Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hillary's Hate Code

"She is a lifelong Alinskyite just like Obama.  When you scrape away all the distractions, Hillary has a lifelong ideological enemy, and it's the American middle class. "Obama has a nice, big smile.  Hillary looks like a middle-class lady.  That is not who they are, and you forget that at your peril."

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James Lewis  "Hillary Clinton is an Alinsky disciple, going back to her Wellesley College days, fifty years ago, long before old age left its indelible marks on her.  Half a century ago, Hillary was thoroughly indoctrinated by first-generation feminist leftists, for four whole years, until she wrote her B.A. thesis in praise of Saul Alinsky and hisRules for Radicals.  From Goldwater girl to leftist radical in just four years.  
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals makes a major point of labeling "the enemy."  "The enemy," he preached, "is the middle class." 
That means you and me, guys and gals, all of us, regardless of creed, color, or country of ancestors.  Or LBGTQ status, or whatever deplorable basket the left wants to stuff you into.  Saul Alinsky was a political hatemonger who inspired a whole generation of leftoids.  Hillary is one of them.  Obama is another. 
What makes ordinary middle-class people "the enemy" is not our skin color.  Justice Clarence Thomas is a black man who has been viciously scapegoated by the left, ever since he was nominated to the Court by President Bush I.  What they hate so much about Justice Thomas is not his color.  It's his political stance as a stalwart constitutionalist.  What we love and celebrate about Clarence Thomas is exactly what they hate.  It's as simple as that. 

Never NeverTrump

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This column by Mr. Hanson was the first item on Rush Limbaugh's program this morning.

Victor Davis Hanson   "Any Republican has a difficult pathway to the presidency. On the electoral map, expanding blue blobs in coastal and big-city America swamp the conservative geographical sea of red. Big-electoral-vote states such as California, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey are utterly lost before the campaign even begins. The media have devolved into a weird Ministry of Truth. News seems defined now as what information is necessary to release to arrive at correct views.

"In recent elections, centrists, like John McCain and Mitt Romney – once found useful by the media when running against more-conservative Republicans — were reinvented as caricatures of Potterville scoundrels right out of a Frank Capra movie.

"When the media got through with a good man like McCain, he was left an adulterous, confused septuagenarian, unsure of how many mansions he owned, and a likely closeted bigot. Another gentleman like Romney was reduced to a comic-book Ri¢hie Ri¢h, who owned an elevator, never talked to his garbage man, hazed innocents in prep school, and tortured his dog on the roof of his car. If it were a choice between shouting down debate moderator Candy Crowley and shaming her unprofessionalism, or allowing her to hijack the debate, Romney in Ajaxian style (“nobly live, or nobly die”) chose the decorous path of dignified abdication." . . .

Monday, September 19, 2016

Branco Cartoon – Basket Case

Legal Insurrection

Deplorables Benghazi
For more A.F.Branco cartoons at Legal Insurrection click here

7 News Stories from 2008 that Proven Hillary Started Obama ‘Birtherism’

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Hillary Daily "It’s difficult to state just how hypocritical the media is towards Hillary Clinton when it comes to the latest birther controversy.
While trying to divert eyes and minds from Clinton’s dropping poll numbers and health matters, those in her campaign and the media have tried to push an old “birther” controversy. A controversy that started with Donald Trump.
"The Democrat presidentia "l candidate herself even demanded an apology from Trump.
“Barack Obama was born in America, plain and simple,” she railed. “And Donald Trump owes him and the American people an apology.”
"Clinton even claimed that Trump’s ‘birther’ claims were based on racism.
“For five years, he has led the birther movement to delegitimize our first black president,” she claimed. “His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie.”
“There is no erasing it in history,” Clinton added.
"Unfortunately for Clinton, there’s no erasing it from her history.
"Hillary Clinton started the movement that questioned Barack Obama’s birthplace. Here is a list of 7 times that Hillary Clinton was shown to have started the Obama birther controversy." . . .

Saturday, September 17, 2016

London’s Muslim Mayor Backs Hillary For President…

Weasel Zippers


"The Mayor of one of the biggest sanctuary cities in Europe has spoken.
"Via JPost:
London’s first Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, voiced support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Thursday, warning that anti-Muslim views like those espoused by Republican Donald Trump “plays into the hands” of Islamic State.
During a stop in Chicago on his first visit to the United States, Khan said he was “a big fan” of Clinton and hoped she would win the presidential election in November.
“She’s arguably the most experienced candidate to run to be the president,” Khan told reporters following a speech to more than 250 academics, diplomats and business people.
“As the father of two daughters, I think the message it sends when the most powerful politician in the world is a woman is phenomenal, and hope she wins,” said Khan, who as mayor of London is arguably one the most influential member of his faith in western Europe.
Immediately after taking office in May, Khan tangled with Trump over his proposed ban on allowing Muslim immigrants and refugees into America, deriding his plan as “ignorant.”
During his roughly 45-minute speech before the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Khan did not mention Trump by name but attacked the positions the New York developer has staked, such as tightening Muslim immigration into the United States.
“I think to suggest somehow that Muslims aren’t welcome in the USA, to suggest somehow that being a Muslim isn’t compatible with being western, unintentionally plays into the hands of daesh or so-called ISIS,” Khan said.

Black Dallas Cop Sues Black Lives Matter, Soros for Inciting Race War


Black Lives Matter Ferguson Riots

The head of a Dallas police organization is suing a collection of Black Lives Matter figureheads and other prominent individuals for allegedly inciting racial violence against American police officers.

Demetrick Pennie"Dallas Police Department Sergeant Demetrick Pennie, President of the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation, filed an amended federal complaint September 16 against more than a dozen defendant institutions and individuals to build a class action case on behalf of “police officers and other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities including but not limited to Jews, Christians and Caucasians” for “inciting” race riots and related violence.
"The suit hopes to produce damages and an injunction placed against alleged threats of racially-motived violence going forward." . . .
"The defendants represent a who’s who of public figures in both racial and general political matters. Apart from founding members and public faces related to Black Lives Matter, Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam; Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network; Malik Zulu Shabazz and the New Black Panthers; George Soros; President Barack Obama; former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder; and Democrat Nominee Hillary Clinton are all included in the suit.". . .
. . . "Defendants Obama and Clinton are blamed for repeatedly endorsing behaviors carried out and surrounding Black Lives Matter.
. . . "Sgt. Pennie is being represented by Larry Klayman of FreedomWatch. Klayman previously founded the conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch" .  .  .

Sgt Pennie's complaint here:

Related to the above:
Law-abiding citizens can’t even get firearms to protect themselves in Chicago but the gang bangers certainly have no problem. Criminals don’t use legal guns; they use illegal guns.

UPDATED: CNN’s Sally Kohn: Conservatives unable to speak at colleges a ‘good thing’

Joe Newby

Sally Kohn

"So much for “diversity” and freedom.  It seems that CNN’s Sally Kohn is no fan of free speech — especially when it comes to conservatives making their opinions known on college campuses.
"According to Kohn, conservative speech is nothing more than attacks on progressive ideology and multiculturalism, which she apparently believes is doubleplus ungood, to paraphrase George Orwell, a man who wrote about the form of tyranny Kohn seems eager and willing to embrace.
"A post at Liberty Unyielding reported:
Kohn was at MU as part of a two-day symposium on the topic of campus free speech. Kohn’s event was a debate with fellow CNN contributor Kirsten Powers, in which the two clashed about whether recent campus trends have been harmful to free expression.

Pipe bomb explodes on the route of US Marines charity run in New Jersey, second device is found

UK Independent   "Runners would have been at the spot if start of race hadn't been delayed"


. . . "Officials said a second device had been found near to the one that exploded, according to the local news site, NJ.com, quoting Al Della Fave, a spokesman for the prosecutor. There was no immediate confirmation on whether it had been detonated. But a bomb team was already on site to “make safe” that device, officials noted.
"The apparent terror attempt immediately evoked the Boston Marathon bombing three years ago when Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev planted bombs in pressure cookers near the finish of the world famous race, killing three people and injuring more than 260." . .   .

Report: Clinton Foundation Donors Got Prime Seats At White House State Dinners

Bill and Hillary Clinton (Getty Images/Kevork Djansezian)

Western Journalism  "Guess who kept coming to dinner at White House State dinners arranged by a State Department office staffed with Clinton loyalists?
"According to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation, that would be 205 Clinton Foundation donors who collectively gave the Clintons $216 million since 2009.
"The dinners were arranged through the State Department’s Office of Protocol, not the White House. Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state from 2009-2013."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
How many White House State Dinners can $216M donated to the Clinton Foundation buy?

Clinton’s super-donors poured millions into the State Department. Why was the government so reluctant to release the names of these high-rollers and socialites?

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Clinton Foundation Donors Flooded Visitor Logs at State Dept. During Hillary Clinton’s Tenure  "More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president."

$216 Million From Clinton Foundation Donors Bought 205 Invitations to White House State Dinner

Hillary Pay to Play
More A.F. Branco Cartoons at Net Right Daily.

