Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Truth About Western “Colonialism”

 How the misuse of a term legitimizes the jihadist myth of Western guilt.

 Bruce S. Thornton

 Photo via Front Page Magazine

. . . "The great scholar of Soviet terror, Robert Conquest, noted this linguistic corruption decades ago. Historical terms like “imperialism” and “colonialism,” Conquest wrote, now refer to “a malign force with no program but the subjugation and exploitation of innocent people.” As such, these terms are verbal “mind-blockers and thought-extinguishers,” which serve “mainly to confuse, and of course to replace, the complex and needed process of understanding with the simple and unneeded process of inflammation.” Particularly in the Middle East, “colonialism” has been used to obscure the factual history that accounts for that region’s chronic dysfunctions, and has legitimized policies doomed to fail because they are founded on distortions of that history." . . .

Updated: Kerry Can’t Say If He Will Follow The Law If Congress Rejects Iran Deal [VIDEO]

Kerry Can’t Say If He Will Follow The Law If Congress Rejects Iran Deal [VIDEO]
"While testifying before the House of Representatives on the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Secretary of State John Kerry would not commit to following the law should Congress override a threatened presidential veto.' . . .
UPDATE: Willing to Give Iran Benefit of Doubt? Consider John Kerry’s Scary Remarks Before Congress! 
. . . " Secretary of State John Kerry said on Capitol Hill that Iran "may" kill Americans or Israelis.

"A member of Congress asked the secretary of state, "Well, do you believe that Iran is the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism?"

" 'Yes," Kerry responded.

" 'And that they will use the conventional weapons made available by the Iran nuclear treaty to kill Americans or Israelis?"

" 'Well, they may," said Kerry. "They may. And we have, as you know, responded to that from 1979 when they took over our embassy forward, we have put sanctions in place specifically because of their support for terror."

"Question for Kerry: Given Iran’s terrorist proclivities, and repeated threats to annihilate the state of Israel, why in the hell has the Administration entered into an Agreement that would send $150 billion in US taxpayer money to Tehran, money that could be used to kill Americans and Israelis and promote terrorism throughout the globe?

Well, there is this too:   "US Does NOT Have Access to Secret Agreement Between Iran & IAEA!"
 Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
The real reason why Obama is pushing a bad deal with Iran 
. . . "Liberals were very upset when Mossadegh was overthrown.  Ever since then, liberals have viewed Irans as the hapless victim of an imperialist America.  That's why Jimmy Carter, the worst president America had ever seen until Barack Obama was elected, helped the radical Ayatollah Khomenei take over from the shah.  The shah was evil in Carter's mind because he was an ally of the West.  Khomenei had anti-Western rhetoric, but for good reason, because of our imperialistic meddling.

'"Fast-forward to today.  Obama is only continuing Carter's policy of appeasing the ayatollahs.  He's not being naive.  He knows that Iran is developing nuclear weapons." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

The Secret Service and their wards

The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents
" As in a play, presidents, vice presidents, and presidential candidates perform on stage for the public and the media. What the nation’s leaders are really like and what goes on behind the scenes remains hidden. Secret Service agents have a front row seat on their private lives and those of their wives and children. " . . .
"From observing Vice President Joe Biden’s reckless behavior that jeopardizes the country’s safety, to escorting Bill Clinton’s mistress at Chappaqua, to overhearing First Lady Michelle Obama’s admonitions to the president, to witnessing President Nixon’s friends bring him a nude stripper, to seeing their own agency take risks that could result in an assassination, Secret Service agents know a secret world that Ronald Kessler exposes in breathtaking detail."
     Secret Service agents have been dismayed to overhear Michelle Obama push her husband to be more aggressive in attacking Republicans and to side with blacks in racial controversies. . . .
      Because Hillary Clinton is so nasty to agents, being assigned to her protective detail is considered a form of punishment and the worst assignment in the Secret Service.
    Vice President Joe Biden swims nude at the vice president’s residence in Washington and at his home in Delaware, offending female agents.
 Fact check reports
Q: Does a recent book quote Secret Service agents saying denigrating things about Obama and other recent Democratic presidents while praising only Republicans?
A: No. The book's author, Ronald Kessler, states that a viral e-mail's descriptions of Obama and Clinton "are completely wrong." His book quotes both flattering and unflattering observations about presidents of both parties
 The left does not like anything said against Democrats
They trash the author as the left does so well. 

