Thursday, February 5, 2015

George Costanza was a better negotiator than Barack Obama

Ethel C. Fenig  "In a classic Seinfeld episode (well, okay, each episode of the show is a classic), Jerry Seinfeld's friend George Costanza turns down an offer from NBC for the proposed pilot of their show about nothing.  As George explains to the incredulous Jerry, this is all part of negotiating for a better deal." . . .

. . . "Well, we all know how that turned out; in his crazy way, George's stubbornness and willingness to say no, and his understanding of the culture of NBC, led to one of the greatest and most innovative shows on television.  
Now compare him to junior varsity negotiator President Barack Obama (D) and his vision for dealing with Iran, a country and culture he truly doesn't understand.  Obama seems to believe that by making nice to Iran, drawing them in to a web of alliances, and reducing what he thinks is their isolation, they'll be happy and sign and uphold agreements to behave.  According to Victor Davis Hanson, Obama believes:
. . .
Full article here.
. . .
However Obama's distorted vision and negotiating strategy have resulted in a diminished America while hundreds of thousands have died; on a, granted, smaller scale, the Seinfeld gang's realistic assessment of getting a deal with NBC revolutionized the traditional sitcom and brought happiness to millions while making them very, very wealthy.  If they negotiated with Iran, they would certainly do better than the present team now in place.

Obama's Defense of Islam Burned Along with the Jordanian Pilot

The scary realization is that American voters twice elected this feckless coward, showing the world that our nation is not to be a force that will stand up to evil in this world. We can't be the world's policeman? What if there are world criminals?  The oppressed in this world are on their own. TD
American Thinker  "It is hardly a surprise that immediately after news came out that ISIS had burned a captured Jordanian pilot to death that Barack Hussein Obama absolved Islam of the crime.

"ISIS released a video on Tuesday of its execution-by-incineration of the pilot, who was captured in December after his plane crashed in ISIS controlled territory.  ISIS had been threatening to execute him if their zealots jailed in Jordan were not released.

"CNN immediately reported Obama’s reaction to the news of the horrific slaying: “Should, in fact, that video be authentic,” Obama stated, “it’s just one more indication of the viciousness and barbarity of this organization, and I think it will redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of a global coalition to make sure that they are degraded and ultimately defeated.  And it also just indicates the degree to which whatever ideology they are operating off of, it’s bankrupt.' 

"Obama’s phraseology is an exercise in denial that Islam had anything to do with it.  By referring to ISIS as “this organization” and using a clunky circumlocution like “whatever ideology they are operating off of,” he has made it clear he believes that Islam has nothing to do with terror.  The cruel burning of the man was the action of a bankrupt “whatever.' ” . . .  . . .

If you still have eyes that can open, then open them Obama.  Take a good look into the mirror that ISIS is holding up.  It is holding it up to you and to the entire world.


Can NBC News now have any credibility with Brian Williams as its face?

Well after all, this is NBC, home of Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton. How much integrity do you expect from NBC?

Baltimore Sun  Quoting the Daily Caller:  
"Williams and his camera crew were actually aboard a Chinook in a formation that was about an hour behind the three helicopters that came under fire, according to crew member interviews."
That Chinook took no fire and landed later beside the damaged helicopter due to an impending sandstorm from the Iraqi desert, according to Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Miller, who was the flight engineer on the aircraft that carried the journalists.
“ 'No, we never came under direct enemy fire to the aircraft,” he said Wednesday.

"The helicopters, along with the NBC crew, remained on the ground at a forward operating base west of Baghdad for two or three days, where they were surrounded by an Army unit with Bradley fighting vehicles and Abrams M-1 tanks." . . .

Big Journalism: NBC SHOCK: Brian Williams Forced to Recant Iraq War Lie Repeated for 12 Years

NBC’s Brian Williams Lied to Tim Russert About Helicopter Incident

WaPo: The Brian Williams scandal is an NBC News-wide scandal  . . . "Why did it take pushback from “some brave men and women in the air crews,” however? Do these folks have to fight our wars and fact-check NBC News?" . . .

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

When will Hollywood take on ISIS?

WND  "Marisa Martin argues Islamists have far better propaganda"

"Seventy years ago (most) Hollywood moguls were concerned with the country and their own survival. Almost every film through the war years was preceded by short “news reel” bits. Hundreds of full-length movies were produced in the 1940s with a good percentage war-related or supporting the efforts of the U.S. against Hitler and Hirohito. There was no escaping it, and America’s writers, actors and artists understood that. .
"A challenge to Steven Spielberg and other producers, writers and artists: Will you dare take on ISIS? If you don’t there may be a day you wish you had."

