Saturday, September 26, 2015

On Islam, Ben Carson is Right; Charles Krauthammer is Wrong

. . . "This conundrum comes to the fore — and not for the first time — after Dr. Krauthammer’s serial denunciations of Dr. Ben Carson. In a Sunday Meet the Press interview, Carson opined that Islam is inconsistent with the United States Constitution and, therefore, that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation” — meaning he would not recommend that voters elect a Muslim president.

" Dr. K decries Dr. C’s remarks as “morally outrageous,” albeit “sincerely felt.” With Democrats in distress, the columnist fears Republicans are undermining their golden 2016 opportunity: “It is certainly damaging to any party when one of its two front-runners denigrates, however thoughtlessly, the nation’s entire Muslim American community.” But what loseth a man if he denigrates a tiny community — a large percentage of whose members are Islamists reliably aligned with Democrats — but gains the esteem of a vast political base convinced that Washington is insane on matters Muslim?" . . . Read more

 Related, also by Mr. McCarthy: Don’t Blame the Charlie Hebdo Mass Murder on ‘Extremism’
"Intolerance for free expression is rooted in classical Islam. "

Another book on Hillary by Ed Klein; dare we believe it? Salon does not. She calls Obama "incompetent and feckless".

Hillary to Obama “Call Off Your F*^#ing Dogs” Obama: “No”
"According to a new book coming out on Monday, the recent closed door meeting between Hillary and Obama did not go well.  According to the book, during the meeting, which was requested by Hillary, she shouted at him, “Call off your f*^#ing dogs!!”  Obama told her he couldn’t and wouldn’t interfere and that the problem was of her own making by setting up and operating a private server.  The March 23rd meeting came as Hillary and her campaign was being under attack for her illegal activities.

Unlikeable“T 'here is nothing I can do for you one way or another. Things have been set in motion, and I can’t and won’t interfere. Your problems are, frankly, of your own making,”

"Clinton had requested the meeting to discuss what she described as  “minor, meaningless violations.”  One has to wonder if that conversation and Hillary’s outburst led to the FBI getting involved in the investigation and whether Loretta Lynch will intervene like Holder did for Lois Lerner.  There are reasons to believe the investigation will not go well for Hillary.  One is the FBI seizing the Clinton server and the thumb drives in the possession of her lawyer.

"There is also the fact that the FBI refused to cooperate in the investigation with the State Department, who would try to give Hillary cover and could tip her off on the investigation.  The fact that a leak allowed the press to know that the FBI had recovered her “deleted” emails is also not a good sign for Hillary.  In such a sensitive investigation, it is unlikely anyone would have leaked the information without authority to do so.
. . .
Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
. . . “The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department’s seizure of AP phone records and [Fox reporter] James Rosen’s e-mails — all these scandals. Obama’s allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did,” she raged, the book says, adding that she called the president “incompetent and feckless.”

The UK Mail covers this as well: The Clintons and the Obama secretly hate each other, claim's Edward Klein's latest tell-all book

Salon is pretty contemptuous of this revelation: The right’s least reputable “journalist” imagines a Hillary/Obama shouting match . . . "Of course, if these things are accurate, it has to strike you as a little odd that Ed Klein is the only “journalist” in the country who is privy to these secret and nefarious sides of these very public figures."

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Follow-up on Eye Empress Sekhmet's call to murder police

First this:  Black Lives and the Death of a Culture  . . . "This isn’t about cops. It isn’t even about slavery and white privilege -– though liberals would like it to be. It’s about policies that have decimated an entire culture, made it rot from the inside out, about policies birthed in the Democrat party, in the hearts of those who value power above all. It’s no wonder that these young people are angry." . . .

Now to the main stories:
Justice! Black Activist That Calls for the Killing of Cops Denied Bail

"Latausha Nedd, who goes by the name Eye Empress Sekhmet, appeared in court on Friday to answer charges stemming from her videos calling for a war against whites and the killing of police officers.  She has denied all charges.  She apparently thinks that by putting her threats on YouTube, she exempt from criminal charges.  The judge didn’t see it her way and refused to set bail for her as he considers a threat to society.  She will remain in jail at least until next month, when she will have her next court appointment.
Here is her video entitled “Open Season”:

. . . "Words can kill.  I remember living in the New York Metro area many years ago and listening to [Democrat and MSNBC's] Rev Al Sharpton on TV threatening a “white interloper.”  A couple of days later, one of the people who participated in his protest, set fire to Freddie’s Fashion Mart, killing 8 people.  Democratic officials who needed the black vote to keep their jobs, refused to indict Sharpton for inciting to riot.

