday, the uniformed officers literally turned their backs to him as he walked by. And this was at a moment when, in more normal times, they should have been rallying to the leadership of the executive.

..."While he has been cloistered with those fomenting violence and rebellion against law enforcement, we know that he has been made aware of this video. In it, he has seen his own citizens marching in the hundreds and chanting, What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!' ”

Obama Calls For ‘Patient Dialogue’ After Police Officers Murdered in New York City
Any honesty on the part of those fed up with this street violence will result in their destroyed careers and/or their home addresses being publicized .

A Nation at War with Itself, Crying out for Leadership  ... "Thus a man who came to national prominence in 2004 proclaiming, “There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America,” now plays golf in Hawaii while a black murderer executes a Latino and an Asian police officer in New York. A revenge attack, where police had been heroes in the wake of 9/11, in a controversy racialized by the president and his allies." ...

NYC Police Union: “Blood of 2 Executed Police Officers Is On Hands of Mayor de Blasio”


Some Actually Celebrated After Saturday Execution of N.Y. Cops

NYC Police Union: “Blood of 2 Executed Police Officers Is On Hands of Mayor de Blasio”
Infidel Bloggers Alliance   "The Sergeants Benevolent Association – comprised of approximately 12,000 active and retired sergeants of the NYPD – put the blame of yesterday’s execution style murders of two police officers on Mayor de Blasio."

The blood of 2 executed police officers is on the hands of Mayor de Blasio. May God bless their
 families and may they rest in peace.

"This comes after the Democratic mayor smeared the NYPD police after the Eric Garner grand jury decision.
"On Saturday New York City police officers turned their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio as he entered the press conference on the two executed officers.

Sally Kohn Says "Don’t Blame Protesters For Cops’ Murder, They’re Just Like “Critics Of Public Schools' ”
..."Clearly this has slipped through Sally Kohn’s big brain, but comparing anti-cop protesters who shout “What do we want? Dead cops!” with “critics of public schools” is so devoid of intellect, it’s staggering."
"One of the “leading progressive voices in America” also must not have grasped that when a mob attending an anti-cop rally chant the murder of police officers, and a person who clearly sympathizes and supports the anti-cop protesters actually murders police officers, it’s a direct connection."

Don’t wish Christians ‘Merry Christmas’ says Isma

"With Christmas looming this Thursday, Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) has once again stirred up controversy by saying Malays should not wish Christians “Merry Christmas” and celebrate along with them.

" 'According to Isma activist Abu Ameen in his commentary, while it was natural for Muslims to show kindness to their fellow neighbours as part of Allah’s commandments, the community should also ask themselves whether this gesture is permissible under Islam.

“'Especially at this time and age, Muslims should not be singled out as being unfriendly or not part of the community.

“ 'How then can a simple wish be non-permissible in Islam? Many Muslims are also confused how saying ‘Merry Christmas’ and participating in Christmas celebration is considered a blasphemy for them.”

From the Iron Burka: "The message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18), and those who deny that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God are antichrist (1 John 2:22).
"Don’t wish Christians ‘Merry Christmas’ says Isma."

Mayo Clinic atrium piano, charming older couple...

Mayo Clinic atrium piano, charming older couple...   "Fran & Marlo Cowan (married 62 years in 2008 when this was taken) playing impromptu recital together in the atrium of the Mayo Clinic. To read more about the day we took this lovely video go here.  "The song is Old Grey Bonnet."
Fark comments here.   
Hat tip to Jack Hamner of Orcutt, CA

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Obama Apologizes to Castro

 Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
The Weekly Standard  "Cuban communist leader lectures Obama for 30 minutes."

"Barack Obama apologized to Cuban president Raul Castro during their phone conversation after the American commander in chief's opening remarks. Speaking to reporters at his final White House press briefing of 2014 Friday afternoon, Obama gave more details about his phone call with the communist leader of Cuba earlier this week before the announcement of a change in U.S. policy on the Caribbean island nation.
This happened at the Mandela funeral

"Obama began the phone call with Castro with what he described as 15 minutes of opening comments. It was the first conversation between the heads of state in both countries since 1961.
" 'I apologized for taking such a long time," Obama said. Castro responded by reminding Obama that the American president was still young enough to beat Castro's brother, former Cuban president and revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, who once gave a 7-hour-long speech.
"According to the president, Raul Castro proceeded to speak to Obama uninterrupted for 30 minutes.

Islamic militants buy plumber's old truck, use it in Syria

 A photo posted on an Islamic militant group's Twitter feed shows a Texas plumbing company's old truck turned into an anti-aircraft firing weapon on the front lines of Syria's civil war. The company wants to make clear they're not aiding terrorists. 
USA Today  "It's all because of a photo posted on an Islamic militant group's Twitter feed. It shows one of Mark-1 Plumbing's old work trucks with its logo on the side, turned into an anti-aircraft firing weapon on the front lines of Syria's civil war. " 'We had no intentions or no idea that this would even happen," said Jeff Oberholtzer, son of Mark-1's owner. "He traded the truck in himself in November 2013 at an AutoNation Ford dealership about 20 miles away in Houston.
"The truck immediately went to auction and likely traded owners over and over before apparently winding up in the hands of a Chechen group named Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar, a dealership spokesman said." 

From Snopes:
 Oberholtzer said that shortly after the photo went viral, he started receiving phone calls accusing his company of supporting terrorist groups. Regardless of how this truck ended up in Syria, Oberholtzer said he has learned a valuable lesson and will be removing the company's logo before selling any more trucks:

We have a secretary here, she's scared to death. We all have families. We don't want no problems. We have nothing to do with terror at all.
 ... Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano, TX