Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Guess who wants Germany to end the Octoberfest tradition

CREEPING SHARIA: Muslims File Petition To End This German Tradition

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"Oktoberfest is an annual, world renowned festival in Munich that celebrates the German culture. Featuring beer, brats, dancing and beautiful girls, locals and tourists flood into the 16 day festival bringing huge revenue into the economy and fun for all ages. Everyone has an amazing time and the country makes millions – so what could possibly go wrong?

"This is what makes my blood boil. Prepare for your head to spin. Intolerant Muslims have filed a petition to put an end to Oktoberfest. As Obama is doing is doing in America, Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel is flooding Germany with Muslims.  And instead of learning the culture of the generous people that have welcomed them into their country and supported them financially, Muslims are demanding that Germany end their celebrations.

“ 'We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest, such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.” Can you imagine the audacity? To my friends in Germany: Turn it up! We in America have numerous Oktoberfests and we will plan on getting loud, dancing and celebrating in your honor!

"Chancellor Merkel has proclaimed Islam “belongs to Germany” (sound familiar?). Germany has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe with 3.5 million Muslims. However, 80% of them do not have German citizenship. With thousands more now flooding in from Syria, men often patrol the streets in an attempt to enforce Sharia Law on the citizens. In addition, Muslims are known to attack Christians for their faith. For example, on Christmas 2014, in the German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, Muslims attacked Catholics attending mass. They forced their way into the St. Mary’s Church by shouting “F*cking Christians” and randomly assaulting victims at their place of worship."  Read more

Perhaps if we told the Islamists that the Nazis celebrated Octoberfest...

Obama's foreign policy pro and con: Council on Foreign Relations

What Obama 
Gets RightKeep Calm and Carry the Liberal Order On
Author: Gideon Rose, Editor, Foreign Affairs, and Peter G. Peterson Chair, Foreign Affairs
September/October 2015        

"How should one judge a president’s handling of foreign policy? Some focus on what happens in a few lonely moments of crisis, casting the nation’s leader as Horatius at the bridge or Casey at the bat. But a better analogy would be a member of a relay team or a middle relief pitcher: somebody who takes over from a predecessor, does a hard job for a while, and then passes things on to the next guy.

"In baseball, there are special statistics used to judge such players, the hold and the blown save, which essentially tally whether the pitcher’s team keeps or loses the lead while he’s in the game. Looked at in such a light, Barack Obama has done pretty well. Having inherited two wars and a global economic crisis from the George W. Bush administration—the foreign policy equivalent of runners on base with no outs—Obama has extricated the country from some old problems, avoided getting trapped in some new ones, and made some solid pickups on the side." . . .

Barack Obama sits during a plenary session at the G20 leaders summit in Brisbane, November 2014. Western leaders at the summit blasted Russian President Vladimir Putin for the crisis in Ukraine.

What Obama 
Gets Wrong   No Retreat, No Surrender
. . . "Nevertheless, every president should be judged on a few fundamentals—his ability to deliver what he promised, weaken the country’s foes and strengthen its friends, elaborate a concept of the American interest that is persuasive and true, and pass on a world heading in the right direction. Obama rates well on none of these. Start with the promises, of which Obama made plenty when he came to office. The prison at Guantánamo Bay was to be shut within a year. Relations with Russia would be “reset.” The United States’ good name would be restored in such places as Cairo, Istanbul, and Damascus. Israeli settlement expansion would end, and peace with the Palestinians would be forged. Much of this was to be achieved, so it seemed, through the sheer moral force of Obama’s personality and the compelling logic of his ideas. Yet none of it occurred. Obama became the president who, to use one of Rose’s baseball metaphors, called his shot only to strike out." . . .

As Hillary stands with victimized women, so Obama stands with the working people

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Hillary stands with women victims of sexual predators

Hillary, DNC face pressure to add debates
"The increasingly public rift between Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others in her party’s leadership over the number of presidential debates is threatening to become more than just embarrassing to the DNC.

"It’s spelling trouble for Hillary Clinton, the faltering front-runner who can’t afford to look like she’s being protected by party insiders, say Democrats aligned with both the DNC and 2016 campaigns.

