"Actor Jon Voight spoke out Wednesday against the attempts by the media to distort Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s words into something he never meant.
“ 'People are trying to make him look foolish,” Voight said in an interview with TMZ. “He’s a terrific guy. I know him personally. He’s got a good sense of humor. He’s off the cuff. He’s a lot of fun.”
"Since Tuesday, the media and the campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton have attacked Trump over a few words he said Tuesday during a campaign rally.
“ 'Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Trump said. “Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”
"Some said those words were an incitement of violence against Clinton.
"When a reporter asked about the contention that Trump was joking about an assassination, Voight sprung to Trump’s defense.
“ 'First of all nobody made…you’re using that word. He didn’t say that word,” Voight said.
"He then scolded the media.
“ 'Don’t do that, don’t distort what he said,” Voight said." . . .
Do NOT mess with Mr. Voight!
1 comment:
Everyone assumes that Trump is dancing to the Democommie tune, but I'm wondering if it's the old "Rope-A-Dope" tactic? It's like this -What's worse for a politician being ignored, or having people talk about you? Obviously, for a politician it would be being ignored. Trump in the news everyday...Think of the free advertisement he's getting from the Lamestream Media! And Trump is using the free PR to get his message out - this time it's Democommie gun control. Also, they are overdoing the outage. The thing about Trump you should never forget - He didn't become a billionaire by playing stupid. Just wait when this latest "Trump outrage" dies down, he'll will pull another stunt. The man is running the board...Domination of the news cycle! FREE PR! Like the politician famously said, "I Don't care what the Media says about me, as long as they spell my name right."
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