Monday, March 6, 2017
Did we have a wire-tapper-in-chief?
"Yesterday, in 14 short and exciting minutes of televised explanation, Mark Levin pointed out the evidence already on the public record indicating spying on President-Elect Trump. In two early-morning segments on Fox and Friends, Levin cited chapter and verse with his characteristic high energy and incisiveness.
"Watch the two segments embedded below, and make up your own mind."
The Enablers of Obama’s Wiretapping Scandal "As the news of the potential wiretapping of the Trump campaign has finally found its way into the headlines and the never-ending leaks emanating from the Obama Administration holdovers continue to be exploited, whatever national chaos and retribution that may ensue rests not only on the shoulders of the perpetrators but on enablers in a sycophantic mainstream media and a feckless Republican Party.
"Since 1989 and the election of George H.W. Bush, the vast majority of Republicans elected to national office have chosen to worship the twin gods of civility and compromise rather than vigorously defend and promote liberty, free enterprise and limited government. Meanwhile, their political adversaries, the Democratic Party and the Left (now one and the same) had no such compunctions as they were determined to achieve their ends regardless of the means. Among the means were endless intimidation, extortion and ridicule of the Republicans in Congress or either of the two George Bushes. All this without fear of retaliation or even the slightest hint of a vigorous defense or response." . . .
Barack Obama's Trump Tower Wiretap Denial Reeks of Orwellian Doublespeak
. . . "This declaration is disingenuous on at least three levels, as pointed out by National Review's David French. First, the process which Obama's administration allegedly used to wiretap Trump Tower (if indeed it happened) was using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Technically, it is the FISA court which "orders" such surveillance, and the Justice Department (not Obama or the White House) represents the government in proceedings before that court." . . .
Wiretap others? That's not who we are!
. . . "Moreover, it cannot be glossed over that, at the very time it appears the Obama Justice Department was seeking to surveil Trump and/or his associates on the pretext that they were Russian agents, the Obama Justice Department was also actively undermining and ultimately closing without charges the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton despite significant evidence of felony misconduct that threatened national security.
"This appears to be extraordinary, politically motivated abuse of presidential power."
More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama’s Many Wiretaps "It is not unfounded that former President Obama would wire tap President Trump during the election process. This is because he has done this before. Here is a list of individuals who were wire tapped by the Obama Administration.
"WikiLeaks released the following list on February 23rd (see link here) of Obama Administration wire taps:
Quoting: * The US National Security Agency bugged a private climate change strategy meeting; between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin;
* Obama bugged Chief of Staff of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for long term interception targetting his Swiss phone;
* Obama singled out the Director of the Rules Division of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Johann Human, and targetted his Swiss phone for long term interception;
. . .
* Obama stole sensitive Italian diplomatic cables detailing how Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to help patch up his relationship with US President Barack Obama, who was refusing to talk to Netanyahu;
In addition to the above list we also know now that Obama wire tapped various individuals in the US media that were reporting information not flattering to the Obama Administration. It is widely known that Obama’s Justice Department targeted journalists with wiretaps in 2013: In 2013 the liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation that the Justice Department had investigated the newsgathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks. The reporter, Fox News’ James Rosen and his family, were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged but his movements and actions were tracked.
* Also in 2013, members of the Associated Press were also a target of the surveillance. The ultra liberal New Yorker even noted that “In moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone-records scandal, partly because it involves the dear old A.P. and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother, may well present the most serious threat to Obama’s reputation.”
* Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware “proprietary to a government agency,” according to an article in the New York Post." . . .
Via The Gateway Pundit
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Pelosi punts on Democrat’s joke about Kellyanne Conway looking ‘familiar’ kneeling on White House couch
“Has anyone seen the controversy around Kellyanne Conway and the couch in the Oval Office?” Scott said. “Come on, people. You remember the '90s. That couch has had a whole lot of worse things.”
"But House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Sunday that she hadn't heard about it. And she also suggested that such crude jokes were fair game at the dinner where Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) said it.
"CNN host Jake Tapper played Pelosi a clip of the joke — “And you can just explain to me that circumstance, because she really looked kind of familiar there in that position there,” Richmond said — and called it a “sexist” and “disgusting” joke. He asked Pelosi whether Richmond should apologize to Conway.
“ 'I wasn't at the dinner. I'm just finding out about this,” Pelosi said. The Washington Post asked her office for comment Thursday and received no response." . . .
The Smearing of Jeff Sessions
"Other than hyper-partisans, no one cares about his insubstantial meetings with the Russian ambassador."
