Monday, July 6, 2015

Don’t like Hillary’s press pen? Blame the media.

"On Saturday, the internet exploded after Hillary Clinton’s campaign lasso’d reporters covering an Independence Day parade into an actual, mobile pen. It was a terrible visual for the Clinton machine, and as Aleister pointed out yesterday, revealed yet another crack in the facade hiding an operation that is barely holding itself together.

"Yesterday’s State of the Union panel roundly lampooned the entire disaster, but it was S.E. Cupp who stood up and pointed out what many of our commenters have been saying for some time now—this is the media’s fault.

. . . "Finally, a visual aid to accompany the cold hard fact that  Hillary Clinton’s handlers are terrified of the media.  Whether it’s her or her people making these decisions is irrelevant; what matters is that the media hasn’t done its job with regards to this particular candidate." . . .

This is what irony looks like

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Video of black race rioters brutally beating white man at July 4 gathering taken down by YouTube

Thomas Lifson "According to a video posted to the Facebook account of QbabyOfTeamQ, a white man attending a July 4 concert in Fountain Square, the heart of downtown Cincinnati, was beaten bloody and unconscious.  Unfortunately, I am not able to embed the video because YouTube has taken it down, with a notice: “This video has been taken down as a violation of YouTube’s policy on shocking and disgusting content.”

. . . 
"However, you can still view the video (for now) at the QBaby Facebook account.  Shocking and disgusting, indeed.
Kristinn Taylor of Gateway Pundit, who first publicized the video, provides some description:
The white man was beaten unconscious following a hip hop and electronica Fourth of July concert.
The video shows a mostly Black crowd gathered around the white male victim laid out on the sidewalk. A few are trying to help the unconscious man while others squeal in awe at the blood covering his head.
Many onlookers are laughing. Fires Christian Pastor, Says Content Not a Good Fit

Caffeinated Thoughts shawn-mathis"Shawn Mathis has written over 300 articles in six years for as a “Christian Perspectives Examiner.”  On Wednesday he was fired.  In an email Mathis tells Caffeinated Thoughts, he was told, “”We appreciate the time, effort and consideration you put into this work, but we feel that your content is not the right fit for at this time.”

"Mathis was surprised by the email.  “Yesterday they had promoted me as a reliable news-source. My hits were going up the last few days. Bing cycled two of my articles on their news-feed. I have been a faithful writer for six years with not one complaint,” Mathis said on his Facebook profile.

"What changed?  Mathis said the firing came after his last five articles centered on the gay marriage debate." . . .

Mathis' last article, which was just before his firing:
Gay marriage: June 26, 2015, a day which will live in infamy

Thanks for the pay raise, Mr. President

Sunday, July 5, 2015

American silliness 7/5/2015

 Gay Marriage White House Lit
Reparations: The Next Liberal Thing?    "The level of overreaction in this country seems to have reached a fever pitch since the killing of nine black people in Charleston, SC by a highly disturbed young man.  First the calls for banning the Confederate flag began, followed by calls for the removal of statuary of anyone having anything to do with the Confederacy.  Louis Farrakhan has called for banning the American flag, and Malik Shabazz, the head of the New Black Panthers, has called for the killing of "slave masters."  The logical progression would seem to be that there will again be legislation introduced in Congress for reparations to be paid to black people for the enslavement of their ancestors."

“We’re here. We’re polygamists. Get used to it” . . . " Professor Martha Nussbaum of the University of Chicago, who argued in 2009 that polygamy must be allowed for the same reasons as same-sex marriage, as we detailed in “Polygamy would have to be permitted”." .

Weenies burn flag to protest cops, get attacked by bikers, need cops to save their as--s  . . . " The anarchists had announced on social media that they had planned to burn the flag in protest of NYPD policies, drawing a large group of flag-waving counterprotesters, including the bikers." . . .

 [VIDEO] Americans Don’t Know Why We Celebrate 4th of July  " Fortunately, there was an Italian vacationer who was able to answer some basic questions about American history. At least we know they’re teaching our history somewhere."

