Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Post-Indiana Future for Christians

The American Conservative


. . . "What prompted his reaching out to me? “I’m very worried,” he said, of events of the last week. “The constituency for religious liberty just isn’t there anymore.”

"Like me, what unnerved Prof. Kingsfield is not so much the details of the Indiana law, but the way the overculture treated the law. “When a perfectly decent, pro-gay marriage religious liberty scholar like Doug Laycock, who is one of the best in the country — when what he says is distorted, you know how crazy it is.”

“ 'Alasdair Macintyre is right,” he said. “It’s like a nuclear bomb went off, but in slow motion.” What he meant by this is that our culture has lost the ability to reason together, because too many of us want and believe radically incompatible things.

"But only one side has the power. When I asked Kingsfield what most people outside elite legal and academic circles don’t understand about the way elites think, he said “there’s this radical incomprehension of religion.' ” . . .

Why colleges cave to the demands of student activists

"Barbarians at the Campus Gates"

Thomas Sowell   "An all-too-familiar scene was enacted on the campus of Swarthmore College during a meeting on May 4 to discuss demands by student activists for the college to divest itself of its investments in companies that deal in fossil fuels. As a speaker was beginning a presentation to show how many millions of dollars such a disinvestment would cost the college, student activists invaded the meeting, seized the microphone, and shouted down a student who rose in the audience to object.

"Although there were professors and administrators in the room — including the college president — apparently nobody had the guts to put a stop to these storm-trooper tactics. Nor is it likely that there will be any punishment of those who put their own desires above the rights of others. On the contrary, these students went on to demand mandatory campus “teach-ins,” and the administration caved on that demand. Among their other demands are that courses on ethnic studies, and on gender and sexuality, be made a requirement for graduation.

"Just what is it that academics have to fear if they stand up for common decency, instead of letting campus barbarians run amok? At a prestigious college like Swarthmore, every student who trampled on other people’s rights could be expelled and there would be plenty of prospective students available to take their places. Although colleges and universities across the country have been giving in to storm-trooper tactics ever since the nationwide campus disruptions of the 1960s, not all have. " . . .

Trump insists half empty room was full

Jammie Wearing Fool


"He’s crossed over now from mildly deranged to completely psychotic.
“It was sort of interesting yesterday. Your reporter in South Carolina who was absolutely terrible,” Trump said, referring to CNN’s Randi Kaye, who covered Trump’s speech in Charleston. “I made a speech to the African American Chamber of Commerce in South Carolina. Wonderful people. And the room was full, every seat was full. . . .
Is Trump Ready for Truman’s Kitchen?  ". . . Truman was one tough dude.  He was, it’s worth remembering, the man who told us of politics and the presidency, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”  He also opined, “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”  Wise words those.

"Barack Obama has been a kind of anti-Truman, hardly ever living up to his word.  Two easy examples are the phony red line to Assad regarding chemical weapons and the now silly-seeming claim that the Iranians would have to allow “anytime, anywhere” inspections in order for us to sign the Iran deal.  Compared to Harry, Barack’s a wimp. That Putin has (literally) pushed him all over the map — first Ukraine, now Syria — is no accident.

"So where does The Donald fit in this equation? Superficially, he seems a macho guy, but I’m not sure Truman would approve of his thin skin.

Trump Feuds with Fox News, Refuses to Appear on Network ‘for the Foreseeable Future’
“When coverage doesn’t go his way, he engages in personal attacks on our anchors and hosts, which has grown stale and tiresome,” the Fox News spokesperson said.”He doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country.”

Pope visits with Little Sisters of the Poor, who are suing over ObamaCare

" . . .President Obama said the United States "stands" with Francis "in defense of religious freedom."

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Pope to meet with nuns challenging Obamacare contraception mandate
. . . "The symbolism of this visit cannot be overstated.  It is a direct challenge to the administration and their bogus "workaround" for people of conscience.  The "compromise" is fine if you don't mind compromising your principles.  But those without strong religious beliefs cannot fathom why the workaround isn't acceptable.  It is beyond the ken of their understanding, hence they believe that resistance is petty and unnecessary.

"The pope may not have intended this challenge to be political, but he must have understood the political perception of his gesture.  It makes his speech this afternoon before a joint session of Congress even more interesting than it would have been. 

. . . "According to Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi, the pope made an unscheduled stop to meet with the Little Sisters. The order, which operates health care centers for the impoverished elderly, is fighting the Affordable Care Act’s requirement for employers to pay for their employees’ contraception despite the Catholic Church’s opposition to birth control. The case may go to the Supreme Court in the coming judicial term." . . .