Instead of exposing the hyper-partisanship behind this media obsession, these Republicans are humoring it. We hear from them craven calls for a “special prosecutor” to investigate and demands that attorney general Jeff Sessions submit to one because he had, in his capacity as a senator, a grand total of two unimportant encounters with the Russia ambassador. How shocking. Who knew that senators and ambassadors from major countries with whom we have diplomatic relations interact? Extraordinary.
To the hyperventilating twits on Morning Joe, Ted Cruz made the obvious point: “What we are seeing is a lot of political theater. This morning, everyone is in high dudgeon about the meeting. The underlying meeting is a nothing burger. It’s what senators do every day. Meeting with foreign ambassadors, that’s part of the job. I think everyone is getting all worked up because it’s a chance to beat up the attorney general and to beat up the president.” . . .
Comey Asks Justice Dept. to Reject Trump’s Wiretapping Claim
NY Times
. . . "Mr. Comey has argued that the highly charged claim is false and must be corrected, they said, but the department has not released any such statement.
"Mr. Comey, who made the request on Saturday after Mr. Trump leveled his allegation on Twitter, has been working to get the Justice Department to knock down the claim because it falsely insinuates that the F.B.I. broke the law, the officials said.
"A spokesman for the F.B.I. declined to comment. Sarah Isgur Flores, the spokeswoman for the Justice Department, also declined to comment.
"Mr. Comey’s request is a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s top law enforcement official in the position of questioning Mr. Trump’s truthfulness." . . .
Obama’s Intelligence Director Strongly Denies Any Secret Warrants Against Trump Or Campaign
Daily Caller "In a surprisingly candid interview on Sunday, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence under President Obama, directly denied that a secret federal warrant was ever issued against President Trump or his campaign.
"Clapper, who was interviewed on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” also said that he saw no evidence while in office of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government to influence the election.
“ 'I will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign,” Clapper told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd.
"Clapper also told Todd that he would “absolutely” be in a position to know whether a warrant was ever issued to wiretap Trump’s phones under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA" . . .
"Clapper, who was interviewed on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” also said that he saw no evidence while in office of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government to influence the election.
“ 'I will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign,” Clapper told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd.
"Clapper also told Todd that he would “absolutely” be in a position to know whether a warrant was ever issued to wiretap Trump’s phones under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA" . . .
On President Trump's wiretapping claims
I have a bad feeling about this. Remember the job Obama's writers did on Trump over his birther claims?
Breitbart was said to be Trump's source on the wiretapping Two words: Steve Bannon
"Donald Trump relied on conservative media sources to make his explosive claim that former President Barack Obama had the then-candidate’s phones tapped during the 2016 election campaign, according to a person familiar with the situation.
"A spokesman for Obama said Trump’s claims were “simply false,” and lawmakers urged Trump, if he had evidence of a wiretap, to make it public or at least disclose it to Congress."
. . .
“If it was with a legal FISA court order, then an application for surveillance exists that the court found credible,” Sasse said in a statement. “The president should ask that this full application regarding surveillance of foreign operatives be made available.”
Did Obama authorize wiretapping of Trump? "President Trump accused Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower before the election.
"The Washington Post dismissed the charge:
"The Washington Post, a member of the Opposition Party, does not believe that Breitbart is credible. Breitbart reported that the Obama administration sought a FISA warrant in June 2016, which was denied, but did obtain a FISA warrant in October 2016." . . .Read more.
The fact that WaPo is an Obama supporter does not necessarily mean they are wrong about this. TD
President Trump's Obama Wire Tapping Claims Backed By Top Intelligence Officer
"Retired Lt. Col Tony Schaffer states President Trump was probably given sufficient evidence to make his claims." (Probably?)
Obama DENIES Trump's sensational 'Nixon/Watergate' phone tap accusation:
Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance . . . "If the stories are correct, Obama or his officials might even face prosecution. But, we are still early in all of this and there are a lot of rumors flying around so the key is if the reports are accurate. We just don’t know at this time." LawNuze
The AP defends Obama
Breitbart was said to be Trump's source on the wiretapping Two words: Steve Bannon
"Donald Trump relied on conservative media sources to make his explosive claim that former President Barack Obama had the then-candidate’s phones tapped during the 2016 election campaign, according to a person familiar with the situation.
"A spokesman for Obama said Trump’s claims were “simply false,” and lawmakers urged Trump, if he had evidence of a wiretap, to make it public or at least disclose it to Congress."
. . .
“If it was with a legal FISA court order, then an application for surveillance exists that the court found credible,” Sasse said in a statement. “The president should ask that this full application regarding surveillance of foreign operatives be made available.”
