Welllll, back in 2012 the story was: Barack Obama's Global Job Approval Down Sharply, Poll Says . . . " Approval rates for Obama's international policies dropped by more than six points from 2009 in most countries surveyed, and fell by double digits in the groups of European and Muslim countries featured in the poll, as well as in Russia, Japan and Mexico. The most significant change was in China, where approval fell from 57 percent to 27 percent over the past three years." . . . Superseding earlier polls around 2011 that like the guy and see O as the hope for the world.
Bill Whittle: The Leader of the Free World isn’t Obama "Scott Ott first described him thus… a brave, thoughtful, serious man doing a brave, thoughtful serious job. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle provides the amazing and disturbing contrast between The President of the United States and The Leader of the Free World. See the transcript and video below:" . . .
. . . "THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD – you know, the chickens--t one — rescues his people when they are held hostage – PERSONALLY rescues them – and stands arm in arm with world leaders against the endless, savage, Islamic murders of Jews and all civilized people.
"THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES goes golfing while hostages are being murdered – PERSONALLY goes golfing – and will not so much say the words “Islamic Terrorists” or “Jews” as our time for chickens--t posturing and preening runs out as fast as the nuclear centrifuges spinning in Iran."
A Foreign Policy Primer for Obama––and Rand Paul "The president who thinks there’s such a thing as an “Austrian” language is advising Rand Paul to “bone up on foreign policy.” It’s now official: the Obama administration has become a recurring skit on Saturday Night Live" . . .
How’s That ‘Obama Effect’ Working On Cuba?
Andrew Klavan explains it all "The producers at the David Horowitz Freedom Center tag Andrew Klavan’s video below with the explanation: In which our resident scholar on all things Middle-East – and circus related, Andrew Klavan, explains Barack Obama’s policy for that troubled region. Think of it as Smart Diplomacy for Dummies… Klavan calls it Obama’s clown-car diplomacy. Is that a subcategory of the killer clown horror genre?"