Sunday, August 9, 2015

Jon Stewart, Patron Saint of Liberal Smugness

 Mr. Stewart later acknowledged that Mr. Yoo had bested him, which didn’t happen very often. In that sense, the interview was an outlier. But it wasn’t a coincidence. Mr. Stewart had gone in lazy, relying on a caricature, and seemingly unprepared for the thoughtful conservative sitting in his guest chair.
NY Times   "It shows how gifted Jon Stewart is that his best moment happened on someone else’s show. He appeared in 2004 on “Crossfire,” a CNN yelling program, and asked the hosts to take seriously their responsibility to public understanding by having useful conversations instead of shouting matches.
"It was Mr. Stewart’s finest hour. He made an earnest pitch for civility in a place where there really was none. Which makes it too bad that in his 16 years of hosting “The Daily Show,” he never lived up to his own responsibility. His prodigious talents — he was smart and funny, and even more of both when he was mad — perfectly positioned him to purge a particular smugness from our discourse. Instead, he embodied it. I loved watching him, and hated it too. " . . .

"Liberals turn out to be just as prone to their own forms of intolerance, ignorance and bias. But the beliefs are comforting to many. They give their bearers a sense of intellectual and even moral superiority. And they affect behavior. . . . "This sense of superiority is hardly the only cause of our polarized public discourse, but it sure doesn’t help."

And polarized it is, indeed. In fact I feel an intense dislike between both sides that is manifested in many comments and tweets on current events. TD

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Who Helped Themselves in GOP Debate, and Who Ought to Drop Out of the Race Now

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
It was painful to watch one great man out of his element.

Andrew Klavan   "Just a couple of observations on the debate. Despite reporting from the Los Angeles Times and even the Wall Street Journal saying the debate was fractious and that Trump dominated, that isn’t what I saw. Conservative filmmaker Jeremy Boreing got it right in his excellent post-debate piece for the Hollywood Reporter :
Thursday night was — against all odds and the prevailing narrative in the media — a real victory for the Republican party.
What was framed in the lead-up as an embarrassing glut of meaningless candidates revealed itself to be, for the most part, a serious and diverse field both in terms of policy and demographics.
What many expected to be a fireworks show between a fractured and fractious party and its unlikely reality star frontrunner was actually a largely civil exchange of ideas. Finally, a party often criticized (especially by conservatives in Hollywood) as impossibly deficient in stagecraft and presentation managed to introduce nine articulate, polished and thoughtful candidates – and Donald Trump.
"Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, John Kasich and Mike Huckabee all helped themselves and looked good, I thought. Ben Carson ought to get out: It’s painful to watch a great man out of his element. Rand Paul ought to get out: He’s nuts. Chris Christie ought to get out: He hugged Obama and, no, I don’t forgive him either. I wish Jeb Bush would get out, but I’ll just have to wait.

"A comment on Carly Fiorina. She did great not only in the pre-debate debate of the second tier but also in the spin room, where she gave Chris Matthews a much-deserved high heel to the eyeball. I’ve been reluctant to praise Fiorina because I thought she was sort of a no-show in her 2010 Senate run here in California. I met her briefly at the time and, while I had no negative impression of her, I didn’t have an overwhelmingly positive one either. But she wasn’t just great on Thursday. She’s been great ever since she started running. Honest, fearless, smart and politically wise. People keep saying condescendingly that she’s about to have a boomlet or become “flavor of the week.” Maybe. But I’m beginning to suspect she might be in it for the long haul, and could even end up on the ticket, if not in the lead position. I like her.

"I’ll try to say more about Trump next week. For now, my previous comments stand." . . .

Protesters Rush To Defend Another Foolhardy Kid

"Around 1 am Friday morning, 19-year-old black college football player Christian Taylor drove an SUV into the showroom of a car dealership in Arlington, Texas.

"He then proceeded to try and burglarize the place. When the police arrived, he not surprisingly fought back and wound up dead at the hands of Officer Brad Miller, 49.

"According to The Dallas Morning News, “In December, Taylor was sentenced to six months deferred adjudication for possession of a controlled substance, a misdemeanor.”

"I obviously prefer that all the evidence be procured and thoroughly reviewed before I make any conclusive statements, but it seems like an out-of-control teen made some extremely stupid errors in judgment and thus wound up dead.

"However, judging by the following tweets pulled up by The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, some idiots feel differently:" . . .

Just saying

Eagle Rising's photo.

Puppy Parts No - Human Parts Yes?

N Korea winds back its clocks to make 'Pyongyang time'

The Norks turned clocks back to 600 BC.


Even Western liberal guilt will call this silly. Um, won't they?

MSN    "North Korea has announced that it is winding its clocks back by 30 minutes to create a new "Pyongyang Time" - breaking from a time standard imposed by what it called "wicked Japanese imperialists" more than a century ago.

"The change will put the standard time in North Korea at GMT+8:30, 30 minutes behind South Korea which, like Japan, is at GMT+9:00.

"North Korea said the time change, approved on Wednesday by its rubber-stamp parliament and announced on Friday, would come into effect from August 15, which this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Korean peninsula's liberation from Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule.

" 'The wicked Japanese imperialists committed such unpardonable crimes as depriving Korea of even its standard time while mercilessly trampling down its land," the North's official KCNA news agency said."

Thirty minutes? Thirty?

Polls Show Obama’s Favorability Plummeting In Israel

Confidence in Obama on World Affairs. . . "In July of last year, during the outbreak of violence between Israel and the Palestinians, a Pew Research Poll indicated a sharp division between Republicans and Democrats on their support for Israel. According to Pew, in April of 2014 prior to the onset of violence, 68% of Republicans and 46% of Democrats sympathized more with Israel than the Palestinians. Following the outbreak of violence, the number of Republicans who sympathized with Israel rose to 73% while the number of Democrats fell slightly to just 44%." . . .
. . .
"Yet another poll asked Israelis which American President in the last 30 years was the worst for Israel, and a whopping 68% chose Obama, with Jimmy Carter coming in a distant second with just 16%.Given the fact that Israel is politically divided nearly in half between left and right, it is clear that the majority of Israelis view security as their highest priority." . . .
. . .
"Who will support Israel’s right to defend herself against our common enemy, and to attack that enemy head-on? Who is more inclined to treat Israel as a friend and an ally? When you consider these questions, there is little doubt that we should be cheering for the Republican candidate."
Hat tip to  James Willis

Perhaps their fear of Obama is because of decisions such as this:
 US Releases First ISIS Detainee to Iraq, Setting Precedent for a New War . . . "U.S. special operations troops captured Ibrahim in a May raid that killed her husband, Abu Sayyaf, who is believed to have helped direct ISIS’ illicit financial operations. Ibrahim herself is suspected of having played an “important role” in the group’s terrorist activities . . .

The Donald Evolves



"David Harsanyi at the Federalist thinks the first Republican debate was awesome. I agree. The field looked strong all the way down to Carly Fiorina on the JV team.

"Then there’s The Donald. He refused a pledge not to pull a Ross Perot if doesn’t win the nomination. Why give up the leverage, he reasoned. Makes sense I guess. And he said he made Hillary attend his wedding by giving her money. Also believable.

"When asked how he came to change his views on taxes and abortion he said he evolved.

 Obama "evolves"

The Evolution Of The Politician
"Dr. Loop has identified what he believes is a prehistoric ancestor to today's politician–an early species he has named Homo Politicus." . . .