Obama in 4 Quotes by his favorite person: Barack Obama 

HuffPo: Bathroom Signs Are Sexist Since Women Aren’t Wearing Pants In Them 
Who thinks up these ideas?  Actually with the aid of social media, a throwaway line can become a campus movement.

benjerrysgayicecream PUH-LEEZE: Check Out What Ben & Jerry’s is Doing to Gloat Over Gay Marriage
  . . . " It’s also that B & J and its namesake founders are big donors to anti-American, pan-Islamic foundations like the Tides Foundation. And, now, Ben & Jerry’s is even more in your face with its new pro-gay marriage celebratory ice cream."

Seattle Teens Get Birth Control at School ‘More Easily Than They Can Buy a Soda’

The Obama Administration Has Become Iran’s Attorney

 Once it became news that the Iranians cheated on the conversion, the Obama administration went to work retroactively rewriting the deal on Iran’s behalf.
With great fanfare last week the State Department reported that Iran had complied with that key condition of the interim agreement, significantly reducing its stockpile of enriched uranium – an accurate statement as long as one ignores Iran’s violations. Along with some of the people interviewed by Reuters, a leading non-proliferation think tank is bashing the Administration for trying to sweep the violations under the rug.

Hot Air

. . . "Some may say reports of Iranian violations are just a “neocon” effort to question the administration’s policy of sitting down with Iran, or that they should agree to separating the issues of Iranian state sponsorship of terrorism and holding of American prisoners from the talks. Nonsense. Even those who support the talks must realize that what we are seeing here is that the president is so desperate for a deal that he will wish away Iranian malfeasance and risk a nuclear conflagration that has the potential to kill millions here in the United States and throughout the world."

Can My Neighbor Still Drive His General Lee? People Who Demand Confederate Flag Dumping Tell Me to Tolerate Muslim Hate

"As I’ve mentioned before, there’s a guy in my neighborhood who owns one of the few original “General Lee” cars driven on “The Dukes of Hazzard.” I wondered, this week, if he’ll be allowed to drive it around town, now that we’ve ascribed all kinds of evil to a flag, rather than a sick, murderous evildoer. After all, the car has a Confederate rebel flag on top of the cab. And then I remembered all of those mass murders of Blacks that occurred at the hands of those of us who saw the rebel flag while suffering through Jessica Simpson’s horrible “Dukes” movie (read my review) and those who watched the original “Hazzard” on TV in the ’70s and ’80s (I was not a fan of the show). “Gone With the Wind” features a Confederate flag, too. Should that be cinema non grata, too?"

Our Weasel Of The Week!

Watcher of Weasels    "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have a unanimous winner…the envelope please…

 "Legal Surgeon, Amateur Legislator and Chief Justice John Roberts!"

. . . "You know, this was an interesting week for Justice Roberts. One day, he’s rewriting ObamaCare for the second time, clearly disregarding what the law said and substituting what he thought the law ought to say.

"A few days later he’s writing the minority opinion on same sex marriage, harshly criticizing the Court for – wait for it – legislating from the bench!" . . .

Catholic Bishop: ‘Our Nation Has Suffered a Loss of Virtue and Honor that Threatens Our Freedom’

"Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Ill., delivered a homily on Sunday in which he said that the United States “has suffered a loss of virtue and honor that threatens our freedom with the decision of the Supreme Court” to declare same-sex marriage a “right.”

"Bishop Paprocki went on to assert that “the state has no moral authority to change what God has created.”

"Near the conclusion of his homily, the bishop rhetorically asked: “Why has God allowed these attacks on our faith and our Church to happen?

“ 'Why did He not answer our prayers for the protection of the true meaning of marriage in our country?” said the bishop. “The answer, I believe, is that we are being called to put God above all else, even above our nation and our country’s laws.”

"Here is the full text of the bishop’s homily:" . . .