Reports on what Obama calls "my military"

And people chant "Four more years!" for this president!

All Navy Sailors Must Undergo Transgender Education By July 2017
. . . "“This training will emphasize policies and expectations of personal behavior,” the message states, Military.com reports." . . .

(Video, featuring at least one openly gay actor by the way, added by TD)

"It’s unclear what exactly the training sessions will entail. The Navy will soon send out a message to servicemembers with more details, states Jessica Anderson, spokeswoman for Naval Personnel Command. In the meantime, leadership is developing a commander’s tool kit to steer the process.
“ 'Service members are expected to maintain standards of conduct and treat each other with dignity and respect,” Anderson said. “Training for sailors will be conducted by command triads via mobile training teams or DVD with a facilitation guide if the unit is in a remote area and unable to receive face-to-face training. There will also be webinars for COs to ask questions prior to delivering training to their commands.”
"The Navy will begin accepting transgender recruits July 1, 2017.
"The plan for integration is to mandate that transgenders use the bathroom facilities of their chosen gender.
"If there is any harassment towards these individuals, Anderson said leadership will be sure to crack down." . . .

Harvey Milk
Navy Secretary Defends Naming Ship After Gay Predator  "Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has taken heat for naming a ship after Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official who had a penchant for young men with substance abuse problems.Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has taken heat for naming a ship after Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official who had a penchant for young men with substance abuse problems.

"Mabus strenuously defended Milk and other Obama administration-favored figures as American heroes, mostly because, during his very brief time in office, Milk forwarded an ordinance banning discrimination against people based on their sexual identity.
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. . . "In 1964, Milk preyed on Jack Galen McKinley, an unstable 16-year-old suffering from serious mental issues. McKinley would often threaten to commit suicide, and one time Harvey, who at the time was in his mid-30s, coldly told the teen “not to make a mess.”
"Randy Shilts, Milk’s biographer, notes in “The Mayor of Castro Street” that Milk was extremely attracted to “young waifs with substance abuse problems” and “men in their late teens.' ”
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Better hope these people do not become POWs of ISIS
Photos added by TD

Krauthammer: Hillary Slides Down Slippery Slope

Charles Krauthammer

Image: Hillary Slides Down Slippery Slope

"If you are the status quo candidate in a change election in which the national mood is sour and two-thirds of the electorate think the country is on the wrong track, what do you do? Attack. Relentlessly. Paint your opponent as extremist, volatile, clueless, unfit, dangerous. Indeed, Hillary Clinton's latest national ad, featuring major Republican politicians echoing that indictment of Donald Trump, ends thus: "Unfit. Dangerous. Even for Republicans."

"That was the theme of Clinton's famous "alt-right" speech and of much of her $100 million worth of ads.
Problem is, it's not working.

"Over the last month, Trump's new team, led by Kellyanne Conway, has worked single-mindedly to blunt that line of attack on the theory that if he can just cross the threshold of acceptability, he wins. In an act of brazen rebranding, they set out to endow him with stature and empathy.

"Stature was acquired in Mexico whose president inexplicably gave Trump the opportunity to stand on the world stage with a national leader and more than hold his own. It's the same stature booster Sen. Barack Obama pulled off when he stood with the French president at a news conference in Paris in 2008.

"That was part one: Trump the statesman. Part two: the kinder gentler Trump." . . .

. . .  Trump's methods, which Dr. Krauthammer discusses at more length in this article:

"Trump never goes on the defensive. He merely creates new Trumps. Hence:

1) The African-American blitz." . . .
2) The immigration wobble.  . . .
3) The blockbuster childcare proposal.  . . .

Friday, September 16, 2016

The 'Deplorables' Are Teaching Trump How to Be President

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Roger L. Simon "It's been evident the last few weeks that Donald Trump seems to be hitting his stride as a presidential candidate, his speeches and off-the-cuff remarks sharp and on point without wandering into that hold-your-breath gaffeland that characterized his appearances for months.

"His new maturity is paying off in the polls, leaving the MSM and the NeverTrumpers holding their breaths as the gaffes are coming from the other side now, most notably Mrs. Clinton's characterization of millions of Americans as "deplorables," a statement she will never be able fully to take back, because it is so obviously what she believes." . . .
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. . . "Although Trump last February in one of his dopier loose moments bragged that his supporters would continue to back him even if he committed murder, he never quite grasped who those supporters were. He thought of them as his most slavishly devoted reality-show fans, certain to be with him for the next season or three. But in reality they were the people of the lost American heartland, physically and emotionally, yearning to heal their country and willing to overlook what they knew to be Donald's imperfections for a better good." . . .