 Politician Evolution

. . . So what happens when the species is exposed and trapped? "The instinct of modern Homo Politicus is to rapidly assess his position and resist efforts to be displaced—then continue trying to use any advantage this gives him as leverage for leniency in punishment. It's pathetic to watch, really."   More at Wacky Times

Friday, August 7, 2015

On Carly Fiorina

 I love the way she shut Matthews up.
 After the five o’clock debate, Fiorina trucked over to MSNBC (talking about going anywhere, anytime) to appear on Hardball with Chris Matthews, then proceeded to decimate Matthews, which even Mr. Thrill-Up-His-Leg acknowledged.  Republicans, are you paying attention? You have gold here. Watch on the next page, if you missed the Hardball appearance….Roger Simon at PJ Media

Wayne Dupree: Check out Carly Fiorina’s full speech at RedState Gathering!    "Many observers and online social tweeters agreed Fiorina dominated the earlier GOP debate among candidates who failed to make the prime-time edition because they fell outside the top 10 in a series of polls.
"Many supporters tried to get Fiorina into the top 10 with last minute drive, but it didn’t work out.
"The former Hewlett-Packard executive said she would continue to stress her business experience and the fact she is not a part of a “political class” that has failed the nation.
"The publicity from Thursday’s debate is likely to help her raise money, get endorsements and improve her name recognition among voters.
“What we’ve been doing is building momentum,” Fiorina said. “It gets a little easier when people know who you are.”

Politico: Is Carly Fiorina the real deal?  . . . " Dannenfelser said Trump’s now infamous exchange with Kelly about his views on women would have been put into better context if Fiorina had been on stage during the prime-time debate. “I think it would’ve been very helpful to have a woman that was on that stage being a grown-up and discussing this in terms that would resonate with people,” she said."

Looks Like Carly Fiorina Won Both Debates…video clips 
. . . "Carly Fiorina has been a relentless critic of Hillary Clinton. When asked about Hillary, Carly said, “Hillary Clinton lies about Benghazi, she lies about email, she is still defending Planned Parenthood and she is still her party’s frontrunner. 2016 is going to be a fight between conservatism and a Democrat party that is undermining the very character of this nation. We need a nominee who is going to throw every punch, not poll punches, and someone who cannot stumble before he even gets into the ring. I’m not a member of the political class. I’m a Conservative. I can win this job. I can do this job. I need your help. I need your support. I will, with your help and support, lead the resurgence of this great nation.”
"Maybe she could be our Margaret Thatcher."
S. Noble  :"This Is Why I Love Carly Fiorina"    "Andrea Mitchell asked Carly Florina what she would do about ISIS. Carly Fiorina blew that question out of the water.
I would do very specific things.

First, instead of having a Camp David conference to talk our Arab allies into a bad deal with Iran, I would have had a Camp David conference to talk with our Arab allies about how we can support them to fight ISIS.

Let me give you very specific examples. The Kurds have been asking us to arm them for three years, we still have not. The Jordanians have been asking us to provide them with bombs and materiel. We know King Abdullah of Jordan, I’ve known him for many years. He took the appropriate leadership steps when a Jordanian pilot was burned alive. He was here in this country asking us for bombs and materiel, we haven’t provided him with any of them; he’s now looking to China for that. The Egyptian president, a very brave and pious Muslim, who has said there is a cancer in the heart of Islam, has asked us to share intelligence. We are not. The Turks have asked us to help them topple Bashar al-Assad, we are not.

There are a whole set of things that we’ve been asked to do by our allies who know this is their fight, and we’re not doing any of them. So I would hold a summit and talk with them about that.
"Take that Andrea! Take that Hillary!" . . .

PJ MediaMichael Ramirez Cartoon
Roger Simon: Carly Rules the Fox News Night   . . . "But the person who really summoned the forces on Thursday was by far Carly Fiorina, who appeared in the earlier debate for also-rans. She was so good her ghost hung over the second debate." . . .

