Monday, April 13, 2015

On red lines and smart diplomacy

Welllll, back in 2012 the story was:  Barack Obama's Global Job Approval Down Sharply, Poll Says  . . . " Approval rates for Obama's international policies dropped by more than six points from 2009 in most countries surveyed, and fell by double digits in the groups of European and Muslim countries featured in the poll, as well as in Russia, Japan and Mexico. The most significant change was in China, where approval fell from 57 percent to 27 percent over the past three years." . . . Superseding earlier polls around 2011 that like the guy and see O as the hope for the world.

Bill Whittle: The Leader of the Free World isn’t Obama  "Scott Ott first described him thus… a brave, thoughtful, serious man doing a brave, thoughtful serious job. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle provides the amazing and disturbing contrast between The President of the United States and The Leader of the Free World. See the transcript and video below:" . . .

. . . "THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD – you know, the chickens--t one — rescues his people when they are held hostage – PERSONALLY rescues them – and stands arm in arm with world leaders against the endless, savage, Islamic murders of Jews and all civilized people.

"THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES goes golfing while hostages are being murdered – PERSONALLY goes golfing – and will not so much say the words “Islamic Terrorists” or “Jews” as our time for chickens--t posturing and preening runs out as fast as the nuclear centrifuges spinning in Iran."

 A Foreign Policy Primer for Obama––and Rand Paul   "The president who thinks there’s such a thing as an “Austrian” language is advising Rand Paul to “bone up on foreign policy.” It’s now official: the Obama administration has become a recurring skit on Saturday Night Live" . . .

  How’s That ‘Obama Effect’ Working On Cuba?

Andrew Klavan explains it all "The producers at the David Horowitz Freedom Center tag Andrew Klavan’s video below with the explanation: In which our resident scholar on all things Middle-East – and circus related, Andrew Klavan, explains Barack Obama’s policy for that troubled region. Think of it as Smart Diplomacy for Dummies… Klavan calls it Obama’s clown-car diplomacy. Is that a subcategory of the killer clown horror genre?"

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Vetting Hillary. She's actually well-vetted, but the left doesn't care.

 hillary logo
 Hillary's logo    "The release of Hillary Clinton's launch video late Sunday afternoon not only ruined boozy brunches and wholesome family outings for countless political journalists—it nearly overshadowed the real Clinton news of the day: our first glimpse of the official logo that will define her 2016 campaign. The logo, pictured above, got a mixed response on Twitter."
2Hillary Clinton, Champion of the Downtrodden?  . . . "All of which made another part of the Clinton rollout — a new photo spread in the trendy fashion magazine ELLE featuring Chelsea Clinton modeling high-priced clothing, jewelry and shoes while discussing equal opportunity — … a discordant note in ClintonWorld’s big week.
"One photo in the ELLE article featured this caption:

Chelsea Clinton in a Gucci dress, Mateo New York bracelet, Cartier bracelet, Garland Collection ring, Halleh ring.   . . .
 Hill-arious: Clinton Campaign Release Says She’s ‘Fought Children and Families All Her Career’

From Clash Daily:
 Screen Shot 2015-04-12 at 5.31.42 PM

ABC’s Jonathan Karl: Hillary’s Popularity ‘Has Taken A Beating’ Since She Left Office As Secretary Of State  (Video) 

From April 2014:  Reporter Asks State Dept for One Accomplishment from Hillary Clinton’s Big Review Process. Let’s See What Happens."Nearly four years later, AP reporter Matt Lee asked State Department Jen Psaki to name one thing that Clinton’s QDDR accomplished. Just one."
"She can’t." . . .

. . . "On April 3, 2014, Hillary Clinton spoke at the Women of the World Summit in New York City and was asked what she was most proud of during her tenure as Secretary of State. Clinton could not provide any concrete examples of the accomplishments she holds in high regard."

Update: Hillary's running! Oh Hill no! Clinton’s stale presidential plan wrong for nation

UPDATE: Second shot: Hillary Clinton running again for president

. . . "The GOP did not wait for her announcement to begin their campaign against her. The party's chairman, Reince Priebus, has outlined plans for a broad effort to try to undermine her record as secretary of state while arguing that her election would be like giving Obama a "third term."
"Republicans have jumped on Clinton's use of a personal email account and server while she was secretary of state, as well as her handling of the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.
"Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, in his own online video, said Sunday: "We must do better than the Obama-Clinton foreign policy that has damaged relationships with our allies and emboldened our enemies.' " . . .

 Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

 Bill & Hillary Clinton: A Life of Violating People  . . . "Hillary is a street criminal who thinks it is perfectly OK to send thugs over to beat and nearly murder Gary Johnson, Gennifer Flowers’ neighbor, (6-26-92) because he had videotapes of Bill often entering Gennifer’s condominium. Hillary is a serial perjurer who says she did not give orders to fire the White House Travel Office in 1993, even though David Watkins later said Hillary said to “fire their asses” and he wrote a memo saying there would be “hell to pay” if they Travel Office was not fired immediately.

"Hillary is a misogynist and phony “feminist” – like Bill – who thinks that Bill’s victims and girlfriends are “sluts,” “whores,” and “bitches.” Hillary hires a secret police like Anthony Pellicano (now in jail) and Jack Palladino to intimidate and terrify these victims and girls into silence. Hillary would rather protect and enable her rapist husband Bill than send him to jail." . . .
 Via Doug Ross Journal:

NY Post

. . . "She’s been on the national stage for a quarter-century, though because of all the drama, it feels like we’ve lived through several lifetimes with her. Along the way, she’s reinvented herself more often than Madonna. While the spectacle of an aging hoofer trying to keep up with the kids is riveting, the kicks aren’t what they used to be and the odor of desperation is unavoidable."
. . .
"The real issue is Clinton fatigue, a national exhaustion from having been-there-done-that too many times. Her husband’s popularity counts for something, but she’s already milked that cow dry.
She’s got to make a case that goes beyond just wanting the Oval Office. She’s got to earn it and I’m not sure she can.

"Here’s another blast from the past — Monica Lewinsky is 41 and wants to reclaim her identity, making her a potential bombshell that could explode without notice.
. . . 
 "That bad run of experiences could have forged her character into something admirable, but her performance so far has been a disaster. Instead of re-emerging as a smarter and more focused force rejuvenated by defeat and exile, she seems to have learned nothing and changed not a whit."
 The tough questions Hillary faces as candidate". . . Camille Paglia had this to say about a Clinton candidacy: “[H]illary does not have it. Hillary is a mess. And we’re going to reward the presidency to a woman who’s enabled the depredations and exploitation of women by that cornpone husband of hers? The way feminists have spoken makes us blind to Hillary’s record of trashing [women]. They were going to try to destroy Monica Lewinsky. It’s a scandal. Anyone who believe in sexual harassment guidelines should have seen that the disparity of power between Clinton and Monica Lewinsky was one of the most grotesque ever in the history of sex crime. He’s a sex criminal. We’re going to put that guy back in the White House? Hillary’s ridden on his coattails. This is not a woman who has her own career, who’s made her own career! The woman who failed the bar exam in Washington. The only reason she went to Arkansas and got a job in the Rose law firm was because her husband was a politician.”

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Is Hillary Clinton a Husband Beater? . . . " Last week a new book about life behind the scenes at the White House included reports that Hillary Clinton physically attacked her husband on other occasions.

 Silvio Canto, Jr. calls her a "Phony"  ". . . A President Hillary Clinton could be better at hammering out deals with lawmakers (of both parties) than President Obama has been. She would almost certainly try harder.

"But to what end? For someone who has been on the national stage for a quarter-century, her beliefs are strangely hard to pin down." . .  .

Obamaville Song

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, Ca

Saturday, April 11, 2015

On shooting fleeing suspects

. . . "A commenter on my blog asked whether the hue and cry that has resulted means that “if you can run away from a cop, you can get away with any crime because any effort to stop your pursuit using a weapon is unlawful and wrong?”

"No, but unless some very unusual mitigating information emerges, this was too much firepower considering the offense and the situation surrounding it.

"But don’t take my word for it; here are the rules:
The Supreme Court held in a 1989 case, Graham v. Connor, that the appropriateness of use of force by officers “must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene,” rather than evaluated through 20/20 hindsight.

That standard is designed to take into account that police officers are frequently asked to make split-second decisions during fast-evolving confrontations, and should not be subject to overly harsh second guessing…

A seminal 1985 Supreme Court case, Tennessee vs. Garner, held that the police may not shoot at a fleeing person unless the officer reasonably believes that the individual poses a significant physical danger to the officer or others in the community. That means officers are expected to take other, less-deadly action during a foot or car pursuit unless the person being chased is seen as an immediate safety risk.

