Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wiesel on Iran: ‘When Evil Begins Its Work Don’t Give It Another Chance’

“I learned to rely not on the promises of our friends but the threats of our enemies,” Wiesel said. "

PJ Media
Wiesel on Iran: 'When Evil Begins Its Work Don't Give It Another Chance'

"Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel will be in the House chamber to hear Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday.
"But first, Wiesel stopped Monday at the Dirksen Senate office building — accompanied by his wife, coming straight from the airport — for a heart-to-heart with Israel supporters and a bank of TV cameras to remind America that “silence is not an option.”
"Code Pink interrupted the meeting in the Senate hearing room, brandishing signs criticizing AIPAC and one that read “parking for Palestinians only.” Many of those who showed up to hear Wiesel bore lanyards from the AIPAC megaconference at D.C.’s convention center.
"The crowd chanted “get out” at Code Pink, and organizer Rabbi Shmuley Boteach lectured the protesters after they grabbed hold of a mic. They were led out by Capitol Police before 86-year-old Wiesel arrived.
"Boteach called Wiesel “the living face of the six million murdered in the Holocaust.”
“'The privilege of hearing Elie Wiesel on any occasion is historic,” the rabbi explained, but Wiesel coming to Washington to support the Jewish state on the eve of Netanyahu’s address made it an especially “historic discussion.”
“ 'I learned to rely not on the promises of our friends but the threats of our enemies,” Wiesel said. “When our enemies make threats, take them seriously.”
“ '…If they say so and they repeatedly say so we should take them seriously.”. . .

110,000 Illegal Immigrants Get California Driver’s Licenses In 7 Weeks

Legal Insurrection

"The last time we checked on California’s new rules for issuing driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants, the Department of Motor Vehicles was so overwhelmed with requests for new licenses that it can take up to three months to get an appointment…even for lawful citizens.

"The new program has been so popular that now over 110,000 illegal immigrants now hold those vital pieces of identification." . . .

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Commentary on Netanyahu's speech before Congress

Alan Caruba

"In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, representing 1.7% of the total European population which, in turn, was about 60% of the Jewish world population, estimated to have been 15.2 million.

"By 1945, in the wake of the Holocaust, two out of every three Jews would be dead.

"By 2012 the global Jewish population by had reached 13.75 million. That is less than 0.2 percent of the world’s population.

"The Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics reported that 43% of the world’s Jewish community lives in Israel. Sharing Israel as their home were 1,636,600 Arabs and a diverse population of Christians and non-Jews, numbering around 318,000.

"If the Iranians make good on their threat to “wipe Israel off the map”, presumably with nuclear weapons they would acquire by stealth and deception, the Jewish world population would be cut nearly in half." . . .

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
How radical and extreme is Obama?  "In a shocking op-ed by the editor-in-chief of the fiercely anti-Israel paper, al-Arabiya, Faisal Abbas admits that Netanyahu is right, Iran must be dealt with. Obama is out-radicalizing the radicals." . . .

Netanyahu exposes madness of a bad deal with Iran in speech to Congress  "Speaking to a joint meeting of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed the world what strong diplomatic leadership looks like in facing the threat of a nuclear Iran.  It was a historic speech, and Netanyahu used the opportunity to make the case that the alterative to the deal under negotiation is not “no deal,” it is “a better deal.”

Pelosi Exits Chamber Before Netanyahu  "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) made her lack of enthusiasm for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech apparent throughout the remarks, applauding half-heartedly and then quickly exiting the chamber after the speech, before Netanyahu did.' . . .

Dennis Prager; Why Obama So Dislikes Netanyahu    "There is no question about whether President Obama — along with Secretary of State John Kerry and the editorial pages of many newspapers — has a particular dislike of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But there is another question: Why? And the answer is due to an important rule of life that too few people are aware of: Those who do not confront evil resent those who do.

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler



WND   "Ten years ago, Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., published his first WND bestselling book, “Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians,” in which he predicted events unfolding now.
“ 'In 2005, when publishers for whom I had written top-selling books turned down my proposal to write a book warning of the dangers Iran’s nuclear program posed, only Joseph Farah and WND had the foresight and courage to publish a book considered at the time to be enormously controversial,” Corsi said.
“ 'Few people 10 years ago wanted to believe Iran’s nuclear program could be a threat not only to Israel, but to the region and the world.”

"In “Atomic Iran,” Corsi predicted the following:" . . .
. . .
"Corsi wrote of Hitler in describing the hatred the radical Islamic mullahs and their sympathizers in Iran have toward the Jews.
“ 'Hitler revealed in ‘Mein Kampf’ that he intended to commit genocide on the Jews of Germany,” Corsi wrote on pages 40-41. “Many did not take him seriously; the thought was simply too extreme, too mad. Yet he communicated his true intentions, even if only those who knew how to listen to disturbed personalities believed him at the time.
“ 'So, too, the mad mullahs who rule Iran have been clearly telling the world that they intend to use their missiles, and when they have them, their nuclear weapons,” Corsi continued." . . .

Fallback justification of Obama's Paris 'random' shooting remark destroyed by new evidence

Thomas Lifson  "Barack Obama’s outrageous labeling of the shootings at the Hyper Cacher market in Paris as “random” caused Josh Earnest and other administration flaks to come up with a rationale that was ridiculous at the time. But now, release of tapes from the slaughter makes the justification look ridiculous.