Frank Capra's WW2 series, "Why We Fight"

They Raid by Night (1942) World War Two Film British Commandos raid Nazi Occupied Norway movie

Some blow-back on the ISIS horror

Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb called for the Islamic State’s extremists to be “killed, or crucified, or their hands and legs cut off.”Arab World Unites in Anger After Burning of Jordanian Pilot
"There was one feeling that many of the Middle East’s fractious clerics, competing ethnic groups and warring sects could agree on Wednesday: a shared sense of revulsion at the Islamic State’s latest excess, its video showing a Jordanian pilot being burned alive inside a cage."
. . . Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb (right), the head of Cairo’s thousand-year-old Al Azhar institute and a leading Sunni scholar, was so angered that he called for the Islamic State’s extremists to be “killed, or crucified, or their hands and legs cut off.” . . .

"He didn’t want to talk about the pilot being set afire. He wanted to “talk about how to make people healthier and make their lives better.” 

In contrast to our president: Jordan Chooses Sides  . . . "From a political perspective, the executions were necessary. The video of the execution was as brutal as it was scarring. It has circulated widely in Arabic chat forums and elsewhere online. Jordanians, who are already critical of their king, want action. To do anything but execute Sajida would be to hand the Islamic State (ISIS) a victory by effectively cowing to their demands that Jordan stand down. Frankly, she should have died years ago in order to bring justice for the families of her victims. The king demurred, however, effectively commuting her sentence in order to appease her supporters and, alas, in Jordan there are many. Her execution, however, underscores that King Abdullah II has recognized that in the battle against Islamist extremism, Jordan can no longer be neutral." . . . Michael Rubin in Commentary Magazine

Islam and Appeasement  . . . "Premature absolution of Islam is now the knee jerk response to all atrocity. Never mind that most terror groups are Muslim and proudly array themselves with all the predictable kit: incantations, black surah flags, the Koran, the Hadith, beards, and burkas -- all in the name of Mohammed. Somehow we are supposed to believe that none of this has anything to do with true Islam." . . .

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Does ISIS risk blowback, or is there a plan?  . . . "Another possibility is that ISIS wants to appear as the biggest, baddest strong horse, and thereby appeal to the widespread desire among Arabs, and Muslims more generally, for revenge."
To desecrate the victim while alive is part and parcel of Islam in hope that people would convert through sheer fear or to repulse the enemy.
Another ISIS Atrocity . . . "Be under no illusions: At the strategic level, our current efforts are failing. Moreover, the fanatics are advancing westward. Shrouded in self-assumed holiness, the Islamic State believes it will achieve global dominion."
"The path we must take is hard but clear. Paying heed to the good life of Moaz al-Kasasbeh, we must finish his fight and rid the world of those who murdered him."   

It will not be led by the feckless Obama. He will dither and appease for the next two years and when out of office he will demagogue Conservatives for any struggles in the war. And he will do this in his shirtsleeves before the usual smiling, adoring sycophants

Biden's strong point: he's never boring

By Gary Varvel

"Considering Biden’s very public seat during Netanyahu’s address this would drag our special relationship with Israel to yet another new low, which is exactly what Obama wants."

And the crowning glory of Bidenisms, discussed in the UK Telegraph:

For Joe Biden, his plagiarisation of a speech delivered by Neil Kinnock, then Labour leader, helped put pay to his own campaign to win the Democrats' presidential nomination more than 20 years ago.
"NEIL KINNOCK at Welsh Labour Party conference May 1987:
"Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because our predecessors were thick? Does anybody really think that they didn't get what we had because they didn't have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment? Of course not. It was because there was no platform upon which they could stand"
JOE BIDEN IN Sept 1987 during his first presidential campaign:
"Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go a university? Why is it that my wife... is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? ...Is it because they didn't work hard? My ancestors who worked in the coal mines of northeast Pennsylvania and would come after 12 hours and play football for four hours? It's because they didn't have a platform on which to stand."

The Ghosts of Auschwitz in the Middle East

Sultan Knish

"In exile in Argentina, the world’s most wanted man was writing a defense of the indefensible. He rejected “so-called Western culture” whose bible “expressly established that everything sacred came from the Jews.” Instead he looked to the “large circle of friends, many millions of people” whose good opinion of his crimes he wanted. These millions of people were not in Germany. They weren’t even in Argentina. His fellow Nazis had abandoned him after deciding that the murder of millions of Jews was indefensible and had to be denied instead of defended.
. . .
"Eichmann knew he could expect a good verdict from a religion whose prophet had ordered the ethnic cleansing of Jews and which believes the end will “not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. When a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, it will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!’”
"There was Eichmann’s Hadith Holocaust with even the rocks and trees finding Jews for the Islamic SS."
. . .
"Eichmann’s Nazis lost, but the Mufti’s Islamists continue their genocidal agenda. Mein Kampf may be banned in Germany, but it’s a bestseller in the Muslim world.
. . .
"It was easier to appease the Nazis. It is easier to appease the Muslim world. The Jews were not seen as a canary in the coalmine; instead, like the Czechs and then the Poles and then everyone else, they were an obstacle to making a deal with the devil. Today it’s the Nigerian Christians, the Burmese Buddhists and a long list of others around the world including the Jews of Israel who stand in the way of peace.

