Friday, June 17, 2016

The Nations Clinton Bashes For Terrorism Funding Gave UP TO $40 MILLION To Clinton Foundation

Daily Caller   "Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton harshly criticized three countries for directly funding terrorists who are actively seeking to attack the United States and Western Europe. The governments of this trio of nations have contributed between $16 million and $40 million to the Clinton Foundation."
Getty Images/YASSER AL-ZAYYAT, Getty Images/Joe Readle, Getty Images/YASSER AL-ZAYYAT

. . . "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given the Clinton Foundation an unspecified amount between $10 million and $25 million, according to the nonprofit’s records.
"The State of Kuwait has donated between $5 million and $10 to the Clinton Foundation.
"The State Of Qatar has given the Clinton Foundation between $1 million and $5 million.
“ 'The Clinton Foundation’s impact would not be possible without the generous support of our donors and grantors,” the Clinton Foundation explains." . . .

Thursday, June 16, 2016

West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters

The Daily Wire

. . . "If one picture is worth a thousand words, the series of posters surely represented an eloquent plea to the LGBT community and other Americans to stand as one (thus the "Don't Tread On Me symbol of the American Revolution), as well as a marked attempt to encourage the LGBT community to eschew their traditional pacifist role and take up arms to defend themselves, in the manner of Americans from the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War to the armed service members who defend American values to this very day. 
"In pictorial fashion, the poster truly represented a call to arms." . . .
. . . "Obama has asserted his support for an assault weapons ban in the wake of the massacre at a gay night club that left 49 dead. The perpetrator was a Muslim who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terrorist group, which executes homosexuals. Obama did not delve into those details in his remarks.
"He expressed support for the news that the Senate would hold votes on preventing individuals on the terror watch list from buying weapons.
“ 'I truly hope that senators rise to the moment and do the right thing,” Obama said. “I hope that senators who voted no on background checks after Newtown have a change of heart, and then I hope the House does the right thing and helps end the plague of violence that these weapons of war inflict on so many young lives.' ” . . .

Why Speaking the Truth About Islamic Terrorism Matters

Anybody else out there sick of being scolded by this president?

Roger Kimball

Barack Obama Lectures the Nation About Islam
. . . "It did not take long before the media realized that none of its preferred narratives was operative.

"There was a flicker of hope that Mateen might at least be a gay-hating nearly white male (shades of George Zimmerman, the "white Hispanic"). But, no, although Mateen himself might, according to his ex-wife and others, have been gay, he had pledged himself to ISIS. He had also, in fact, attracted the interest of the FBI. It had interviewed him twice but decided that there was nothing to see here, move along please.

"In most respects, this act of Islamic slaughter was a matter of déjà-vu all over again. There was the wrinkle that the Pulse, unlike the nightclub in Bali or the concert hall in Paris, was patronized mostly by gays. But homosexuals are only one of many groups that Islamists wish to exterminate. (Hence the Arab slogan "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people," which can be seen and heard through the Middle East. First we'll get rid of the Jews, then the Christians.)

"And this brings me to the chief source of my nausea in response to the massacre in Orlando: the rancid, untruthful, politically correct nonsense emitted by the MSM and their chief pet, Barack Obama." . . .

Think Computers, Not Guns — Likely Terrorists Can Be Profiled and Stopped

Our national-security apparatus could learn from Target department stores.

National Review  . . . "Target, for instance, uses analytics to examine people’s purchasing patterns and guess which coupons they might want. Then they add some coupons they don’t think you’ll want, just so you don’t feel cyber-stalked. Target’s algorithm can, among other things, diagnose a female shopper’s pregnancy and predict her likely due date with startling accuracy. (First comes love, then comes the unscented hand lotion, then comes the Target baby carriage, available now for $149.99.) That’s just from analyzing one person’s purchases at one particular store. 

"If a department-store chain can do that, can the information-rich government really not find terrorists and homicidal maniacs before they snap? " . . .


PowerLine  "Donald Trump has been excoriated by the Washington Post and other leftist organs for saying that when it comes to President Obama’s weak and ineffectual anti-terrorism policy, “there’s something going on.” Something clearly is, not just with anti-terrorism policy, but with most of the administration’s foreign and national security policy.

"Obama won’t utter the words radical Islamic terror (or similar locutions), as even Hillary Clinton has. Obama runs the perverse “Countering Violent Extremism” program. Obama has enormously enriched Iran, our worst and most threatening enemy among foreign states. Obama has cozied up to Cuba, our worst enemy in this Hemisphere, without obtaining any meaningful concessions. Obama has been belligerent towards Israel, our best friend in the Middle East.
"Obama overthrew a Libyan government that had tried to align itself with the U.S. and he did nothing to stop that state’s descent into dangerous instability following the overthrow. Obama backed an unpopular Muslim Brotherhood controlled government in Egypt and was outraged when that government was overthrown and replaced by one sympathetic to the U.S. and its interests.
" Other administrations might have adopted one or two of these policies. But Obama indulged in all of these oddities, and more." . . .
Via Lucianne

Barbarians At The Gate; Disarm or else!

Legal Insurrection

Obama Hillary Asleep

"Let us never forget that if things are illegal, they're impossible!"

 . . . "If it takes a thousand more terrorist attacks, we will keep exploiting them until you disarm.  America will be as free of weapons as Pulse was.  Only then will there be peace, once and for all.  We've had enough!  We are coming for your guns, Republicans.  What could go wrong?"

Definitely Stupid

. . . "Two interesting items in the last few hours explain take the debate over whether president Obama's failures are due to malice or incompetence in opposite directions.  Megyn Kelly's recent Tweet which says, "in  the middle of #Orlando investigation, the Obama admin quietly announced it’s increasing the number of refugees coming to US" would appear to settle the issue decisively in favor of malice." . . .

Who cares if Omar Mateen was gay or not?

Does it change anything if Omar Mateen was gay?  . . . "It makes no difference if he was 100% straight and hated gays and wanted to kill them because of his Muslim beliefs or a self-loathing closeted homosexual who hated gays and wanted to kill them because his sexual urges conflicted with his Muslim faith.  Either way, his Muslim religion is the motivating factor.  

"It would be significant only if he weren’t a practicing Muslim or had disavowed his faith and then massacred his fellow homosexuals out of pure hatred or self-loathing, in which case it would be prosecuted as a hate crime or murder under relevant state or federal laws versus as an act of terrorism by a radical Muslim.  To date, there is no evidence that his hatred and motivations were unrelated to and indeed untethered from his religion." . . .
While rational people all over the world understand that Mateen’s hatred of gays to the point of brutally killing them  is rooted in radical Islam and bears blame, our leaders are blaming everything but radical Islam.  This willful blindness is nothing new.  It is how 102 fellow human beings came to be victims in Orlando in the first place.

Obama has ordered flags at half-staff more than any president in history

"With his tenure in office marked by terror attacks and mass shootings, President Obama has reached a sad but remarkable milestone in his presidency: He has ordered the lowering of the nation's flags to half-staff more often than any president in history.

"On Sunday, Obama extended that unenviable streak even further, ordering all flags at federal buildings and ships at sea to be flown at half-staff to honor the 49 victims of the Orlando nightclub shooting.

"Those flags will remain at half-staff until sunset Thursday, meaning that the nation will spend most of National Flag Week — proclaimed by Obama in a separate order last Friday— with the stars and stripes in a mournful pose.

"Since 2009, Obama has issued 66 proclamations to fly the flag at half-staff, exceeding President George W. Bush's 58 and Bill Clinton's 50, according to a USA TODAY analysis of presidential proclamations." . . .

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Obama: Whose Side Is He On?

Mona Charen

The president has a pattern of downplaying Islamist motivations and dismissing Americans’ fears.
"Whole doctoral dissertations could be devoted to the question of what makes President Obama angry and what does not. His Tuesday broadside against Donald Trump stood in marked contrast to Sunday’s somewhat cold response to the Orlando massacre. This is a pattern. 

Mr. Obama did not name Trump, referring to him only as a “politician who tweets and appears on cable-news shows.” I’m not inclined to defend Trump, and will not do so now — his notion that we bar all Muslims from traveling to the United States is laden with unintended consequences. But President Obama’s studied refusal to acknowledge the reality of Islamic-inspired violence has helped to create the Trump phenomenon. In fact, it may well be the greatest contribution to Trump’s success. Some say that presidential elections are often referenda on the last guy: Carter was the anti-Nixon, Reagan was the anti-Carter, Clinton was the anti-Bush, and Obama was the anti-Bush. Thus, Trump is the anti-Obama." . . .

. . . He never tires of slaying straw men. It’s not a matter of intoning magic words. The critique of Obama is that he has so often projected the image of Islam’s defense counsel instead of America’s commander-in-chief.
. . .  
 . . . When ISIS-linked terrorists decapitated their American captive James Foley, and released the video on the Internet, Obama went golfing. He later said he regretted this, but that couldn’t erase the signal of indifference.
. . .
 After Muslim terrorists turned the Brussels airport into an abattoir in March, Mr. Obama attended a baseball game in Cuba. Before the bodies had all been buried, he danced the tango in Argentina.
. . .  
Comically Incorrect
By steadfastly refusing to make distinctions among Muslims based upon ideology and conduct — by insisting that Muslims are no more plagued by violent extremism than, say, Presbyterians — he has opened the door to Trump, who also makes no distinctions.

Christians Didn’t Commit the Orlando Massacre

David French at National Review  "We are now fully through the looking glass. A Muslim man walked into a gay nightclub and gunned down 49 men and women, most of them gay or lesbian. He paused in the middle of his massacre to call 911 and a local television station, making clear that he wanted the world to know he had pledged allegiance to ISIS. There are no dog whistles here. This is a textbook example of jihadism in action, plain and simple. 

"Yet somehow, Omar Mateen’s massacre has put American Christians on the defensive. 

"Yesterday, Anderson Cooper grilled Florida attorney general Pam Bondi, accusing her of hypocrisy for expressions of support for slain Floridians. Why was she hypocritical? Because she opposed same-sex marriage:" . . .


Fournier repeated the fake fact currently sweeping the nation about Trump thinking he deserves congratulations, writing, "Donald Trump wants a pat on the back." But then Fournier made the fatal mistake of quoting Trump's tweet allegedly saying this: "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!" 
How's this for smart, tough and vigilant?
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Ann Coulter  "The media have lost their minds after Trump's magnificent speech on Monday. It's all hands on deck, no attack is too extreme. Their main point is: DO NOT LOOK AT THAT SPEECH. It has "words that wound." Much too dangerous even to read it. 

"Instead of reporting what Trump said, the media give us the "gist" of it (in the sense of an unrecognizable distortion). It was awful, Hitlerian, beneath our dignity as a nation. They lie about what he said and then attack their own lies as if they're attacking Trump. 

"The Washington Post's headline, which got their reporters banned from Trump's press briefings, was: "Donald Trump Seems to Connect President Obama to the Orlando Shooting." 

"I guess OK, You're Right, didn't sound professional, so the Post pretended not to understand Trump's speech, at all. We can't makes heads or tails of it, but he seems to be saying ... 

"One thing Trump is not, is unclear. 

"Contrary to the Post's headline suggesting that Trump had posited some crazy theory about Obama secretly meeting with Omar Mateen to plot the attack -- No, this gun is much better for a mass shooting, Omar -- Trump criticized the Obama administration policies that are not keeping us safe. (It's completely unprecedented to respond to a mass murder by criticizing the policies that allowed it to happen!) 

"After San Bernardino and Orlando -- also, the Boston Marathon, Fort Hood, Little Rock, Chattanooga and Times Square -- quite obviously, Trump is right. " . . .

George H.W. Bush’s Letter Left For Bill Clinton Upon Entering White House

Weasel Zippers

Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 8.20.55 PM

"What a beautiful classy letter, right? What was the Clinton team’s response upon leaving to George W.? They stole and trashed various items, including removing/impairing all the ‘W’s on typewriters in the White House."

Truth or Fiction   . . . "In response, White House press secretary Ari Fleischer outlined the details of the damage, most of which was in the Eisenhower Execitive Office Building adjacent to the White House.  On June 3, 2001 The Washington Post quoted Fleischer as saying that the damage included the removal of the letter “W” from 100 computer keyboards, five missing brass nameplates with the presidential seal on them, 75 telephones with cover plates missing or apparently intentionally plugged into the  wrong wall outlets, six fax machines relocated in the same way, ten cut phone lines, two historic door knobs missing, overturned desks and furniture in about 20 percent of the offices, obscene graffiti in six offices, and eight 14-foot loads of usable office supplies recovered from the trash.  According to Fleischer, there was one incident in the White House itself, a photocopy machine that had copies of naked people hidden in the paper tray so they would come out from time to time with other copies. " . . .