Friday, March 27, 2015

Here Are The Words Hillary’s Supporters Won’t Let You Say

 . . . "And some of these words should indeed be reined in -- if not necessarily for the reason this group wants."  . . .  Well, this IS the liberal Washington Post, you know.

Daily Caller "Do you work in the media and have the gall to think that the entire Webster’s dictionary is at your disposal? Think again, you sexist.

"When it comes to reporting on Hillary Clinton, George Carlin’s “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” have turned into “Twelve Words You Can Never Say About a Powerful Politician.”

Next comes the leftist intimidation:
“ 'We will be watching, reading, listening and protesting coded sexism,” the pro-Hillary group HRC Super Volunteers warned The New York Times’ Amy Chozick Wednesday.

"HRC Super Volunteers have been laying in wait for Clinton to announce her candidacy, with one organizer of the independent group boasting to colleagues that “our supervols tended to be more loyal to HRC than hired staff who worried about getting a job after the campaign. I think back to the staff party in Denver when me, Ahmed, and another top vol were the only ones with Hillary buttons.”

"Here are the words that you can’t use to describe Clinton:"  Full article here.

There's a lesson here somewhere

OBAMA TAKES ANOTHER STAB AT ISRAEL: Releases Declassified Nuclear Documents

Julie Prince

"It is no secret that Obama is not a fan of many things–including America and Israel. It’s baffling that an American President could be viewed as an enemy of the state much like a Ward Churchill or Howard Zinn.  A disciple of Saul Alinsky, Obama learned from the master of community organizing on how to manipulate a people so they won’t even know they’re being had until it’s already happened.

"His hatred for both the United States and Israel are deeply rooted; I believe going back to his childhood. Something so inherent in him when the seed was planted, it is part of him." . . .
The timing of this new revelation has revenge written all over it. Tensions were already high long before Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, but after that it has become a game of cat and mouse — with Israel being the mouse and Obama being the only player. The document goes into great detail of how Israel is, “developing the kind of codes which will enable them to make hydrogen bombs. That is, codes which detail fission and fusion processes on a microscopic and macroscopic level.”

BOLD: NFL Player’s Facebook Prayer About ISIS Persecution of Christians Goes VIRAL


Doug Giles' Clash Daily   "Benjamin Watson, professional football player for the New Orleans Saints, posted this powerful and prophetic prayer on his Facebook page that is going viral:"
 " The images keep flooding our timelines and news feeds. Men being burned alive or beheaded by masked assassins. Stories of families on the run, fleeing their homes while they are pillaged and burned. Their testimonies hold a familiar chord. “Convert, Pay or Die!”. . .  Read more.

Which made me think of this Doug Giles entry:

 Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 10.41.51 AM

"Flipping Their Flop", by Tony Branco

"Ted Cruz Obamacare repeal objective continues, but in the meantime will obey the law of the land."  Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2015.

Obama has locked us all out of this nation's cockpit

Hope n'Change
obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, germanwings, crash, lubitz, locked out

. . . "Lubitz, in his single-minded madness, couldn't be stopped because anyone who could change the jet's disastrous course was locked out.
"It's hard to imagine the growing feelings of fear and helplessness that the passengers felt as the unforgiving landscape rushed up to meet them. Hard - but not impossible.

"Because America is in trouble. We feel the descent in the pits of our stomachs. We hear the shake and rattle of structures stressed beyond their limits. We don't know where we're going anymore, but do know it isn't good. And above all, we feel helpless because Barack Obama has locked us out.

"He locked the American people out of his decision to seize the national healthcare system. Locked us out when we wanted to know why the IRS was attacking conservatives. He locked us out of having a say in his decision to tear up our immigration laws, and to give over a trillion dollars in benefits to those who broke those laws." . . . by Stilton Jarlsberg, creator of Hopen'Change

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sexing & texting with the Clintons

 WND  "Joe Biden says really stupid things nearly every time he opens his yap. But that’s small potatoes compared to the crimes and sins of the Clintons. What is truly remarkable about this couple is that, outside of Arkansas, most people had never heard of them prior to 1992.