"The Holocaust and the entire war happened because everyone wanted peace with Nazi Germany and refused to accept that Nazism was innately aggressive. 

"Eichmann envisioned Nazis and Muslims as victims[!]"
. . .
"Auschwitz is what happens when we fail to take threats like that seriously because we want peace at any price. The price of peace was Auschwitz, it was millions dead, countries carved to pieces, peoples enslaved for years and others for generations. The price of peace was ignorance, apathy and then war.

"Eichmann found support for Auschwitz in the “surahs of your Koran.” So did the 
Jihadis who murdered Jews in Paris. If we forget that, then we forget the real lesson of Auschwitz."  Emphasis mine, TD

It was hard to stop posting such meaningful excerpts, but there is more:  Full article here.

See the depravity of the Ismalic State Graphic and sickening still shots. I cannot watch the video because I will never be able to unsee the images.

Why? Who can say why?

Harvard business professor on Religious Freedom

Orthodox Christian News  "You may feel that religious freedom is the result of democracy. Have you considered that the reverse may be true? Watch this short and powerful statement from Clay Christensen on the actual relationship between religion and democracy. Then think about the trends you see around you in Western culture, where many feel the influence of religion is waning. What might the future hold for democratic nations? . . .
Clay Christensen is the Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, with a joint appointment in the Technology and Operations Management and General Management faculty groups.

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA

Alan Caruba: "Terrorists and Our Idiot President"

Warning Signs  "You know something is terribly wrong when three former Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger, George Schultz and Madeleine Albright tell a Senate Armed Services Committee that the President of the United States is an idiot with no idea how to conduct foreign affairs. Well, they didn’t say it in those words, but that was pretty much the message. That was January 29." . . .

. . . "Thanks to Barack Obama, the United States of America can no longer be seen as the world leader, opposing the forces that seek to impose control. Former allies, particularly in the Middle East, no longer have any confidence that we would come to their defense if they were attacked.

"Thanks to Barack Obama, our enemies have been emboldened and our allies confused, but it is not that confusing. He is an idiot who lacks any grasp of history’s lessons and he is a coward who cannot be expected to seriously respond to our own and our allies’ enemies."

And I personally know people who still gloat over Obama being elected twice (along with Obama himself)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cartoon update: Jordanian pilot burned alive by ISIS; just one of thousands of Muslims brutally murdered by Islamic radicals.

Code Pink and other activists joined in protest against this brutal murder...what? 
Did any folk singers sing songs for the Muslim and non-Muslim victims of Islamic radicals such as ISIS

Jordanian Pilot Muath al-Kasasba
A screengrab from an ISIS video reporting to show Jordanian
 Pilot Muath al-Kasasba prior to being burned alive. We assume
 that is a fire accelerant poured on his clothes

Religion of Peace

Jordan to execute jailed would-be bomber, jihadists  "The sentence of death pending on... Iraqi Sajida al-Rishawi will be carried out at dawn," the security official said on Tuesday, speaking on condition of anonymity.
. . .  " 'The death sentence will be carried out on a group of jihadists, starting with Rishawi, as well as Iraqi Al-Qaeda operative Ziad Karbuli and others who attacked Jordan's interests," the security source said." . . .

Jordan vows 'earth-shaking' response to pilot's killing

The UK Daily Mail has much on this

CAIR: U.S. Muslims to Condemn ISIS's "un-Islamic" Killing of Jordanian Pilot

Later today, representatives of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other national and local leaders of the American Muslim community will hold a news conference at the Muslim civil rights organization's Capitol Hill headquarters in Washington, D.C., to condemn the terror group ISIS's "unspeakable and anti-Islamic" brutality in the burning alive of a Jordanian air force pilot.
Islamic State Fatwa Cites “Prophet” Mohammed Burning Apostates Alive To Justify Burning Of Jordanian Pilot…  Oh, well..OK then. Forgive my racist reaction.

"Why does this man lie? Because we let him."  Lucianne

Oh, incidentally, Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens  . . . "The teacher under fire, Deepa Bhandaru, displayed the images for the group of teenage students last month, the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, The Seattle Globalist reports." . . .

When Democrats say "investments", grab your wallet and hold on tight

The top 10 new taxes in Obama's budget   . . . "Every single dime of that would go to fund new spending schemes by the president.  Zero would be applied to the deficit, which the CBO says will hit a trillion dollars by 2025.

"Here are a few of them (All amounts raised reflect the total over 10 years.):" . .Rick Moran .

Republicans blow it on response to Obama budget  . . . "If this is the 2016 presidential campaign in a nutshell – and yeah, it is – then Republicans might as well just forfeit the race to Hillary today and save a billion dollars, because we've already lost." . . . 
Michael Barone: Obama’s Taxed Himself into a Corner  "Absent serious entitlement reform, Democrats will have no choice but to raise taxes on the middle class."