"Bill Clinton’s Oval Office sexual harassment accuser Kathleen Willey announced Monday she’s setting up a website asking all women who’ve ever been sexually harassed by Bill Clinton to join the site. She said he groped her breasts in the Oval Office. Churchill’s bust doesn’t do it for every president." Comedian Argus Hamilton
"Are you being harassed, stalked, intimidated or persecuted by a person in position of power or public trust? Are you being told if you tell their dirty little scandal to anyone, that they can make you disappear, ruined, used as a scapegoat?
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Quote from Edmund Burke.
"Do you want to reveal wrongdoing within an organization or a person that holds a position of trust to the public in the hope of stopping it? If you do, contact us on our tip line and we will help you.
Blackfive. . . " Former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren’s latest book Ally is a riveting description of the relationship between Israel and the United States. Readers get a behind the scenes look at how the Obama Administration has a one sided point of view. Through his numerous notes and direct insight he tells of the struggles Israel has had with the Obama Administration, especially regarding the Iranian nuclear deal. He warns that Israel is in existential danger, that his only agenda is a reality check regarding this administration’s policies toward Israel. Blackfive.net interviewed him about his book and the Iranian nuclear deal." . . . Oren has written books, articles, and essays on Middle Eastern history, and is the author of the New York Times best-selling Power, Faith and Fantasy and Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East, which won the Los Angeles Times History Book of the Year Award and the National Jewish Book Award. Oren has been a visiting professor at Harvard, Yale, and Georgetown universities in the United States and at Tel Aviv and Hebrew universities in Israel. He was a Distinguished Fellow at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem and a contributing editor to The New Republic. The Forward named Oren one of the five most influential American Jews and The Jerusalem Post listed him as one of the world’s ten most influential Jews. Wikipedia
‘Ally': Michael Oren’s Memoir to Expose Obama Administration’s Abuse of Israel . . . "The book tells the story of Oren’s four years (2009-13) as Israel’s
representative in Washington–and reveals just how hostile the Obama
administration is towards Israel. Though he argues Obama is not
anti-Israel, Oren notes that his administration did all it could to
bully Israel into compliance with its hopelessly naïve new agenda in the
Middle East." . . .
. . . "Third, it is time and well past time to get rid of the idiotic, pantywaist, ill-considered (you get the drift) prohibition on our troops being armed. There was a day (until fairly recently) when an officer (and even NCOs) were not in uniform and properly dressed without a sidearm. They were expected to be so, to maintain order, and to defend themselves and others. Having them armed is not a violation of Posse Comitatus, or an invitation to disorder. I've heard one unconfirmed report that one person was able to retrieve a personally-owned firearm and return fire, and if so they deserve to be commended and not chewed-up and spit out by senior leadership as I fully expect. There is a lot of data that clearly shows that any resistance prevents things from being worse." . . .
"Under the hashtag #100Days100Nights, users on Instagram and Twitter
are issuing a stark warning: Two Los Angeles gangs are betting which one
can kill 100 people—in a gang, or innocent—within the next 100 days.
"A law enforcement source confirmed the reports exclusively to The Daily Beast on Monday night.
"The bet—which follows the death of “KP,” a member of the Rollin 100 gang—was allegedly made last week.
members say it will remain “on” for 100 days straight—and innocent
people driving between the streets of Western and Normandie in Los
Angeles could be risking their lives over a game on Twitter." . . .
Weasel Zippers "Via Washington Examiner:
"A third Planned Parenthood video
was released Tuesday morning that features a whistleblower who says her
biomedical company would compensate Planned Parenthood clinics for
fetal organs based on their condition and quality after being extracted
from an abortion.
. . .
“The more valuable the tissue the more money you get, so if you can
somehow procure a brain or a heart you’re going to get more money than
just umbilical cord,” O’Donnell says in the video. “So I guess that’s
incentive to try and get the hard stuff because they get more money.”
"The footage shows medical professionals picking through trays of
aborted fetal tissue for legs and other recognizable body parts." . . .
"Camille Paglia, the political and cultural critic, has been a brave and brilliant provocateur on Salon for almost 20 years now. Paglia seemed to be on the winning side of the wars over feminism and political correctness in the 1990s, but recently those battles have been reopened. Suddenly we’re talking again and in very different ways about sexual culture on campus. Comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Maher talk about the return of a stifling political correctness. And we’re staring at the potential rematch of a Clinton and a Bush. "There were so many stories that we wanted Paglia’s take on: Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, the state of the Democratic Party. So we spent two hours discussing all of them on Monday, and we’ll present her thoughts over the next three days. Stand back: Paglia does not hold back on anything.
Right from the start, when the Bill Cosby scandal surfaced, I knew it was not going to bode well for Hillary’s campaign, because young women today have a much lower threshold for tolerance of these matters. The horrible truth is that the feminist establishment in the U.S., led by Gloria Steinem, did in fact apply a double standard to Bill Clinton’s behavior because he was a Democrat. The Democratic president and administration supported abortion rights, and therefore it didn’t matter what his personal behavior was.
. . .
The Clinton’s are responsible for the destruction of Monica Lewinsky! They probably hoped that she would just go on and have a job, get married, have children, and disappear, but instead she’s like this walking ghoul.
"Obama, aides took unusual steps to cultivate ‘Daily Show’ comic"
Politicovia Althouse
. . . "To engage privately with the president in his inner sanctum at two sensitive moments — previously unreported meetings that are listed in the White House visitor logs and confirmed to POLITICO by three former Obama aides — speaks volumes about Stewart and his reach, which goes well beyond the million or so viewers who tune into The Daily Show on most weeknights.
"Love Stewart’s jokes or hate them, he has proven to be a unique voice who is capable of turning in-the-weeds policy discussions into viral video sensations that the country is still talking about the next morning." . . .
Liberty Alliance
"In a July 20 Fox News Special Report, Senior Political Analyst Brit Hume “laid bare the essentially brutal nature of abortion.” And he did it well. His commanding denouncement of the industry followed the July 14 release of “stomach-turning” Planned Parenthood videos, which showed officials coolly discussing the traffic of fetal body parts while eating lunch. “Those revelations…have parted the veil of antiseptic tidiness behind which the abortion industry has for so long operated,” Hume declared. “Let’s be blunt,” he continued. “Abortion involves the extraction and killing of a human life, which within a couple of weeks of pregnancy has a beating heart. Five weeks in, its hands and legs begin to grow.' ”
When McIntosh brought up the videos were edited Fiorina said, “I find it fascinating that Planned Parenthood, EMILY’s List and the rest of the pro-abortion lobby are now suddenly so concerned about a heavily edited video. I don’t recall them ever being concerned about a heavily edited video of Mitt Romney at a fund-raiser. I don’t remember them being concerned about Edward Snowden. We’ve had a lot of things where information has come out that we needed to see. So instead of going after the people who have put out this video information we clearly need to see, let’s talk about the issue here. Of course they’re trying to change the subject. Of course they’re trying to say this is life saving research. I find it amazing that this group of pro-abortion lobbyists continue to say that they are protecting women’s health. Really? late-term abortion is bad for women’s health. They continue to lobby against parental notification. Really? It’s protecting a teenager’s health that she can go to a tanning salon or a tattoo with her mother’s permission but get an abortion without her mother’s permission? This is not about someone else’s health. This is about a woman’s health. A woman’s opportunity to have all of the choices in front of her and it’s about a life that she is bearing.”
"This was far from the only zinger." . . .Read more
Carly Fiorina Makes Top 10 in Two National Polls . . . "In order to make the first GOP presidential primary debate on August 6th in Cleveland, Ohio, Fiorina must place in the top 10 of all candidates based on the ranking from an average of five national polls, according to the criteria set out by the host of the debate, Fox News."
Watch: Carly Fiorina Slams The Left For Silence On Planned Parenthood " It's time to take Carly Fiorina seriously." . . .
"We’ll stop there before we quote the entire video. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When you tally up Carly’s track record at so deftly handling the media on typically hard issues such as abortion and climate change, and when you take into account the fact that she offers concrete policies and steps she would take to get our country back on track… Carly Fiorina is as impressive a candidate as anyone we’ve seen in over two decades." Watch the video
"Last week, John wrote that Ted Cruz “crushed Code Pink” in an impromptu debate with its leader Medea Benjamin regarding Iran. He provided video of the confrontation so that readers could judge for themselves.
"Code Pink had tried to shout Cruz down during a campaign event. Cruz engaged them and decisively out-debated Benjamin.
"A few days later, Dave Weigel of the Washington Post decided to judge the debate. He scored it basically the same as John did.
"Cruz “talked about the deal specifically, [Benjamin] talked about the benefits of diplomacy generally,” Weigel reported. He went on to describe Benjamin as a “punching bag.”
"Damning the debating ability of the protesters with faint praise, Weigel wrote:”Code Pink protesters did not stutter or falter.” True. It’s difficult to stutter or falter when all you are doing is reciting general talking points.
"Weigel also noted that reports of the clash “did not make the rounds on the left [but] went viral on the right.” . . .
main heckler stood down, and Code Pink dispatched Benjamin to debate
Cruz. He talked about the deal, specifically. She talked about the
benefits of diplomacy, generally.
"Over $100 billion will flow to Iran that they will use to fund jihadists" that will murder people, said Cruz.
"The only way we're going to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon is
through negotiation," said Benjamin, who insisted that Iran's real
nuclear ambitions were still mysterious, or over-hyped.
"I think in debates, truth matters," said Cruz. "One entity with whom
there is no ambiguity, in terms of whether Iran wants nuclear weapons,
is Ayatollah Khameini. . . . I recognize that the Code Pink folks like
to hold up signs saying, 'Peace with Iran.' Do you know who doesn't
reciprocate those views? Iran."
- See more at: http://readingeagle.com/ap/article/code-pink-gives-cruz-some-early-debate-practice#sthash.XPApQ7bV.dpuf
result, captured on video by the team at Breitbart News, is among the
most popular conservative entertainment of the past week. - See more at:
"Bill Clinton sexual-harassment accuser Kathleen Willey has launched an anti-Hillary Clinton website titled “A Scandal A Day.”
"The site is partially aimed at recruiting other women who may have been assaulted by the former president.
"Calling Hillary Clinton “without a doubt the most corrupt politician that this nation has ever seen,” Willey announced the launch of her new website Sunday on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM and online.
Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed by the president in the 1990s, explained the website is part information-oriented and part political activism.
“ 'The Clintons have made it extremely easy for me,” she said in the radio interview. “I don’t have to do a lot of research, because it’s not just a scandal a day. It’s about two or three scandals a day. So what I’m doing is kind of a compilation of these scandals and explaining them in simple terms so most people can understand what’s going on, and what they’re up to and why they are lying every day.”
"One section of Willey’s website asks readers: “Are you being harassed, stalked, intimidated or persecuted by a person in position of power or public trust?”
"Listen to Klein’s interview with Willey: Read more
"In so doing, the ultimate crony capitalist is demonstrating, once
again, that she has no core set of beliefs other than in obtaining
power. Hillary is adopting Sanders’ platform attacking capitalism not
because she believes it, but because she hears Bernie’s footsteps
gaining on her in the polls.
"In a recent speech at NYU, Hillary Clinton claimed that capitalism needs a reset and proposed changes to capital gains taxes." . . .