In other words, a police officer who fires at a fleeing man who a moment earlier murdered a convenience store clerk may have reasonable grounds to argue that the shooting was justified. But if that same robber never fired his own weapon, the officer would likely have a much harder argument.

“You don’t shoot fleeing felons. You apprehend them unless there are exigent circumstances — emergencies — that require urgent police action to safeguard the community as a whole,” said Greg Gilbertson, a police practices expert and criminal justice professor at Centralia College in Washington state.

"That’s the reason the condemnation of Slager was strong from all quarters, including from police." . . .
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

What About Those Who Deliberately Lied in “Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!” Fraud?

"Barack Obama campaigned for America’s top job by promising to usher in a "Post-racial” era that, with The One in charge, would somehow magically bridge the unfair gaps between American people of color and those despicable folks known as Lily white devils, AKA, Republican, Christian, homophobic, gun-toting, capitalists with larceny in their hearts, and insatiable fondness for black slaves in their evil minds.

"It would be a gross understatement to contend that Barack Obama, working hand-in-hand with Attorney General Eric Holder, has seriously aggravated racial strife and made racial relations more bitter, contentious, and strident.

"Rather than working to ease racial hostilities, the Obama-Holder tandem has deliberately sought to use government power to exact revenge for what they see as a “Legacy of Discrimination”, which, in their vision, is more urgent than unifying and bringing Americans of all races together for the common good." . . .

Make the Leftist Media the 2016 Issue


Bruce Walker. . . " This would be an overt campaign to de-legitimize this corrupt gaggle of leftist organizations as serious news organizations worthy of the attention of America.  The left would howl, of course, but so what?  No serious conservative ought to be talking to those hostile “gotcha!” outlets anyway.  So we ought to treat these leftist news outlets as the ideological hacks that they are and deny them the chance to make Republicans look bad or silly by “gotcha” questions. " . . .  More here.

Rand Paul offended the liberal media? Oh, please...

 Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
 American Thinker   "The true enemy of American conservatives and the American Constitution is the liberal media.  The most powerful weapon the liberals/socialists/communists/Democrats have is a compliant media, which willingly carries their unchallenged message to an unsuspecting American people, far too many of whom have no idea they are being propagandized every bit as much as Soviet Russians or Mao’s Chinese.
. . .
"Do not lose sight of this truth: As long as you stand up and fight them, you will be igniting the patriotic blood of tens of millions of Americans who are sick and tired of living in a nation where the national and regional media represent only the liberal political view. Oh, and we don’t care if the liberal interviewers are female or male; rip their rears without regard for gender. Those info-babes tout themselves as tough feminists who should be treated as equals? Well, fine. Treat them as equals, and bust their butts just as embarrassingly as you possibly can.

"Show some courage, dudes; it’s damned near a lost quality in the Republican Party."
Via  Doug Ross Journal

Guardian Caught Lying About Rand Paul Walking Out of Interview " The same mainstream media that regularly gives tongue baths to Barack Obama is currently coordinating a narrative around Republican Senator Rand Paul’s temperament. Earlier this week, NBC’s Chuck Todd and the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza denigrated their female colleagues by suggesting Paul needs to be nicer to them. This line of attack paints Paul as both a sexist and temperamental. Friday, The Guardian tried to join this Ready-For-Hillary pile on but was caught lying." . . .

Cheney Reaction

"Forget Iran's nuke-seeking mullahs - the real fireworks in this week's political scene happened when Dick Cheney went nuclear on Barack Obama's well-deserving keister.

"Appearing on a radio interview with host Hugh Hewitt, the former Vice-President was asked to assess Barry's (ahem) "vision" for the policies he's executing in the Middle East. To which Mr. Cheney replied, "I think his actions are constituted in my mind as those of the worst president we've ever had."

And even though many of us would also call that the most obvious statement ever made, very few in either politics or the media have had the courage - and love of country - to say it.

"But that wasn't even the best thing Mr. Cheney said. For us, it was this:

"If you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama’s doing.' " . . .   Full article here.

Americans SILENCED: Shariah (Blasphemy) Law (Effectively) Enforced! Is It Too Late?

. . . "ON the other side of the spectrum, “soft/stealth jihad” is used in many insidious ways, chiefly, through interfaith “dialogue” and the Islamic process of da’wah. Moreover, a stepped up version is now in full force via the newly constituted Muslim-American political party, duly under the leadership of the Brotherhood Mafia!

