American Thinker. . . "Meanwhile, Trump is being vindicated on a daily basis. A young woman murdered in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant previously deported five times. Another illegal alien from Mexico, who was deported last year, killed and burned a Washington woman and her son. Over four thousand illegal alien pedophiles were apprehended in one state in one year. And another illegal immigrant raping and sodomizing a 10-year-old Alabama girl. Are these Mexico’s best and brightest coming to America to do the jobs Americans won’t do?
"Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush “has always had strong ties with Mexico” and “great respect and affection for our neighbors.” Jeb is also “indignant,” as “he takes Donald Trump’s remarks personally.” So here’s an idea. Let’s reform our immigration system Mexican style. This is how it might look based on Mexican immigration law." . . .
"Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush “has always had strong ties with Mexico” and “great respect and affection for our neighbors.” Jeb is also “indignant,” as “he takes Donald Trump’s remarks personally.” So here’s an idea. Let’s reform our immigration system Mexican style. This is how it might look based on Mexican immigration law." . . .