Thursday, May 7, 2015

No, Calling the Baltimore Rioters ‘Thugs’ Does Not Make You a Racist


"The mayor of Baltimore, who will spend the rest of her days living light-years from the word “Churchillian,” recently apologized for two gaffes. First, she walked back her statement that she gave rioters space to “destroy.” That’s not what she meant, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said.
" It sure sounded like it to me, and the facts on the ground seemed to line up with the rhetoric (this new video of Baltimore cops fleeing rioters is pretty compelling). 
"But fair enough. People often say things clumsily in stressful situations. But then the mayor apologized for calling the destroyers “thugs.” 
“There are no thugs in Baltimore,” she added. “Sometimes my own little anger translator gets the best of me.” 
"Really, there are no thugs in Baltimore? It’s a thug-free zone?"   Jonah Goldberg

Criminalizing reasonable police work  "An incompetent prosecutor — or worse, a politically driven prosecutor who also happens to be incompetent — can do worse things than blow an important case. The more one scrutinizes the case against six Baltimore police officers said to be implicated in the death of Freddie Gray, the more one worries that the prosecution will cost lives.

Andy McCarthy

" And most importantly, they shouldn't be called "thugs" because it might be code for the dreaded n-word. 
. . . " Which, frankly, we consider to be an n-sult to our n-telligence." . . .
obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, baltimore, riots, thugs, mayor, racism, freddie gray, police

Hillary Clinton: our gift from the American Left
Ever the Political Pragmatist, Bill Clinton Willing to Sell Out His Presidency for Hillary’s    "Former President Bill Clinton acknowledged on Wednesday that an anti-crime crackdown he pushed in 1994 went too far, and said he now supports his wife Hillary’s plans to reverse some of those justice policies.

"Bill Clinton signed into law a crime bill that imposed tougher sentences, put thousands of more police on the streets and helped fund the building of extra prisons.

"But the era of mass incarceration is now being questioned because of the continuing high proportion of Americans – especially black males – who are in prison.

"The anti-crime legislation was known for its federal “three strikes” provision that sent violent offenders to prison for life. The bill was backed by congressional Republicans and hailed at the time as a success for Clinton.

"But the former president told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that it was imperfect."  Stephen Kruiser

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

A Mother's Day gift from Hillary  "Still searching for that perfect gift for mom for Mother's Day?  Well, do I have one for you!  A former First Mom and now a wannabe First Grandmother, Hillary Clinton herself is willing to call your mom on her special day to wish her the best.  And no, she won't charge her standard $300,000 speaking fee; she--or her campaign--just wants your name, phone number and e mail address for a chance to win "a Mother's Day call from Hillary"," "a Mother's Day gift to remember." 

 A Mother’s Day call from Hillary?
 Hillary clinton mother's Day phone call your mom hillary clinton call your mom

Hillary Clinton’s betting that America is moving left  ..."Hillary Clinton is doing the country a great service.
 "By making it clear she is going to run for president as an unapologetic left-liberal — with emphasis on the “left” — she has made sure that the 2016 election will be exactly the referendum on America’s future it ought to be." . . .John Podhoretz

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Hillary Email Scandal Not Going Away "Too bad Hillary destroyed all those, ahem, exonerating emails."
 . . . "Hillary Clinton still has one thing going for her. She’s not a Republican.
"As we all know, she would already be finished if she was."

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

LIBERAL MEDIA: The Fifth Column of Jihad


Doug Ross Journal. . . "As we noted in a previous column, “The [Southern Poverty Law Center] targets its critics by name…labeling them ‘hate groups’ and running photographs of officers and employees so they can more easily be identified.”

"The SPLC sends its “intelligence reports” around the country, listing people and groups by name with their locations. This puts the leaders of these groups and their families at risk of terrorist attack.
Rather than express disgust with this tactic, the media regard the SPLC as somehow a credible source of information.

"This brings a human face to the slogan “if it bleeds, it leads,” and makes the media complicit in the planned jihad on American soil and its victims.

"The SPLC exercises what journalist James Simpson calls “partisan tolerance,” which means conservatives and Christians must be demonized and destroyed. On the other hand, anyone on the left is acceptable. That’s why the SPLC hailed the “educational” work of Weather Underground terrorist bomber Bill Ayers." . . .

"As the leading spear-carrier in the cultural Marxist war on America, the SPLC is one of the most despicable groups on the political scene these days, and yet it is accepted by the media as somehow authoritative and respectable." . . .

The Real Haters and Their Targets  . . .  "The SPLC’s “Teaching tolerance” project ran an article praising unrepentant communist terrorist bomber Bill Ayers as a “civil rights organizer, radical anti-Vietnam War activist, teacher and author.” An “editor’s note” went so far as to say that Ayers had become “a highly respected figure in the field of multicultural education.' ” . . .


 Visiting New York two months before 9-11, I asked a policeman what Giuliani did to reduce crime. He replied simply that Mayor Giuliani told them to begin enforcing the laws that existed, regardless of what ethnic group they belonged to. The officer told me they knew Mayor Giuliani would support them and they did not have to fear retribution for political reasons. TD

Ann Coulter ..."Astronomically low crime rates may be one of the greatest public policy triumphs in history. All this time, liberals have been lying in wait, dying to undo all the accomplishments of the last 20 years.

A quarter century of peace has lulled ordinary people into taking their safety for granted. They naturally assume that everyone regards it as a good thing that people are able to go about their lives without being raped, beaten, slashed or murdered.

"They don't know liberals. I've been warning you since 2001 that, as soon as we left the room, liberals would start emptying the prisons and loosing predators on us again.

"The stunning crime reduction of the last couple of decades is being called a "public policy disaster" from every news outlet -- even the news outlets currently being looted in Baltimore.

"Last week, The New York Times' Andrew Rosenthal praised Hillary Clinton, saying she had "correctly identified this country's racist incarceration policies as a wrong that must be righted."

"The New York Times' working assumption is that the only way to judge the criminal justice system is to ask if Al Sharpton is unhappy.

"Yes, we spent all of the 1970s and 1980s trying those solutions -- and our cities were war zones.

"It wasn't politicians, but the public that finally demanded that the criminal class be taken out of circulation. Politicians had no choice: Either they had to build more prisons or be voted out of office.

Democrats, social workers, liberal judges and criminologists fought like mad to keep criminals on the street, coming up with ever-more creative excuses for why prison doesn't work and continuing to demand that we "close the achievement gap."

"So much blood is on their hands! The "root cause" advocates are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of murders, rapes, slashed faces, broken limbs and ruined lives.

"By abandoning the left's "close the achievement gap" crime-fighting policies, the nation's murder rate was halved -- to say nothing of the rape, assault and burglary rates. At least 150,000 Americans who would have been murdered under the old policies are still alive.

In New York City alone, about 10,000 people -- almost entirely minorities -- are not dead because the "close the achievement gap" crime policies were finally jettisoned.

"But now we're hearing the exact same nonsense.

"No -- we tried this. Remember?

"The left has been in a blind rage ever since all their idiotic ideas about fighting crime were unceremoniously dropped by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

"Instead of understanding criminals, Giuliani thought we should lock them up. And guess what? It worked! In his first three years as mayor, the drop in crime in New York City alone was responsible for 35 percent of the reduction in crime nationally.

"When the murder rate in New York plummeted an amazing 20 percent his first year in office, The New York Times heralded this accomplishment with an article titled: "New York City Crime Falls but Just Why Is a Mystery."

"Over the course of his mayoralty, the number of murders in New York declined from about 2,000 a year to a few hundred a year –- and kept falling as Mayor Michael Bloomberg continued his predecessor's crime policies.

"The results weren't so great in cities that refused to implement Giuliani-style policing. While New York became a wonderland, some cities continued their decline into dystopian nightmares. Detroit didn't turn around. Baltimore didn't turn around. Philadelphia and St Louis didn't turn around.

"The end of crime in New York made life possible again.

"Major building projects, redeveloped waterfront areas, concerts in the park -- all this would have been impossible, but for Giuliani and Bloomberg virtually eliminating crime in New York.

It never occurs to Brooklyn hipsters -- i.e., white liberals -- just why it is they can live in Brooklyn at all. Before Giuliani, among the borough's famous residents was Tyrone Graham, known as the "Spiderman rapist," a criminal with a long rap sheet, who nonetheless managed to spend a few months of 1986 breaking into a dozen apartments, mostly in Brooklyn, to rape, rob and brutalize the occupants.

"Tyrone was finally put away for the two-hour rape of Eileen Ross, a blind woman, in her 500 East 77th St. Manhattan luxury apartment, forcing her to flee the city and move to Oregon.

"As New York Newsday described the Dinkins era attack:

"Graham smashed Ross on the head with a wooden mallet, raped her twice at knifepoint, forced her to cook him breakfast, tormented her by saying he had killed one of her beloved beagles, and did blind one dog.

"After tying her up with wires from a stereo headphone, Graham stole a leather suitcase stuffed with a $2,000 mink coat. He also stole a videocassette recorder, jewelry, five pounds of shrimp, $80 and a bank card."

"This was an everyday occurrence in the 1980s. Today, the Upper East Side, as well as most of Manhattan, is safer than any small town in Utah.

"That was life in New York pre-Giuliani. Liberals want it back. " (Hillary may just give it back to them.)

Emphases and pictures added by the Tunnel Dweller

MSNBC Guest Links David Dinkins to Lower NYC Crime, Ignores Giuliani 

In 2008, Rush asked, Will Obama Be a General Dinkins?   . . . " The real question is will he be another General David Dinkins? New York City's mayor for life. Another elitist, incompetent, smooth talking will have liberal that all the white people, all the white effete snobs happen to love simply because his election made them feel better about themselves. Well, gotta give Dinkins his due. He could play tennis. But you get past the tennis, he was a disaster, and that's what you need to ask yourselves, not is he another Dukakis. Is he another Dinkins? Because Dinkins got elected, but what's New York got to show for it? (laughing) What did it lead to? It led to a Republican . . .

"Rep. Jeffries did not even mention that dramatic drops in crime occurred primarily after Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani succeeded Dinkins. Jeffries: - See more at:

Rep. Jeffries did not even mention that dramatic drops in crime occurred primarily after Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani succeeded Dinkins. Jeffries: - See more at:

Baltimore and the Betrayal of Black Dignity; The real losers in the Freddie Gray riots.

"Baltimore is the latest American city to become a stage for the farce that is our national racial discourse. The swift, politicized indictment of 6 police officers for the death of Freddie Gray––which brought down, for now, the curtain on this performance by abandoning all the canons of procedural justice–– is a fitting end to this sorry spectacle.

"The winners of this shameful display are obvious, as they always are after these riots. Local thieves, gangsters, and thugs; bourgeois white “anarchists” out on a lark; junior-high posers indulging adult-sanctioned destruction; well-heeled black politicians fanning the flames and leveraging the violence for career advancement; race-baiting vultures like Al Sharpton, and the sensationalist national media all benefitted. Most important, the false narrative of a national conspiracy of racist cops itching to murder innocent black men was yet again perpetuated by race hustlers and their progressive enablers."
. . . 
What we saw were images that would have warmed the heart of an old-school racist, and confirmed his belief that black people are barbarians, incapable of virtue and hence of civilization. That white leftists and privileged black opportunists enable and justify this narrative is a betrayal of black dignity.
 Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Do you REALLY want to turn the White House back to the Clintons?

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

There's much more to Hillary than we thought
. . . "Hillary Clinton: We knew her as a grim, charmless harridan; a pear-shaped harpy. Now, after reading Peter Schweizer's new book, Clinton Cash. . .  , we see the ultimate Hillary, one of the world's truly scary women. Think Lady Macbeth, Messalina, Evita.  Add Bill to the sordid picture and you have Bonnie and Clyde -- elected to high office, and lionized all over the world.
. . . 
"And what about the poverty-stricken people of Nigeria? When Bill appeared at an event there in 2013 to collect an award, "he handed out checks to schoolteachers as a reward for their work. But while Clinton collected his fee, the teachers saw their checks bounce."
. . . 
 "Perhaps the saddest chapter in Schweizer's book is the one on Haiti, headed "Disaster Capitalism Clinton-Style."  You will remember the 7.0 earthquake of January 2010 that destroyed much of that ill-starred island, killing some 230,000 people and leaving millions homeless. It didn't take long for the Clintons to arrive. "With a cluster of cameras around him, Bill teared up as he described what he saw."
. . . 
In the meantime, however, the rubble-strewn streets of Port-au-Prince are still populated by those who saw their homes destroyed in 2010.  These victims' net worth hasn't changed, but that of the Clintons and their associates surely has.

Bill has Bills to Pay

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

 "I don’t know how the Clintons get by. They were dead broke when they left the White House. Bill says he has no choice but keep taking half million dollar speaking gigs to pay the bills.

"When Hillary was Secretary of State the Russians bought 20% of the US uranium supply. Investors in the company involved gave millions to the Clinton Foundation and hired Bill for one of those $500,000 speeches. If she becomes president maybe they can buy the other 80%.

"That’s a reset.

Bill Clinton on Foundation Troubles: 'I Just Work Here. I Don't Know.'   . . . "The extended question to Clinton came from billionaire Mo Ibrahim who said, "I opened the newspaper and I was shocked to see these attacks on the foundation."

"The billionaire continued, "I didn't see anybody from the foundation standing up and really having a go at that. I don't know what your board members--I know my daughter [a board member], she's useless. Because you should have stand up and really take issue. What is this money for? What have you done with it? And that's what people should ask."

" 'I just work here," Clinton responded. "I don't know."  Video

12 of the Most Distracting Extras in Movie History

Mental Floss  " Background actors, also known as extras, have one of the most important jobs on a film shoot. They contribute to the overall believability of a scene while making it easier for filmmakers to control a set or location. But sometimes, extras draw attention to themselves—either intentionally or unintentionally—and break the main focus of the scene."

 3. North By Northwest
"Before the iconic chase scene on Mount Rushmore, Eve Kendall "shoots" Roger Thornhill in the National Park's cafeteria. After multiple and noisy takes, you can see a little boy in the background anticipate the shot and plug his ears before she fires the gun.

When Drawing Muhammad, It Depends on Who Wields the Pen

Dan Gilmore 

Winning cartoonist Bosch Fawstin
. . . "But instead of garnering the support of the Leftmedia — as it gave to Charlie Hebdo’s cartoonists and editors after the massacre at its offices, insincere as it was — the liberal talking heads turned on AFDI and said no one at the event had any right drawing Muhammad. Maybe it was because the Southern Poverty Law Center labeled AFDI an anti-Muslim hate group. Maybe it was because a good guy with a gun decided the final outcome of the day.
. . .
"Renald “Luz” Luzier drew Muhammad twice for the cover of Charlie Hebdo. When jihadists attacked his paper, killing his coworkers, he drew the figure again as a response to the terrorists who tried to silence him. . . . ”

"Both cartoonists had reasons to draw Muhammad. But now everyone is bickering over who has more of a right to draw the figure. When PBS’s Charlie Rose asked Charlie Hebdo’s film critic Jean-Baptiste Thoret to offer his opinion about the attacks in Garland, Thoret labeled AFDI’s images of Muhammad illegitimate because, unlike Charlie Hebdo, the group was making fun of only Muslims. Charlie Hebdo, on the other hand, lampoons everyone to advance a socialist political philosophy.
 . . .
 "Since Charlie Hebdo is also anti-Christian and anti-Jew, they’re in the clear.

"Thoret’s not the only progressive to justify the attacks against AFDI." . . .

ISIS VS. PAMELA GELLER: ‘Our Lions Will Achieve Her Slaughter’. . . " ISIS appears to declare war on anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller on Tuesday in an ominous online message claiming it has fighters across America ready to attack “any target we desire.”. . .

That Garland police officer's name should be "Harry"

 HE PUSHED FORWARD: Brave Garland Police Officer Advanced As He Brought Down Garland Terrorists    "More details are beginning to emerge about the incompetent Islamic terrorist attack on a free speech event held by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) in Garland, Texas Sunday. Bearing Arms readers have asked for more details about how the actual shooting went down, and about the Garland police officer who used his duty sidearm to defeat two attackers armed with rifles within 15 seconds.

"Please keep in mind that we don’t have all the details about the attack, the individual officer’s response, or the exact steps law enforcement took once the attack began, and that even if we had that information, we would withhold such details which may be useful for any other would-be terrorists attempting future attacks.

"That said, we will provide analysis of some key pieces of publicly available information." . . .

Texas officer saved lives in shooting outside Muhammad cartoon contest, police say
 "A Texas traffic cop saved untold lives Sunday night when he took down two heavily armed men bent on storming a building where a 'Draw the Prophet' Muhammad contest was taking place, killing both before they could make their way inside.

"The police officer, who has not been identified by Garland Police Department officials, "probably saved lives," said police spokesman Joe Harn, who added that "his reaction, and his shooting with a pistol, he did a good job.' " . . .

Does Islam Prohibit Drawing Mohammed?

 By Tarek Fatah;  Middle East Forum

"The soldiers of Allah have struck again. On Monday, Elton Simpson, a convert to Islam and his Pakistani-American partner, Nadir Soofi, attacked a convention centre in Garland, Texas, where 200 people were attending a contest to draw cartoons of Prophet Mohammed.

"Thanks to a quick-thinking traffic police officer, both men, carrying assault rifles, were shot dead in a 15-second exchange of gunfire that left an unarmed security officer injured.

"Islamic clerics in Texas denounced the terror attack, but also called on Muslims "not to be baited" into anger. The hint behind this message was that contest organizer Pamela Geller had provoked Muslims into acting violently.