"REGARDLESS of their back door assaults, the fact of the matter is that the U.S. Constitution enshrines certain inalienable rights. Thus, one “accommodation” at a time, it is doubly egregious that the leadership of the free world has brought about this dire situation by silencing Americans.

"SUCH is the case because Obama Inc.’s Department of Justice has effectively criminalized any discussion of Islam, regardless of anything else. How many know this?

"AND it is through this (illegal) slippery slope that a parent (in New Hampshire) was arrested at a school board meeting, all for daring to question the school’s choice of reading assignments! Imagine that." . . .

It even corrupts entertainment when singers of peace songs become Muslim 
 1989: Cat Stevens Gives Support To Call for Death of Rushdie 
Oh yes, Stevens/ Islam did retract his statement later. But the fact is that his first response was to call for the death of Salman Rushdie, which is telling.
I cannot say that Islam has brought out the best in Cat Stevens/ Yusuf Islam. 
The Tunnel Dweller

PREPARING FOR AN ANTI-CHRISTIAN, PRO-MUSLIM FUTURE? Intimidation Coming to a Church Near You  . . . " One thing one of the presenters at the conference said has really stayed with me. He stated that history shows that the more people take the Bible literally, the more peaceful they become. However, the more people take the Qur’an literally, the more violent they become. I believe that’s all you need to remember if you have doubts about what we face."

Friday, April 10, 2015

174,301 people or 6 fish; Californians battle bureaucrats over water releases for just 6 fish

 Luckovich cartoon: California drought

Manteca Bulletin   "Correspondence between the National Marine Fisheries Service and Congressman Jeff Denham’s office shows the Bureau of Reclamation wants to flush as much as 15,000 acre feet of water down the Stanislaus River in order to “save” six fish.
"In an email Sunny Snider of the federal fish protection agency sent to Denham Chief of Staff Jason Larrabee, it indicated a previous pulse flow in March that significantly raised water levels on the Stanislaus River through Ripon despite being in the middle of a severe drought had moved out 76 percent of  the out-migrating steelhead by March 30.

"The email stated that National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) only expects 29 out-migrating steelhead a year and that their plan was to release 30,000 acre feet by the end of April to help them reach the Delta.
"That means there are six steelhead left that the Bureau ordered South San Joaquin Irrigation District and Oakdale Irrigation District to release water this week to help on their journey. The 15,000 acre feet of water based on a statewide per capita use average could supply 174,301 Californians with water for a year to the combined populations of Tracy and Santa Barbara. Combined with last month’s pulse flow release, the 30,000 acre feet of water is the equivalent of the combined annual water needs of the cities of Stockton, Lathrop, Ripon, and Escalon." . . .
Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA

The Iran deal: Anatomy of a disaster

 Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Charles Krauthammer
Negotiations . . . to prevent an Iranian capability to develop a nuclear arsenal are ending with an agreement that concedes this very capability . . .

Henry Kissinger and George Shultz, the Wall Street Journal, April 8

 "It was but a year and a half ago that Barack Obama endorsed the objective of abolition when he said that Iran’s heavily fortified Fordow nuclear facility, its plutonium-producing heavy-water reactor and its advanced centrifuges were all unnecessary for a civilian nuclear program. The logic was clear: Since Iran was claiming to be pursuing an exclusively civilian program, these would have to go.

"Yet under the deal Obama is now trying to sell, not one of these is to be dismantled. Indeed, Iran’s entire nuclear infrastructure is kept intact, just frozen or repurposed for the length of the deal (about a decade). Thus Fordow’s centrifuges will keep spinning. They will now be fed xenon, zinc and germanium instead of uranium. But that means they remain ready at any time to revert from the world’s most heavily (indeed comically) fortified medical isotope facility to a bomb-making factory.
. . . 
 "Obama imagines that this deal will bring Iran in from the cold, tempering its territorial ambitions and ideological radicalism. But this defies logic: With sanctions lifted, its economy booming and tens of billions injected into its treasury, why would Iran curb rather than expand its relentless drive for regional dominance?

"An overriding objective of these negotiations, as Obama has said, is to prevent the inevitable proliferation — Egypt, Turkey, the Gulf states — that would occur if Iran went nuclear. Yet the prospective agreement is so clearly a pathway to an Iranian bomb that the Saudis are signaling that the deal itself would impel them to go nuclear." . . .
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell