Thursday, December 29, 2016

Obama and Israel: Why Are People Surprised? Several similar opinions

So graceless and sophomoric are Obama and John Kerry, so viciously biased against Israel and Netanyahu, that they planned and plotted how to best humiliate the Jewish State in their last few weeks in office.
 Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Jerrold L. Sobel . . . "In answer to the question, there was no outrage. Except for false platitudes, by word and deed Obama has never hidden his bitterness toward Israel. Except to the willfully blind, the record clearly indicates rather than acting as an impartial arbiter, his actions have encouraged Palestinian intransigence and in effect extirpated any chance for a peace deal. Taken in this context, last week’s veto abstention and today’s accusation of complicity should be no surprise to anyone."

Obama at the UN: The mouse that roared  "Obama has been perceived for the better part of the past eight years by many of the world's leadership as a spineless and weak leader, never feeling comfortable or really knowing how to implement the art of statesmanship.  Obama caved in to Putin, the leader of Russia, and caved in to Assad, the embattled leader of Syria.  China, Iran, North Korea, and Libya have all exhibited nothing but contempt for Obama, who always backed down, stood down, and generally did nothing more than wag his presidential tail.
"And then there was Israel." . . .

Obama and Kerry: Poster boys for moral relativism  "So graceless and sophomoric are Obama and John Kerry, so viciously biased against Israel and Netanyahu, that they planned and plotted how to best humiliate the Jewish State in their last few weeks in office."
Behind the scenes of the American betrayal of Israel  "In 1979, then-U.N. ambassador Andrew Young was fired by President Carter for meeting on the sideliness of the U.N. with a representative of the PLO.  The U.S. had promised Israel that it would not meet with the PLO until the terrorists acknowledged Israel's right to exist." . . .

Carter was well-meaning but inept; Obama is petulant and vindictive.

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Obama's UN Resolution 2334 advances the boycott of Israel

While purporting to oppose the boycott of Israel, Obama has given the worldwide boycott of Israel a major advancement, and has helped move the UNHRC obsession with destroying Israel closer to reality.

Legal Insurrection

"In all the fury over the anti-Israel UN Resolution 2334 the Obama administration marshalled through the Security Council, with an “abstain” vote providing cover for the perfidy, few people have focused on a particularly pernicious and dangerous provision.

"I’m not talking about the provisions effectively declaring it illegal for Jews to live in Jewish Quarter of the Old City or to worship at the Western Wall.

"Here is the provision I’m talking about in Resolution 2334 (pdf.):
5. Calls upon all States, bearing in mind paragraph 1 of this resolution, to
distinguish, in their relevant dealings, between the territory of the State of Israel and
the territories occupied since 1967;
"Why is that significant?

"Most of you don’t realize that the UN Human Rights Council, known for its obsession with attacking Israel, voted in March 2016 to create a blacklist of companies that do business, directly or indirectly, with any Israeli or Israeli business located over the 1949 armistice line. The resolution passed with 32 votes in favour and 15 abstentions." .
. . . 
"It’s now up to incoming President Trump and Congress to undo the boycott damage done by Resolution 2334, including by passing and signing into law sweeping anti-boycott legislation, just as Congress did in the 1970s in response to the Arab League boycott. That legislation must address not only companies that support the boycott, but also countries and UN agencies."

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Obama Administration Denies ‘Leaked Transcripts’ Claim It Helped Palestinians Orchestrate Anti-Israel UN Resolution

Deborah Danan

In this handout photo provided by the Palestinian Press Office, President Mahmoud Abbas meets with US Secretary of State John Kerry November 24, 2015 in Ramallah, West Bank. (Photo by Osama Falah/PPO via Getty Images)

. . . "Egyptian paper Al-Youm Al-Sabaa published what it said were transcripts of alleged meetings earlier this month between Kerry and National Security Adviser Susan Rice on the one hand, and chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat and head of Palestinian intelligence Majaad Faraj on the other. In the transcript, Kerry is quoted as promising that the U.S. will “cooperate” with the Palestinians.
“ 'We are ready to cooperate with you at the Security Council [to ensure] a balanced resolution. We have instructed our representative to the UN, Samantha Power, to maintain contact with the Palestinian representative Riyad Mansour,” Kerry told Palestinian officials according to a translation from the Arabic by Hebrew-language outlet nrg.
"The alleged transcripts purport to reveal the Obama administration’s attitude towards Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with Kerry and Rice quoting as saying that Netanyahu wants to “destroy the two-state solution. Erekat predicted this four years ago and he was correct. Except for minor changes, Netanyahu wants to keep the status quo.' ” . . .
Deborah is a freelance journalist based out of Jaffa, Israel. After moving to Israel from London in 2002, she received her undergraduate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a master’s from Bar Ilan University. She was the founding editor of The Jerusalem Post’s Premium Zone and editor of its Oped page. Her work as an investigative journalist has taken her across the Mideast, from Ramallah to Jerusalem to Cairo to Amman.

Remember the Christian bakers? Liberal dancers who scoff at others’ beliefs, suddenly find their conscience

Can those Christian bakers get their money and their businesses back now?

Washington Times

Illustration on Rockettes and the Trump inauguaration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

"A funny thing happened on the way to the Donald Trump inauguration — liberals suddenly became champions of people being allowed to decline participating in something if it violated their conscience. 
"Surprising, indeed, after years of Christian bakers and pizza parlors being targeted for destruction by the gay left for refusing to participate in something because it opposed their conscience and faith.
"Then came the Radio City Rockettes, the world-famous dancers who with one swift move, seem to have illuminated the hypocrisy of some liberals, albeit rather unintentionally.
"It had been announced the Radio City Rockettes, you see, would be performing at the Donald Trump Inaugural. One Rockette vented her distress on Instagram, writing that she was “embarrassed and disappointed,” and that Mr. Trump “stands for everything we’re against.”
"This is the conundrum liberals have created by setting a standard that says Christians should not allowed to decline work due to their values but a liberal dancer should be. The question for liberals now is: Do we want Americans to accept the notion that some people are more equal than others, and deserve more protection and support than those who refuse to conform?
 "What about the Little Sisters of the Poor nuns, who were being forced by the Obama administration to violate their conscience via Obamacare until the U.S. Supreme Court saved them from that unconstitutional fate?

Pontius Obama

Power Line Blog  "Barack Obama is taking abuse from many quarters for his betrayal of Israel in the United Nations, all of it deserved. Michael Ramirez joins in, depicting Obama as Pontius Pilate. "

"Never to be explained, I suppose, is why, if Obama thought the anti-Israel resolution was justified, he didn’t vote for it rather than abstaining."

John Kerry: Israel Can Either Be Jewish Or Democratic, It Cannot Be Both…

Has this imbecile not heard of the holocaust, and of the Jews being driven out of virtually every country they had called home? Israel was created to give this persecuted people a place to call home and the day Israel ceases to be Jewish, Israel will cease to be.
How can he and others of Obama's people not know this? The Tunnel Dweller

Weasel Zippers

France’s Foreign Minister Hails Kerry Speech  " . . .France shares Kerry’s belief in a two-state solution that envisions Israel and the new nation of Palestine “living side by side in peace and security.' ” 


Trump: 'Stay Strong Israel,' I'll Be in Office Soon . . . "A senior Israeli official told CNN Wednesday that Israel will provide Trump with evidence that the U.S. worked in secret to help the settlement vote." . . .

After Israel is overrun by Islam, perhaps Mr Kerry can come out of retirement to console the Israelis with something like this:

Bibi rips Lurch a new one.   Prime Minister Netanyahu gives his response to the Obama/ Kerry speech.

Seceding Pacifica — the national anthem

Image result for cal exit cartoons

Volokh Conspiracy  . . . "Ever since November 8th, my wife has been semi-seriously advocating the idea of “Pacifica” a new nation composed of CA, OR, WA, HI, and parts of NV. . . .  On Christmas Day, she was surprised and pleased to find this in her stocking:
"Pacifica" (to the tune of “America, the Beautiful”)
Let’s break away, the whole West Coast
To flee from you-know-who.
We’ll take the states we love the most
We’ll take Las Vegas, too!
Pacifica! Pacifica! A land that’s (mostly) free!
We’ll smoke some weed, get gay-marr-ied
And save de-moc-ra-cy!
The Union was a grand ideal
A pure and righteous thing
But now we need to break the seal —
A conscious un-coup-ling!
America! America! It’s time to call it quits.
But don’t you cry, it’s not goodbye —
We’re friends with benefits!
The Constitution, we adored —
America’s contract.
But now it doth resemble more
A suicidal pact!
America! Pacifica! We’re codependent, see?
We need some “me-time” for ourselves —
And you need therapy!
From San Diego to San Juan
And all the wine country,
With Google and with Amazon,
We’ll do just fine, you’ll see!
Pacifica! Pacifica! A new road we have found.
You’ll find us on the PCH*
Always — with — the — top — down
*Pacific Coast Highway, past Malibu and Muscle Beach


Euronews  . . . "The team of international organisers, headed by journalist and travel blogger Anna Albothm, have warned participants that they should be prepared to sleep in the ‘wild’ as they rely on public donations for food and shelter along the route.
"Organisers say the marchers are not expected to walk the whole way, however, more are expected to join as the group continues on its journey to Syria.
"They plan to cover around 20 kilometres per day."

