Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Obama: Nihilist or Just Incompetent?

"Who knows; the only mystery left is how much damage will the last gasp of 2016 bring? "
"Foreign policy will take a decade of recovery. We are seeing a historic Russian, Iranian, Syrian, radical Shiite/Hezbollah, and Hamas arc sweeping across the Middle East."

Nihilism: . . . "Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence." . . .

Victor Davis Hanson
. . . And? Gasoline and natural gas prices have plunged, thanks to fracking and horizontal drilling.

"Private-sector entrepreneurs were apparently energized by new technologies and the specter of profits in an uncertain oil market — and a combative new sense of self-reliance that they were on their own without much government approval. Grimy, forgotten men on rigs have saved Americans trillions in lower energy prices and import costs — and all despite, not because of, Obama.

"Third, Obamism is proving finite. Yes, this is the Obama era of intolerant imposition of gay marriage by court fiat, the selling of fetal limbs by Planned Parenthood, Climate Change McCarthyism, Black Lives Matter / Hands Up, Don’t Shoot mythologies, “Punish Our Enemies” ethnic smearing, state-ministry journalism, and Sanctuary City neo-Confederate nullification. But in the process, Obama has nearly destroyed the Democratic Party — and all but turned it over either to a veritable crook and has-been or a 73-year-old self-described socialist. He lost both houses of Congress. The legislatures and governorships are overwhelmingly Republican. He turned off millions of working-class old-time Reagan Democrats. His new paradigm — demagogue minorities to vote en bloc in record numbers by any means necessary and screw those turned off by his separatist rhetoric — is probably not transferrable to other Democratic candidates." . . .

Of all mass shootings in recent history, which would have been prevented by the proposed laws?

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Guns and Hillary Clinton's Mitt Romney Problem  . . . "The fact that Hillary's coming out so strong in favor of gun control is the clearest evidence I've yet seen that she is really, really worried about even winning the Democratic primary at this point. In fact, here's the HuffPo headline -- one that Team Hillary no doubt wanted -- "Hillary Clinton Goes Big On Gun Policy, Creates Contrast With Bernie Sanders." Here are the key paragraphs:" . . .

Obama: Guns and Poses  ". . . The “Pinocchios” in his Oct 2 remarks were numerous enough to make tree-huggers shudder, if they weren’t so besotted. Claiming that states with the toughest gun laws have the fewest crimes is a total fabrication. We all know by now that his hometown of Chicago proves just the opposite. Connecticut has very strict firearms legislation, yet Sandy Hook happened. Still, Obama will say whatever it takes as long as the faithful take him at his word. " . . .

Hillary Clinton’s Gun-Control Plan Is a Missed Opportunity   . . . "Has she so much as thought about the implications of this policy? Frankly, I doubt it." . . .

Perhaps if Chris Mintz has a "gender change" his "courage" will be honored by this White House

This Photo Is Going Viral but the White House Has No Response

. . . "While President Obama is often quick to recognize those individuals who fit the profile of his political agenda, he has failed to acknowledge others who are deserving. Chris Mintz is the lone hero we have heard about in the days of news coverage since the shooting, yet he’s received no public mention from the president.

"When 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed got in trouble for bringing a “homemade clock” to school, he was invited to the White House within 24 hours.

"When African-American youth Michael Brown was killed, no less than three White House aides attended his funeral. When a hero like Chris Mintz charges an armed killer at a school shooting, risking his own life to save others, Obama can’t see past his gun-control agenda to stop for a moment and thank him for his bravery. ' "

American silliness Oct 6, 2015

bestupidGross: Feminist idiots fall for hoax #PissforEquality campaign
" 'The headline says it all.  It also says a lot about the depraved state of our society.  A post at Right Wing News says that feminists have fallen for a hoax campaign that encourages them to pee on themselves in the name of equality. The campaign uses the hashtag #PissForEquality.' ". . .

“Do Mommy And Daddy Have A Lot Of Guns At Home?” The TOTALLY Inappropriate Survey

" . . .She makes an interesting point: if the survey is not intended to target pro-gun parents, what good is it for then?" . . .
"I think the parents ought to send their children back to school with a survey for the teachers and administrators:
1. Do you or have you ever had homosexual tendencies?
. . .
3. Have you ever considered dating a student?

Dunkin' Donuts' anti-cop cup ignites firestorm   ". . . nothing says sorry like a company firing a wayward staffer."

. . . "As WND reported, a West Hartford, Connecticut, police officer was told by one Dunkin’ Donuts employee “we don’t serve cops here,” while another company staffer in Providence, Rhode Island, handed a law-enforcement agent a coffee with the “#BlackLivesMatter” tag on the cup." . . .

Todd Starnes: College Bans Reference to God, Jesus "At the Colorado School of Mines, a former football player donating to the school was rejected when he requested a Bible verse be included on the plaque. Meanwhile, the school allows foul language and references to alcohol on plaques for other donors. "

Monday, October 5, 2015

CNN, LA Times change photo of Roseburg shooter to fit a liberal narrative

Constitutional Freedom Party

"CNN, LA Times make black shooter white to suit agenda! Show dad, but never show mother, who's BLACK!

"Note: The pictures changed in this graphic are NOT altered by me, but are shown as CNN aired them!

"Click picture for larger/easier to read version." . . .

