"The Charleston attack was a hideous, sickening crime. But that's why we should thank our lucky stars that it was so unusual. White-on-black violence is freakishly rare everywhere in America, except liberal imaginations."
Ann Coulter . . . " The media's WHITES ARE TERRORIZING BLACKS campaign reflects reality as accurately as the media's other campaign, WHITE MALE COLLEGE STUDENTS ARE RAPING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!
"In a country of more than 300 million people, everything will happen eventually. That doesn't make it a trend. Go up to any ordinary, sentient person and ask: Which race assaults the other race more?
"Remember the "knockout game" -- or as its devotees called it, "polar bear hunting"? Black teenagers would go looking for white people to knock unconscious with a single punch, videotape the attacks and post them online. The knockout game was a real trend -- which the media denied was a trend.
"Just last month, we saw videos of white reporters from the Daily Caller being mugged by black men in Baltimore. . . . "Ordinary people keep hearing that we are in the middle of an epidemic of white-on-black violence and think, Surely the media wouldn't be making this up, so I must be misinformed.
"According to a preposterously, laughably, ridiculously bogus report on "hate crimes" produced by Eric Holder's Justice Department, blacks are far more likely to be victims of hate crimes than whites are. It would be like a government report asserting that most rapes are committed by elderly white women." . . .
David Horowitz of FrontPage writes:
. . . We shouldn't be surprised that Obama would pour gasoline on the fires of racial division in a time of national crisis. After all, when he was first running for President and came under criticism for being in the congregation of the Reverend James Wright, who urged God to damn America, Obama excused Wright by throwing his own terminally ill white grandmother-a woman who had saved his life-- under the bus. The anti American black racist preacher was no more guilty, Obama said, than this "typical white woman" who had "uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."
Since then, the man who was supposed to usher in a "post racial" era in America has instead mired us in a quagmire of racial discord and division that we haven't seen since the 1960s.
He made the execrable Al Sharpton an unofficial Race Czar, inviting him to the White House dozens of times since his first inauguration and following the racial ambulance-chaser's lead as Sharpton rushed off to one manufactured race crisis after another. . . .