Did Obama authorize wiretapping of Trump? "President Trump accused Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower before the election.
"The Washington Post dismissed the charge:
Trump offered no citations nor did he point to any credible news report to back up his accusation, but he may have been referring to commentary on Breitbart and conservative talk radio suggesting that Obama and his administration used "police state" tactics last fall to monitor the Trump team.
The fact that WaPo is an Obama supporter does not necessarily mean they are wrong about this. TD
President Trump's Obama Wire Tapping Claims Backed By Top Intelligence Officer
"Retired Lt. Col Tony Schaffer states President Trump was probably given sufficient evidence to make his claims." (Probably?)
Obama DENIES Trump's sensational 'Nixon/Watergate' phone tap accusation:
. . . " 'As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.'
However, the statement did not deny that another federal agency may have sought authorization to listen in on Trump Towers and received it.
Lewis' statement comes shortly after Trump fired off a flurry of tweets early Saturday morning claiming that the former president had been spying on him in October, a month before his election victory.
'" Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!' the president wrote on Twitter." . . .
Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance . . . "If the stories are correct, Obama or his officials might even face prosecution. But, we are still early in all of this and there are a lot of rumors flying around so the key is if the reports are accurate. We just don’t know at this time." LawNuze
The AP defends Obama
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Sad Irony: Women’s History Month Ushered In At Liberal College With Assault Of Female Professor Trying To Flee Violent Mob
Patterico's Pontifications "On Thursday, noted author Charles Murray was scheduled to speak at Vermont’s Middlebury College. Things went as you would expect when a guest speaker at an institution of higher learning seeks to challenge the views of college-aged individuals with left-left wing authoritarian issues. Unable to even listen to a different viewpoint and engage in rational debate with those who don’t toe the liberal line, they silence the speaker. Unfortunately, this shutting down of speech is usually followed by violence. And in this case, the mob violence led to a female professor ending up in the emergency room:" . . .
. . . "And from the NYT:
The left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center describes Mr. Murray as a “white nationalist” who uses “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.”
"This is the same Southern Poverty Law Center that labeled Ayaan Hirsi Ali as an anti-Muslim extremist, and included Dr. Ben Carson in their Extremist File (since removed after protests). This a group that even the FBI has rejected as an authority on hate groups. " . . .
Vindictive Obama, we'd love to miss you, but how can we?
Did the Obama Administration Try Stacking the Deck Against Trump at the Justice Department? . . . "It looks like the Obama administration was hoping that the reins of power here would unknowingly default to someone unfriendly to Trump in the event Sessions was forced to recuse himself—or even resign, as so many Democrats breathlessly demanded Thursday." . . .
Is Trump right about Obama wiretapping his office? If Trump is wrong, the mockery will get a big burst of energy. More here,and here
Too weird to check: Valerie Jarrett moves in with the Obamas to plot Trump’s downfall . . . "Resignation is negligibly more plausible: There may be enough Obama loyalists in the guts of the federal bureaucracy to dig up a truly devastating leak about Trump, but even then it’s hard to imagine something so bad that Trump would capitulate to his critics rather than try to fight them off. The guy didn’t drop out after the “Access Hollywood” tape. Unless there’s video of him personally accepting a fat envelope from Vladimir Putin himself, he’s going to hang in there. Whatever it might mean for his party." . . .
Vindictive down to the wire "These actions by Mr. Obama, who has just a short time left before Mr. Trump takes office, show him to be vindictive, petty and a sore loser."
Now we know Barack Obama’s foreign policy wasn’t principled, it was malicious.
"Obama might possibly have escaped into the history books only as a man who meant well feebly in foreign affairs. Not any more."
National Post
A warm handshake for our faithful ally, Israel.
. . . "His foreign policy has been a disaster almost from the outset in ways that contributed to the frustration and rage that poisoned the 2016 election. In part, Obama simply seemed languid, unable to stir himself in the face of threats or even look up from his putt. But there were always those who suggested that behind the indolence and prissy Wilsonian pose of being “too proud to fight” lurked something more sinister.
"Obama, they claimed, was viscerally hostile to the United States and the West. When he took office he had the bust of Churchill removed from the Oval Office. His relations with Israel were always prickly. He snubbed Canada in spiking Keystone XL. Yet he did not react with alarm or even visible discomfort to threats to NATO such as Russian moves to destabilize and partially dismember Ukraine, despite a firm American security guarantee when it gave up its nuclear arsenal in 1994." . . .
It speaks poorly of liberals that this man's behavior does not disgust them. TD
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