Legal Insurrection . . . "The runaway favorite commercials feature cute puppies and horses. One particular ad, however, brought out an entirely different animal in me: The Mama Grizzly.
"The dialog for one of the scenes, in which Sarah Silverman & Chelsea Handler characters duel over first-world lifestyle quality, has Sarah Silverman’s insipid character inform a newborn’s mother: “I’m sorry, it’s a boy.”
"I have a serious recommendation to T-Mobile executives: Fire the idiot feminists and their beta-male minions who came up with this commercial:
"It was a real piece of #WarOnMen propaganda. . .
Pan right, and have Silverman’s character whisper, “I’m sorry, it’s a girl.”The blow-back from NOW and all the other elite feminist groups would have been of Category 5 Hurricane proportions, with the T-Mobile executives dutifully making the rounds to all the talk shows on their apology tour. After a vitriolic social media campaign in which the participants would be likened to Boko Haram rapists, the company would have been compelled to donate millions to girls’ educational programs and the feminist organizations leading the charge.
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"There was no need to sacrifice a young man on the altar of political correctness to appease the self esteem of teen girls.
"Shame on the executives at Always who green-lighted this commercial.
Leaders of feminist groups behave as if they speak for all women. Well, today, I am usurping the “All Women” Speaker’s role, and I formally apologize, #LikeAGirl, to all Super Bowl fans who were subjected to these vapid excuses for female empowerment." . . . Leslie Eastman
I’m done with the Super Bowl. The leftists have won. . . . "I’m pretty sure the NFL has some say in the ads that get broadcast. I’m pretty sure NBC really doesn’t care what ads are on as long as they get their dough. But as a viewer and occasional football fan, I care. I watch for entertainment. Not to get judged. I don’t watch the Super Bowl to be told we need to “have a conversation”. Save the “conversations” for another day. If that’s the future direction of the Super Bowl, then I’ll spend my time on something more worthwhile. The left-wing ad execs have won. They killed it. The Super Bowl is now officially yet another propaganda outlet for left-wing psychology. As if we needed another one.