 Michael Warren: Carly Wins Undercard Debate  . . . "Fiorina argued for greater integration of law enforcement efforts to combat cyber warfare and terrorism, calling for a “different mindset” with respect to this fight. “We need to tear down cyber walls, not on a mass basis but on a targeted basis,” she said. She repeated a frequent stump speech promise that her first two calls as president would be to “her friend” Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and to the supreme leader of Iran. This, she said, to send a message to both our allies and our enemies that “America is back in the leadership business.' ” . . .

Krauthammer: Who Is the One Actually Making Common Cause with Iran’s Hard-Liners, Mr. President?

Charles Krauthammer   . . . "This tragicomedy is now in the hands of Congress or, more accurately, of congressional Democrats. It is only because so many Democrats are defecting that Obama gave the AU speech in the first place. And why he tried so mightily to turn the argument into a partisan issue — those warmongering Republicans attacking a president offering peace in our time. Obama stooped low, accusing the Republican caucus of making “common cause” with the Iranian “hard-liners” who shout “Death to America.' ”. . .
. . .

"Common cause with the Iranian hard-liners? Who more than Obama? For years, they conduct a rogue nuclear weapons program in defiance of multiple Security Council declarations of its illegality backed by sanctions and embargoes. Obama rewards them with a treaty that legitimates their entire nuclear program, lifts the embargo on conventional weapons and ballistic missiles, and revives an economy — described by Iran’s president as headed back to “the Stone Age” under sanctions — with an injection of up to $150 billion in unfrozen assets, permission for the unlimited selling of oil, and full access to the international financial system." . . . Read more

Obama and Iran’s ‘Hardliners’  . . . "To be sure, Obama’s media friends are helping him broadcast this fairy tale; that, no doubt, is why the president is able to run to the nearest college campus and get applause for his kooky claims. But the reality is that Khamenei – the guy Obama implored to cooperate with him – is the chief hardliner. The Iran deal could not have happened unless Khamenei supported it; he supports it precisely because it is breathtakingly good for Iran." . . .

On the Fox Republican debate

Rosie O'Donnell responds to Donald Trump's debate barb 
  She was not happy.

American Thinker:
What if the media had treated Barack Obama as Fox journalists treated Donald Trump?  "We might have had a different president, and America would be far better off.
 "However one feels about the Republican Party, the multitude of candidates for president, and Donald Trump, last night’s debate was an example of how journalism should be practiced."
Debating Fox News moderation of GOP prime-time debaten. . . "The performance of Fox News makes a strong case that they should be allowed an opportunity to host at least one of the Democrat debates." . . .
DNC indicates which candidate they fear most . . . "The only debater their Twitter feed attacked during the debates was Carly Fiorina, and this tells us whom they fear the most, and whom they saw gaining the most traction."
Three from Drudge:
 NY Times: A Foxy, Rowdy Republican Debate . . . " On Thursday night in Cleveland, the Fox News moderators did what only Fox News moderators could have done, because the representatives of any other network would have been accused of pro-Democratic partisanship." . .  .
The questions asked "were the right ones, starting with a brilliant opener: Was there any candidate who was unwilling to pledge support to the eventual Republican nominee and swear off a third-party run?
"Trump alone wouldn’t make those promises, even though the moderator who asked that question, Bret Baier, pointed out that such a third-party run would likely hand the presidency to the Democratic nominee."
. . . "They should square their slogans with their records, and that’s what Fox made them do. On this night, the network that pampers Republicans provoked them instead. It was great television, and even better politics."
 GOP debate: Early numbers suggest record audience
 Donald Trump vs. Fox News
....... Fiorina impresses as Trump's schtick wears thin   "Republicans. . . in Cleveland . . . produced the beginning of the beginning for a Carly Fiorina surge and the beginning of the end for a Donald Trump campaign."
Legal Insurrection: 
 Debate Post-Analysis – Trump Rorschach test. . . "the punditry is unanimous that Carly Fiorina was the clear winner, and it was her Breakout Moment. The other candidates in that grouping should just drop out. "