"Over the course of 23 years, they have been involved in one scandal after another. A short stroll down memory lane will remind us of Whitewater; Filegate; Travelgate; accepting campaign contributions from China; renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to political supporters; a presidential pardon to fugitive Marc Rich; sex scandals involving Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky; a cozy relationship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein; perjury; impeachment; disbarment; accepting contributions from foreign nations while serving as secretary of state; covering up the Benghazi massacre; and now ignoring legal and ethical sanctions involving the use of unauthorized email accounts.
"By any measure, this adds up to so much more than critical mass that if someone who had been in a coma for the past quarter century had awakened to this laundry list of crimes and misdemeanors, he would be legitimately shocked to learn that not only are the transgressors not in Leavenworth, but one of them is likely to run for president 20 months from now, and will receive upwards of 65 million votes." . . .

Tom Cotton, Tragic Hero

 Despite the value of his open letter, he will become Obama’s scapegoat when the Iran negotiations inevitably fail.

Victor Davis Hanson
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. . . "Secretary of State John Kerry is the most outraged of Cotton’s critics — and has the most notorious record of trying to undermine presidential foreign policy.
"As a freshman senator, Kerry traveled to Nicaragua to show solidarity with “Comandante” Daniel Ortega — as a way of opposing then-president Reagan’s efforts to help the Contras in their resistance to the Sandinista Communist takeover. Two other Democrats, Senator Tom Harkin and House speaker Jim Wright, also met with Ortega.
"Most unfortunate was House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s disastrous 2007 trip to Syria to meet with thuggish president Bashar al-Assad. At the time of their meeting, Assad was offering assistance to radical Islamic groups that were attacking U.S. troops in Iraq.
"Cotton and the senators, in contrast, never traveled to hostile territory, never met with America’s enemies, and never wrote warm personal letters to thugs.
"But was the Cotton letter a political “blunder”?
"Not really.
. . .
  "But Cotton will endure plenty of blame if Iranian negotiators walk away in fury because a skeptical U.S. Senate would have to approve any sweetheart deal that they pulled over on Obama.
"In other words, Cotton is not a blunderer — he is a classic lose/lose tragic hero."


Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz praised on Facebook: ‘Our holy martyr Lubitz died for our prophet’

. . . "Robin said the conversation between the two pilots before the captain left the cockpit started normally but that Lubitz’s replies became “laconic” as they started readying what would have been the normal descent to the airport of Duesseldorf.

“His responses become very brief. There is no proper exchange as such,” he said. It was not clear why the captain had left the cockpit but it was probably to use the toilet, he said.

Robin said the family of the co-pilot had arrived in France for a tribute alongside other those of the victims but was being kept apart from the others.


 The Cockpit Door Locking System, pictured, has several safety features to prevent unauthorised access to the cabin, however, this can be overridden if the flight crew become incapacitated for any reason

. . . "The New York Times cited an unnamed investigator as saying the recording shed insight into the moment when it dawned on the captain that he had been shut out of the cockpit."

The Bergdahl swap

Flashback: President Poor Choices Says ‘Absolutely No Apologies’ for Bergdahl Swap   . . . "We see that Obama went with his standard “it’s all made up” dismissal. One really couldn’t blame him –the press has been letting him get away with it for the entire time he’s been in office.

"Thankfully, the military is too busy protecting us to watch much cable news, so they proceeded with the investigation into Bergdahl despite the president’s assurance that it was all a Beltway fabrication.
"If you ever have time to kill and want a brain teaser, try to remember any time President Obama staged a media op to address criminal activity and didn’t come down on the side of the criminal."  Hmmmm.

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Everything the White House told us about Bergdahl was wrong    "Interesting article in the Daily Beast about how the White House Bowe Bergdahl narrative completely collapsed now that he has been identified as a deserter and the war in Afghanistan has not ended.

"Nancy Youssef writes that Bergdahl's "capture, release and now charge became a parable of how narratives about the war in Afghanistan did not pan out." Bergdahl's release was supposed to put a triumphant explanation point on the war in Afghanistan.  Instead, it has highlighted the administration's incompetence." . . .
At least 3 members of Taliban 5 swapped for Bergdahl tried to make contact with terror networks  But then you knew this.

Blackfive: Bergdahl's Just Desserts   "Good news that Bergdahl will face a jury of his peers for his actions. Two questions, should we have brought him back? Absolutely yes. Did we pay too high a price for his return? Absolutely yes."

Bergdahl charged with desertion, “misbehavior before the enemy”   . . . "On the other hand, neither media nor activists have forgotten that we gave up 5 high-profile al-Qaeda members in exchange for Bergdahl’s freedom. If any one of those 5 prisoners reconnects with extremists in the Middle East and rejoins the fight, things will get complicated for the White House, and they’ll have to be careful to not dig themselves into a hole.
"I should say, dig themselves deeper into the hole they started when they chose to make deals with extremists.
"You can read Legal Insurrection’s body of work covering Bergdahl here.

Article 99—Misbehavior before the enemy
Text. “Any member of the armed forces who before or in the presence of the enemy—

(1) runs away;
(2) shamefully abandons, surrenders, or delivers up any command, unit, place, or military property which it is his duty to defend;
(3) through disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct endangers the safety of any such command, unit, place, or military property;
(4) casts away his arms or ammunition;
(5) is guilty of cowardly conduct;
(6) quits his place of duty to plunder or pillage;
(7) causes false alarms in any command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces;
(8) willfully fails to do his utmost to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy any enemy troops, combatants, vessels, aircraft, or any other thing, which it is his duty so to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy; or
(9) does not afford all practicable relief and assistance to any troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft of the armed forces belonging to the United States or their allies when engaged in battle; shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.”
Legal Insurrection's body of work on Bergdahl. . . "Nothing about the Bergdahl/Taliban affair should have been surprising to people who have studied Obama over the years. "Not Obama’s audacity, nor his disregard of prior bipartisan warnings in Congress or from the intelligence community, nor his aides’ attempts to discredit those from Bergdahl’s unit who are calling Bergdahl a deserter or..."

Julie Pace, NRO:  Bergdahl charges revive questions over prisoner swap   . . . "The likely contenders for the 2016 presidential race were largely silent on the charges. One of the few that did weigh in was Wisconsin's Republican Gov. Scott Walker, who blamed the swap on Obama's lack of experience."  . . .

The Insane Defense of the Bergdahl Swap


. . . "Now that Bowe Bergdahl has been charged with desertion, as his platoon mates have suggested he should be since before the ill-fated swap was executed, the administration’s attempts to defend one of their worst decisions to date have predictably grown more absurd. Via RCP, hashtag diplomat Jen Psaki’s stammering efforts to deal with basic questions from Megyn Kelly are a pretty representative sample." . . .

Don’t believe Obama’s faux outrage at Netanyahu

 Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

The Volokh Conspiracy   . . . "As I pointed out, the statement was effectively meaningless, because Netanyahu could finesse it away at any time, and it’s not like there was any significant possibility that the opposition would reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians any time soon, for exactly the reasons Netanyahu articulated.  But–and here’s the key but–the Obama Administration, from the get-go, has been looking for any excuse to distance itself from Israel in general (recall that in early 2009 he told Jewish leaders that the Bush Administration had been too friendly to Israel and that it was important to create “daylight” between Israel and the U.S.) and Netanyahu in particular, going back to when Obama, still a presidential candidate, made it clear that he would have no fondness for an Israeli government led by Netanyahu’s Likud party.  Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Iran only exacerbated that dynamic, and it was his responsibility not to give Obama any further excuses to downgrade U.S.-Israel relations."

Co-pilot Who ‘Intentionally’ Crashed Plane Was ‘Very Happy’ With Germanwings Job

 "Andreas Lubitz never showed any sign he was anything but thrilled to have landed a job with Germanwings, according to those who taught him the trade as a teenager in this town in the woody hills of Western Germany.

"On Thursday, French prosecutors said Lubitz, the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525, “intentionally” crashed the jet into the side of a mountain." . . .