Sunday, July 5, 2015

American silliness 7/5/2015

 Gay Marriage White House Lit
Reparations: The Next Liberal Thing?    "The level of overreaction in this country seems to have reached a fever pitch since the killing of nine black people in Charleston, SC by a highly disturbed young man.  First the calls for banning the Confederate flag began, followed by calls for the removal of statuary of anyone having anything to do with the Confederacy.  Louis Farrakhan has called for banning the American flag, and Malik Shabazz, the head of the New Black Panthers, has called for the killing of "slave masters."  The logical progression would seem to be that there will again be legislation introduced in Congress for reparations to be paid to black people for the enslavement of their ancestors."

“We’re here. We’re polygamists. Get used to it” . . . " Professor Martha Nussbaum of the University of Chicago, who argued in 2009 that polygamy must be allowed for the same reasons as same-sex marriage, as we detailed in “Polygamy would have to be permitted”." .

Weenies burn flag to protest cops, get attacked by bikers, need cops to save their as--s  . . . " The anarchists had announced on social media that they had planned to burn the flag in protest of NYPD policies, drawing a large group of flag-waving counterprotesters, including the bikers." . . .

 [VIDEO] Americans Don’t Know Why We Celebrate 4th of July  " Fortunately, there was an Italian vacationer who was able to answer some basic questions about American history. At least we know they’re teaching our history somewhere."

Obama in 4 Quotes by his favorite person: Barack Obama 

HuffPo: Bathroom Signs Are Sexist Since Women Aren’t Wearing Pants In Them 
Who thinks up these ideas?  Actually with the aid of social media, a throwaway line can become a campus movement.

benjerrysgayicecream PUH-LEEZE: Check Out What Ben & Jerry’s is Doing to Gloat Over Gay Marriage
  . . . " It’s also that B & J and its namesake founders are big donors to anti-American, pan-Islamic foundations like the Tides Foundation. And, now, Ben & Jerry’s is even more in your face with its new pro-gay marriage celebratory ice cream."

Seattle Teens Get Birth Control at School ‘More Easily Than They Can Buy a Soda’

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