Monday, January 26, 2015

Bibi’s Congressional Trip... A Necessary Risk Or A Major Blunder?

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

The Lid  "The dynamics of the Netanyahu visit is much more complicated than the U.S. and Israeli media try and make it out to be. It is more than one more breach in the Obama/Netanyahu relationship; it’s a reaction to the President’s attempt to go around the constitutionally mandated rules for Senate approval of treaties, Obama’s use of British Prime Minister David Cameron to lobby for Congress to submit to the President, and a fear that the President will agree to a deal that will naively give Iran a treaty that will put the United States and Israel in grave danger."
. . .
"But from the perspective of the Israeli Prime Minister there is no wiggle room, the Iranian nuclear program must be stopped at all costs. Netanyahu is not a worry-about-Iran-come lately. Whether you agree with him or not, Bibi has made the Iranian nuclear program a priority issue became Likud party leader the first time, in 1992."

Boehner: We gave White House heads up on Netanyahu  . . . "Boehner and Netanyahu were said to have agreed that the Israeli prime minister would speak in Washington on March 3 without consulting the administration — the customary policy on such things. "This gave rise to anger in Washington and to criticism in the media.
Asked about the White House’s statements that it had been blindsided by the plan, Boehner told CBS’s “60 Minutes,” “We gave them a heads up that morning.. ” 
Can  you say "fait accompli"?

"In a speech at an Israeli Bonds Dinner in Florida Sunday, Israeli Ambassador To the US Ron Dermer laid out the reasons Netanyahu was going to congress:"
Ambassador Ron Dermer
Amb. Dermer
. . . "Now there may be some people who believe that the Prime Minister of Israel should have declined an invitation to speak before the most powerful parliament in the world on an issue that concerns the future and survival of Israel.
"But we have learned from our history that the world becomes a more dangerous place for the Jewish people when the Jewish people are silent.
"That is why the Prime Minister feels the deepest moral obligation to appear before the Congress to speak about an existential issue facing the one and only Jewish state.
"This is not just the right of the Prime Minister of Israel. It is his most sacred duty -- to do whatever he can to prevent Iran from ever developing nuclear weapons that can be aimed at Israel."

The Times of India catches Obama in "an ungainly sight" — chewing gum during the Republic Day parade in New Delhi.

Once again, Obama offends foreign hosts with inappropriate gum-chewing at a serious public event   "Embarrassing himself, his office, and the American people, President Obama has allowed the nicotine monkey on his back to get the better of his duty.  At least that’s the charitable interpretation of his public gum-chewing.  Why, other than a craving for nicotine causing him to chomp down on Nicorette Gum, would he reinforce an invidious stereotype of Americans as gum-chewers?"

Althouse  "He was also seen taking the gum out of his mouth while Prim Minister Modi was "trying to explain something." Was Modi trying to explain why you shouldn't chew gum during the Republic Day parade?

"The Times of India includes some Twitter commentary:

[A]uthor Shobhaa De...  said, "Barack bhai working his jaws overtime and chewing gum! At least it isn't gutka. But seriously - gum during a formal parade?".

           Barack Obama chews gum as parade marches on
"Glad to see @BarackObama is so human. Like most Americans, he chews gum. Anyone know what brand?," was how noted film-maker Shekhar Kapur reacted.
"Barack bhai" — what does that mean? Yahoo Answers says it means "brother," but:
"'Bhai' exactly means brother. But in Mumbai this term is used for gangster....
Strategic Culture Foundation writes:
"American media in past has commented about Obama's habit of chewing gum while referring to his medical report, according to which the US president was in excellent health except for a minor problem of "history of smoking". 

"But Obama was now "tobacco free" buoyed by the "occasional use" of "nicotine gum", said a report in Washington Post.

Perhaps the Times of India mentioned this because:
India welcomes Obama but really preferred Bush

A Christian Blogger Stopped Wearing Yoga Pants For Her Husband So She Wouldn’t “Entice” Men


Video from her blog

"Veronica Partridge’s blog post about her decision to stop wearing leggings or yoga pants in public is making a lot of people angry."

"Although many people online argued that her decision was “slut-shaming”, Partridge said her “conscience is clear”.

"The blog entry received both support and strong criticism. Some supporters quoted Bible passages and commended her for “honouring God and her husband”. One commenter said: 
“When a woman wears leggings and its all on show, they may as well not wearing anything from the waist down, in fact, it’s probably more sexually enticing than not wearing anything from the waist down in many cases.”

"Meanwhile, others criticised the entry for feeding into the idea that what a women chooses to wear dictates how men behave. “How about you learn to control your thoughts?” said one commenter. “Why do women constantly need to make it easier for men?' ”. . .


Biola Magazine  By Brett McCracken

As religious convictions are met with new legal challenges, what's at stake for schools like Biola?

 "What happens when the Christian conscience conflicts with the laws of the land? The U.S. Constitution protects the free exercise of religion, but what does “exercise” include? Does it encompass the expression of faith in a for-profit business? This was a question raised by Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, this summer’s landmark Supreme Court case that examined the scope of religion freedom for closely held for-profit corporations.

"What about religious nonprofits? Will relief organizations and Christian colleges maintain the freedom to define their Christian identity broadly – as a communal movement that calls us to live and serve the world for Christ, beyond a private home or a church’s walls? Religious freedom is increasingly a contested issue in our society, and it’s hitting close to home for communities like Biola University.

"Yet it’s less about politics than it is about principles. What’s at stake is the freedom to be who we are – to do life together in the manner we believe God has called us."     Read the full article

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Digging deeper into the story of Nazi death camps.

Auschwitz staff enjoying life.

Video:  Rarely seen footage of Auschwitz death camp after its liberation by the Soviet Army.
Very moving. The video is claimed to show  the liberation of Auschwitz by the Russians, but the soldiers in the film are mostly American. Little issue here; this mere documents that every ally liberated camps, over and over.

Then there is this documentary:

Chilling: The only photo record of the process of annihilation

Auschwitz as seen through eyes of the SS there
"In January 2007, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received a donation of a photograph album. The inscription "Auschwitz 21.6.1944" on its first page signaled the uniqueness of the album—there are very few wartime photographs of the Auschwitz concentration camp complex, which included Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi killing center. Though his name does not appear anywhere in the album, the dates of the photographs and various decorations including adjutant cords on the uniform of the album's owner, indicate that the album almost certainly belonged to and was created by SS-Obersturmführer Karl Höcker, the adjutant to the commandant of Auschwitz, SS-Sturmbannführer Richard Baer. " .

Inmate forced to use makeshift

The album  "Karl Höcker's photograph album includes both documentation of official visits and ceremonies at Auschwitz as well as more personal photographs depicting the myriad of social activities that he and other members of the Auschwitz camp staff enjoyed." . . 
... "Perhaps the most extraordinary photograph depicts an accordionist leading a sing-along for approximately 70 SS men taken at this gathering. In the front row of the group are Höcker, SS-Hauptscharführer Otto Moll (the supervisor of the gas chambers), Höss, Baer, Kramer, Franz Hössler (commander of the female prisoner compound at Birkenau), and Mengele. These are some of the only known photographs of some of these men, including Mengele, taken while they were stationed at Auschwitz." ...
Unaware Jewish mothers and children selected to die within the hour.

Never again.....? Come quickly, Lord.

Bay Area About to Ban Barbeques Because...


. . . "The problem is, the people of California’s Bay Area, which includes San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, have too much damn freedom. Sure, they can’t express their 2nd Amendment rights, are banned from using plastic bags, and are forbidden to own butterflies but the liberals in charge still think the people’s freedoms are running rampant. With that in mind, a ban on backyard barbequing is being floated.
According to the AP:
The booming popularity of outdoor kitchens among homeowners in the San Francisco Bay Area has an increasing number of their neighbors coughing and hacking from the smoke, leading air-quality officials to consider tightening rules on wood-burning pizza ovens and smokers.
 Full article...

Hollywood actor Rob Lowe: Obama prefers fruit loops over Netanyahu

Between Netanyahu and Obama, which national leader has demonstrated to you the most courage over the years?
Which of these two men has dithered most in deciding critical issues?
Which of them do you most trust the character of?
Which of these two men do you feel has the most foreign policy wisdom in dealing with Muslims?

Jerusalem Post  "PM formally accepts invitation to address special joint session of Congress, but will do so as a part of two-fold trip to Washington."
"On Friday, Lowe entered a real-life diplomatic drama, when he weighed in on one of the mostserious crises in the often infamous series of political battles that have raged between Obama and Netanyahu in the last six years.
"A GloZell video that garnered 9.7 million hits on YouTube showed her eating fruit loops in a milk filled bathtub for what she called the cereal challenge." ...
. . .
“For those who aren't up to speed, here is the woman who had an official meeting with POTUS yesterday,” Lowe wrote." 
View image on Twitter

Saturday, January 24, 2015

70 years ago: the extermination camp Auschwitz liberated

70 years after Auschwitz liberation, a survivor remembers
A picture taken just after the liberation by the Soviet army in January, 1945, shows a group of children wearing concentration camp uniforms behind...
A picture taken just after the liberation by the Soviet army in January,1945, shows a group of children wearing concentration camp uniforms behind barbed wire fencing in the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp. 

The theme music from "Schindler's List"

Aerial Photography of Auschwitz Concentration Camp : The Archival Research Catalog (ARC) is the online catalog of NARA's nationwide holdings in the Washington, DC area, Regional Archives and Presidential Libraries. ARC replaces its prototype, the NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL).
"Nearly 100 hundred aerial photographs of the Auschwitz death camp are available from the NAIL datatabase. Search NAIl and type in "NWDNC-263-AUSCHWITZ" or "NWDNC-373-AERIALFILM" in the ditigal copies box."

NY Times: How Auschwitz Is Misunderstood  AUSCHWITZ was liberated 70 years ago, on Jan. 27, 1945, and news of its existence shocked the world. With its principal killing center at one of its main camps, Auschwitz-Birkenau, becoming fully operational in 1942, it was Germany’s largest and the most notorious extermination site. There the Germans slaughtered approximately 1.1 million people, a million of whom were Jews. Its mention evokes notions of evil and instant horror. Auschwitz was a death factory, an oxymoron that would have made no sense before the Holocaust, but that now is effortlessly comprehensible.

Below: the iconic image of Auschwitz:
"Shoah" 'Oskar Schindler's List' AUSCHWITZ-Speilberg-Williams-Stafford,Piano Rendition Theme 

The "Shoah", or "the Holocaust" "The Holocaust (from tthe Greek ὁλόκαυστος holókaustoshólos, "whole" and kaustós, "burnt"), also known as theShoah (HebrewהשואהHaShoah, "the catastrophe"), was a genocide in which approximately six million Jews were killed by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. An additional five million non-Jewish victims of Nazi mass murders are included by some historians bringing the total to approximately eleven million. Killings took place throughout Nazi Germany and German-occupied territories".

Yad VashemThe Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority

"And to them will I give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name (a "yad vashem")... that shall not be cut off."

(Isaiah, chapter 56, verse 5)

More  on this coming...

the Oxford Union debate with the subject, is America racist?

The debate will be taped and aired on David Webb’s SiriusXM Patriot radio show Monday, January 26 at 9PM Eastern time. Additional coverage by Breitbart News, Fox News Network, and worldwide media is expected. The Oxford Union YouTube channel will have the full debate following its conclusion.  Breitbart

the Oxford Union Society crest
US Racism Debate : Al Sharpton   Description
Instead of the Emergency Debate prior to the US Racism Debate this evening, there will be an individual address by Rev Al Sharpton as a precursor to the main Debate. 
A prominent civil rights activist,  Barack Obama referred to Rev Sharpton as "the voice of the voiceless and a champion for the downtrodden".  Rev Sharpton hosts NBC's PoliticsNation and a radio talk show called 'Keepin' It Real', and makes regular guest appearances on Fox News.

Trust the Rev. Al Sharpton to go for the old bait-and-switch when he thinks he might have to answer for his positions.

Sharpton Speaks at Oxford, Addresses Whether America’s ‘Institutionally Racist’
“The America under Barack Obama is not the same America that it was under James Madison or Thomas Jefferson, and it will not be the same 100 years from now, if we keep on fighting. So as you wrestle with this question of ‘Is American institutionally racist?’ my answer is: America is in transition. And that transition will occur, and continue to occur.”

From the Canada Free Press

Are neither this President nor his supporters capable of embarrassment?

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

'Fruit Loop' Obama's Peculiar Priorities  . . . "Speaking of “really sad,” that’s pretty much how Barack Obama has made America look on the world stage." . . .
President Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address

3 YouTube stars interviewed Obama, because at this point, why not?
... "Of course, I saw this news at the same time I was seeing reports of Yemen burning to the ground, so maybe I was a little irritated that this was taking up space on my wire. I didn’t care. I was worried about real issues.  As it turns out, so were Hank, GloZell, and Bethany." 
Michael Barone: A Substance-free State of the Union  "Six years later, Obama still hasn’t come up with policy proposals that can withstand serious scrutiny." 
King Abdullah “Could not Stand President Obama”  . . . "Obama has made an utter mess of the Middle East. He focused on withdrawing the United States from the region, supporting “protestors” – no matter who the protestors actually were – and focused on helping John Kerry get a Nobel Peace Prize by making peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Meanwhile, the whole place fell to pieces.
"And that had much more of an effect on Abdullah than the aura of Obama."

"Because he’s a very, very busy man, President Obama will not join other world dignitaries at the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz on Tuesday.
"And because he’s very busy too, Vice President Biden won’t be there as well.
"Instead, to what will likely be the last event of its kind, the United States of America will berepresented by the Treasury Secretary.
"A list obtained by the New York Times showed several other world leaders would be there:

Put America, her allies, and our foreign policy in the hands of a petulant juvenile president and this is what we get.

“Every nation has the government it deserves.” Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821)

Obama’s Policies Put the U.S. on an Irreversible Path to Impotence – Videos
. . . "There is no sign that the policies will change because the ideology to which our leaders adhere is written in stone and the president operates without the other branches of government to guide him. His advisors are only those who will tell him what he wants to hear." . . .

... "Eventually, we will have no place from which to launch an offensive.
"Yemen was an important base and we are going to lose it.
"It is going to get much worse and the U.S. will have far less influence. Mr. Obama does not count Iran’s takeover as meaningful. It’s still a “tiny country” to him.
"Mr. Obama thinks we are in a better position when every country is equally powerful and the U.S. grovels from a point of weakness like other non-terror nations.
"Lands currently under Iranian influence:

Remember in 2010?  Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim  . . . "As he left, Mr Netanyahu was told to consider the error of his ways. "I'm still around," Mr Obama is quoted by Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper as having said. "Let me know if there is anything new.' "

Mr. Obama may have had a good reason -I can't say- but no other president would have handled it this way. Well, maybe President Belafonte would.
The next president should get out that reset button and re-label it in Hebrew.

Iran’s emerging empire and Obama's foreign policy; beware, Israel!

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Charles Krauthammer  "While Iran’s march toward a nuclear bomb has provoked a major clashbetween the White House and Congress, Iran’s march toward conventional domination of the Arab world has been largely overlooked. In Washington, that is. The Arabs have noticed. And the pro-American ones, the Gulf Arabs in particular, are deeply worried." . . .

"Why should we care about the coup? First, because we depend on Yemen’s government to support our drone war against another local menace, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). It’s not clear if we can even maintain our embassy in Yemen, let alone conduct operations against AQAP. And second, because growing Iranian hegemony is a mortal threat to our allies and interests in the entire Middle East."

And if you take nothing else away from this article, at least heed these words:
"Iran’s domination of Syria was further illustrated by a strange occurrence last Sunday in the Golan Heights. An Israeli helicopter attacked a convoy on the Syrian side of the armistice line. Those killed were not Syrian, however, but five Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon and several Iranian officials, including a brigadier general.
"What were they doing in the Syrian Golan Heights? Giving “crucial advice,” announced the Iranian government. On what? Well, three days earlier, Hezbollah’s leader had threatened an attack on Israel’s Galilee. Tehran appears to be using its control of Syria and Hezbollah to create its very own front against Israel."

Related: Charles Krauthammer’s remarks on The Kelly File Friday evening.
... "Obama has less sympathy for Israel than any president in our history, Krauthammer said.
"He had Netanyahu leave the White House through the rear entrance the first time he visited because they disagreed. Obama immediately makes it personal."  
Have I not used the word "petulant" often in articles about Obama?.

An ominous connection with the above: Will Hezbollah attempt to capture Metula?
"After several senior Hezbollah military leaders and an Iranian General were killed in the Syrian portion of the Golan Heights, presumably by Israel, there is plenty of speculation as to when and how Hezbollah and Iran will react.
"An article in The Times of Israel suggests that capturing an Israeli town or sections of northern Israel could be in store, as Hezbollah has threatened to do so in the next conflict:" . . .

(Hezbollah fortifications overlooking Metula, Israel)(photo Hadar Sela 2013)
(Hezbollah fortifications overlooking Metula, Israel)(photo Hadar Sela 2013)
... "So would Hezbollah try to capture Metula in response to the attack on the Hezbollah and Iranian commanders?

"My guess is not as part of a tit-for-tat. More likely rocket firings and attempted kidnappings, or attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets abroad.

"Because an attempt to capture an Israeli town like Metula would be the start of, or result in, all-out war."