"From time to time, Hope n' Change has endeavored to bring you "Good News Fridays" and failed miserably. Seriously, it's hard enough to find any good news without also needing the cosmic roulette wheel to have it happen on a Friday. Which is why we're presenting a genuine good news story today!
"Specifically, San Francisco has been trying to cope with a serious problem. We're not referring to their sanctuary city status, their uber-liberal politics, or even all the environmental damage done by Nancy Pelosi when she takes San Francisco soil back to Washington to put in the coffin where she sleeps during the day.
"No, the problem we're talking about is whizzing on walls, which apparently creates a massive citywide stench, various health hazards, and slippery puddles. And the solution is brilliant: the city's public works department is testing pee-resistant paint on the most peed-upon walls, causing the streams to splash back on the perpetrators - thereby protecting property, teaching a valuable civic lesson, and assuring that Youtube will never run out of hilarious videos!" . . .