"On one side of the fight is a pair of party vice chairs and 2016 candidate Martin O’Malley, who have complained in recent weeks that the DNC should sponsor more than its six planned debates – only four of which will take place before voting in Iowa -- and have protested the committee’s vow to punish candidates who try to participate in unsanctioned events.

"On the other side is Wasserman Schultz, who steadfastly insists she won’t budge from the plan, which was carefully negotiated with the campaigns this spring — part of a process that included convincing the Clinton camp to agree to so many debates in the first place." . . .

Not Taking Debate
. . . "Meanwhile, Hillary has released a new campaign ad which taxes our ability to believe how freaking clueless her handlers are..."

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, sexual assault, juanita broaderick, willey, bill clinton, rape, monica

"Yes, the woman who for decades handled Bill Clinton's "bimbo eruptions" by destroying the lives of his accusers and inventing "vast Right wing conspiracies" is now claiming to have a sympathetic ear for the victims of sexual assault. Unless, as mentioned above, they happen to be treated as sex slaves and property in Middle Eastern countries which have contributed heavily to the Clinton Foundation.". . .

In a bid to burnish her image with voters, the Clinton campaign is flooding the Internet with nostalgic pictures of the Democratic front-runner.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hillary says she will defend women against sexual predators

EXCLUSIVE: Kathleen Willey slams Hillary’s new sex assault survivors ad
"Hillary Clinton believes victims of sexual assault have “a right to be believed.” Except, of course, if the accusations are made against her husband and could complicate her political aspirations.
In Clinton’s new web ad, titled “Hillary’s Message to Survivors of Sexual Assault,” the candidate claims:"

"But that’s a very different message Kathleen Willey received in 1993 when she accused Hillary’s husband, President Bill Clinton, of sexually assaulting her.

" “She believed what happened for sure,” Willey tells The American Mirror. “She just chose to ignore the plight of all of his victims, thus enabling him to continue to abuse and rape women in the future.”

"Willey adds, “She’s a money-hungry hypocritical witch who will do anything for money. " "

Hillary opened the door and we ran through it.

Simple question

Posted by Lisa Najamy at Mark Levin's Fan Club of Intelligent, Thinking Women (and Men)
Ms. Najamy also posted this photo at her page:

America's whininess: whining victims are now ubiquitous

The Weariness of the Whiners


. . . "The rub is whether someone has something more or better than your own — and why and how that can still be possible in the American horn of plenty. Given those requisites, whininess is the lubricant of our national machinery.

"On the other end of the social scale is the whining of the established elite, who bitch that the public has forgotten that they must be exempt to cross-examination and therefore must remind us of that by perpetual whining. The Obama administration mastered this natural trait of privileged scapegoating. For the first six years of Obama’s administration, all supposed achievement was Obama’s; every confirmed failure was the legacy of Emmanuel Goldstein, aka ex-President George W. Bush.

"So monotonously expressed was Obama’s whine that we came to believe that Iraq was tumultuous rather than quiet and at peace when he came to office, that the September 2008 financial crash was exploding on the day of his inauguration rather than four months old, contained and addressed, that racial relations were improving rather serving up Fergusons and Baltimores, and that the Middle East and Russia were rather stable rather than imploding from Syria and Yemen to the Crimea and Ukraine. Obama never set a deadline with Syria, much less ignored it. The UN alone did that, not he."  . . .

This policeman's killer had ties to Ferguson, Al Sharpton

Kentucky Trooper Was Trying to Help the Man Who Killed Him: Police

Image: Joseph Cameron Ponder
"The Kentucky state trooper who was fatally shot after a traffic stop on Sunday night was trying to help the man who allegedly killed him, Kentucky State Police spokesman Jay Thomas said in a news conference.

"The trooper, Joseph Ponder, 31, pulled over Joseph Johnson-Shanks, 25, on an interstate just after 10 p.m. It was unclear why the trooper conducted the traffic stop, Thomas said, though Ponder quickly discovered that Johnson-Shanks' driver's license was suspended.