". . . media outlets from CNN to the BBC are praising this woman’s suicidal stunt.  . . . "Alboth apparently believes ISIS terrorists and US backed rebel groups who regularly behead children wouldn’t bomb their march because it would make them look bad.
“ 'People like me think that if five or ten thousand people are marching and getting everyone’s attention, then it’s impossible that they would bomb you,” she said. 
“ 'I think if it really happened and they bombed a peaceful march, then this world is worth nothing.”
"I guess no one told this woman the story of Pippa Bacca, a similarly deluded feminist who set off on a “trip for peace” to show the goodness of all people by walking through the Middle East only to be raped and murdered almost immediately by a cab driver in Turkey*."

While it is true that Pippa Bacca was murdered while hitchhiking in Turkey during a world peace effort known as "Brides on Tour," this incident occurred in 2008 (not 2016), and her death was not tied to any religious motives.

"Alboth’s husband ought to be ashamed of himself for letting the mother of his children risk her life and her children’s well-being as part of a virtue-signalling publicity stunt.
"Lying media outlets from CNN to the BBC are praising this woman’s suicidal stunt.

Trump Shatters Peace With Obama With Tweet on ‘Roadblocks’

UN Anti-Israel Resolution
  • Detente crumbles between the outgoing and incoming presidentsRepublican angered by UN resolution on Israel, election remark
"Donald Trump accused President Barack Obama of hobbling the transition to the Republican’s administration with unspecified “inflammatory” statements and “roadblocks,” as tensions between the two men spilled into the open less than a month before Inauguration Day.
“ 'Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks,” the president-elect tweeted on Wednesday. “Thought it was going to be a smooth transition -- NOT!”
"Trump’s Twitter eruption was the culmination of a growing set of grievances topped by Obama’s decision last week to have the U.S. abstain from a vote on a United Nations Security Council resolution declaring Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal. The move allowed the measure to pass, infuriating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump has promised to be friendlier to the U.S. ally, a theme he emphasized on Twitter Wednesday.
“ 'We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect,” Trump tweeted. “The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.!) Stay strong, Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!' ” . . .

Obama's 7 Deadliest Lame-Duck Sins

PJ Media

"President Barack Obama has been making the most out of his lame-duck status as he runs out the clock on his eight-year reign of terror. The fear that he would be at his most dangerous when he was free to make unpopular decisions with little political consequence has turned out to be well founded.

"In the past month, Obama has unleashed a boatload of "midnight regulations," executive orders, and pardons. He's also released more Gitmo detainees, increased refugee resettlements, and accelerated a highly politicized DOJ "probe" of the Chicago Police Department. Last but not least, he permitted (or more likely encouraged) the UN Security Council to pass a destructive and dangerous resolution declaring all Israeli settlement activity to be illegal." . . .

Trump blasts Obama, urges Israel to ‘stay strong;’ Netanyahu thanks PEOTUS for ‘clear cut’ support

Washington Times

FILE - In this Dec. 13, 2016 file photo, President-elect Donald Trump gestures while speaking at a rally in West Allis, Wis. Donald Trump says America cannot let Israel be treated with "such total disdain and disrespect." The president-elect wrote on Twitter on Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016, that Israel "used to have a great friend in the U.S., but ... not anymore." (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

"President-elect Donald Trump criticized President Obama’s treatment of Israel Wednesday, urging Israel to “stay strong” until he takes office next month and accusing the president of erecting “roadblocks” to a smooth transition.
“ 'We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect,” Mr. Trump said on Twitter. “They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but not anymore.”
"His comments were prompted by the Obama administration’s decision last week not to veto a U.N. resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The move angered the Israeli government, which accused the administration of orchestrating the vote.
“The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!” Mr. Trump said of his pending inauguration." . . .

Jackie Evancho’s Album Hits #1 After Announcing Performance at Trump’s Inauguration

"WE DEMAND TOLERANCE FOR TRANSGENDERS!!! Unless that transgender has a sibling performing for Donald Trump. The hypocrisy and double standards of the left are almost too much to bear because they remain so freaking obvious!"
Legal Insurrection

Bitter people have torn apart the young girl for accepting the invitation.

"When will celebrities realize they will not suffer backlash for associating themselves with President Donald Trump? He has not had an easy time finding performers for his inauguration, but he found a yes with 16-year-old Jackie Evancho (Evanko), who will perform the National Anthem.

"Of course people have bashed the young girl, who broke through on America’s got Talent, and claimed the performance will ruin her career. Yeah…her album has hit #1 and sales have quadrupled.

"I thought the left was the tolerant ones? Who bullies a 16-year-old girl?
TMZ reported that places had to restock her album Someday at Christmas TWICE. TWICE!!!

"It looks like the publicity of her acceptance has actually helped this brilliant artist. Have you heard Evancho? Her voice is so good." . . .