Kevin McCarthy and the English language

John Ellis
"When Kevin McCarthy cited the creation of the Benghazi committee as an example of House Republican political aggressiveness, his colleagues were alarmed.  But the astonishing incoherence of his subsequent attempt to explain himself in an interview with Bret Baier should have alarmed them even more."

. . . "What he needed to say was very simple.  Try this: “I was speaking not about the fundamental purpose of the committee, but only about how one thing it happened to find (the home-brew server) had a devastating impact on the Clinton campaign.”

"There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?  McCarthy has a staff, he’s been in politics a long time, he’s majority leader, he wants to be speaker – and he can’t figure out how to say something as simple as this?"

Savannah Guthrie asks Hillary the right questions

Someone finally asked Hillary Clinton to Get Real About Her Email Server
. . . "She doesn’t answer the question, because any politician worth their donor dollars knows that a full “mea culpa” after months of claiming otherwise is chum in the water for their opponents and unfriendly media. If she were truly honest, and truly “sorry” for the time and expense now dedicated towards investigating her system of records, she would at least attempt to explain herself using an excuse other than, “it was allowed!”

"Guthrie also pressed Clinton on an apparent double standard—if it were Cheney, would you expect us to be so understanding about this? House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s Benghazi megagaffe on the House Benghazi committee reared its head, affording Clinton the opportunity to pivot away from uncomfortable honestly and toward her usual GOP-blaming and -bashing:" . . .

"Of course, McCarthy suggested no such thing, but alas—such is the nature of the gaffe.
Hillary Clinton spent this entire interview looking for an outlet to blame Republicans for problems she was directly responsible for during her time as Secretary of State. Even assuming, for the sake of argument, that there was no wrongdoing on her part with regards to what happened in Benghazi—why blame Republicans? If we make the same assumption about about her email server—why blame Republicans?

"You’d think such a strong, confident, glass ceiling-shatterer would have better ammunition backing up her arguments. "

Details emerge about Oregon college shooter

How does one give you information on this murderer without using his name? Avoid where possible, I guess.

UK Guardian
"Umpqua college shooter, who was born in England according to media reports, had a varied online presence that indicated support for the IRA"

We prefer seeing his victims to seeing his face again, TD
. . . "The final video uploaded by Lithium_Love to the torrent site, just three days ago, was a BBC documentary called Surviving Sandy Hook about the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.
Other uploads include PDFs of the occult magazine Phenomena, conspiracy-themed documentaries including Lost Secrets of the Illuminati, and assorted soft pornography.

School cancels "America Pride Day". Students stage a rebellion


"Lord knows you wouldn’t want to offend someone by actually being proud to be an American.

Students at a Wyoming high school took matters into their own hands last week by festooning themselves in the colors of the American flag after the principal and an assistant principal canceled “America Pride Day” over concerns that some immigrant students could feel sad and left out.

The scene of the red, white and blue brouhaha was Jackson Hole High School in Jackson, Wyo., reports the Jackson Hole News&Guide.

In response to a decision by school officials to replace a previously-held “America Pride Day” with “College Day” as part of this year’s homecoming festivities, a large group of senior students and some juniors protested by bedecking themselves with American flag capes, American flag headbands, American flag shorts and all manner of beautifully and garishly patriotic American flag ornamentation.

After school, one kid also drove a diesel truck around the parking lot with a bunch of American flags waving in the breeze.

Jackson Hole High principal Scott Crisp blamed the results of a student survey and his concerns that some students may feel excluded if they see an American flag for the administration’s decision to cancel “America Pride Day.”

Keep reading…   Lotsa comments to this as one might imagine.

How can a president's foreign policy be such an embarrassment before the world and him still seem so confident


"Russia bombed U.S.-backed rebels in Syria Wednesday and warned U.S. warplanes to stay away. Iran’s special Kudz forces sped across Iraq to join the Russians in Syria. The good news is, if President Obama loses one more country in the Middle East he ties the record set by the Ottoman Empire in 1917. "  Comedian Argus Hamilton
Obama Is Going to Get a U.S. Pilot Killed
. . . "In short, it appears that President Obama has deliberately degraded the prestige and power of the United States in the international arena, and specifically relative to Putin's Russia.

"President Putin isn't scared of President Obama.  He certainly doesn't respect him or the U.S.'s willingness to go to the mat for its own or its allies' interests.  His weakness on the world stage has emboldened Mr. Putin.  Putin has now become the prime actor in the fight against ISIS...at least as the world perceives him.  He also appears to represent the only world power deliberately protecting Christians from murder and mayhem.  President Obama, on the other hand, appears increasingly weak and ineffective."

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The oldest known selfie - 1836

Guilty Fix  
"We spend so much time learning about the past – all of the great people, thinkers, and moments – that it’s only natural to romanticize it.
"But some recently discovered historical photos suggest that perhaps the past was stranger than you think."


The Demonization of Christianity


"When a white supremacist murdered black parishioners in Charleston, SC, there was national outrage leading to the banning of the Confederate Flag and a fresh discussion of race relations in America. But when Christians are targeted and murdered on a campus in Oregon, much of the nation yawns.

"According to eyewitness reports, the Oregon shooter asked students what their religion was, and if they said “Christian” he shot them in the head. Yet the secular media, for the most part, is focusing more on gun laws than on the shooter’s alleged anti-Christian motivation. Why?

"Can you imagine what would have happened if the shooter went into a creative arts class, asked the students to declare their sexual orientation, and if they said “gay” shot them in the head?" . .  .  Full article here.

Images such as this do not help: