Friday, January 30, 2015

Qaeda in Yemen says France top enemy because the US under Obama is weak

"Dubai (AFP) – The ideological leader of Yemen-based Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) said Friday that France had surpassed the United States as the top enemy of Islam.
"  With the “weakening” of the United States in recent years, France has replaced America in the “war on Islam,” Ibrahim al-Rubaish said in an audio message published by AQAP’s media arm on YouTube." . . .

Michelle Malkin:  To call President Obama's Afghanistan policy a mess is a colossal understatement.  " . . . It's a bloody, incompetent and treacherous disaster.
"Our military heroes and families, God bless them, refuse to stay silent about the consequences. Consider these three national security fiascos:"
Obama has agreed to 80 percent of Iran's demands in nuclear talks, Israeli officials tell Ch. 10  . . . "According to unnamed officials, Washington “has given the Iranians 80 percent of what they want” out of the negotiations, Channel 10 is reporting.
"Jerusalem officials appear alarmed at the prospect that the United States will soon strike a deal with the Iranian regime that will leave it with a “breakout point” of months before it can gallop toward the bomb."  The WH says nonsense.

America’s Anti-Israeli President  "The Obama administration is unusually petty and sophomoric. The attacks leveled against Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, are part of a troubling pattern in which officials in the Israeli government–including and especially Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu–are vilified."
. . .
"Perhaps given President Obama’s history–including his intimate, 20-year relationship with the anti-Semitic minister Jeremiah Wright–this shouldn’t come as a surprise. But that doesn’t make it any less disturbing."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

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