Pope chews out Congress

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Francis takes Congress to task on immigration, abortion, gay marriage and the Syrian refugee crisis
. . . "'When the stranger in our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past,' the Roman Catholic pontiff said. 'We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we educate new generations not to turn their back on our “neighbors” and everything around us.'
He also dropped coded messages to conservatives about gay marriage and abortion, and made an impassioned plea for a left-leaning approach to capital punishment in an unprecedented visit to Capitol Hill by a sitting Pope." . . .

He had the Supreme Court justices on the edge of their seats. Justice Ginsburg was deep in prayer.

NRO: Our Fallible Pope   " “I ask you to join me in praying for my trip to Cuba and the United States. I need your prayers.” The response to this request, particularly from the right, was dispiriting. “I pray for those in Castro’s dungeons whose suffering you callously ignored. Screw you, Peronista pontiff,” wrote one critic. “He’s forfeited his moral authority.' ”

Those Democrats don't miss an opportunity

"Middle East refugees changed course Monday and began flooding into Europe through Croatia from the Adriatic after Hungary put up a tall fence. The Obama Administration moved swiftly to help these people. Within the hour, the Democrats put up voter registration tables at every border checkpoint."
Comedian Argus Hamilton

Slice of Life


obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, ahmed, clock, bomb, planned parenthood, abortion, late term

Yesterday, Democrats defeated a Republican bill which would have made the most horrorific late term abortions illegal. And by "late term," we're largely referring to infants who could possibly survive outside the womb with proper medical care (22 weeks being the age cited by the NY Times referring to a new New England Journal of Medicine study).
. . .
"So what does this have to do with Ahmed the alleged clockmaker? Plenty - and not just the "parts is parts" comparison made in the cartoon above. Obama tweeted "Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great."

"Only you can't really "like science"
and like late term abortion, because the science says that the young victims are fully capable of feeling every bit of the pain and agony of being dismembered alive. And the science says that mothers are 35 times more likely to die from late term abortions than abortions performed in the first trimester.

"Ignoring science doesn't "make America great," Mr. Obama. But it
does win a lot of bloodsoaked votes for Democrats from people who don't give a damn about human life."

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Liberals after Ben Carson's scalp; supporters increase giving to him


Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor for Allen West
"Anyone watching GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s comments on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” could immediately predict the ensuing outrage from the liberal media over his comments that he would not support a Muslim as President of the United States.
"Never mind that none other than our dear president can freely make critical comments about “less-than-loving Christians” — and call out the “terrible deeds” during the Crusades and Inquisition and, more recently, involving slavery and Jim Crow, “justified in the name of Christ.”
"Meanwhile, when one of the leading GOP candidates for president cited Islam’s incompatibility with our nation’s Constitution — our nation’s rule of law — the media pounced.
"But perhaps contrary to the intent of many of those pouncing, candidate Carson’s campaign appears not to be suffering any fallout from the controversy. Quite the contrary: in the wake of Carson’s “politically incorrect” comments, fundraising money is now pouring in." . . .

Hat tip to The Comical Conservative

How's the #BlackLivesMatter movement going?

The Desecration of Fallen Officers

. . . "Destroying symbols of power expiates shame, diminishes humiliation and restores respect. Which is why desecrating police memorials feels good. It is a form of stealing valor. When the vandal is glorified by anti-police movements for defiling monuments he is hijacking heroism." . . .
Valerie Jarrett Meets With Black Lives Matter Leaders At The White House
. . . "She also revealed that Obama sympathized with the movement, thanks to his background as a community organizer in Chicago." . . .

In the view of America’s race-hustling professionals, there is no principled disagreement with them — there is only gross racism, either hidden or open.
. . . "If you believe that black lives matter, then you should be working for school reform, economic growth, and — yes — more effective law-enforcement and crime-prevention measures to protect black communities, which suffer an enormously disproportionate share of crime and violence. Never mind the stagecraft: That’s what you actually do if you think black lives matter.

"And the drama that’s going on in Ferguson right now? That’s what you do if you think black lives are merely useful to you — and, in the end, expendable."

. . . "Writing in The Washington Post, Patrisse Cullors, said Democrats have, "milked the Black vote while creating policies that completely decimate Black communities."

"No presidential candidate has ever centered their agenda around the worth of Black lives," she wrote. "We are committed to redefining our worth as Black people and holding our country's representatives accountable.' "

Weasel of the Week Nominees

Nice Deb

It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

The Mainstream Media!

. . .
MSNBC’s Chuck Todd! . .

Major General Kenneth Dahl . . .

"Well, there it is. What a despicable group of  Weasels…ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame! "

Obama's Islamic State War Czar Stepping Down

. . . "The timing of Allen’s departure could not be worse for the Obama administration. The incoming Marine Corps Commandant, Lieutenant General Robert Neller, testified last month that the war is at a “stalemate.” Last week, the head of the U.S. Central Command, General Lloyd Austin, testified that of the 54 Syrian rebels trained and equipped by the U.S. military, only “4 or 5” were still in the fight. And now the Pentagon is investigating allegations by dozens of intelligence analysts that their reporting on the progress in the war effort was altered before being given to top officials.

