Although General McMaster serves as President Trump’s national security adviser at the pleasure of the president, he is a man of unblemished reputation and unusual credibility. His words deserve our attention. . .
Bookworm Room "The frenzy about Trump’s alleged leaks is hypocritical after the pass given to Hillary and, worse, it obscures truly important national security concerns.
"How many things are wrong with the progressive left going to Defcon One over the claim made in the Washington Post that “Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador“? I count at least three:
"One, the hypocrisy meter just pegged at a new world record as progressives, who saw nothing at all wrong or illegal when Hillary, Huma, and company made an utter mockery of our intel security laws, now find the alleged violation of the same laws in a single, discrete instance to be a “high crime” worthy of impeachment.
"Two, this was not a violation of our national security laws.
"Three, the people at this meeting were President Trump, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, Sec. of State Tillerson, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak. No one else was in attendance. And yet, news of what happened at this meeting leaked to the press in near real-time. I can see no reason why any of the the people in attendance at the meeting would do so. That is breathtaking. There is a real, present threat to our OPSEC that must be addressed immediately." . . .