Times of Israel
"Israel has been your most faithful ally, Mr. President " " Must stay awake. Must."
. .. . "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was said to have indicated to confidants that he feels he has “no choice” but to speak out against the imminent deal, including at a controversial address scheduled for March 3 to Congress, Channel 10 said. Netanyahu does not intend to speak against President Barack Obama, or to give a partisan address, or to focus overly on sanctions, but rather to talk strongly against the deal, the report said.
"Warned that his March 3 visit and Congress appearance may harm Congressional efforts to prevent a poor deal with Iran, Netanyahu is said to be unmoved, the Channel 10 report claimed. The White House has said the March visit was not coordinated in accordance with protocol, and that Obama and Secretary of State Kerry will not meet with the prime minister, because it comes just two weeks before Israel’s general elections.