Tuesday, December 15, 2015

On the Paris Global Warming Conference

golden calf
File this under "you knew this was coming, Didn't you?" Lettuce is ‘three times worse than bacon' for emissions and vegetarian diets could be bad for environment
"Eating a healthier diet rich in fruit and vegetables could actually be more harmful to the environment than consuming some meat, a US study has claimed.
"Lettuce is “over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon”, according to researchers from the Carnegie Mellon University who analysed the impact per calorie of different foods in terms of energy cost, water use and emissions."
COP21: President Obama celebrates Paris deal that 'transformed the US'
. . . "The deal, which Mr Obama called a “turning point”, promises to become a major part of the president’s legacy. However, Republicans in Washington were already warning that it could be torn up if any of their candidates wins back the White House in 2016." . . .
THE MASSIVE CLIMATE CHANGE AGREEMENT GIVE-AWAY  "On a superficial level, the agreement, which is to take effect in 2020, appears ambitious in terms of the goals it sets and its universal participation. In reality, however, what emerged from Paris was the folly of a massive give-away to bribe the so-called developing nations to participate."
Big Scam
NRO: No to the Paris Accord  . . . "The accord reached in Paris fails in three key ways: It cannot satisfy an elementary cost-benefit analysis; it does not serve the national interests of the United States; and the Obama administration is seeking to bind the United States to a treaty while insisting that it is not a treaty and thereby shutting Congress out of its proper role in ratifying such accords. For these reasons, the Paris agreement should be considered dead on arrival, and Congress should make it clear that the United States will not consider itself legally bound by it for the simple reason that it has not been legally adopted.""

Countries will also be legally required to reconvene every five years starting in 2023 to publicly report on how they are doing in cutting emissions compared to their plans. They will be legally required to monitor and report on their emissions levels and reductions, using a universal accounting system.
Plain old peer pressure. 

Leaders Fight Phony Climate Enemy — Solving Real Problems is Just Too Hard   . . . "It's an arrangement in which they can meet in comfort, pretend to be putting in hard work, pat themselves on the back for a job well done and then read the fawning media's coverage of their efforts.
"Meanwhile, real-world problems go unaddressed."

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

The Economic Consequences of COP21   . . . "The technique Obama used to accomplish a government takeover of the health-care system should have been warming enough: it wasn't. First, identify and rail against a "crisis." In the case of health care it was the millions of Americans without health insurance, but in the case of low-income families not without health care, which they could obtain in hospital emergency rooms. In the case of energy, the crisis is climate change. Second, dismiss and vilify critics. Those who would deny the poor access to adequate medical care are hard-hearted, those who are not certain that the climate is indeed changing, that if it is changing the use of fossil fuels is the cause, and those who refuse to accept that "the science is settled" are anti-science at best, engaged in "calculated destruction" according to Kerry, climate change deniers at worst, right up there on the list of villains with Holocaust deniers. Third, invent studies that prove that the crisis can be eliminated by government measures that are better than costless – they actually accelerate economic growth, improve living standards, create jobs." . . .
Remember it was once "settled science" that the earth was flat.


Monday, December 14, 2015

French Kicking Down Doors, Closing Mosques, Finding A LOT of ‘War-Grade’ Weapons

"While President Obama responds to the most deadly terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 by urging Americans to “reject discrimination” and embrace gun control, French authorities are actually taking the real and present danger of radical Islamic terrorism seriously. Over the last few days, they kicked down doors, closed three mosques (with plans to close potentially more than a hundred), and in the process found an alarming number of weapons, ammo, and terrorist propaganda. 
"Where are all those peaceful Muslims.  If they aren’t peaceful in their house of worship, then what?   RJM"
"France is not alone in ramping up its anti-terror campaign; several European countries, including Germany, are beginning to take more aggressive action against potential Muslim extremists. German authorities this week sounded the alarm about extremists' attempts to radicalize Middle Eastern migrants. "Officials said they have encountered at least 100 cases in which extremists have tried to establish contact with refugees," reports Express."

Claim: President Obama told an audience in Europe ordinary Americans are "too small-minded to govern their own affairs" and should "surrender their rights" to an "all-powerful sovereign."

Snopes  . . . "Commenting on world order, did Obama actually tell a German audience that "ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs, and that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their right to an all powerful sovereign"? Perhaps, if he spoke this it was taken out of context?" . . .

. . . "No audio clues immediately challenge the clip's veracity. One major red flag, however, is a cutaway: between the first and second portions of the short statement, the camera panned out over the audience before centering back on Obama's face. " . . .

