Sunday, March 15, 2015

2008 Candidate Senator Obama Sent U.S. Secret Emissary To Iran Telling Them Not To Negotiate With George Bush – Said Wait For Him To Be Elected….

The Last Refuge  "From a radio interview in October of 2014 Mark Levin discusses with Michael Leeden the details of a secret message sent by candidate Senator Barack Obama to Iran in 2008 via a former Ambassador, William G Miller.

"In essence the content of the communique was Senator Obama telling the Iranian government not to negotiate with the outgoing George Bush administration because Obama was more friendly toward the position of Iran and he would work to structure a more favorable outcome to the Iranian people." . . .
"It is a remarkable revelation given the level of apoplectic response recently from the White House and State Dept. to a rather innocuous “open letter” from 47 Senators.
"President Obama, Joe Biden and John Kerry shouting about how wrong it is for the Senate to publish their opinion, yet it is now clear that Senator Obama not only communicated with the Iranian government in secret, but he did so specifically to undermine President George W. Bush during prior Iranian negotiations." . . .

Michael Ledeen writes on this in 2014:  Obama’s Latest Big Lie: ‘We Have No Strategy’   "They do have a strategy, but they prefer to appear indecisive. That’s because the strategy would likely provoke even greater criticism than the false confession of endless dithering.

"The actual strategy is detente first, and then a full alliance with Iran throughout the Middle East and North Africa. It has been on display since before the beginning of the Obama administration. During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies. The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the shah’s rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine. Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.
. . .

NY Post: Valerie Jarrett Leaked Hillary’s Private Email Use to Press

Big Government
AP Photo/Jacquelyn-Martin

"Vengeful Obama confidante Valeria Jarrett went through back channels to leak Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to the press, an explosive new report reveals.
"The New York Post‘s Edward Klein reports that a source familiar with Bill Clinton said that the former president told him: “The Obamas are out to get us any way they can.”
"Jarrett blamed the Democratic party’s 2014 midterm losses on the Clintons’ insinuations that Obama’s unpopular policies, including executive amnesty for foreigners gobbling up American jobs, made the president an “albatross” around the reigning party’s neck.
"Jarrett, Obama, and Obama’s wife greeted Hillary as a triumvirate of black liberals at the White House after Democrats got thrashed at the voting booth. Under the watchful eyes of his wife and closest senior advisor, Obama told Hillary, the former first lady of Arkansas, in no uncertain terms he would remain “neutral” in the 2016 election — signaling he wouldnot, in fact, support the Clinton candidacy that the media call “inevitable.” . . .

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Maureen Dowd's "An Open Letter to"

NY Times!

"SINCE open letters to secretive and duplicitous regimes are in fashion, we would like to post an Open Letter to the Leaders of the Clinton Republic of Chappaqua:
"It has come to our attention while observing your machinations during your attempted restoration that you may not fully understand our constitutional system. Thus, we are writing to bring to your attention two features of our democracy: The importance of preserving historical records and the ill-advised gluttony of an American feminist icon wallowing in regressive Middle Eastern states’ payola.
"You should seriously consider these characteristics of our nation as the Campaign-That-Must-Not-Be-Named progresses.

"But therein lies the rub.When you grin and call out to your supporters, like at the Emily’s List anniversary gala, “Don’t you someday want to see a woman president of the United States of America?” the answer is: Yes, it would be thrilling." . . .

Michelle And Barack Go To California – On Separate Planes

Michelle And Barack Go To California – On Separate Planes

"President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama were both in California at the same time yesterday, but the pair took separate flights for two different television appearances.
"Yesterday, President Obama traveled aboard Air Force One to California for a TV appearance with comedian Jimmy Kimmel. The First Lady, however, flew on a separate plane to California for a TV appearance with Ellen.
"The popular daytime television host tweeted a selfie with Michelle Obama yesterday at about the same time that President Obama was filming himself reading mean tweets with Kimmel:". . .
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Bad news, Republicans: Obama is ‘embarrassed’ for you

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Hot Air   . . . “ 'I’m embarrassed for them,” Obama said of the 47 Republicans who signed a letter to Tehran reminding the Islamic Republic’s theocrats of their roles as members of the majority party in control of the only American institution that can legally ratify international treaty. “For them to address a letter to the Ayatollah, who they claim is their mortal enemy, and their basic argument to them is ‘Don’t deal with our president because you can’t trust him to follow through on an agreement,’ that’s close to unprecedented.' ” . . .