"Two women who were also in the car — one was 18, the other was 22 — didn't have licenses either, Thomas said, so Ponder tried to arrange for a hotel for everyone — there were also two young children in the vehicle, police said.

" 'So he wouldn't have to take the driver to jail," Thomas said, "he was trying to help them out.' " . . . From Weasel Zippers

Breaking: Kentucky Cop Killer Was #Ferguson Protester, Went To Michael Brown’s Funeral, Burial
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"Shanks was not originally from Kentucky, he was from Missouri, from Florissant, near Ferguson.

"He had a long criminal history. But perhaps significantly one arrest, for ‘interfering with an officer’ was on August 11, two days after Michael Brown was killed. Not only was he a Ferguson protester, but he went to Michael Brown’s funeral and burial in a limo the type usually reserved for family or close friends. In that limo he is riding with people from NAN, Al Sharpton’s group.
. . .
"His Facebook has multiple pictures of protesting, the funeral and burial and protest paraphernalia.

"A few of the pictures:

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. . .
"Among the groups he ‘likes’/belongs to on Facebook?

"Barack Obama, Occupy Democrats, Cop Block, Million Hoodies For Justice, Justice For Mike Brown Leadership Coalition, The White House, Michelle Obama.

"And this pretty much says it all, a triptych of nonsense:"

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So much for the healing brought to America by Barack "the police acted stupidly"  Obama.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Secretary of State Kerry and Mr. Obama will keep us safe

Pull toys

Secretary of State John Kerry called the Kremlin Thursday to protest Russia’s building military bases in Syria. Last year he failed to keep the Russians out of Ukraine and this year he negotiated the Iran nuclear deal. The day Secretary of State John Kerry solves a foreign crisis, it’ll be one in a row.
Comedian Argus Hamilton

You knew this would happen: a PC Bible

Controversial “politically correct” version of the Bible published in Germany
.- A group of 52 biblical “specialists” have released a new version of the Bible in which inclusive language and “political correctness” have replaced some “divisive” teachings of Christianity in order to present a “more just language” for groups such as feminists and homosexuals.

"According to the AFP news agency, the new version of the Sacred Scriptures was presented at a book fair in Frankfurt.  Entitled, “The Bible in a More Just Language,” the translation has Jesus no longer referring to God as “Father,” but as “our Mother and Father who are in heaven.”

"Likewise, Jesus is no longer referred to as the “Son” but rather as the “child” of God.  The title “Lord” is replaced with “God” or “the Eternal One.”  The devil, however, is still referred to with masculine pronouns.

"Last December, Matin Dreyer, pastor and founder of the sect “Jesus Freaks,” published the “Volksbibel” (The People’s Bible), in a supposed attempt to make the message of Christianity more “accessible.”  Jesus “returns” instead of resurrects, and multiplies “hamburgers” instead of the fish and loaves.  In the parable of the prodigal son, the younger son squanders his inheritance at dance clubs and ends up “cleaning bathrooms at McDonald’s.' ”

How politically correct should Christians be?

The wek in review at College Insurrection

Entrance test for Middle Eastern refugees

Entrance Exam: What To Do When the Migrant Mobs Come Pounding on Your Country's Door

Hat tip to John Robert; Cathedral City, CA

. . . "In that incident, one of the migrants tore up a Koran and threw the pages into a toilet. When this was discovered, all hell broke loose.  A group of migrants chased the perpetrator, and he would likely have been killed if it were not for the security forces that shielded him.  When they could not get at him, the irate migrants armed themselves with steel bars and began showering guards and policemen with rocks.  They kept at it for several more hours, smashing car windows, ransacking buildings, and tearing apart walls inside the shelter.  The perpetrator is not identified, and for good reason.  If his name were known, he might eventually be tracked down and killed.

"Of all of these migrants, the only one that any sane country should allow into its borders is the one who tore up the Koran.  Was this man Christian?  Or perhaps an apostate, a Muslim who now believes that Islam is dangerous and the Koran a manual of hatred and intolerance?" . . .