"U.S. officials familiar with Allen's decision say he has been frustrated with White House micromanagement of the war and its failure to provide adequate resources to the fight. He unsuccessfully tried to convince the administration to allow U.S. tactical air control teams to deploy on the ground to help pick targets for air strikes in Iraq. Allen also tried several times to convince the White House to agree to Turkish demands for a civilian protection zone in Syria, to no avail. Nonetheless, administration officials stress that Allen's decision to leave his post was motivated mainly by the health of his wife, who suffers from an auto-immune disorder."

Finding someone to take the job won’t be easy. Just before he became Obama’s lead official in the fight against the Islamic State, Allen wrote an op-ed article in which he called the group a “clear and present danger to the U.S.” and said it “must be destroyed” quickly, using capabilities and power only the U.S. can bring to bear. Just over one year later, the president has yet to commit to a real plan to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State, as he has repeatedly said is his goal. Until that changes, Allen’s replacement will face the same roadblocks that he did, and the war against the Islamic State will continue to flounder.


Ben Carson's view of radical Islam is shared by - Islamist extremists. Assimilation UPDATE at bottom

Ben Carson Exposes Islamic ‘Taqiyya,’ But There’s Even More You Should Know
. . . "For those with a discerning eye, taqiyya is all around us. Muslim refugees have pretended to convert to Christianity (in the past and the present); an Islamic gunman gained entrance inside a church by feigning interest in Christian prayers. Examples abound on a daily basis.
"Consider the following anecdote from Turkey. In order to get close enough to a Christian pastor to assassinate him, a group of Muslims — including three women — feigned interest in Christianity, attended his church for over a year, and even participated in baptism ceremonies. Said the pastor, Emre Karaali:
These people had infiltrated our church and collected information about me, my family and the church and were preparing an attack against us. … Two of them attended our church for over a year and they were like family.
"If some Muslims are willing to go to such lengths to eliminate the already downtrodden Christian minorities in their midst, does anyone doubt that a taqiyya-practicing Muslim presidential candidate might have no reservations about swearing on a stack of Bibles?"
The UK Guardian; how a liberal news outlet sees this Carson incident.
. . . "And on that narrow point, Carson’s caution is reasonable and astute. All holy texts make claims about crime, punishment, war, human relationships and a whole host of other facets of social and political life that, if interpreted literally, cannot help but clash with the freedoms and frameworks of governance set out in the US constitution. A literal, fundamentalist reading of Islam – like Christianity, Judaism, or any other revealed faith [!]*– is thoroughly incompatible with the founding documents of this country.

"But that Carson knows and understands this actually serves to underline the underlying bigotry of his initial response, because Carson, presented on Saturday with the idea of a Muslim president, did not equivocate. There was no thoughtful generalizing, no common sense qualifiers about fundamentalists vs. moderates." . . .

Feckless liberals fearful of violent Muslims. The nation of Israel is a Jewish nation, led by Jews and  the only free nation in a sea of Muslims who would like to kill every one of them. Christians? All the noble tenets in the American founding are Biblical principles, only tainted by fallen men.
The West has had such liberals as this before; those who saw no danger in a warlike Germany. They called insightful British leaders such as Churchill "warmongers" because they stressed the need to prepare for war with Hitler.

Lord Carey: Britain has a duty to rescue Syria’s Christians

Carson's Right -- Islam is Incompatible with the Constitution
. . . "Ben Carson is right. So says Syrian Islamic scholar Abd Al-Karim Bakkar who said in 2009 that democracy and Islam are like matter and anti-matter in physics:
Democracy runs counter to Islam on several issues….
In democracy, legislation is the prerogative of the people. It is the people who draw up the constitution, and they have the authority to amend it as well. On this issue we differ.
"This is self-evident in the fact that Islamic theocracy rules throughout the Islamic world, crushing human rights such as those delineated in our Bill of Rights."

CAIR Calls for Carson to Drop Out of Presidential Race
. . . "Earnest called Carson’s views “not something that’s consistent with the values of the vast majority of Americans, and — you know, ironically enough, I — I actually do think that the views articulated by Dr. Carson are entirely inconsistent with the Constitution, that does actually guarantee the freedom of religion in this country.' ”

UPDATE: Muslims Warn NJ School Board: 'We're Going to Be the Majority Soon'

"Things got heated at a Board of Education meeting last week in Jersey City after officials decided not to close schools for the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha. " . . .

"The uproar that took place at the local Board of Education meeting comes as a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows that based on census data, Muslims are the fastest growing bloc of immigrants in America."
As you have read many times, Muslims do not assimilate.