"At the root of Muslim protestations is the false belief that Islam prohibits the depiction of Prophet Mohammed. There is no prohibition on creating images of Prophet Mohammed in the Qur'an. Up until the 14th century; such depictions were common in the non-Arab Muslim world. On my website,, I have posted many depictions of Prophet Mohammed, drawn mostly by Muslim artists. Even if it were true that such depictions were prohibited, the prohibition would not be applicable to non-Muslims." . . .
 . . . 
"Geller is no saint and is a polarizing figure when it comes to relations between Muslims and the West. But dismissing her as a hate-monger is not going to stop ISIS from attacking those of us who cherish free speech. It's time to choose sides; it's time to stand with Voltaire."
Tarek Fatah is a founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, a columnist at the Toronto Sun, and a Robert J. and Abby B. Levine Fellow at the Middle East Forum. He is the author of two award-winning books: Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State and The Jew is Not My Enemy: Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim Anti-Semitism.
 Cartoonists are Controversial and Murderers are Moderate
 . . . "A contest in which Bosch Fawstin, an ex-Muslim, drew a cartoon of a genocidal warlord is “controversial” and “provocative”, while the MSA, which has invited Sheikh Khalid Yasin, who has inspired a number of terrorists, including apparently one of the Mohammed contest attackers, is a legitimate organization that is only criticized by controversial, intolerant and provocative Islamophobes." . . .

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Watch This Color Footage Of Berlin Immediately After World War II

The end of Nazi rule is featured in this most excellent opening theme to "Judgment at Nuremberg",  "Wenn Wir Marschieren" (When we March).
Quite interesting is that the final dramatic scene showing the giant swastika being dynamited has been cut out of most videos of this. Not to offend any Nazis out there perhaps?  Watch it explode here

(Interesting side note is that Jewish Werner Klemperer, who played Colonel Klink in Hogan's heroes portrays one of the most evil characters in this movie.")

Buzzfeed  "The color video captures a slice of life in the German capital just two months after the fall of the Nazis."

Truly amazing how the Germans cleaned up their city in such a short time. Imagine if New Orleans had been a German city after Hurricane Katrina.

"Seventy years ago this Friday, the Allies celebrated “V-E Day” — victory in Europe over the Nazis and the rest of the [European] Axis powers."

Seventy years ago this Friday, the Allies celebrated "V-E Day" — victory in Europe over the Nazis and the rest of the Axis powers.
New Yorkers on V-E Day

"Ahead of the anniversary, German historical film company Chronos Media published on its YouTube channel a compilation of life in Germany just two months after the fall of Adolf Hitler." Watch This Color Footage Of Berlin Immediately After World War II

. . . "And the destruction just keeps on going, in a somber final tracking shot, a reminder of the cost that the war carried for so many."
. . . 
" You can watch the entire seven-minute video here."

Other posts on the Garland, TX attack

How Not to Look at the Garland Attack  . . . "Criticizing and seeking to quash the targets of terrorism, rather than the fanatics who commit it, is the American Left’s own pathology. Terrorists cannot be accommodated out of existence. Addressing that reality plainly now will help us prevent attacks in the future — which are being planned, in Arizona and Aleppo, whatever Pamela Geller does or does not do."  Rich Lowry

White House calls Mohammed Cartoon Contest Shooting An “Attempted Terrorist Attack”…
"Wait, did they say “attempted?' ”
 Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 2.51.33 PM

Facts trickle in about second #GarlandShooting attacker

 garland texas map
. . . "Simpson’s story has played out in the media, but what about the other guy? Two men attacked the event—and we now know a little bit more about Nadir Soofi, the second shooter.

"This photo, taken from Facebook, has circulated amongst both new and mainstream media outlets:

Is Pam Geller the Bravest Woman in the U.S.?  "Most readers have probably read the headlines today about Pam Geller and the Texas shootings. Some distorted media outlets think the attacks were justified (round-up here) and others think Geller is a hero. I am in the latter camp."

hPamela Geller
The poster advertising 
the Garland event
Texas shooting: Outgunned traffic officer stopped 2 attackers "It wasn't a fair fight.
On one side, you had two men in body armor, toting assault rifles and showing every willingness to open fire now and count their victims later. On the other, you had a security officer -- a traffic officer by day -- with a pistol.

"Somehow, the officer won.

"Authorities have not released the name of the overmatched Garland, Texas, police officer who stopped a pair of gunmen Sunday night outside that city's Curtis Culwell Center, where people had gathered at an event featuring controversial cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed. But they have described what he did, actions that could be characterized as equal parts skillful, heroic and miraculous."

"U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson lauded the police officer for having "acted quickly and decisively, and thereby likely (saving) a number of innocent lives."

" 'He did what he was trained to do," added Garland police spokesman Joe Harn. "And under the fire that he was put under, he did a very good job.' "
garland-free speech