"No word on whether Nedd will be broadcasting her show from Cell Block 3."

Then there's this guy:  Black Lives Matter Supporter Arrested for Death Threats

La Plate Threat

Friday, September 25, 2015

On Hillary's E-troubles

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Now MORE Hillary Clinton emails surface – between her and disgraced general David Petraeus – after she swore she turned over 'all of them'
The Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state, officials said Friday, adding to the growing questions related to the Democratic presidential front-runner's unusual usage of a private email account and server while in government.

Hillary Clinton vs. FOIA
. . . "The Clintons are street fighters, and over their scandal-plagued years they have mastered outwitting the press, Congress, the Justice Department, even special prosecutors. But the reason Mrs. Clinton isn’t winning her latest scandal is because she faces a new opponent—one she can’t beat: the Freedom of Information Act."

"I believe this is the shot over the bow for the Clintons."   "This is just the tip of the iceberg, and what we will soon find out about the Clintons will likely not only damage the Clintons, but the Democrats in general."

. . . "Cotton then tried a different tack, asking if the communications of the president’s senior-most advisers were often targets of foreign-intelligence agencies. “Yes,” Rogers said." . . .

The Democrats are winning the war of planting questioners at town hall meetings

Hot Air  "Jeb Bush had yet another uncomfortable moment at a town hall in South Carolina yesterday. While he was trying to fend off questions about The Donald and get out his message on economic growth and jobs, a questioner (who was a white guy, by the way) stood up and tagged him with something completely out of left field. (Washington Post)"
. . .

"It’s not the first time this has happened this cycle. The now infamous “Muslim Question Guy” at Trump’s rally earlier in the month turned out to be a dedicated Democrat supporter. It’s a pretty good tactic if you think about it, but having seen it rolled out multiple times the GOP candidates need to be prepped and ready for these tricks. (I’m not saying we need to be doing it ourselves… but then again, I’m not saying we shouldn’t, either.) It’s nearly impossible to completely vet every single person who shows up for a rally without making the place look like an internment camp, which carries its own set of PR problems. But if you suspect that such a stunt is coming your way your staff should be getting you ready to deflect those questions and defuse the situation.

"Thus far the Republican field seems to be failing that test. This is war and the other side is in no mood to take prisoners, so the GOP needs to get ahead of the curve and be ready for these shenanigans." . . .  

EXCLUSIVE: Liberal Group Publicized Trump ‘Muslim Question’ Guy Years Ago
. . . "The man was depicted participating in a rally holding a sign that read “Impeach the Muslim Marxist.” The photo spread on left-wing message boards.

“Glenn Beck Is My Hero,” the man’s shirt read.

"The photo has been used as a stock image by liberal sites including The Daily Banter and Forward Progressives.

If you like your nuclear program you can keep it. Period

. . . "Instead, Israel is believed to be focused on acquiring one more squadron of F-15 and F-35 fighter jets, Tomahawk cruise missiles and a bump in annual US military aid from $3 billion to $5 billion as part of upcoming negotiations over a new 10-year Memorandum of Understanding when the current one expires in 2017.

"Despite those reservations, the Israeli air force is not expected to pass up out-of-hand the chance to get its hands on powerful new toys. Others say they like the political message that would be sent if the United States demonstrated that it was conserving its military options against Iran in deeds rather than words.

"And at least one former Israeli Defense Forces chief of staff likes the idea.

"The former top military official told Al-Monitor that the delivery of the massive bombs — and the US aircraft to fly them — would mean an actual US military presence in Israel, sending a strong signal not only to Tehran but to the Russians as well as they increase their military presence in Syria. With US assistance, the former official said, there’s no reason why Israel couldn’t build the necessary infrastructure for the weapons.

"The idea of sharing the bunker-busters with Israel has been bandied about for the past several years, ever since the Pentagon declared them ready for action two years ago. The bombs are seen as a logical addition to the Israeli arsenal because of their alleged ability to destroy Iran’s most heavily fortified nuclear site at Fordow — the very mission for which they were designed." . . .

UN Nuke

Islamic hit list of bloggers

Islamic Radicals Publish Hit List on Bloggers

Bangladesh Blogger Threat

"Islamists in Bangladesh have published a hit list of bloggers and writers which includes people in Europe and America. The image above is of people in Bangladesh protesting the murder of a blogger earlier this year.

