Saturday, June 11, 2016

Socialist In Chief, Head Hillary Hater, And GIF Maker’s Dream: A Loving Video Farewell To Bernie Sanders

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

RedState  "We heard you were leaving, Senator Sanders, but we hate to see you go. Your ideas are crazy, your hair is crazy, and your fans are ... hopefully not voting (D) in November! Here is a loving tribute, courtesy of Heat Street:" 
"We bid you adieu, so long, and adios, Bernie. Your stay was longer than expected, and way more fun. After Tuesday you'll be on the Hillary bus, lost forever. But thanks for the memories, the ammo, and the millions of disaffected democrat voters who now loathe Hillary with an unquenchable white hot rage. That was a real solid, Bernie Bro.
"And now, farewell."

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Obama plans to make his 'fundamental transformation' irreversible – no matter who succeeds him

WND   "If you were Barack Obama – a Marxist revolutionary disguised as a Democrat, who after promising “fundamental transformation” delivered it nonstop during his presidency, but was in grave danger of seeing his beloved radical changes eviscerated once he leaves office – what would you be doing right now?
"No need to guess. Obama adviser Cecilia Muñoz, director of the White House Domestic Policy Council (and formerly an executive at the radical pro-amnesty group, the National Council of La Raza) clearly sums up the mission of Team Obama in the home stretch of his transformative presidency.
"The administration’s entire focus, Muñoz’ boasts, is on making sure Obama’s controversial policies are permanently “institutionalized.” That is, they must live on long after she and her boss are gone from the White House – no matter who succeeds him as president. Job one, she insists, is “to make sure we build [Obama’s policies] really into the DNA across the federal bureaucracy, at a leadership level, but much more importantly to make sure that when political appointees like me are no longer here, this is built into what those agencies do and think about every day.”
"In other words, the disastrous policies of the most subversive and anti-American president in U.S. history are to be permanently baked into the nation’s government, bureaucracy, law and culture – unless, of course, the next administration is bold, smart and audacious enough to turn them around." . . .

Cooper’s Crusade Against Christ

Prof. Mike Adams

Cooper’s Crusade Against Christ

"The people of North Carolina and the alumni of N.C. State University deserve an apology. Administrators at the school have implemented a patently unconstitutional policy, which forces students to apply for a permit in order to share the gospel on a public university campus they fund with their hard earned tax dollars. To make matters worse, the permit policy is being used to target Christians specifically while others are being allowed to exercise their rights unfettered. Now that a federal judge has called their bluff, the lawless North Carolina attorney general continues to defend the indefensible. 

"Roy Cooper had the unmitigated gall to recently send two feminist lawyers – Kimberly Potter and Stephanie Brennan – into federal court to defend a policy that cannot possibly survive constitutional muster. On its face, the policy cannot be defended because even public high school students who have taken ninth grade civics know that the Constitution is the only speech permit you need to share the gospel on a university campus." . . .

Kyle: Bill Clinton Would Use G-D-N When He Wasn’t Happy With Black Legislators [AUDIO]

Yet you on the left love the Clintons no matter what.

Wayne Dupree

Screen Shot 2016-06-10 at 10.56.40 PM

"Dolly Kyle, long time friend of Bill Clinton and even former lover before and after his marriage, joined The Wayne Dupree Show on Friday night to discuss her book and her relationships with the Clintons that has lasted over the years. She’s known Bill since the age of 13 and while she opened up a lot of secrets, one of them I was taken aback.
"The Clintons pass themselves off as the saviors of the black community, but this facade is over, now! Today, Clinton even eulogized Muhammad Ali but if the black attendees knew he went around calling black lawmakers he didn’t agree with “G-D Damn Ni**ers” then it would be a lot more questioning of his motives. Check out this audio clip from the show." . . .

Bones of War: Haunting Skeleton Weapon Photography

Web Urbanist

"When Francois Robert unexpectedly acquired a human skeleton in the 1990s, he knew he had to do something wonderful with it. Several years later when the economy collapsed and he found himself with time on his hands, Robert finally settled on a project: powerful anti-war images spelled out in human bones."

. . . "The project started when the photographer found an old educational skeleton in a locker purchased at a school auction. He displayed it in his studio for years but always wondered what else he could do with it. He eventually came up with the idea to take the skeleton apart and use the bones to create these unique and hauntingly beautiful works of art." . . .

Friday, June 10, 2016

Snowden Eviscerates Hillary In Just Two Sentences

Daily Caller  "It only took two sentences for Edward Snowden to eviscerate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server Wednesday morning.

"Clinton has repeatedly criticized Snowden for leaking classified NSA documents. (RELATED: Snowden: Sanders’ Comments On Me Are ‘Refreshing’)
Break classification rules for the public's benefit, and you could be exiled. Do it for personal benefit, and you could be President.

 Read more.

The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales

"It’s outrageous that she might emerge unscathed even so."

National Review . . . "Before we go on, let’s revisit Clinton’s words from August 26, 2015. Back then, she declared that, “I did not send classified material and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified, which is the way you know whether something is.” 

"This was a classic Clintonian defense, resting as it did on a largely irrelevant straw man – if she did not receive information “marked” or “designated” classified, and such designations are “the way you know” something is classified, then she never knowingly mishandled classified information. Yet as I (and many others) have pointed out before, Clinton’s actual legal obligation was to safeguard marked and unmarked classified information, and to fulfill that obligation she would necessarily have to know the classification of everything she handled, whether it was marked or not." . . .
This is behavior that would get members of the armed forces discharged and very possibly thrown in prison. But because it is, supposedly, rampant within our most important cabinet agencies, Clinton may well get off scot-free and become the next president of the United States. Lady Justice weeps.
 "Newly released State Department emails help reveal how a major Clinton Foundation donor was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field..."
" '... a decision that appeared to baffle the department’s professional staff," ABC News reports." . . .

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Muhammad Ali’s Funeral: Political Event for the Left

Malcolm XS. Noble   "Ali’s funeral was a political event for leftists. The same people who trashed Nancy Reagan after her death and ignored and/or reviled Margaret Thatcher are the same people who glorify dead Marxists like Nelson Mandela and use Ali’s funeral to further their leftist agenda.

"Ali is to be admired for many things but this funeral today wasn’t solely about admiration for him. For some, it was about all the leftist ideals they could squeeze into the ceremony.

"The only reason Obama missed it is because today was his daughter’s high school graduation.

"Valerie Jarrett played the race card over and over.

“He’d have everything stripped from him, his titles, his standing, his money, his passion. Very nearly his freedom. But Ali still chose America. I imagine he knew that only here in this country could he win it all back. So he chose to help perfect a union where a descendent of slaves could become the king of the world. And in the process, in the process, LEPD some dignity to all of us. Maids, porters, students and elderly bathroom attendant and help inspire a young, mixed kid with a funny name to have the audacity to believe he could be anything, even the president of the United States!”
Jarrett. . . 
More on Jarrett here: Wicked Valerie Jarrett Uses Ali Funeral to Diss America
Shades of the Wellstone memorial!

Radical Rabbi At Muhammad Ali’s Funeral Attacks Israel, Declares A Winner In Presidential Election   . . . “We Will Not Tolerate Anyone Putting Down Muslims”…

Rabbi Turns Ali Service Into Political Pep Rally, Denounces ‘Racist Police,’ Says ‘1 Percent’ Must ‘Share Their Wealth’

AP Photo

Can you believe the GOP soft-pedals all this on Hillary?

Daily Caller: ‘People Really Go To Jail For Breaking This Law’: Clinton Email Scandal May Have Finally Crossed The Line
. . . “ 'Discussions with Intelligence Community officials have revealed that Ms. Clinton’s ‘unclassified’ emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover,” wrote Schindler." . . .

Obama has Hillary's back in a big way  "White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that President Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton will not "sway" the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton.
"The statement came after Obama released a video endorsing Clinton for president of the United States.
"Later this afternoon, according to the White House, Obama is meeting with the attorney general. The meeting is "closed press." . . .
"Earnest made the statement in response to questioning from Fox News' James Rosen.The topic of Obama's closed door meeting with Lynch has not been made public. "
Dreamin' with freedomsback
Some Clinton emails dealt with Pakistan drone strikes  "The FBI has made some emails received by Hillary Clinton over a less secure system that dealt with drone strikes in Pakistan a key part of their criminal investigation, according to the Wall Street Journal.
"Occasionally, diplomats in Pakistan and Afghanistan would send the State Department emails over a non-secure server in order to expedite a decision on whether to go ahead with a proposed drone strike.  Clinton or one of her aides would then forward the email using her private, unsecured server. "
Anyway, back to that judge...

One can be appalled by Donald Trump but understand why the House speaker would support him.

"First, dare to say that the people aren’t always right. Surely Republicans admit the possibility. Or do they believe the people chose rightly in electing Obama? Twice.  . . .The people’s will deserves respect, not necessarily affirmation."

Charles Krauthammer

"The morning after, the nation awakes asking: What have we done?
"Both parties seem intent on throwing the election away. The Democrats, running against a man with highest-ever negatives, are poised to nominate a candidate with second-highest-ever negatives. Hillary Clinton started with every possible advantage — money, experience, name recognition, residual goodwill from her husband’s successful 1990s — yet could not put away until this week an obscure, fringy, socialist backbencher in a country uniquely allergic to socialism.
"Bernie Sanders did have one advantage. He had something to say. She had nuthin’. Her Tuesday victory speech was a pudding without a theme for a campaign without a cause. After 14 months, she still can’t get past the famous question asked of Ted Kennedy in 1979: Why do you want to be president?
"So whom do the Republicans put up? They had 17 candidates. Any of a dozen could have taken down the near-fatally weak Clinton, unloved, untrusted, living under the shadow of an FBI investigation." . . .

Legacy time for Obama

From the king of photosnark, Rich Terrell at TerrellAfterMath

Legacy 3


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Does Obama endorsement undercut Clinton FBI probe?

I'd have to say yes. Obama said he has given no directive to the DOJ or FBI, but when he comments publicly that there is no case against Hillary, his words have the authority of a directive. The signal is clear to Loretta Lynch. TD

Politico  "President Barack Obama has guaranteed that the FBI's investigation into his former secretary of state’s private email server will be carried out without political influence, but his endorsement of Hillary Clinton Thursday resurrected the issue — for some, at least.

"Fox News' Chief Washington Correspondent James Rosen brought up the probe during Thursday’s White House press briefing, asking Press Secretary Joshua Earnest if Obama’s endorsement would trickle down and affect the Department of Justice employees involved in the investigation.
“You have other employees of the executive branch, career prosecutors, FBI agents, working this case who have now just heard how the president wants to see this case resolved, in essence. Isn't there some conflict there?” Rosen asked Earnest.
“ 'James, there's not,” Earnest replied. “The reason that the president feels confident that he can go out and make this endorsement and record a video in which he describes his strong support for Secretary Clinton's campaign is that he knows the people who are conducting the investigation aren't going to be swayed by any sort of political interference. They aren't going to be swayed by political forces.' ” . . .

Obama 'Cannot Wait to Get Out There and Campaign for Hillary'
. . . 'Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Obama's endorsement "makes clear what Hillary Clinton has telegraphed this entire campaign – she is running to give President Obama’s failed polices a third term' " . . .

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, bernie, associated press