Was Debate Carly Fiorina’s Breakout Moment?   . . . "The consensus among many in media was that Carly Fiorina won the debate. CNN made note of the tweets declaring Fiorina the winner:" . . .
A Fabulously Awful Night for Donald Trump   . . . "He, of course, couldn’t answer about his evidence that the Mexican government is pushing people over the border. And his slap at Megyn Kelly was a classic case of not knowing your audience. The last month has been Trump making the rest of the field look small; tonight was the opposite." . . . Rich Lowry
 Carly   "She was the winner and it wasn’t even close — poised, forceful, fluid. It’s what anyone who has seen her at the cattle-calls or other events would expect (and many of the lines were the same)." Rich Lowry
Fiorina’s Triumph & a Few Other Thoughts  . . . "The first thing to keep in mind, it seems to me, is that just because the people in the primetime debate have higher poll numbers doesn’t necessarily mean they are better political talents. For instance, if you could rank the candidates by their records instead of by poll numbers, Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal would certainly belong on the big stage ahead of many of the folks in the 9 o’clock slot. This far out, poll numbers have more to do with a bunch of variables — from fundraising to name recognition to entertainment value to the fresh-new-thing factor — than they have to do with some single “objective” metric." . . .Jonah Goldberg
GOP candidates battle to stake their positions in first 2016 debate
" From fiery criticism of ObamaCare and the Iran nuclear deal to support for Israel and the rights of the unborn, the top 10 Republican presidential candidates did all they could to define and separate themselves Thursday night during the Fox News debate in Cleveland, Ohio."

Democrats jubilant after chaotic Republican debate . . . “I felt pretty good that we increased the chances that the Democratic nominee whoever it is, will ultimately be elected president of the United States,” Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), told MSNBC on Friday.

" 'When you expose America to the extremism that is the Republican party today like they did last night, it’s very evident that there will be a dramatic and clear contrast going into the general election and Democrats are going to show off that we care about fighting for the middle class and they care about taking care of the wealthiest 1%.' ”
 Hillary Clinton
Much more commentary at Lucianne

Multiple articles on Fox GOP debates coming to this spot

Aggregating them as we speak. TD

Remember this? Hillary’s Meeting With Everyday Iowans Was a Fake

The PC Graveyard   . . . "Hillary tried to pull a fast one on Iowa voters but was caught in the act.  She was pictured sitting down and having a discussion with 3 “ordinary Iowans.”  Only thing is, they weren’t so ordinary:"

"The meeting in a coffee shop in LeClaire , Iowa (Sound familiar? That’s the home of American Pickers) was supposed to be a chance meeting between Hillary Clinton and three ordinary Iowan citizens. The three “ordinary” Iowans turned out to be Austin Bird, a former Clinton campaign intern, Carter Bell, University of Iowa College Democrats president, and Planned Parenthood of the Heartland staffer Sara Sedlacek.

"It wasn’t an accident either. Hillary campaign staffer, Troy Price arranged the entire thing. He called Bird and arranged for the three to meet him at the Village Inn in Davenport, Iowa. Bird explains:

“ 'We were asked to come to a meeting with Troy, the three of us, at the Village Inn. It was supposed to be a strategy meeting…then all of a sudden he says, ‘Hey, we have Secretary Clinton coming in, would you like to go meet her?’”

"Bird said Price vetted them for half an hour and then drove the three to LeClaire, where the accidental dinner took place. The three sat at a table by themselves and soon Hillary came over like she had picked them at random to talk to.

“ 'I mean, Troy asked us all to do – to go to a meeting with him. And we didn’t really know what it was about. I mean, he did. He knew.”

"It is not known if everyone at the cafe was a plant. By time of the writing of this article, the only other patrons to be identified was the mayor of LeClaire and his wife and Price.

"Price was the leader of the Iowa Democratic Party until last week when Hillary selected him to work for her campaign. Price has not answered any news organizations requests for a comment."