. . . "Considered in their full context, President Obama's mentions to ordinary men and women being "too small-minded to govern their own affairs" and order and progress being possible only "when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign" are clearly references to an old, undesirable form of power, not an expression of President Obama's viewpoint about how things are or should be in the world. "

Politifact says it was edited to change his meaning
We conservatives must leave tricks like this to NBC and the rest of the liberal media. 

Is Iran Retreating From Syria?

Michael Ledeen

"My friend and terrific reporter, Eli Lake, has reported that American and other Western defense experts believe that Iran is withdrawing troops from Syria. The Saudis’ London outlet says the same, with feebler sources (some FSA guy who says he was listening to Iranian communications).
"I have my doubts. An Iranian retreat would be a watershed event, because it would mean that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei had done a 180 on a fundamental principle of his regime: doing whatever it takes to save Bashar al-Assad’s tyrannical rule in Syria.
"Our eyes in the skies are very keen, and no doubt some Iranian ground forces, spurred by the significant loss of life they have suffered in the past couple of years, are returning to the Islamic Republic. On the other hand -- if you follow Emanuele Ottolenghi’s tweets (@eottolenghi) -- you’ll see significant air traffic between Iran and Syria. As Emanuele says, those airplanes are carrying weapons, ammunition, and fighters. It doesn’t look as if this resupply operation is diminishing."

Cuba Begins to Re-Imprison Political Dissidents ‘Freed’ Under Obama Deal

Breitbart National Security
Getty Images

"The Cuban government has re-arrested almost all of the 53 political prisoners released in January as part of its “normalization” with President Obama, according to Senator Marco Rubio."The news comes as Cuban police assault and detain dozens of dissidents in anticipation of International Human Rights Day, December 10.

"Cuba announced the release of this prisoners of conscience on January 12, though the government did not give out a list of names. The prisoners were allegedly released gradually in the month before, following President Obama’s announcement that he would seek to warm relations between the United States and the rogue regime.

Remember, media cheering Paris Climate Change Agreement will cover 2016 election

Remember, media cheering Paris Climate Change Agreement will cover 2016 election  "Here’s something you may have missed over the weekend. While most Americans are concerned about terrorism and the growth of ISIS, President Obama and other world leaders met in Paris to discuss climate change.
"When an agreement was reached, journalists reacted like excited teenage girls.

"T. Becket Adams of the Washington Examiner has the story:
"Reporters shout, jump for joy after climate change agreement" . . .

"Whether they realize it or not, this is what those “journalists” are cheering for.
"CNS News reports:
Paris Climate Deal Calls for America to Transfer Wealth to ‘Developing’ Countries . . .  Full article
Climate change and economic growth  "We have a climate change deal!  We have a climate change deal!  Or so they say in Paris.   
"The deal has two problems.   
"First, it has no enforcement mechanism.  In other words, we can't force anyone to do anything.  Secretary Kerry confirmed it Sunday.  This is a deal that means nothing, because no one will put sanctions on anyone who is polluting the air or burning too many gallons of fossil fuel.
"Second, the dirty little secret about climate change is that it impacts economic growth, as Eduardo Porter wrote:" . . .

AP Ignores Rabbi's Outrageous Politicized Invocation at White House Hanukkah Event

MRC   "Josh Lederman at the Associated Press spent the final two paragraphs of his Wednesday evening report on a meeting between President Barack Obama and Israel's President Reuven Rivlin describing "the White House's annual Hanukkah celebration." He wrote that Rivlin "lit a menorah that was made in his homeland during the 1920s." 

"What was said before Rivlin lit the menorah should have been news. As seen in a Wednesday afternoon White House video, Rabbi Susan Talve essentially hijacked the event to praise a series of leftist causes, touching many of the Obama administration's pet projects along the way: open-ended immigration and "refugee" acceptance; Black Lives Matter "activists"; gun control; paranoia over "Islamophobia, and homophobia and transphobia"; and "justice for Palestinians as allies committed to peace."

"Talve's speech went from starry-eyed groupie in its opening seconds (beginning at the 8:49 mark of the video below) to politicized polemic during its remainder." 

ISIS & Planned Parenthood join forces to rid the world of the threat of…Down Syndrome babies?!?

Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
down syndrome 01 500

"The Islamic State has reportedly issued a fatwa ordering the elimination of children with Down syndrome and other congenital disabilities, reminiscent of Hitler’s infamous “Aktion T4” program, which administered forced “euthanasia” on an estimated 300,000 disabled persons.

"According to the Iraqi activist blog Mosul Eye, sharia judges have ruled that ISIS followers are authorized to kill infants with Down Syndrome or congenital deformities. Already since the religious decree (fatwa) was issued, militants have killed at least 38 children between one week and three months old by lethal injection or suffocation." . . .
. . . 
"(NOTE: In the US upwards of 95% of babies diagnosed as Down Syndrome in the womb are murdered via abortion, the main provider of this inhumane “service” being Planned Parenthood.)"

Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.Theologian, Author, Speaker, consultant and Wine Enthusiast. Permanent research fellow at the Center for Ethics and Culture, Notre Dame University.

Are Special Rights for Homosexuals Really Worth Criminalizing Most Religions?

Liberal Logic 101

criminalizing religion christianity

"Do special rights for some get in the way of civil liberties for others?
"A prominent voice for the historic view of marriage, Ryan T. Anderson, agreed to disagree while speaking at a summit Thursday in Washington, D.C., addressing issues of importance to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual activists.
“ 'What we want here is equality under the law, not creating a special category for a protected class,” Anderson, the William E. Simon senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, said at The Atlantic LGBT Summit. “Part of freedom is going to have to be the right to disagree about the truth.”
"Mary Louise Kelly, a contributing editor for The Atlantic magazine, said many of about 20 featured speakers at the summit “accept marriage equality as the new normal” and favor of federal anti-discrimination laws like the Equality Act." . . .

"Islamic State Tweets New Map of 5 Year Plan for World Conquest"? Not so, say many

Pamela Geller

"If Hillary takes the White House, the odds are in their favor.
‘ISIS’ Tweets New Map of 5-Year Plan for World Conquest,” By Sam Prince, Heavy, December 10, 2015 (thanks to Christian):
A new map purportedly released by the Islamic State shows Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East drawn-up to show the lands it plans dominate within five years. The map spans countries from Spain in the west to China in the east and includes the new names of the familiar lands if the terrorist state’s “caliphate” prevails.
. . .
Whoa, not so fast; That Map Of The ISIS 5-Year Conquest Plan? Flawed, Experts Say  "ABC News' headline read: “See the Terrifying ISIS Map Showing its 5-Year Expansion Plan.” It traced the map back not to the Sunni militant group, but to A3P, an American political party that promotes white supremacy. Other media organizations that published the map include The Daily Mail, The Blaze, a conservative news site founded by Glenn Beck, and iO9, a blog launched by Gawker Media in 2008.
. . . 
"Although ISIS has garnered new weaponry from its conquests in Iraq, analysts have said it is not likely to take over land outside of the region. Austin Long, a professor at Columbia University, said the group is not even sure if it can take on Baghdad, let alone invade another country."

                                                                                                                                  Steve Proulx

Reagan and Cruz: Unelectable

Fritz Pettyjohn  "For political veterans, much of what we're starting to hear about Ted Cruz has an eerily familiar ring. Too extreme. Unelectable. Scares people. A radical, not a conservative.

"The American people will hear a lot about Cruz's extremism in the year ahead, just as they were told about Reagan’s. It may cause them to hesitate before supporting him. But over the course of the campaign they'll be able to make that determination for themselves. In fact, Ted Cruz represents the mainstream of conservative thought in this country, just as Reagan did two score years ago. Reagan's victory vindicated everything we'd been saying for twenty years. A Cruz win next year would do so again." . . .
. . . 
"There are a lot of parallels between 1980 and today. Economic malaise, war weariness, and a general sense that things are spinning out of control. Carter and Obama have both been weak commanders in chief. Back then we were worried about the Soviet Union. Today it's radical Islam. Then we had Reagan.

"Now we have Cruz."
Fritz Pettyjohn is a former Alaska State Legislator, Alaska Chairman of Reagan for President, 1979-1980, and a Co-founder of the Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force. He blogs daily at ReaganProject.com

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Our Superstitious President

Victor Davis Hanson

. . . "In short, Obama is the most anti-science, anti-factual president in modern memory.
The president has warned the nation, usually on the most inappropriate and untimely occasions, of the American tendency to give into Islamophobia. But to support such an assumed pathology, the president adduced no evidence that Americans are more likely to target Muslims than other groups.

"If we were to rely on “scientific” research, there is statistical evidence that in general hate crimes in the U.S. are rare, and that in particular they tend to focus on Jews. The most recent survey (2014) of the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program shows 58% of hate crimes were directed at Jews, just 16% toward Muslims. Thus, if the president felt that there was a real danger of American citizens or residents harming others due to their religions, then obviously he would warn us not to attack Jews, who suffer more hate crimes than all other religious groups combined.

"As a student of science, Obama might incorporate such findings in his pop editorializing, for example, not sloppily characterizing the deliberate sorting and murdering of four Jews in a Paris delicatessen as if it were random attack on “a bunch of folks” (e.g., “violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.”)." . . .