Thursday, August 11, 2016

Blacks, whites give up on Obama mending race relations

Washington Examiner
President Barack Obama, right, and Vice President Joe Biden, left, reach for the snacks as they have a beer with Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr., second from left, and Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington Thursday, July 30, 2009. The "Beer Summit" and other Obama efforts did not improve race relations. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

President Barack Obama, right, and Vice President Joe Biden, left, reach for the snacks as they have a beer with Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr., second from left, and Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington Thursday, July 30, 2009. The "Beer Summit" and other Obama efforts did not improve race relations. 

"President Obama's historic election, considered one of the biggest-ever advances for African Americans, has faded in importance for blacks due to his failure to fix race relations, according to a new Gallup report."

. . . "One reason may be because Americans of all colors believe race relations have gotten worse under Obama. When he was elected, 70 percent believed race relations would improve. Now more believe they have gotten worse because of Obama.
"Said Gallup: "Americans' optimism about the effects that Obama's election and presidency would have on race relations has also declined significantly since he was elected in November 2008. At that time, 70 percent of Americans expected race relations in the U.S. to get better, while only 10 percent believed relations would get worse. Now, more say that race relations have gotten worse as a result of his presidency (46 percent) than say they have gotten better (29 percent)."

House probe: Military put rosy spin on war against Islamic State

Politico  "A Republican House task force investigating allegations of intelligence manipulation concludes the U.S. Central Command, which oversees military operations in the Middle East, put a rosier spin on its progress in the war against the Islamic State than was warranted by the facts on the ground.
"The task force's initial report, however, stops short of alleging any kind of White House conspiracy to manipulate intelligence products.
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"The task force, announced in December, is a joint effort of the House Intelligence, Armed Services and Appropriations Committees.

. . .  “found that intelligence products approved by senior CENTCOM leaders typically provided a more positive depiction of U.S. anti-terrorism efforts than was warranted by facts on the ground and were consistently more positive than analysis produced by other elements of the Intelligence Community,” says a summary of the report.

“ 'It further determined that numerous process changes implemented at CENCTOM as well as leadership deficiencies resulted in widespread dissatisfaction among CENTCOM analysts who felt their superiors were distorting their products.”

Liberal attacks on Trump are so unhinged, it might get him killed

Pro-Hillary union boss: ‘We’re only here to intimidate’ anti-Clinton protesters
Union thug boss
"Classy people, these union thugs…"

NY Post  "What are liberals going to say for themselves if Donald Trump gets assassinated?
"That’s a question worth pondering as a new effort is under way to delegitimize The Donald in the wake of his remarks on the Second Amendment.
"Leftists are accusing Trump of trying to incite an attack on Hillary Clinton from “Second Amendment people.” They have been using such intemperate language that it wouldn’t be surprising if someone took a shot at The Donald. (Feds suspect a British national tried to do so at a rally in June after attempting to grab a police officer’s gun to carry out the assassination.)
"Scott Adams, famed cartoonist of Dilbert, had already been mocking Clinton for pairing “the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust and whatever else makes you tremble in fear.”
"The incitement got so bad that Adams, in a satire on, “endorsed” Clinton. He did so, he explained, “for my personal safety.” Quoth he: “My safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump.' ” . . .
More on Scott Adams here.Image result for dilbert on trump

Political Violence: Trump's 2nd Amendment People vs. Hillary's 'Activists'

Matthew Vadum  "Republican nominee Donald Trump is being lynched for allegedly encouraging violence against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"Trump did no such thing, but left-wingers don’t care. Their rigid narrative demands that Trump be depicted as a malicious ogre who wants his opponent whacked.

"This is yet another controversy invented by the mainstream media which delights in collecting the heads of those who challenge political correctness and the rotten status quo.  It is also a testament to the resilience of those same sniveling supplicants to power who define deviancy down daily, making their living lying about and publicly rationalizing the behavior of evil people.

"This election cycle, as in all election cycles, the violence overwhelmingly emanates from the Left, not the Right. Conservatives don’t enjoy assaulting people over politics; progressives and many liberals live for it.

"And when they can’t get their hands on their real-world enemies, left-wingers kill them in other ways. It wasn’t conservatives who blazed a trail by putting out a 2006 movie called Death of a President that used special effects to depict the fictionalized assassination of George W. Bush, at the time a sitting U.S. president." . . .

Actor Jon Voight Lashes Out At Media For Distorting Trump’s Words

JonVoightWestern Journalism   "He’s being attacked continuously."

"Actor Jon Voight spoke out Wednesday against the attempts by the media to distort Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s words into something he never meant.

“ 'People are trying to make him look foolish,” Voight said in an interview with TMZ. “He’s a terrific guy. I know him personally. He’s got a good sense of humor. He’s off the cuff. He’s a lot of fun.”

"Since Tuesday, the media and the campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton have attacked Trump over a few words he said Tuesday during a campaign rally.

“ 'Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Trump said. “Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”

"Some said those words were an incitement of violence against Clinton.

"When a reporter asked about the contention that Trump was joking about an assassination, Voight sprung to Trump’s defense.

“ 'First of all nobody made…you’re using that word. He didn’t say that word,” Voight said.

"He then scolded the media.

“ 'Don’t do that, don’t distort what he said,” Voight said." . . .

Do NOT mess with Mr. Voight! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Ann Coulter "Even having predicted that the media's attacks on Trump would be unprecedented, I'm still amazed. Every single news outlet is dedicated to hysterically denouncing Trump, every minute of every day, while cooing at Hillary. 
"Everything Hillary has ever touched has failed, been engulfed in scandal, resulted in massive investigations, litigation, financial ruin, prison or death. The final stage of any Hillary enterprise is a grand announcement that Hillary did not technically break the law. Or no one can prove she did. Or, even if she did, no one ever gets prosecuted for it. 
"She's prone to coughing fits and lapses of memory in the middle of speeches, and falls down all the time. But that's not nearly as important as the media's manufactured story about Trump throwing a baby out of a rally! 
"Trump is supposed to be joined at the hip to David Duke based on not "disavowing" him with sufficient ferocity the 17th time he was asked about this person he's never met, never mentioned and didn't invite to speak at his convention
"Hillary invited the mother of violent cop-hating criminal Mike Brown to speak at her convention, and the Democratic platform expressly endorses the anti-police Black Lives Matter -- even as these celebrated cop haters inspire the mass slaughter of police officers across the country, in New York City, Dallas and Baton Rouge. 
"Now we find out that another honored guest at Hillary events is the father of Omar Mateen, the Muslim jihadist who murdered 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando a few months ago. On Monday night, he attended a Hillary rally where he sat cheering, right behind her on the stage. 
"Is David Duke's father given VIP seating at Trump events? (As long as you mention it, did David Duke gun down 49 people in June? Or ever? Or anyone?) " . . .

Newly released Clinton emails shed light on relationship between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton answers questions from reporters March 10, 2015 at the United Nations in New York. Clinton admitted that she made a mistake in choosing, for convenience, not to use an official email account when she was secretary of state.

CNN  . . . "Judicial Watch, a conservative* watchdog group, released 296 pages of emails from the Democratic presidential nominee, including 44 that Judicial Watch says were not previously handed over to the State Department by Clinton. The emails, many of which are heavily redacted, raise questions about the Clinton Foundation's influence on the State Department and its relations during her tenure.
    "In one instance, top Clinton Foundation official Doug Band lobbied Clinton aides for a job for someone else in the State Department. In the email, Band tells Hillary Clinton's former aides at the department -- Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin -- that it is "important to take care of (redacted)." Band is reassured by Abedin that "Personnel has been sending him options.' " . . .
    *When did you last see the media label any group "liberal" or "leftist"?

    Why Democrats don't like voter ID

    H/T to Sara Hoyle

    "Ibtihaj Muhammad: Meet USA’s America-Hating, Jew-Hating, Racist Olympian & Over-Hyped “Heroine' ”

    , it's not defense if you are militarily occupying someone else's land 

    Debbie Schlussel


    "Don’t believe the hype about Ibtihaj Muhammad, the US Olympic Team’s fencer, who is being hailed merely because she is Muslim and wears a hijab–the Muslim headscarf of oppression and misogyny. Muhammad is an America-hater, a Jew-hater, and a racist bigot who despises White people.
    Barack and Michelle Hussein Obama hail her, merely because she is Muslim and wears a hijab. So does the rest of the media, including hypocritical “women’s” magazines (which teach women to act like sluts and whine about the Republican “war on women” but worship at the altar of the world’s most severely anti-female and subjugating religion). And when the morons who make up the U.S. Olympic Team voted on who would carry the American flag at the Zikalympics opening ceremonies in Rio, Muhammad came in second (which earned her a spot at the front of the pack). These idiots who are great at summer sports, are also great at buying into White guilt over Islam and lacking a critical mass of brain cells." . . .

    From Isreallycool:
    Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid, Says UN Rapporteur  

    Connect the dots? Murdered DNC staffer may have been Wikileaks source of emails

    "Police said in a press release at the time that patrols heard gunshots around 4:20 a.m. and found Rich suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead later that morning."
    Rick Moran  "Rich was murdered in early July, shot multiple times in the back as he was walking down the street. His wallet, watch, cell phone, and credit cards were not taken."
    . . . "Taken together, the facts - all the facts - don't prove anything. Even if Rich was, indeed, the source of the email leak, his murder may still have been a robbery gone bad. With nothing taken from the victim, though, the idea that he was killed for some other reason cannot be entirely dismissed.
    "At present, the dots simply aren't connecting. But the fact that there are dots to begin with is extremely troubling and those investigating the murder should follow the evidence wherever it leads."
    WikiLeaks offers $20K for info on DNC staffer's killing

    Gateway Pundit  . . . "Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a “lead” saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an “ongoing court case” possibly involving the Clinton family." . . .

    American Silliness Aug 10, 2016

    Weasel Zippers, as always, is a treasure trove for this sort of thing:
    Supporter’s Giant Trump Sign Set On Fire In Staten Island
    Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 3.23.54 PM

    Lib Rag Salon Complains Coverage Of Olympics Is Sexist…  "Didn't the media make a big deal out of Michael Phelps becoming new dad but Solon thinks if you mention a woman being a mom it's sexist."

    White House Touts Article On How Blacks Can “Survive At A White Institution”…

    25 LGBT Groups Ask Big 12 Not To Admit BYU Because It’s A Mormon-Based School…

    Boston Red Sox Cancel David “Big Papi” Ortiz Bobblehead Night After Declaring It Racist…   "For the record it wasn’t Ortiz who declared the dolls “racially insensitive,” it was team president Sam Kennedy (a white guy)." . . .

    Salon Flips Out Over Reports Describing Women Olympians as Wives and Mothers  "You can always count on progressives to hate on wives and motherhood, and to find any excuse to demean the family unit."

    Among all this silliness, here at least, sanity prevailed:

    U. Houston Student Govt Rescinds Suspension of VP for All Lives Matter Post  "Last week on The Torch, FIRE’s Will Creeley explored the legal and practical issues surrounding a decision by the University of Houston Student Government Association (SGA) to suspend its vice president, Rohini Sethi, in response to her Facebook post: “Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like #AllLivesMatter.” On August 5, the SGA announced on Facebook that Sethi’s suspension has been lifted and the SGA’s judicial branch would review whether the bill that authorized the suspension violated the SGA’s bylaws."

    No special sharia rules in American courts for Muslims’ wrongful-death recovery 

    "But there, too, the principle is simple: American courts apply American law, including when an American law principle calls on American courts to enforce a foreign judgment . . ."
    . . . "(For instance, a contract calling for the cutting off of a person’s hand would be unenforceable; a will calling for a court to apply a legal rule that requires the court to distinguish males from females might be unenforceable, though a will calling for a court to distribute property to named parties would be enforceable.)"

    "I heard you on tape laughing."

    From the UK: Raped At 12, Woman Now Speaking Out Against Her Attacker’s Attorney, Hillary Clinton

    "Kathy Shelton was 12 years old when she was violently raped by a 41-year-old drifter on the side of an Arkansas road in 1975. Shelton, now 54, sat down with the Daily Mail for an interview where she agreed for the first time to be photographed and officially recognized as the girl whose case has been getting attention during the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
    "Clinton served as defense attorney for Shelton’s accused rapist, Thomas Alfred Taylor, and was successful in plea-bargaining the rape to a lesser charge of “unlawful fondling of a minor.” Taylor spent less than a year in prison.
    "Now, years later, seeing Clinton running for president is too much for Shelton to bear, and she’s speaking out." . . .