. . . "First, there is nothing “unprecedented” about this maneuver by Senate Republicans – “close to” or otherwise. As many astute commentators and students of history have noted, this letter is tame when compared to past efforts made by Democratic officeholders to undermine a sitting American president abroad. The notion that this letter lacks a historical parallel is a pure fabrication, not to mention a display of contempt for the intelligence of the viewing audience."
Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Pelosi’s visit to Syria was the latest challenge to the White House by congressional Democrats,  "President Bush admonished Pelosi in a Rose Garden question-and-answer session Tuesday, calling her trip "counterproductive."

" 'Going to Syria sends mixed signals, signals in the region and, of course, mixed signals to President Assad," Bush said. "And by that I mean, you know, photo opportunities and/or meetings with President Assad lead the Assad government to believe they're part of the mainstream of the international community, when in fact, they're a state sponsor of terror."

Obama sent letter to Iran leader before election, sources say   . . . "The letter requested dialogue and engagement between the two nations, the sources said.
"The sources said that Khamenei has yet to reply to the letter but that nonetheless it "had set the negotiating table in order for both sides to sit around it after the election."
"The White House refused to "get into the specifics of our different ways of communicating," a senior Obama administration official said."

Teen Arrested In Murder Of Iraqi Refugee Watching His First Snowfall In Dallas, Not Facing ‘Hate Crime’ Charge…

Weasel Zippers

"Shooter does not meet the requirements for a ‘hate crime’ charge.
A Texas teen has been arrested for fatally shooting an Iraqi refugee watching his first-ever snowfall, police said.
Nykerion Nealon, 17, was arrested early Friday after gunning down Ahmed al-Jumaili outside his Dallas apartment complex March 4, Maj. Jeff Cotner told reporters alongside the victim’s father-in-law Friday.
Al-Jumaili was shot in front of his wife and brother, three weeks after fleeing Iraq to be in a safer place and reunite with his wife, who had moved to America a year earlier.  . . 
Whose lives matter? 

Early Onset Clinton Fatigue

Charles Krauthammer

"She burned the tapes.
"Had Richard Nixon burned his tapes, he would have survived Watergate. Sure, there would have been a major firestorm, but no smoking gun. Hillary Rodham was a young staffer on the House Judiciary Committee investigating Nixon. She saw. She learned.
"Today you don’t burn tapes. You delete e-mails. Hillary Clinton deleted 30,000, dismissing their destruction with the brilliantly casual: “I didn’t see any reason to keep them.” After all, they were private and personal, she assured everyone." . . .More here.
As long as we're on the subject...
Democrats suffering from Clinton fatigue say they’re ready for Warren  . . . "Over the course of the hour-long meeting, it was clear the frustrations of the attendees here were driven not only by Clinton but also by President Obama."

The Globe and Mail reports the Brits have CF as well: Why I already have Hillary fatigue   "But Ms. Clinton’s inevitability should make serious Democrats want to stick hot pokers in their eyes. She is a purely manufactured candidate, as artificial as plastic flowers in a cheap restaurant. She has no gift for inspiring or moving people, and if she has any ideas beyond the utterly banal, she has yet to express them."

  (Brian Gable/The Globe and Mail)

Friday, March 13, 2015

President I, Me, Mine

This has been discerned for quite some time as this commentary on Obama's State of the Union speech in 2013 posits:
Completely Self-Absorbed Obama Gets Up And Just Talks For An Hour Straight
. . . "Millions across the country expressed amazement and aggravation at the sheer audacity displayed by Obama, noting that he paused only briefly during his lengthy and pompous monologue to allow the crowd to applaud what he was saying, behavior many likened to that of a small, emotionally needy child.
"Moreover, sources noted that Obama demanded to be broadcast on every major television network during primetime, evidently as some sort of self-important ploy to force as much of the population as he could to listen to him speak.". . .

Obama most 'self-absorbed president' in history   . . . "Regarding the government shutdown, I predict that the Republicans will be viewed not only at midterm elections, but also by the world at large, as the only ones who would stand up to the most self-absorbed president in American history." . . .

Peggy Noonan: WH Staffers Nickname President 'Obam-me'   "White House staffers have adopted a new and unflattering nickname for their boss: "Obam-me," Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan says she heard in chats with a few senators

"And how did the staffers come up with that name?

" 'Because it's all about him and his big thoughts," Noonan writes in a column. "I guess the second-term team is not quite as adoring as the first.' " . . .