"Jethro Mullen of CNN reports:
Extremists in Bangladesh publish global hit list of bloggers and writers
Islamic extremists in Bangladesh appear to be taking their war on secular writers and bloggers beyond the South Asian country’s borders.
A hit list purporting to be from the militant group Ansarullah Bangla Team has been sent out threatening people in Europe and North America.
“Let Bangladesh revoke the citizenship of these enemies of Islam,” a statement accompanying the list says. “If not, we will hunt them down in whatever part of God’s world we find them and kill them right there.”
The list contains nine people in the United Kingdom, eight in Germany, two in the United States, one in Canada and one in Sweden. CNN isn’t reporting any of the names on the list.

"If this sounds familiar it’s because we’ve been down this road before:
The brutal killings of the four bloggers this year have shocked many people in Bangladesh and beyond.

In February, Roy, a Bangladesh-born American blogger, was killed with machetes and knives as he walked back from a book fair in Dhaka.
A month later, Washiqur Rahman, 27, was savaged by two men with knives and meat cleavers just outside his house as he headed to work at a travel agency in the capital.
Das, 32, was set upon with cleavers and machetes in May as he left his home on his way to work at a bank in northeastern Bangladesh. And less than two weeks ago, Neel was hacked to death in his Dhaka apartment.
The Guardian has more on the group behind the current threat:

Democrats' problem with Hillary is not that she is a liar; it's that she is such a bad one.

Democrats Wake Up to How Bad a Liar Hillary Is
"The biggest liability Hillary Clinton faces in getting the Democratic nomination may be that too many of her fellow Democrats don’t believe she is a good liar.

"A new Fox News poll this week found that by 58 to 32 percent, Americans don’t think Hillary is telling the truth about her e-mail scandal. Surprisingly, 31 percent of Democrats and almost two-thirds of independents share that view. Perhaps most ominous for her is that 47 percent of Democrats (and 62 percent of all voters) “are worried that scandals would be a problem for a Clinton administration were she elected.”

" Clinton loyalists are convinced that polls showing that majorities of voters find Hillary dishonest and untrustworthy will be irrelevant when it actually comes time to vote. One top Clintion adviser told Ron Fournier of the National Journal last spring: “Trust doesn’t matter.” Other aides point out that the day Bill Clinton won reelection in 1996 with 49 percent of the vote, a majority of Americans didn’t think he was honest or trustworthy — and that was before the Lewinsky scandal."   Read more

Another big fat Hillary lie exposed  "Hillary Clinton has been caught in another lie. She claimed that she was “not directly involved” in her close aide Huma Abedin gaining approval for a suspicious, conflict of interest-redolent job arrangement, but a document has just surfaced putting the lie to that claim. Rachel Bade of Politico reports:" . . .

Consider this before welcoming those refugees into the US

FIVE AMERICAN STUDENTS: Take A Wrong Turn Into Muslim Neighborhood, Barely Survive…
Screen Shot 2015-09-04 at 6.49.25 AM

"Are you still convinced that Islam is a religion of peace?
A Palestinian man saved five American yeshiva students from Brooklyn from being lynched in Hebron after they took a wrong turn Thursday on their way to the Cave of the Patriarchs.
The students entered the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal Johar after having been misdirected there by the navigational system Waze, according to security sources.
Palestinians on the street who saw their car immediately threw stones and a firebomb at the vehicle. The yeshiva students were able to escape from the car before the Palestinians torched it.
A Palestinian resident of the neighborhood helped rescue them and sheltered them in his apartment.
Read more: J Post:

Palestinian prevents lynching of 5 lost American yeshiva students in Hebron  Video

. . . "A spokesman for the Hebron Jewish community, Noam Arnon, said the IDF used to have a checkpoint at the entry to the neighborhood, but last week handed it over to the Palestinian security forces, Arnon said. He called on the army to restore the checkpoint.

“ 'The fact that Jews had to be miraculously rescued shows that handing over territory to terrorists always leads to a disaster,” he said. "

Pray for the safety of that heroic Palestinian hero.

Should Black Lives Matter be designated a terrorist organization?

Black Lives Matter supporter arrested after calls to murder police, white people

Latausha Nedd, a.k.a. Eye Empress Sekhmet, was arrested after reportedly making threats to murder white people and cops in YouTube videos.

"On Thursday, Atlanta news channel WSB reported that Latausha Nedd, a supporter of Black Lives Matter who goes by the name “Eye Empress Sekhmet,” was arrested after she reportedly posted

"YouTube videos calling for a war on white people and police. The videos, WSB said, "are filled with profanity and hate for white people."