"Obama told that “you've got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris," sparking outrage over the denial of the obvious – that Jews were targeted because they were Jews. When pressed at a press briefing, Press Secretary Josh Earnest fell back on some linguistic fast-footwork:
"The adverb that the president chose was used to indicate that the individuals who were killed in that terrible, tragic incident were killed not because of who they were but because of where they randomly happened to be."

Dress? What dress?

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Monday, March 2, 2015

More British Muslims are fighting for the Islamic State than the Army

Pamela Geller
Jatenderpal Singh Bhullar (centre), pictured at Buckingham Palace, is the first 
Guardsman to wear a turban with ceremonial dress Photo: Crown Copyright 

"This British newspaper will give you all kinds of twisted, mental gymnastics for it — but there is only one. They’re Muslims, that’s why. For centuries, immigrants have come to the West seeking a better life, etc. — only Muslims come with a ready-made model of society and governance that they consider superior to that of the country they’re coming to.
"This young Muslim who penned this piece says it is a “failure of integration in society that is causing young Muslims to wage jihad.” But what is causing that failure to integrate? Islam.
"The young man who wrote this piece is not the problem. There is a problem in Islam — and we can’t talk about the problem."

The Liberal Circus; Lately liberalism has gone from psychodrama to farce.


Victor Davis Hanson  "Take Barack Obama. He has gone from mild displeasure with Israel to downright antipathy. Suddenly we are in a surreal world where off-the-record slurs from the administration against Benjamin Netanyahu as a coward and chickensh-t have gone to full-fledged attacks from John Kerry and Susan Rice, to efforts of former Obama political operatives to defeat the Israeli prime minister at the polls, to concessions to Iran and to indifference about the attacks on Jews in Paris. Who would have believed that Iranian leaders who just ordered bombing runs on a mock U.S. carrier could be treated with more deference than the prime minister of Israel? What started out six years as pressure on Israel to dismantle so-called settlements has ended up with a full-fledged vendetta against a foreign head of state." . . .

Portrait artist says he painted Lewinsky reference in Bill Clinton’s official painting

Washington Post

"A cursory glance at the official painting of President Bill Clinton that hangs in the National Portrait Gallery would easily miss an ode to the lowest point of his presidency — Monica Lewinsky.
"But it’s there, the artist revealed in an interview with the Philadelphia Daily News. Philadelphia area painter Nelson Shanks cunningly included a shadow over the fireplace cast from a blue dress on a mannequin.
"Shanks said painting Clinton was his hardest assignment because “he is probably the most famous liar of all time.” So he added the nod to the Lewinsky scandal because it had cast a shadow over Clinton’s presidency.". . .

Dem Maria Cardona Struggles to Defend Clinton’s Lack of Accomplishments at State Dept

Washington Free Beacon

"Not even a Democratic strategist could deliver an accomplishment Hillary Clinton earned during her time as Secretary of State.
“ 'Well, the short answer to that is that she focused on making sure that America was stronger abroad than it was when Obama took office,” strategist Maria Cardona said.
"The other pundits on the roundtable rebuked her answer.
"Republicans are sure to attack Clinton on her record as Secretary of State. The list of failed states in the Middle East grows, while the Islamic State poses a greater threat than ever before.
Mark Halperin challenged Cardona.
“ 'Besides Iran and Cuba, name a country who the United States has better relationships with now than when President Obama took office,” Halperin said.
"Cardona said that the world “is a complicated place.” She said Clinton had many back-door conversations that improved America’s standing in the world.
"The translation of that response is that there is no strong answer. Clinton does not have a single identifiable accomplishment to showcase next to a string of disasters such as Benghazi during her time in Foggy Bottom."

Bibi's Truth: Forty years of Liberal Betrayal

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
American Thinker  "I don’t know what Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is going to say to the U.S. Congress on Tuesday. Obama and the sleaze media will try to make this story all about Bibi and phony “violations of protocol.”

"Bibi will try to tell the truth.

"Who will you listen to? This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. This time it really matters. Life or death, war or peace, lies or the truth.

"This time it’s literally life or death -– not just for one person, but for entire nations and ethnic peoples.

"If you doubt that, just see what ISIS is doing to the indigenous Christians who lived in the Middle East centuries before Islam.

"Here’s what I hope he will say." . . .   More here

Kerry: We deserve the benefit of doubt on Iran deal   

"Otherwise, why is Netanyahu coming to Washington? He doesn't trust the Iranians. Most of America doesn't trust the Iranians. And by extension, no one trusts the secretary of state."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Revisiting Obama’s past; Would the public be ready to listen?

Legal Insurrection
2014 Obama

. . . "Obama—such a nice young man, so well-spoken, conservative-dressing, with a pleasant and heartfelt message of coming together with no red or blue America. That made those tales of strange ideological bedfellows sound like tinfoil territory. One had to really study Obama in depth to understand that behind this smoke there might be some real fire. Otherwise, there was no context in which the stories could fit, and without a context they were easy to dismiss.

"People who wanted to believe in Obama (and some of this was the understandable desire to elect America’s first black president) had no motivation to look deeply into the past and find a thread connecting it all, and little reason to believe it really mattered.

"But now if certain politicians (Giuliani, for example, who has the added advantage of not running for office) bring these topics up again, not only are people familiar with them from before and so they no longer sound so strange, but more importantly Obama has given us the context: his six years of governing.

"Many people who originally supported him are doubting him or confused by him, and could be a lot more open to actually listening to facts about his past and understanding that they are probably meaningful and not just some random youthful associations." . . .