Late commentaries on the Ferguson ambush

Andrew C. McCarthy: In Ferguson, Guilt Should Not Be Collectivized, But It Should Be Apportioned  (Commentary on the article following this one)
. . .  "To say that the mayor, the attorney general, and the president are not guilty of last weekend’s murders of two police officers is not to say they are blameless. To distinguish them from the murderer is not to pronounce them suitable for the weighty public trusts they hold. There is guilt here to be apportioned. Apportioning it is not collectivizing it — it is not engaging in the same convoluted demagoguery that blamed Sarah Palin’s electioneering for a mass-murder in Tucson by a man with a history of mental illness, or that blamed bourgeois America for the killing of John F. Kennedy by a Communist." . . .

[The two police officers] were not shot by Barack Obama. They were not shot by Eric Holder. And they were not shot by “the media” or by the Democratic party. The shooter wasn’t forced to pull the trigger by “the protests,” and nor was his crime commissioned by our latent “political culture.” Al Sharpton was nowhere to be seen. Rather, a man who was in possession of his own agency made a terrible, disastrous decision. Observers who have today attempted to indict the entire post-Ferguson activist movement for his crime should know better than to imply otherwise.
Legal Insurrection:  #Ferguson is a no-win for the police

. . . "I’m not entirely sure where a group of racist twenty-something idiots comes into a discussion about police officers getting shot and/or using deadly force to protect themselves, but hey, might as well drag everything into the pot while the fire’s hot.

"MSNBC’s Ed Schultz isn’t helping, either. On Monday, he suggested disarming the Ferguson PD entirely, and today, he asked whether or not police really needed to be at these protests to begin with." . . .

Springtime for Chaos in Ferguson
. . . "Anonymous is not the only far-left group that has tried to turn Ferguson into the American Bastille. As the Daily Beast and the Blaze reported last year, well-known Communist agitators flooded into town following the death of Michael Brown with the goal of keeping emotions high and the revolution roiling. But the most-effective left-wing activist in Ferguson has got to be Eric Holder’s Justice Department. " . . .H/T to Instapundit

Barack Obama Banters With Jimmy Kimmel About Life In The White House, Ferguson


"LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Barack Obama read "Mean Tweets" on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live" Thursday night, but he was unfazed.
"After enduring the routine — in which celebrities read hostile Twitter comments about themselves — Obama told Kimmel, "You should see what the Senate says about me."
"The president also joked about the perks and restrictions he faces, revealing that he's not allowed to use cellphones that have recorders in them. (Hence his ever-present BlackBerry.) He also noted that he can visit the dentist in the White House basement but doesn't text and can't drive." . . .

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Obama's legacy takes shape: 2 officers shot in 'ambush' outside Ferguson PD. Rioters celebrate

Two officers were shot in front of the Ferguson Police Department early Thursday while demonstrators were gathered across the street
. . . "In amateur video accessed by the Associated Press, two shots ring out and a man is heard screaming out in pain.
"Someone at the scene, unseen and unidentified in the video, says: "Acknowledgement nine months ago would have kept that from happening."
"Marciay Pitchford, 20, was among the protesters. She told The Associated Press that the protest had been mostly peaceful until she heard the shots.
" 'I saw the officer go down and the other police officers drew their guns while other officers dragged the injured officer away," Pitchford said. "All of a sudden everybody started running or dropping to the ground.' ". . .

. . . "In video footage which captures the moments before and after the shooting, one protester is heard to say, “Acknowledgement nine months ago would have kept that from happening,” a reference to the death of Michael Brown.
"Further justification of the shooting emerged on Twitter, with some even expressing their satisfaction that the officers were targeted." 
steps down and two pigs get shot? Best day has had in years

Navy Caves to Pier Pressure

Tony Perkins  "If you think chaplains have some of the safest jobs in the military, think again. Men of the cloth are under some of the heaviest fire -- and it's coming from their own side! In the Navy, the message is clear: get on board with political correctness or lose your job. Like most Christians, Lt. Commander Wes Modder knew the military was changing. But he didn't know how much until the battle landed on his doorstep. For years, Modder had served some of the most elite fighting forces in the military: Navy SEALs.
"I say "had," because the 19-year veteran has been stripped of his duties for sharing the good news he was hired to share. In a stunning turn of events, the chaplain was sabotaged by one of his own men, who secretly gathered enough information on Modder's beliefs and private counseling sessions to file a formal complaint. Believe it or not, he was targeted by his own assistant -- who Modder didn't realize was gay. Looking back, the chaplain says the young officer asked a lot of questions about homosexuality, which Modder answered as most would expect: in accordance with the Bible's teachings." . . .

Hat tip to Joy Roeder; Garibaldi, OR