"Nedd also called for activists to "take over" police stations. In one video removed by YouTube, she is seen issuing threats against white people, declaring "open season" on "crackas," a racist term referring to whites. "I say let's have a take a gun day, and start walking up on these untrained (expletive deleted) and stealing their weapons," she said in another video.

"WSB said it was the only media outlet present as officers from the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service and a joint terrorism task force moved in Thursday. According to the report, Nedd was watching WSB at the time of the arrest.

""We had just aired a report about her videos," WSB's Tom Jones said. Jones also approached Nedd as she was being brought out of her house in handcuffs.

"“You really want people to kill cops?” Jones asked. "I never said that," Nedd replied, shaking her head. Police, however, say her gun-waving rants posted on YouTube tell a much different story. A sheepish Nedd told Jones that she's seen worse videos on YouTube.

"Nedd claimed she was only telling people to defend themselves. Again, the videos indicated otherwise. According to the report, authorities acted on an anonymous tip, concerned about the nature of her comments." . . .

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Weasel of the Week

Nice Deb     
"Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…

Major General Kenneth Dahl  (No relation to Barbie)!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/bergdahl5n-3-web.jpg

. . . "Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl, the senior officer who carried out an investigation of Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion case. They’re all doing their best, no doubt at the Obama Administration’s orders to get Bergdahl off with a slap on the wrist. But I’m going with Dahl because even as an Obama promoted General, he ought to know better and have some sense of honor."

. . . "Meanwhile. Our Dear Leader released five dangerous Taliban commanders for this creep, and the word is out to get Bergdahl off, even though six far better men died trying to find him.

"General Dahl knows that very well. But he has apparently decided to click his heels, salute and follow orders.

"General Dahl is obviously just another symbol of what President Barack Hussein Obama is doing to ‘recreate’ what’s left of our Army. After all, the general owes this president his promotion, so who cares what this does to the rank and file’s moral./ Who care’s really about the families of the men who died trying to find this deserter,  or the casualties suffered from the activities of the five top Taliban commanders the president released to bring him back? Bergdahl getting justly punished for what he did embarrasses the regime politically, so the Pentagon has it’s orders to pull out all the stops, paint Bergdahl as a victim and get him off with a slap on the wrist.

Coulter on "Useless Idiots"

Ann Coulter
. . . "This is the problem with using the word "elites" to refer to Republican Party apparatchiks: They're all such utter mediocrities.

"I don't mean to be unkind. It's simply a fact.

 "Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Business and went on to make $11 billion. Carson went from Yale to the University of Michigan Medical School and was the first man to separate twins conjoined at the brain. Fiorina graduated from Stanford University and then earned $80 million in business.

"By contrast, look up the educational achievement of the average pundit sneering at Trump’s idiocy and the ordinariness of his supporters. I won’t be as nasty as they are, but wow! – people who went to bush league schools shouldn’t throw stones. There's nothing wrong with attending a bush-league college. But maybe ease up on holding yourself out as a great intellectual appalled by the dirty masses if you went to a third-rate college in the era of need-blind admissions.

"These guys damn well better be good at what they do. But, to the contrary, Republican insiders are the Washington Generals to the Democrats' Harlem Globetrotters. They enjoy being good losers. That's their job.

"The consultant class wants a neat, static world, where nothing ever changes. They produce an occasional tepid victory to create the illusion of a two-party system. But like Arafat with the PLO, Republican insiders don't actually want to govern. The organization itself has become the cause -- not the purported goals of the organization. Just keep the donations rolling in.

"A majority of elected Republicans, their advisers, conservative magazines and newspapers are nothing but junior partners to the left. They go on TV and repeat prepackaged conventional wisdom, hoping to get at least a small ovation. Trump is popular because we now live in a Kardashian nation and are one big cult of celebrity!
. . .
" Once the Democrats get the voters they want through immigration, they will be like kids in a candy store. What will they do first? Ban private ownership of guns? Strip Christian churches of their tax exemptions for being "homophobic"? Release criminals from prison? Imprison the police? It will be the LBJ and Carter administrations rolled into one for all time, without end.

"All the debates we have now on talk radio and cable news will be completely irrelevant. The most left-wing policies imaginable will be enacted, with no opposition -- as they are today in California.

"You might think California would wake up even the utter mediocrities in the Republican Party. But their predictable little lives have been disrupted. That's why Trump has them in a panic."