Much on this subject from Snopes

 Yahoo: . . . "Marc Ambinder, an editor at “This Week” news magazine, wrote a post admonishing Kessler’s book for “weird inaccuracies” that he says “should lead Kessler to question the judgment of some of his own sources.” Asked for a response to Ambinder’s negative review, Kessler rebutted that “every claim that he made was totally wrong.” . . .

Third in a series: Camille Paglia analyzes the GOP field — and takes on Hillary Clinton (as well as teachers unions!)

But said, “Ted Cruz gives me the willies”

 "In the first two parts of Salon’s conversation with Camille Paglia, we covered Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton, the return of the ’90s sensibility, and then the rise of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

"Today Paglia trains her devastating insight and wit on the rest of the GOP field — look out Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. She also has some surprising thoughts on why Hillary Clinton will not be the Democratic nominee — and why it would be unwise for Democrats to overlook the appeal of Scott Walker."
" Catch up with the first two parts of our interview here and here."

 "Ted Cruz gives me the willies": Camille Paglia analyzes the GOP field -- and takes on Hillary Clinton

. . . "Young feminists are asking why there hasn’t been a woman president and automatically blaming it on male sexism.  But there are plenty of women Democratic politicians who are too scared to put themselves forward as candidates because of the Clinton machine. There’s something seriously wrong here with Democratic thinking. You either believe in the country, you believe in your party, or you don’t!
"Given the problems facing the nation, this passive waiting for your turn is simply unacceptable.  The Democrats have plenty of solid, capable women politicians who are just too timid to challenge the party establishment.  Well, excuse me, that proves they don’t deserve to be president!  You sure won’t be able to deal with ISIS if you can’t deal with Debbie Wasserman Schultz! " . . .

"Exactly how have the teachers unions improved the quality of education in our big cities?  Look at the dilapidated public schools in Philadelphia or in many other cities run by Democrats.  The rigid and antiquated seniority system imposed by the teachers unions has been a disaster–”last hired, first fired.”  So many young and vital teachers have been terminated during budget cuts–the entire future of the profession.  The unions value seniority over quality, and it’s inner-city children who have paid the price.

"In my opinion, Scott Walker still lacks seasoning, presidential temper, and a working knowledge of international affairs.  But if Democrats try to use the union issue to take him down, they’re simply empowering him–and we’re going to end up with President Walker."

Megyn Kelly Versus Daily Beast Reporter On Trump Spousal 'Rape' Article


"TIM MAK, "THE DAILY BEAST" REPORTER: Well, I think it's relevant because Donald Trump introduced his presidential campaign by making these accusations against Mexican immigrants saying many of the people who cross the border were rapists. I think it's worth looking at whether or not there have been any accusations or allegations made in the past about him on that matter."
. . .
" MAK: Well, look, like you mentioned, Donald Trump is the republican front- runner. He deserves to be looked at. His history should be looked at. And I think what's important here is that Ivana Trump did make these statements about an incident in 1989. And she acknowledged them again in a book that was published in 1993. We're simply looking at those facts. And I think with his presidential campaign, there's new relevance to them." . . .

 Ivana Trump says Daily Beast rape story is ‘without merit,’ Donald Trump attorney apologizes for comments   "An attorney for Donald Trump who lashed out at the Daily Beast has apologized for his comments on rape. At the same time though, Trump’s ex-wife, Ivana Trump, called the story “totally without merit.” As we reported earlier this morning,...
"It is true. You cannot rape your spouse. And there's very clear case law."
 Donald Trump was attacked on Tuesday by President Obama, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry and Al Sharpton. He laughed off suggestions that if elected president he’d someday leave us for a younger country. Donald Trump may leave us for a younger country, but he’ll never find one with bigger boobs.  Comedian Argus Hamilton

Planned Parenthood ‘hack’ turns out to be fake

Joe Newby 


Planned Parenthood ‘hack’ turns out to be fake

noppNow that Planned Parenthood has been caught with its hands in the cookie jar, so to speak, it is doing everything it can to engage in damage control.
Now it seems the organization is faking hack attacks on its website in order to garner sympathy from the low-information left.

