Professor: ‘The English language is sexist’ . . . "Anne Curzan, an associate dean of humanities and professor of English at Michigan, made her remarks in a talk titled “Politically Correct: Do Our Language Choices Matter?” During the lecture, she reportedly discussed “everything from sexist language to preferred pronouns in order to dispel the stigma against politically correct speaking,” according to the Iowa State Daily."
Moonbats Call For Attacks On McDonald’s And Its Customers For Being The “Largest Murderer Of Cattle”…
Video: Maxine Waters Falsely Claims That Trump Pays “Nothing” In Taxes…
College Student Rep Resigns Citing “White Privilege,” “Hostile Environment” From “White, Straight, Cis, Upper-Class Men”…
It's political correctness gone Psycho! Remake won't show the killer cross-dressing in a shower scene in order to avoid 'transphobia' . . . "Bates is no longer wearing women’s clothes – for fear of damaging the image of the transgender community.
"This is despite the fact he wears his mother’s dresses at other moments in the series." . . .
Notre Dame students 'feel unsafe' about Pence giving Commencement
"#NotMyCommencementSpeaker' ” ?
Tucker Confronts Researcher Who Claims Babies are Racist . . . "The flip side of this study erroneously concludes racism is at the root of these infants’ inability to bond with or otherwise fail to respond positively to people of races other than their own. Note that it’s not clear how the researchers determine what race the babies in the study believed themselves to be." . . .
Federal Judge Denies Democrat’s Lawsuit Seeking To Re-Hang ‘Cops As Pigs’ Painting In Capitol "Dems lose again, as they continue to hate cops and push it on the public."
"Since when did people start going to college to get stupid?" "Wellesley has demeaned itself by printing a fascist screed by a student who writes poorly and has not a clue about what our Constitution says or means. She is opposed to freedom of speech." . . .
. . . "Stanford just admitted an applicant who is not black but who wrote "Black Lives Matter" a hundred times on his application. Forget all the serious students who took the application question – "What matters to you and why?" – seriously."
Student government votes to allow the American flag to be removed from meetings The University of California-Davis's (of course!) student senate voted to allow the removal of the American flag from its meetings.
"Saying "patriotism is different for every individual," the senate voted to make displaying the flag optional.
"Any idiot can see where this is headed" . . .
Sources: Weasel Zippers, UK Daily Mail, Campus Reform, Legal Insurrection, American Thinker