. . . " Sounds like they’ve been caught again.  I wonder if they’ll get a judge to put a gag order on bloggers reporting about their fake hacks the way they got a judge to put a restraining order on the outfit that exposed PP for selling dead baby parts…"

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Ann Coulter   " For years, Republican candidates have been assured by their political consultants that amnesty is a runaway hit with the public. Then they always come in for a zinger of a surprise when the American people are finally able to express themselves on the subject. (Sometimes it seems as if political consultants are in the game only to make money.)

"Washington has tried to sneak through three amnesties in the last decade -- in 2006, 2007 and 2013. Each time, amnesty had the full support of the media, the White House, leaders of both political parties, big campaign donors and lobbyists.

"And every time, as soon as the public got wind of what was happening, the politicians scattered like roaches and the loudest amnesty proponent in the room would suddenly be demanding "border security first!"

"Couldn't Republicans spare themselves the embarrassment of having to say they "learned their lesson" by learning the same lesson of the last 17 guys to push amnesty?

"The McCain-Kennedy amnesty passed the Senate in 2006, instantly inspiring an outpouring of voter anger so virulent that it shut down the congressional switchboards. Despite enormous opposition from voters, lame-duck President Bush cockily told reporters, "I'll see you at the bill signing" -- the first step to ushering in a Democratic Congress in the upcoming midterm elections.

"By contrast, House Majority Leader John Boehner told a group of Republicans that he had "promised the president today that I wouldn't say anything bad about this piece of s--- bill'.". . . 

Part 2 of three: Camille Paglia takes on Jon Stewart, Trump, Sanders: “Liberals think of themselves as very open-minded, but that’s simply not true!”

. . . "I think Stewart’s show demonstrated the decline and vacuity of contemporary comedy. I cannot stand that smug, snarky, superior tone. I hated the fact that young people were getting their news through that filter of sophomoric snark. Comedy, to me, is one of the major modern genres, and the big influences on my generation were Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl. Then Joan Rivers had an enormous impact on me–she’s one of my major role models. It’s the old caustic, confrontational style of Jewish comedy. It was Jewish comedians who turned stand-up from the old gag-meister shtick of vaudeville into a biting analysis of current social issues, and they really pushed the envelope. Lenny Bruce used stand-up to produce gasps and silence from the audience. And that’s my standard–a comedy of personal risk. And by that standard, I’m sorry, but Jon Stewart is not a major figure. He’s certainly a highly successful T.V. personality, but I think he has debased political discourse. I find nothing incisive in his work. As for his influence, if he helped produce the hackneyed polarization of moral liberals versus evil conservatives, then he’s partly at fault for the political stalemate in the United States." . . .
. . . "So far this year, I’m happy with what Trump has done, because he’s totally blown up the media! All of a sudden, “BOOM!” That lack of caution and shooting from the hip. He’s not a president, of course. He’s not remotely a president. He has no political skills of any kind. He’s simply an American citizen who is creating his own bully pulpit. He speaks in the great populist way, in the slangy vernacular. He takes hits like a comedian–and to me he’s more of a comedian than Jon Stewart is!" . . .

Liberal Silliness 7/30/15

University Of New Hampshire ‘Bias-Free Language’ Guide Deems Word ‘American’ Problematic   . . . “ 'American,” “illegal alien,” “foreigners,” “mothering,” and “fathering” are just a handful of words deemed “problematic” by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide.
"According to the university’s website, the guide “is meant to invite inclusive excellence in [the] campus community.”
"Terms also considered problematic include: “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman,” and “chairman,” in addition to many others." . . .

 . . .  mom Katia doesn’t want to “force” her child to hug anyone, family and close friends included: it’s the child’s body.  " Children aren’t highly instinctive little angels, they’re immature human beings who lack wisdom, insight, social skills, knowledge and even the ability to reason. Parents are supposed to guide them and teach them how to behave towards others and themselves.

Author Ronald Kessler On Bill Clinton: ‘He Has A Blonde, Busty Mistress’
 . . . "Secret Service agents discovered that former president Bill Clinton has a blond mistress. Within minutes of Hillary Clinton’s leaving, the woman—codenamed Energizer by agents—shows up to be with Bill every day while the likely future presidential candidate is away." . . .
Like we didn't know that.

NYT: Killer Of Cecil Is Now Target Of Internet Vigilantism   "The NYT had no problem when online vigilantes were doing this sort of thing to Scott Walker or George Zimmerman or Officer Darryl Wilson. By the way, The Times somehow fails to mention that it was Mia Farrow who actually posted Dr. Palmer’s business address on Twitter."

New York: Constitutional Rights For Some: Return of the City Porn Merchants    "Anyone who knew the city took a cab to the theater and most people knew to stay away from Times Square. It was the home of porn peddlers and the criminals they attracted. It was a haven for thieves and drug dealers.
"Years of lawsuits and finally, rezoning under Rudy Giuliani made them all disappear."
Welcome back, Mayor Dinkins. 

The Colossal Hoax Of Organic Agriculture   " Consumers of organic foods are getting both more and less than they bargained for. On both counts, it’s not good."

Transgender Fights Catholic Church to be Godparent 

 httpWhoa! Planned Parenthood just threatened political reporters airing damning videos

Baby parts on sale

Kathleen Willey's new website

"Bill Clinton’s Oval Office sexual harassment accuser Kathleen Willey announced Monday she’s setting up a website asking all women who’ve ever been sexually harassed by Bill Clinton to join the site. She said he groped her breasts in the Oval Office. Churchill’s bust doesn’t do it for every president."  Comedian Argus Hamilton

a SCANDAL a day 

"Are you being harassed, stalked, intimidated or persecuted by a person in position of power or public trust? Are you being told if you tell their dirty little scandal to anyone, that they can make you disappear, ruined, used as a scapegoat?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Quote from Edmund Burke.

 "Do you want to reveal wrongdoing within an organization or a person that holds a position of trust to the public in the hope of stopping it? If you do, contact us on our tip line and we will help you.

Exclusive Interview - Former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren

Blackfive    . . . " Former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren’s latest book Ally is a riveting description of the relationship between Israel and the United States.  Readers get a behind the scenes look at how the Obama Administration has a one sided point of view. Through his numerous notes and direct insight he tells of the struggles Israel has had with the Obama Administration, especially regarding the Iranian nuclear deal.  He warns that Israel is in existential danger, that his only agenda is a reality check regarding this administration’s policies toward Israel. interviewed him about his book and the Iranian nuclear deal." . . .
 Oren has written books, articles, and essays on Middle Eastern history, and is the author of the New York Times best-selling Power, Faith and Fantasy and Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East, which won the Los Angeles Times History Book of the Year Award and the National Jewish Book Award. Oren has been a visiting professor at Harvard, Yale, and Georgetown universities in the United States and at Tel Aviv and Hebrew universities in Israel. He was a Distinguished Fellow at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem and a contributing editor to The New Republic. The Forward named Oren one of the five most influential American Jews and The Jerusalem Post listed him as one of the world’s ten most influential Jews.   Wikipedia

 ‘Ally': Michael Oren’s Memoir to Expose Obama Administration’s Abuse of Israel
Ally by Michael B. Oren . . . "The book tells the story of Oren’s four years (2009-13) as Israel’s representative in Washington–and reveals just how hostile the Obama administration is towards Israel. Though he argues Obama is not anti-Israel, Oren notes that his administration did all it could to bully Israel into compliance with its hopelessly naïve new agenda in the Middle East." . . .